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Main page |Image |URL |Level Age |SKILL |Topic

Theme |Story

Activity |Description |Useful for | |MightyBook |[pic] | |

|R |Animals | | | | |Reading is Fundamental |[pic] | |CI |L

R |Colours

numbers |Count the coloured balloons | |Counting depending on the colours you hear. | | | | | |L

R |Ants

Prepositions |Black and red ants |One black ant and one red ant meet upon a hill.

| | | | | |CS |R

L |Home |Whistle for Willie |Peter learns to whistle so that his dog will come to him.

| | | | | |CI | |Puzzles |Honey Bees and Bears Jigsaw Puzzle | |Put the picture back together.

| | | | |CI |L

S |Body


Fingers |This old man |Find out all the places this old man played knick-knack.

| | | | | |CM |S


R |Song |The wheels on the bus | | | | | | |CS |L

R |Song

Fish / adjectives |If I were a little fish in the sea | | | | | | |CS |R

L |Wild animals |Explore |Children can choose between some wild animals to discover about them |Discover facts about animals | | | | |CS |R

W |Different |Story Maker |a useful site to create stories in an easy way. |Children can create their own story or finish | |Poetry splatter |[pic] | | | | | |It is a space to create poems classified by levels of difficulty (ages |Children start by splattering words onto the screen and drag them into the poem. | |Storyplace |[pic] | |any |R |Different topics |Different readings |Read stories or listen to them. |Depends on the topic you need or choose. | |British Council site.

LearnEnglishKids section |[pic] | |CM |R |Following directions |Treasure Map | |There are extra activities to work on the story and the topic | |Game Goo |[pic] | | | | | | | | | | | | | |Pumpkins making |The pumpkin game | | | | | | | | |The alphabet |Paw park | | | |BRITISH COUNCIL

Story maker |[pic] | |CM

CS |R | |Story Maker |Creating their own story. | | |WACKY WEB TALES |[pic] | | | | | |Children have to choose a tale, fill in the blanks with nouns, verbs, and other words and they get a crazy tale. It is a good site to create funny stories. |Children start by splattering words onto the screen and drag them into the poem. | | | | | | |Tackle Reading | |children can do exciting reading activities |Read to play: game instructions… Some definitions can be difficult. You also need to be confident in football vocabulary (I am not). | |FUNBRAIN |[pic] | |CS |R

w | |MAD LIBS junior |children can create a story in a really silly way by playing.

Very funny. There are lots of new words to learn. | | |BBC.CO.UK |[pic] | |CM |R | | | | | |


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