
WEEKLY REMOTE LEARNING PLANNING FORM ROOM #10 WEEKOF: 10/26/20 TEACHER’S NAME: DianaDay of the WeekDAILY FOCUS (Focuses on the unit’s student outcomes- Daily Focus Question/ Lesson)Play focus[Planting seeds for play activities (aka learning centers) Insert 4 additional DETAILED center ideas/ activities DAILY- this does not include art, writing, literacy]MondayDate: 10/26/20Daily Focus: The teacher will introduce the unit and go over the five senses anchor chart, what the five senses are, and what they do. The teacher will lead a sing-along to the five senses song, while modeling the movements to the song. The teacher will introduce this week’s topic of hearing. What body part do we use to help us hear? We use our ears! What things can we hear? The class will work together to create a chart of things you can hear such as music, instruments, singing, talking, cars, etc. Group Goal For The Week: There are five senses: sight, taste, smell, touch, and hearing. We use our ears to hear. All people have ears that are used to hear. There are items that make sounds we can hear, and there are items that don’t make sounds. There are sounds we hear happening outside, like cars, police and fire trucks, rain, etc. When we hear a fire alarm, that may mean that there’s a fire and we need to leave the building in a safe and fast manner. If we catch on fire, we need to STOP, DROP and ROLL. When there’s a fire, a firetruck with firemen come to help us by putting out the fire. Firemen help keep us safe from fires. We can use our ears to hear a fire alarm, and to hear the firetruck coming. Literacy:Letter of the week: PWord of the week: PigClick the link below to view “The letter P” song. Encourage your student to watch the video and repeat the letter and the sound it makes out loud. 172229712560900Writing: Encourage students to write the word of the week (Pig). Or, encourage the student to trace the word “pig”. (Write ‘pig’ in large clear letters for the student to use as an example or to trace. What does a pig look like? What color are they? What noises do they make?Art:Create instruments by gluing materials to plastic bowls or plates. (You can use strings, aluminum foil, or just pots with a spoon to hit on to play music) Encourage students to use materials they can find in the classroom (or at home) to create their own instruments. What do the instruments sound like? What senses are we using? What body parts are we using?Math: Providing students with different textures, students will be encouraged to sort the textures into piles with similar textures. Students in the classroom will be able to glue these textures onto a piece of paper. Remote families are encouraged to use different clothes and materials found at home to practice these skills. You may use fluffy blankets, soft clothing, wools, and any other materials found at home. Rather than gluing the materials, your child at home can draw pictures of the items they sorted. Encourage them to express what the item felt like.Science: Giving students various instruments (or pots and pans or any other materials you have at home), encourage students to play the instruments and explore the sounds they make. What sounds do they like? What sounds don’t they like? Which of your senses are you using? How can we use our ears?Blocks: Encourage students to build tunnels. What are tunnels and what can we hear when we are in a tunnel? Encourage students to use their 5 senses. Remote families are encouraged to use any materials they have available to them. Tunnels can be built from the empty rolls of paper towels or toilet paper.Sensory: Giving students a bowl of water with soap, and various materials/toys, encourage the child to use the toys/materials to play with the water. What does it sound like when the toy goes in? What about when you splash it around in the water? Encourage them to use all five of their senses.2746189155300TuesdayDate: 10/27/20Daily Focus: The teacher will introduce the unit and go over the five senses anchor chart, what the five senses are, and what they do. The teacher will lead a sing-along to the five senses song, while modeling the movements to the song. The teacher will introduce this week’s topic of hearing. What body part do we use to help us hear? We use our ears! What things can we hear? The class will work together to create a chart of things you can and can’t hear. The teacher will print out pictures of items to categorize (items you can hear: a bell, a police car, a fire truck, doorbell, etc.) (Items you can’t hear: various foods and objects).Group Goal For The Week: There are five senses: sight, taste, smell, touch, and hearing. We use our ears to hear. All people have ears that are used to hear. There are items that make sounds we can hear, and there are items that don’t make sounds. There are sounds we hear happening outside, like cars, police and fire trucks, rain, etc. When we hear a fire alarm, that