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This is episode number 115 with the super-energised data scientist Neelabh Pant.

Welcome to the SuperDataScience podcast. My name is Kirill Eremenko, data science coach and lifestyle entrepreneur, and each week we bring inspiring people and ideas to help you build your successful career in data science. Thanks for being here today and now let's make the complex simple.

Hello ladies and gentlemen and welcome to the SuperDataScience podcast. I just literally got off the phone with Neelabh Pant and this episode blew my mind completely. I really hope it's going to blow yours too because Neelabh has so many stories to tell about data science. We had so many laughs and as you probably noticed this is a much longer than usual episode just because I didn't want to stop talking. I didn't want to stop talking to Neelabh, it was so great. Neelabh has worked in geospatial analytics, he's combined that with machine learning and deep learning experience, he's worked with genetic algorithms. And the most interesting thing is he's got so many crazy ideas of how to apply that in business, he actually applies it business and he applies that in real life. Well, I'm not going to ruin it for you, you have to check out this episode. Whatever level of data science you're in, this will get you pumped about data science. Let's get this thing rolling without further ado, I bring to you Neelabh Pant.

[Background music plays]

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Welcome ladies and gentlemen to the SuperDataScience podcast. Today I've got a special guest, Neelabh Pant on the show, calling in from India. Neelabh, how are you going?


Pretty good, how are you?


I'm going well, thanks man. And right off the bat, how did we meet? Tell us the story; we were just chatting about it just now, it's such a fun story.


It's exciting. It's just an amazing story. As a matter of fact, I really got into data science so much so that I just learning from online resources wherever I could find. For the first time, I saw Kirill was on YouTube for one of his promotional videos for and then I started following him there, started reading his courses like data science, machine learning, Tableau and I was like, man I just want to see this guy because this guy is amazing. I want to see him in person. I've been told, when I was a kid, that dream about anything and it comes true in your life because universe is there to grant your wishes. And I was like, I want to see this person in person, I don't know how and suddenly I get this huge advertisement saying that, hey, Kirill's coming to San Diego, SuperDataScience GO, and I'm like, I am getting the ticket right now. First night I landed in San Diego, went to the hotel poolside, Kirill was there and the moment I saw Kirill, Kirill saw me and we recognized each other and we hugged, and it was just an amazing moment.


Yeah, it was love from first sight.

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That's what I told my colleague and he was kind of jealous, but I was like, I'm enjoying this moment. It was amazing.


Yeah, it's funny because as you say this, in my hand I'm holding a pen from the Data Science GO event, it was such a blast. I don't want to blow my own trumpet or paint a picture, but I personally thought we were doing it as more of an experiment, can we pull it off or not. I thought it was really great. What did you think of the event?


It was. Indeed, it was such an amazing event. You call it experiment, I call it the super hit event. That's what I call it.


Thanks. It's all the dancing. Because you definitely weren't expecting the dancing and the motivational speakers there, were you?


Oh man. My favourite part of all the motivational speakers was Laser Sharp Commitment from Ben Taylor and Being Compassionate by Urie Suhr. The entire ambiance was so positive, everybody just wanted to learn more, grow more and just be amazing. That's what the entire ambience of that hotel was. The dancing really got my blood flowing and it was just amazing. I cannot stop saying it because it was just amazing. I'm waiting for 2018 SuperDataScience GO.


Yeah, me too. Can't wait, and that's going to be epic. Anyway, getting side-tracked. We're here to talk about you, about your

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Neelabh: Kirill: Neelabh:


career and the amazing turns and twists that you've had in the path that has brought you to data science. Are you ready for this?

Oh, absolutely. Yes.

Awesome. I read about your bio a little bit and also checked out your LinkedIn profile- very, very impressive. You started off in a Bachelor of Computer Science in India, and then you moved to Texas. Let's go from there.

All right. Back then, I was just another teenager who loved technology but at the same time, I was struggling so hard with keeping up with all the technology, programming languages, algorithms and data structure. Somehow, I made good grades but at the same time I wasn't, for some reason, enjoying it, probably because of the fact that back then I didn't have much of resources. Whatever resources we had in our school, it was probably more than enough because then I realized that I really want to do some great thing in the field of computer science and technology. By the time I completed my bachelor's, I wasn't very much happy with whatever I learned in my bachelor's. To be honest, it wasn't enough. It was, according to my standards, it was nothing at all. I really wanted to do something extra and then I planned to move to United States, I wrote GRE. As a matter of fact, I was the first person in my college to write GRE, so now you can imagine.

What is GRE?

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