RFP #LC-05-09


Livingston County Purchasing is requesting sealed proposals to provide annual grounds maintenance and snow removal services at the Livingston County Offices, the Brighton District Court, the Brighton Ambulance Base Station, and the Hamburg Ambulance Base Station. The bid packet is divided into two (2) areas of service – lawn maintenance and snow removal services. Bidders may bid on one or both areas of service. Optional bids will be accepted for the combination of the two areas of service. The award will be for a three (3 year contract that will include a provision for the County, at its discretion, to extend the contract for an additional one (1) year term for a total contract period to not exceed four (4) years based on an annual performance review. The award may be split, at the County’s discretion, between two (2) or more contractors to better service specific locations.

Please carefully review this document. It provides information necessary to aid participating bidders in formulating a thorough response. A formal, comprehensive review period will be conducted to ensure that Livingston County selects the best possible vendor that will provide the best value and service.

The County of Livingston officially distributes bid documents form the Livingston County Purchasing Office and the Michigan Inter-governmental Trade Network (MITN). Copies obtained through any other source are not considered official copies. If you have obtained this document from a source other than the Livingston County Purchasing Office or MITN, it is recommended that you obtain an official copy. An official copy can be obtained at Select the “Current Bid Items” icon.


The following is a schedule of events concerning the bid process:

➢ Bids Released: July 25, 2005

➢ Bids Due by: August 16, 2005 by 3:00 p.m.

➢ Notification of Award by: October 4, 2005

➢ Commencement of Services Winter 2005/2006

A complete original (marked as such) and two (2) exact duplicate copies of the sealed proposals, evidencing the name and address of the proposer, should be submitted to:


304 East Grand River, Suite 204

Howell, Michigan 48843

** PLEASE MARK YOUR ENVELOPES: Grounds Maintenance - RFP # LC-05-09 **

Sealed proposals must be received no later that 3:00 p.m., August 16, 2005, at the address set

forth above. Proposals received after 3:00 p.m. on August 16, 2005, may not be considered.

The bid is to be completed in legible form. Any additional written material such as professional

records, certifications, etc., your company thinks important, may be attached and submitted to

augment the data. The bidder must initial any corrections.


Questions regarding bid specifications shall be asked and answered on our web-based discussion group at Go to the Questions and Comments Area, “RFP # LC-05-09” to post a question, view the answer or to review all questions and answers for this RFP. All questions must be posted by August 11, 2005. Questions posted after this date will not be answered. Any questions received after this date will not be answered. If you need assistance, contact:

Roberta Bennett, Purchasing Agent

517 540-8741

Any information given by departmental contacts is unofficial.


The Livingston County Board of Commissioners reserves the right to reject any and all

proposals, to award the agreement to other than the low proposal, to award separate agreements for separate parts of the services required, to negotiate the terms and conditions of all and any part of the proposals, to waive irregularities and/or formalities, and in general to make award in the manner as determined to be in the Board’s best interest and its sole discretion.


Companies are expected to examine the RFP requirements and all instructions. Failure to do so will be at the company’s risk. Each company shall furnish all information requested herein. The person signing the proposal must initial all erasures or other changes. If any person contemplating submitting a proposal is in doubt of the true meaning of any part of the specifications or other conditions with the RFP, he/she is advised to call and have the portion in question clarified.


Each change or addendum issued in relation to the RFP will be on file in the Purchasing Office. In addition, all changes and addenda will be posted on the MITN Website (). It shall be the contractor’s responsibility to make inquiry as to the changes or addenda issued. All such changes or addenda shall become part of the contract and all bidders shall be bound by such changes or addenda.


Livingston County is exempt from Federal Excise and State Sales Tax. The county’s tax number is 38-6005819. Payment terms are Net 30 days upon receipt and acceptance.