may mean that there’s a fire and we need to leave the building in a safe and fast manner. If we catch on fire, we need to STOP, DROP and ROLL. When there’s a fire, a firetruck with firemen come to help us by putting out the fire. Firemen help keep us safe from fires. We can use our ears to hear a fire alarm, and to hear the firetruck coming. Literacy:Letter of the week: PWord of the week: PigClick the link below to view “The letter P” song. Encourage your student to watch the video and repeat the letter and the sound it makes out loud. 165012416289800Writing: Encourage students to write the word of the week (Pig). Or, encourage the student to trace the word “pig”. (Write ‘pig’ in large clear letters for the student to use as an example or to trace. What does a pig look like? What color are they? What noises do they make? Art:Create instruments by gluing materials to plastic bowls or plates. (You can use strings, aluminum foil, or just pots with a spoon to hit on to play music) Encourage students to use materials they can find in the classroom (or at home) to create their own instruments. What do the instruments sound like? What senses are we using? What body parts are we using?Science: Giving students various instruments (or pots and pans or any other materials you have at home), encourage students to play the instruments and explore the sounds they make. What sounds do they like? What sounds don’t they like? Which of your senses are you using? How can we use our ears?Blocks: Encourage students to build tunnels. What are tunnels and what can we hear when we are in a tunnel? Encourage students to use their 5 senses. Remote families are encouraged to use any materials they have available to them. Tunnels can be built from the empty rolls of paper towels or toilet paper.Sensory: 3175117348000Giving students a bowl of water with soap, and various materials/toys, encourage the child to use the toys/materials to play with the water. What does it sound like when the toy goes in? What about when you splash it around in the water? Encourage them to use all five of their senses.Dramatic Play: Encourage the student to pretend they are cooking in the kitchen (using toys, toy food, or real food). Encourage to think about what they hear when someone is cooking at home, and have them try out making some noises that they would hear when cooking. (The sizzle of the stove, fridge opening and closing, crunching of chips or apples, etc.) What sense are you using? What body part is helping you hear? Where are your ears?1935953367900WednesdayDate: 10/28/20Daily Focus: The teacher will introduce the unit and go over the five senses anchor chart, what the five senses are, and what they do. The teacher will lead a sing-along to the five senses song, while modeling the movements to the song. The teacher will introduce this week’s topic of hearing. What body part do we use to help us hear? We use our ears! What are the different things we can hear when we are inside, that is happening outside? The class will work together to create a list of things that we can hear happening outside. (cars, fire trucks, police sirens, wind, rain, etc.)Group Goal For The Week: There are five senses: sight, taste, smell, touch, and hearing. We use our ears to hear. All people have ears that are used to hear. There are items that make sounds we can hear, and there are items that don’t make sounds. There are sounds we hear happening outside, like cars, police and fire trucks, rain, etc. When we hear a fire alarm, that may mean that there’s a fire and we need to leave the building in a safe and fast manner. If we catch on fire, we need to STOP, DROP and ROLL. When there’s a fire, a firetruck with firemen come to help us by putting out the fire. Firemen help keep us safe from fires. We can use our ears to hear a fire alarm, and to hear the firetruck coming. Literacy:Letter of the week: PWord of the week: Pig969618136805000Look through newspapers, magazines, and/or books and printouts with your child. Encourage the child to find items or words that begin with “P”. Encourage your child to review the letter “P” and the sound it makes. Have your child cut out the words and pictures they found that begin with “P”, and have them create a collage by gluing the cut out pictures and words onto a separate piece of paper.Writing: Encourage students to write the word “Hear” by copying it from an example, or by tracing it. (Write the word in large clear letters so the student can trace it or use it as an example.) How do we hear things? What body part do we use? Art:Create instruments by gluing materials to plastic bowls or plates. (You can use strings, aluminum foil, or just pots with a spoon to hit on to play music) Encourage students to use materials they can find in the classroom (or at home) to create their own instruments. What do the instruments sound like? What senses are we using? What body parts are we