CE511----Flood Control Hydrology

Texts: 1. Bedient, et al. Hydrology and Floodplain Analysis, Prentice-Hall,

5th. edition, 2013.

2. HEC-HMS, Flood Hydrograph Package, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, User’s Manual:

Reference: Linsley, Kohler and Paulhus, Hydrology for Engineers, McGraw-Hill,


Instructor: Iraj Nasseri, Ph.D., P.E.

Office: (310) 963-6124

This course discusses hydrologic processes in depth. The application of hydrologic methods to plan and design water resources projects is demonstrated. What should be the design flow: over a spillway, through a culvert or for an urban drainage system? How to develop rainfall runoff relationship using hydrologic models? The rainfall runoff relationship is necessary to design flood control, water supply, irrigation, hydroelectric, recreational, and environmental projects. What effects will urbanization and human activities have on runoff characteristics of watersheds? How are statistical and probabilistic methods used to determine the frequency of extreme events (droughts and floods) and their calculated risks? Because of considerable interests, Low Impact Development (LID) and Best Management Practices (BMP’s) concepts to do with capturing storm runoff will be discussed. These are few typical questions that a civil engineer trained in hydrology is expected to know. The objective of this course is to provide you with a good background in hydrology to answer these questions.

Date Subject

8/21 Introduction—Hydrology Cycle, History, Hydrology in Engineering, Watershed Characteristics, Weather and Hydrology.

Ch. 1 (1-23)

8/28 Hydrologic Data---Collection, Processing, and Analysis of Hydrologic Data, Precipitation, Evaporation, Transpiration, and Streamflow.

Ch. 1 (23-63), Ch. 2 (112-122)

8/29 Infiltration Theory and Practice---Horton Equation, Uniform Loss Method, Runoff Coefficient, and SCS Method.

Ch. 2 (122-128))

9/11-9/18 Rainfall-Runoff Relationship and Transformation---Hydrograph Analysis, Unit hydrograph Concept Using Linear System Approach, Synthetic Unit Hydrograph (Clark, Snyder, & SCS), Application of Unit Hydrograph Using Convolution Equation, Instantaneous Unit Hydrograph, Convolution Integral, Kinematic Wave Approach, Nash model, and Rational Method.

Ch. 2 (74-112)

9/18 Critical Review Assignment

9/25-10/12 Hydrologic and Hydraulic Routing---River Routing Using Muskingum Method, Hydrologic Reservoir Routing Using Modified Puls Method, Governing Equation for Hydraulic Routing, Kinematic Wave Routing, Analytical and Numerical Solutions (Explicit and Implicit Methods), Muskingum-Cunge Method.

Ch. 4 (229-279)

10/12 Project Assignment

10/16 Midterm Exam

10/23-10/30 Hydrologic Models---Hydrologic Modeling, Introduction to Corps of Engineers’ HEC-HMS, EPA SWMM, HSPF (Stanford Watershed Model), Calibration and Application of Hydrologic Models

Ch. 5 (290-328)

HEC-HMS Manual


11/6-11/13 Probability and Stochastic Methods in Hydrology---Probability Concepts, Probability Distribution Models, Rainfall and Runoff Frequency Analysis, Plotting Positions, Log-Pearson Distribution, Gumbel Extreme-Value Distribution, Risk Analysis, Regression Methods in Hydrology, Flow Duration Curves, Reproduction of Historical Events Using Stochastic Methods, Reservoir Reliability. Ch. 3 (160-214)

Linsley, Ch. 14 (388-398)

11/20 Design Issues in Hydrology---Rainfall Based Versus Runoff Based Hydrologic Methods, Level of Flood Mitigation, Synthetic Design Storms, Rainfall Intensity-Duration-Frequency (IDF) Curves, Design of Urban Drainage System, Consistency in Hydrologic Computations, Effects of Urbanization and Human Activities on Hydrologic Characteristics of a Given Watershed, Water Supply Reservoirs, Flood Mitigation Reservoirs, Spillway Design Using Probable Maximum Precipitation (PMP), and Probable Maximum Flood (PMF), Flood Forecasting.

Ch. 9 (546-562)

Linsley, Ch. 16 (442-461)

11/27 Special Topics in Hydrology---Use of GIS in Hydrology, Use of Radar for Estimating Rainfall (NEXRAD), Flood Forecasting, Floodplain Management, Non-Point Source Pollution of Storm Water, Clean Water Act in connection with National Pollution Discharge Elimination System(NPDES). Best Management Practices (BMP’s) and Low Impact Development (LID) for Storm Runoff Pollution Mitigation.

Chs. 10-12

12/11 Final Exam

Homework assignments:

#1. 1.6, 1.20, 1.25, 1.27 9/11

#2. 2.4, 2.8, 2.11, 2.15, 2.22 9/25

#3. 4.7, 4.11, 4.17, 4.18 10/16

#4. 3.3, 3.7, 3.20, 3.22 & 3.33 11/13

#5. 6.8, 6.9, 6.17 11/27

#6 Critical Review 11/20

#7 Project 12/11

Course Requirements and grading:

Reading assignments & Homework: 15%

Critical review of professional journals: 10%

Project: 15%

Midterm exam: 30%

Final Exam: 30%


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