The County will award the contract to the most responsive, responsible bidder having proven experience as described herein. The County reserves the right to award this contract not necessarily to the bidder with the lowest price but to the bidder that demonstrates the best ability to fulfill the requirements. The price proposed shall be considered firm and cannot be altered after receipt per the terms of this bid. All bids will be reviewed and recommendations for a selection will be made to the Livingston County Board of Commissioners. Final approval will be granted by the Board of Commissioners. The evaluation and award of this proposal shall be rated on the following (not in any relevant order):

➢ Qualifications & Experience

➢ References

➢ Price Proposed

➢ Equipment proposed

The County may make a determination that the rejection of all proposals is in the best interest of Livingston County. Livingston County will not pay for any information herein requested, nor is it liable for any costs incurred by the bidder. The successful contractor shall commence work only after the transmittal of a fully executed contract and after receiving written notification to proceed from Livingston County. The successful bidder will perform all services indicated in the bid packet in compliance with the negotiated contract.

If two (2) or more bidders submit bids that are identical as to price, preference will be given to the bidder whose firm has its principal place of business within Livingston County.

The contents of this RFP and the vendor’s response will become contractual obligations if a contract ensues. Failure of the successful contractor to accept these obligations may result in cancellation of the award.


Proposals may be withdrawn in person by a bidder, or authorized representative, provided their identity is made known and a receipt is signed for the bid, but only if the withdrawal is made prior to the stated bid deadline. No proposal may be withdrawn for at least 90 days after opening except the successful company whose prices shall remain firm for the entire contract period. In case of error by the bidder in making up a bid, the Purchasing Office staff may, by discretion, reject such a proposal upon presentation of a letter by the Bidder which sets forth the error, the cause thereof, and sufficient evidence to substantiate the claim.


The Contractor whose proposal is accepted must agree to the following indemnification and hold harmless responsibilities:

The Contractor shall, at its own expense, protect, defend, indemnify and hold harmless

Livingston County, its elected and appointed officers, employees and agents from all claims, damages (including but not limited to, direct, indirect, incidental, consequential, special and punitive damages), costs, lawsuits and expenses including, but not limited to, all costs from administrative proceedings, court costs, and attorney fees, that they may incur as a result of any acts, omissions or negligence of the selected firm, its employees or agents or its subcontractors of sub-subcontractors, or any of their officers, employees or agents which may arise out of the contract.

The Contractor’s indemnification responsibilities shall include the sum of damages, costs and expenses which are in excess of the sum paid out on behalf of or reimbursed to Livingston County or its elected and appointed officers, employees, agents or by the insurance coverage obtained and/or maintained by the selected firm pursuant to the requirements of this RFP and the contract entered into.


The Contractor and its subcontractors, as required by law, shall not discriminate against the employee or applicant for employment with the respect to hire, tenure, terms, conditions or privileges of employment, or a matter directly relates to employment, because of race, color, religion, national origin, age, sex, disability that is unrelated to the individual’s ability to perform the duties of a particular job or position, height, weight, or marital status. Breach of this covenant may be regarded as a material breach of the Contract.

The Contractor will take affirmative action to eliminate discrimination based on sex, race, or a disability in the hiring of applicant and the treatment of employees. Affirmative action but not be limited to: employment; upgrading, demotion or transfer, recruitment advertisement: layoff or termination; rates of pay or other forms of compensation; selection for training, including apprenticeship.


The Contractor whose proposal is accepted must meet and agree to maintain during the term of the contract the following insurance coverage requirements. All coverage’s shall be with insurance companies licensed and admitted to do business in the State of Michigan. All coverage’s shall be with insurance carriers acceptable to the County and have an A.M. Best Company’s Insurance Reports Rating of A or A- (Excellent).

A. The Contractor shall carry Worker’s Compensation and Employer’s Liability Insurance Coverage, as required by law. In the event that the Contractor uses subcontractors and sub-subcontractors for the performance of services required under this proposal, the Contractor shall ensure that said subcontractors and sub-subcontractors carry Worker’s Compensation and Employer’s Liability Insurance coverage, as required by law.

B. The Contractor shall be responsible for insuring all its tools and equipment and all

materials that it may use and/or leave at the work site. The County shall not be

responsible for any loss or damage to the Contractor’s tools and materials.