using?Math: Giving the students various instruments or materials found in the classroom (or at home), encourage the students to listen to how the materials sound when you tap/shake/move them, and encourage them to sort the materials into piles of what instruments or materials sound the same or different. What does it sound like? Which of your 5 senses are you using? What body part is helping you hear? Where are your ears?Blocks: Encourage students to create a fire station. What would they put inside a fire station? What is a fire engine? Encourage students use their 5 senses. What does a fire truck look like? What does it sound like? Remote families are encouraged to complete this activity with any materials that are available to them at home.Sensory: Shaking Tubes! Materials you will need are: an empty toilet paper or paper towel roll, rubber bands, paper or material to cover both ends of the tube, and small materials to place inside the tube to shake it and hear it. (You can use beads, buttons, or anything small that you have around the house. Cover one end of the tube and secure it with a rubber band. Encourage your child to place items in the tube. Cover the other end of the tube and secure it with a rubber band. Shake the tube! What sounds do you hear? What does it sound like? Encourage your child to use the shaker as an instrument, or as a tool to use when they are feeling upset or angry. Dramatic Play: Encourage the student to pretend that they are firefighters. What do firefighters do? What does it sound like when they are coming? What does a fire alarm sound like? Encourage them to explore their sense of hearing. What sense are you using? What body part is helping you hear? Where are your ears? What sounds do firefighters make? What does it sound like when they are spraying a fire with water?ThursdayDate: 10/29/20Daily Focus: The teacher will introduce the unit and go over the five senses anchor chart, what the five senses are, and what they do. The teacher will lead a sing-along to the five senses song, while modeling the movements to the song. The teacher will introduce this week’s topic of hearing. What body part do we use to help us hear? We use our ears! What does a fire alarm sound like? What does it tell us when we hear a fire alarm? A fire alarm tells us that there may be a fire, and we need to leave where we are in a safe and fast way. We are going to explore more information about fire alarms and what they tell us the following day.Group Goal For The Week: There are five senses: sight, taste, smell, touch, and hearing. We use our ears to hear. All people have ears that are used to hear. There are items that make sounds we can hear, and there are items that don’t make sounds. There are sounds we hear happening outside, like cars, police and fire trucks, rain, etc. When we hear a fire alarm, that may mean that there’s a fire and we need to leave the building in a safe and fast manner. If we catch on fire, we need to STOP, DROP and ROLL. When there’s a fire, a firetruck with firemen come to help us by putting out the fire. Firemen help keep us safe from fires. We can use our ears to hear a fire alarm, and to hear the firetruck coming. Literacy:Letter of the week: PWord of the week: Pig65405144526000Look through newspapers, magazines, and/or books and printouts with your child. Encourage the child to find items or words that begin with “P”. Encourage your child to review the letter “P” and the sound it makes. Have your child cut out the words and pictures they found that begin with “P”, and have them create a collage by gluing the cut out pictures and words onto a separate piece of paper.Writing: Encourage students to write the word “Hear” by copying it from an example, or by tracing it. (Write the word in large clear letters so the student can trace it or use it as an example.) How do we hear things? What body part do we use? Art:Create/draw a fire truck without using an outline! Encourage your child to draw a fire truck. What does a fire truck look like? Sound like? What do they do?Science: Giving students various instruments (or pots and pans or any other materials you have at home), encourage students to group instruments/materials into groups based on how they sound. What sounds do they like? What sounds don’t they like? Which of your senses are you using? How can we use our ears?Blocks: Encourage students to create a fire station. What would they put inside a fire station? What is a fire engine? Encourage students use their 5 senses. What does a fire truck look like? What does it sound like? Remote families are encouraged to complete this activity with any materials that are available to them at home.Sensory: Shaking Tubes! Materials you will need are: an empty toilet paper or paper towel roll, rubber bands, paper or material to cover both ends of the tube, and small materials to place inside the tube to shake it and hear it. (You can use