C. The Contractor shall procure and maintain during the term of the contract Commercial General Liability Insurance on an “Occurrence basis” with limits of liability of not less than $1,000,000 per occurrence and/or aggregate combines single limit, for Personal Injury or Bodily Injury and $1,000,000 per occurrence and/or aggregate for Property Damage. Coverage shall include the following extensions: (1) Contractual Liability; (2) Products and Completed Operations Coverage; (3) Independent Contractors Coverage; (4) Broad Form General Liability Extensions or equivalent; if not in policy proper.

D. The Contractor shall maintain Vehicle Liability Coverage, and Michigan No-Fault

Coverage’s including all owned, non-owned, and hired vehicles, of not less than

$1,000,000 per occurrence combined single limit.

E. Commercial General Liability Insurance and Vehicle Insurance as described above shall include the following as “Additional Insured”: County of Livingston.

F. Workers’ Compensation Insurance, Commercial General Liability Insurance, and Vehicle Liability Insurance as described above shall include an endorsement stating the

following: It is understood and agreed that thirty (30) days Advance Written Notice of

Cancellation, Non-Renewal, Reduction and/or Material Change shall be sent to:

Livingston County Purchasing, 304 E. Grand River, Suite 204, Howell, MI, 48843.

G. If any of the above coverage’s expire during the term of the Agreement, the Contractor’s insurer shall deliver renewal certification and/or policies to: Livingston County Purchasing, 304 E. Grand River, Suite 204, Howell, MI, 48843, at least thirty (30) days prior to expiration.


Contractor is an independent contractor. All employees, servants, or agents of the Contractor shall in no way be deemed to be and hold themselves out to be employees, servants, or agents of Livingston County and shall not be entitled to any fringe benefits which the County provides its employees, including, but not limited to: health and accident insurance, life insurance, paid sick and vacation leave and longevity. The Contractor shall be responsible for their payment of the salary, wages or other compensation which may be due its employees, servants and agents for services performed under these specifications and for the withholding and payment of all applicable taxes including, but not limited to: income and social security taxes to the proper Federal, State, and local governments that arise out of providing the services described herein.


All contractors and subcontractors performing services for Livingston County are required and shall comply with all Occupational Safety and Health Administrations (OSHA), State and County Safety and Occupational Health Standards and any other applicable rules and regulations. Also, all contractors and subcontractors shall be held responsible for the safety of their employees and any unsafe acts or conditions that may cause injury or damage to any persons or property with and around the work site areas under this contract.


The Signature Page (see attached sheet, Page 15) shall be completely filled out and returned with the proposal submission. The Signature Sheet must be signed by a representative of your company who is authorized to commit your company to the requirements of this proposal. If the bidder takes exceptions to any conditions set forth in this RFP, it should be stated on the signature page.


The contractor will be required to assume responsibility for all contractual actives offered in this proposal. Further, Livingston County will consider the Contractor to be the sole point of contact with regard to contractual matters, including payment of any and all charges resulting from the anticipated contract. The contractor shall perform all of the services described within this RFP. Invoicing shall be submitted to the Building Services Director on a monthly basis. If the contract is terminated prematurely for any reason, the contractor will be compensated for completed services only as specified in the contract.


The contractor shall not assign the contract or any part thereof to any person, firm, corporation or company unless such assignment is approved in writing by the Livingston County Board of Commissioners.


Following is a list of work locations in which the contractor should become familiar with prior to any

submission of a response to this proposal.

1. Intermodal Complex 2. West Complex

3950 W Grand River Corner of Grand River & South Highlander Way

Howell, Michigan Howell, Michigan

3. Downtown Complex 4. MSU Extension

200/304 East Grand River 820 East Grand River

Howell, Michigan Howell, Michigan

5. East Complex 6. Community Mental Health

2280/2300 East Grand River 3760 Cleary Drive

Howell, Michigan Howell, Michigan

7. Hamburg Ambulance Base Station 8. Brighton Ambulance Base Station

3706 M-36 5360 South Old US 23

Pinckney, Michigan Brighton, Michigan

9. Brighton District Court 10. Genoa EMS Base

224 First Street 3577 Grand Oaks Drive

Brighton, Michigan Howell, Michigan 48843

11. Lutz Property** 12. Poor County Farm**

3415 E Cohoctah County Farm Road

Deerfield Township Between Coon Lake & Jewel

** Lawn Maintenance only – Prior approval required from Building Services director

Any other complex / property acquired by the county prior to /during the term of the contract


To be consider for award of this contract, the contractor must be able to meet the following minimum requirements:

A. The contractor must be organized for the purpose of providing lawn and/or snow removal services and must have five (5) years previous experience.

B. The bidder must have a proven ability for a contract start-up date by November 1, 2005.

C. The contractor must have qualified and trained staff and sufficient equipment and materials to successfully complete the contract requirements.

D. The contractor must have the capability to supervise and monitor the process ensuring satisfactory provision of services in a safe working environment. Contractor shall provide work uniforms and/or identification of employees while working on County grounds.

E. The contractor shall submit a list of three (3) references, including name of business, address, contact person and phone number (see attached, page 16).

F. The contractor must be able to meet all insurance requirements in regards to Workers’ Compensation Insurance, Commercial General Liability Insurance and Motor Vehicle Insurance as outlined in this RFP.

G. The contractor shall observe all MI-OSHA prescribed safety regulations and practices. The absence of requirements covering specific equipment, operations, or hazards shall not relieve the contractor of the responsibility of taking further action to provide maximum safety in the performance of lawn maintenance.

H. The contractor must provide a list of equipment available for this contract with the submission of their response to this RFP. The Building Services Director, at his discretion, may request an inspection of the equipment prior to the award of this RFP.


It is strongly suggested that your proposal be as detailed and comprehensive as possible and answered in the same order as numbered in this RFP. Please make sure the following is included:

_______ Signature Page - see attached, Page 15

_______ References - see attached, Page 16

_______ Equipment List

_______ Pricing Proposal – see attached

The Signature page, Reference Sheet, and pricing proposals are available in Word format. To obtain a copy, please contact Roberta Bennett at

Part I.

Lawn Maintenance


A. Turf Maintenance

During the early growing season, approximately April 15th through June 15th, turf areas shall be mowed by the contractor once every seven days. More frequent mowing shall be required if general turf growth exceeds 5”.

After June 1st, mowing shall be performed as turf height reaches 4”. The frequency of mowing will be regulated by actual growth and mowing schedule. The contractor shall set mowing height of equipment at a minimum of two (2) inches and a maximum of three (3) inches. Mower height shall be adjusted and measured on a flat paved surface. The contractor shall maintain sharp blades on all mowers. Any trash, branches, etc., on lawns shall be picked up before mowing.

Clippings may be left on the lawn if the mowing is performed in a timely manner and clippings are not visible by the end of the property visit. The contractor shall not be allowed to blow clippings into plant beds or mulch beds. Clippings on sidewalks shall be removed immediately by the contractor.

Vegetation growing from cracks or joints in paving shall be removed immediately by the

contractor. The contractor shall also apply the appropriate chemical to kill the root system. Chemical used must be approved in advance by the Building Services Director.

The contractor shall have two days maximum to complete a mowing once it is begun. If a

mowing is delayed or interrupted due to inclement weather, the contractor shall begin or finish the mowing as soon as weather permits. The contractor will not receive payment for an incomplete mowing or service.

Trimming the turf edge at trees, buildings, sidewalks, posts, site furnishings and mulch beds shall be executed by the contractor to maintain a crisp edge.

B. Plant and Mulch Beds

The contractor shall implement, if necessary, and maintain a 2-foot minimum radius of clear area at the base of all trees in turf areas. The contractor may be required to replace trees that are damaged by their equipment. The contractor shall implement, if necessary, and maintain a 6-inch minimum border between turf areas and building walls, posts, signs, and fences having painted surfaces that might be damaged by weed-eaters. Any damages will be repaired by the contractor at no expense to Livingston County.