beads, buttons, or anything small that you have around the house. Cover one end of the tube and secure it with a rubber band. Encourage your child to place items in the tube. Cover the other end of the tube and secure it with a rubber band. Shake the tube! What sounds do you hear? What does it sound like? Encourage your child to use the shaker as an instrument, or as a tool to use when they are feeling upset or angry. Dramatic Play: Encourage the student to pretend that they are firefighters. What do firefighters do? What does it sound like when they are coming? What does a fire alarm sound like? Encourage them to explore their sense of hearing. What sense are you using? What body part is helping you hear? Where are your ears? What sounds do firefighters make? What does it sound like when they are spraying a fire with water?FridayDate: 10/30/20Daily Focus: The teacher will introduce the unit and go over the five senses anchor chart, what the five senses are, and what they do. The teacher will lead a sing-along to the five senses song, while modeling the movements to the song. The teacher will introduce this week’s topic of hearing. What body part do we use to help us hear? We use our ears! What is a fire alarm? What is fire safety? When do we need to STOP, DROP and ROLL? Who helps us when there is a fire?Group Goal For The Week: There are five senses: sight, taste, smell, touch, and hearing. We use our ears to hear. All people have ears that are used to hear. There are items that make sounds we can hear, and there are items that don’t make sounds. There are sounds we hear happening outside, like cars, police and fire trucks, rain, etc. When we hear a fire alarm, that may mean that there’s a fire and we need to leave the building in a safe and fast manner. If we catch on fire, we need to STOP, DROP and ROLL. When there’s a fire, a firetruck with firemen come to help us by putting out the fire. Firemen help keep us safe from fires. We can use our ears to hear a fire alarm, and to hear the firetruck coming. Literacy:Letter of the week: PWord of the week: PigReview the letter P, the sound it makes, and what it looks like. Review the word ‘pig’ and point out that ‘pig’ begins with ‘P’. Encourage the student to look through books and notice words and objects that begin with the letter ‘P’.-889017907000Writing: Encourage students to write the word “Ear” by copying it from an example, or by tracing it. (Write the word in large clear letters so the student can trace it or use it as an example.) How do we use our eats? What sense do 77322145129200they help us use?Art:Create/draw a fire truck without using an outline! Encourage your child to draw a fire truck. What does a fire truck look like? Sound like? What do they do?Math: Giving the students various instruments or materials found in the classroom (or at home), encourage the students to listen to how the materials sound when you tap/shake/move them, and encourage them to sort the materials into piles of what instruments or materials sound the same or different. What does it sound like? Which of your 5 senses are you using? What body part is helping you hear? Where are your ears?Science: -6510979184500Encourage students to find materials around the classroom (or at home) that they can use as an instrument. What does it sound like? Which of your senses are you using?903015162461600Sensory: Giving students instruments, or pots and pans or other materials, encourage students to play sounds under water (a bowl or container of water). What does it sound like? Does it sound different above water and below? Encourage them to use their sense of hearing to explore the water and materials. Dramatic Play: Pretend fire drill! Encourage the student to do pretend fire-drills. Use a bell, a phone, or simply make a noise with your mouth to make the sound of a fire alarm. Encourage the student to make the sound of the fire alarm. Practice and pretend what you have to do when you hear a fire alarm. Encourage the child to practice the STOP, DROP, & ROLL technique if you catch on fire! Explore fire safety and how we use the five senses to stay safe.Social/ Emotional- Week to ReviewThis week, our social-emotional program will be focusing on the concept of “asking for what you need or want”. Click on the link below and scroll down to week 6 (page 6) to follow along with the social-emotional topic we will be exploring this week. Read Aloud Books This Week “My Five Senses” By: Margaret Miller “Bear’s Busy Family” By: Stella Blackstone“Polar Bear, Polar Bear, What do you see?” By: Bill Martin Jr. Common Core Standards PK.PDH.1: Uses senses to assist and guide learning. PK.MATH.3: Understands the relationship between numbers and quantities to 10, connects counting to cardinality. PK.ELAL.27: Explores and uses new vocabulary in child-centered, authentic, play-based experiences. ................

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