Weeds in planted and mulched beds shall be removed twice a season. Beds are to maintain a neat appearance. If additional services are required, Contractor shall notify the Building Services Director. Additional services shall only be performed if approved in advance, in writing, by the Building Services Director. The contractor may use herbicide but must get prior approval for materials and procedures from the Building Services Director. The contractor shall comply with the manufactures recommendations and all applicable local, state, and federal laws, requirements and provisions. The contractor must adhere to state licensing requirements for the use of herbicides and acquire the necessary permits and/or applicators license if required. Damage to plants and property caused by the misuse of herbicides is the responsibility of the contractor. The contractor shall bring plant material to the condition as existed prior to damages at no cost to Livingston County. The contractor is encouraged to use a pre-emergence to reduce weed growth in plant beds.

C. Edging

The contractor shall edge the turf at sidewalks and other paved surfaces once a month. The contractor is encouraged to use a metal edger with the exception of special paving areas where damage may occur. At special paving areas, the contractor may edge with nylon cord weed-eaters.

D. Pruning Small Trees and Shrubs

The contractor shall prune small trees (less than 14 feet) by July 15th and all shrubs twice a season. The shrubs shall be pruned during late spring/early summer. Pruning helps control plant growth and determines what types of growth the plant will develop. The late summer/fall pruning of shrubs is for shaping and revitalizing plant material. Although only two comprehensive shrub prunings are required by this contract, the contractor shall touch-up prune as necessary during the growing season.

The contractor will be allowed to use electric or gas powered shears to prune plant material. The contractor shall prune all plant material to attain a natural and symmetrical form. Hedges are the exception and shall be maintained in dense, healthy, and geometric form.

All debris resulting from pruning operations will be removed from the property and disposed of in a suitable manner by the contractor.

The contractor shall comply with all applicable sections of the pruning guidelines.

E. Grounds Clean-up

Livingston County may require grounds clean-up in the Spring and Fall seasons. The contractor shall perform a clean-up that includes but is not necessarily limited to the following:

• Remove all leaves and tree branches from the grounds

• Remove trash and weeds from plant beds

• Install pre-emergence in all plant beds

• Mulch Bed Turning

Part II.

Snow Removal Services


The awarded contractor shall provide the following services:

A. The Contractor shall obtain the necessary equipment to accomplish the

task and frequency set out for snow removal services at all listed facilities.

B. The Contractor shall be responsible for all area measurements of the parking lots to determine the

cost for snow/ice removal.

C. The contractor shall provide a cost as outlined on the specification sheet. A per push price shall be

based on a minimum snow depth of at least 1 ½” inches.

D. When less than the minimum snowfall (1 ½”) and/or icy conditions exist, the contractor shall salt

all parking lots. Consideration must be taken for rising/falling temperatures. The successful

contractor must work under the direction of the Building Services Director.

E. The Contractor shall plow all roads leading to buildings, approaches, parking lots and any other

paved area with snow accumulation of 1 ½” or more.

F. Snow shall be plowed in a manner as not to block the ingress/egress routes of the parking lots, the

site, emergency access routes, reduce the number of parking spaces, reduce the size of the parking

spaces, prevent access to the trash dumpsters or fire hydrants, allow accumulation of plowed snow

around light poles or in such a manner that the snow is left between parking spaces. Proper

removal and storage of snow is the responsibility of the Contractor and the Contractor shall

correct any snow removal/storage problems at their expense. The Contractor shall properly place

the snow or remove it to minimize loss of parking or pedestrian areas. Snow left on premises

shall not block or hinder the view of motorists.

G. The Contractor shall shovel and apply ice melt on all walks leading to buildings, parking lots,

steps, porches, ramps and any other areas to be shoveled after each snow.

H. 24/7 Buildings: All roads, approaches, parking lots and any other paved area, including

walkways, shall be kept free of snow twenty-four (24) hours a day, seven days a week, including


I. Non-24/7 Buildings: All roads and walks shall be kept free of snow during normal County

hours. Roads, approaches, parking lots and any other paved area, including walkways, shall be

cleared by 6:30 a.m., Monday through Friday, except on holidays on which the County’s offices

are closed. The start of snow removal shall not begin after this time without approval by the

Building Services Director.

J. Twenty-four (24) hour on-call service to provide shoveling, plowing or salting as determined by

the Livingston County Building Services Department.

K. The Contractor shall be available to remove snow within one (1) hour after notification to

proceed during normal business hours and within two (2) hours during other hours.

L. The Contractor shall observe all applicable prescribed safety regulations and practices. The

absence of a requirement covering specific equipment, operations, or hazards shall not relieve the Contractor of the responsibility of taking further action to provide maximum safety in the performance of snow removal.

M. Contractor shall be responsible to make turf, parking lot, sidewalk and curb repairs in areas

where contractor’s equipment damages turf after leaving pavement surfaces.

N. Contractor shall supply and install 3’ orange markers at entryways, along sidewalks, fire

hydrants etc., to help facilitate locations of these items when the snow is deep and/or visibility is


Livingston County shall provide the following:

A. Livingston County will provide 50# bags of ice-melter. Ice-melter will be stored at the Livingston County Building Services storage shed in which the awarded Contractor will be provided access to.

B. Livingston County will make arrangements for the successful contractor to obtain salt at the Livingston County Road Commissions facility for use at its location.

2. 24/7 Locations

The following addresses from Section 16. Work Locations are considered 24/7 locations:

1. Intermodal Building 2. Genoa EMS Base

3950 W Grand River, Howell 3577 Grand Oaks Drive, Howell

3. 911/ Emergency Management 4. Sheriff’s Department/Jail

West Complex, Howell West Complex, Howell

300 S. Highlander Way 150 S. Highlander Way

5. Downtown Complex 6. Brighton Ambulance Base

200/304 E Grand River, Howell 5360 S Old US 23, Brighton

7. Hamburg Ambulance Base

3706 M-36, Pinckney


Grounds Maintenance RFP # LC-05-09

Signature Page

|Name of Agency: |

|Address: |

| |

|Telephone Number: |Fax Number: |

|E-Mail Address: |Federal Tax ID Number: |


| |

|______Partnership ______Non Profit Corporation ______Profit Corporation |

| |

|______Other, Specify:___________________________________________________________________ |

|If awarded a contract in response to this proposal, our company: |

|_____ Will _________ Will not |

|be able to meet the specifications as required in Section 11: Insurance Requirements. |

|Signature of Authorized Signatory: |Title and Name of Agency: |

| | |

|Name of Authorized Signatory (Print): |Date: |

| | |

|The above individual is authorized to sign on behalf of the company submitting this proposal. Proposals must be signed by an official authorized to bind the |

|provider to its provisions for at least a period of 90 days. |

|Please list any exceptions/exclusions for this Request for Proposal: |

| |

| |

| |

| |

Grounds Maintenance RFP # LC-05-09


Company/ Municipality: __________________________________________________

Contact Name: __________________________________________________________

Contact Address: ________________________________________________________

Contact Phone Number: __________________________________________________

Date of Services: ________________________________________________________

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

Company/ Municipality: __________________________________________________

Contact Name: __________________________________________________________

Contact Address: ________________________________________________________

Contact Phone Number: _________________________________________________

Date of Services: ________________________________________________________

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

Company/ Municipality: __________________________________________________

Contact Name: __________________________________________________________

Contact Address: ________________________________________________________

Contact Phone Number: __________________________________________________

Date of Services: _________________________________________________________


PROJECT #1 – Lawn Maintenance

Pricing Proposal Form - RFP # LC-05-O9

Company Name: ____________________________________________________________

| | |

|Per mowing to include: | |

|Turf maintenance (once a week) | |

|Plant Bed Weeding (twice a season) | |

|Pruning (once a season, by July 15th) |Pricing Proposed: |

|Edging (once a month) | |

| | |

|1. Intermodal Complex |$ |

| | |

|2. West Complex |$ |

| | |

|3. Downtown Complex |$ |

| | |

|4. MSU Extension |$ |

| | |

|5. East Complex |$ |

| | |

|6. Community Mental Health |$ |

| | |

|7. Hamburg Ambulance Base Station |$ |

| | |

|8. Brighton Ambulance Base Station |$ |

| | |

|9. Brighton District Court |$ |

| | |

|10. Genoa EMS Base |$ |

| | |

|11. Lutz Property |$ |

| | |

|12. Poor County Farm |$ |


PROJECT #1 – Lawn Maintenance

Pricing Proposal Form - RFP # LC-05-O9

Company Name: _____________________________________________________

| | |

|Grounds Clean Up to include: | |

| | |

|Remove all leaves and tree branches from the grounds | |

|Remove trash and weeds from plant beds | |

|Install pre-emergence in all plant beds | |

|Mulch Bed Turning |Pricing Proposed: |

| | |

|1. Intermodal Complex |$ |

| | |

|2. West Complex |$ |

| | |

|3. Downtown Complex |$ |

| | |

|4. MSU Extension |$ |

| | |

|5. East Complex |$ |

| | |

|6. Community Mental Health |$ |

| | |

|7. Hamburg Ambulance Base Station |$ |

| | |

|8. Brighton Ambulance Base Station |$ |

| | |

|9. Brighton District Court |$ |

| | |

|10. Genoa EMS Base |$ |

| | |

|11. Lutz Property |$ |

| | |

|12. Poor County Farm |$ |


PROJECT #2 – Snow Removal Services

Pricing Proposal Form - RFP # LC-05-O9

Company Name: ____________________________________________________________

| | | | | | | | |

| |Per Push |Additional per push |Maximum Charge for more |Hourly Charge to haul |Salting per |Shoveling |Per application of |

| |1 ½” – 8” |cost over 8” as |than one plowing that may |snow, if necessary, |application |Per occurrence |ice-melter |

| |as specified |specified |be required in a 24 hour |with the equipment | | | |

| | | |period as specified |bidder has listed |(Salt provided by | |(Ice-melter to be supplied |

| | | | | |Livingston County) | |by Livingston County) |

| | | | | | | | |

|1. Intermodal Complex | | | | | | | |

| |$ |$ |$ |$ |$ |$ |$ |

| | | | | | | | |

|2. West Complex |$ |$ |$ |$ |$ |$ |$ |

| | | | | | | | |

|3. Downtown Complex | | | | | | | |

| |$ |$ |$ |$ |$ |$ |$ |

| | | | | | | | |

|4. MSU Extension |$ |$ |$ |$ |$ |$ |$ |

| | | | | | | | |

|5. East Complex |$ |$ |$ |$ |$ |$ |$ |

| | | | | | | | |

|6. Community Mental Health| | | | | | | |

| |$ |$ |$ |$ |$ |$ |$ |


PROJECT #2 – Snow Removal Services

Pricing Proposal Form - RFP # LC-05-O9

Company Name: ____________________________________________________________

| | | | | | | | |

| |Per Push |Additional per push |Maximum Charge for more |Hourly Charge to haul |Salting per |Shoveling |Per application of |

| |1 ½” – 8” |cost over 8” as |than one plowing that may |snow, if necessary, |application |Per occurrence |ice-melter |

| |as specified |specified |be required in a 24 hour |with the equipment | | | |

| | | |period as specified |bidder has listed |(Salt provided by | |(Ice-melter to be supplied |

| | | | | |Livingston County) | |by Livingston County) |

| | | | | | | | |

|7. Hamburg Ambulance Base | | | | | | | |

|Station |$ |$ |$ |$ |$ |$ |$ |

| | | | | | | | |

|8. Brighton Ambulance Base|$ |$ |$ |$ |$ |$ |$ |

|Station | | | | | | | |

| | | | | | | | |

|9. Brighton District Court| | | | | | | |

| |$ |$ |$ |$ |$ |$ |$ |

| | | | | | | | |

|10. Genoa EMS Base |$ |$ |$ |$ |$ |$ |$ |

| | | | | | | | |

|11. Lutz Property |$ |$ |$ |$ |$ |$ |$ |

| | | | | | | | |

|12. Poor County Farm | | | | | | | |

| |$ |$ |$ |$ |$ |$ |$ |


Grounds Maintenance RFP # LC-05-09


If awarded contract for Project 1: Lawn Maintenance and Project 2: Snow Removal Services

The following discount(s) will apply:




Attachment – Map of locations in Howell


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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