AMEC Environment & Infrastructure

in association with:




Submitted to: City of Guelph Guelph, Ontario

Submitted by: AMEC Environment & Infrastructure

3215 North Service Road, Box 220 Burlington, ON L7N 3G2 Tel: 905-335-2353 Fax: 905-335-1414

February 13, 2012

Guelph Stormwater Management Master Plan City of Guelph February 13, 2012 ? Final


Executive Summary .................................................................................................... ES-1

1. INTRODUCTION...............................................................................................................1 1.1 Study Purpose Objectives ..................................................................................... 2 1.2 Master Plan Process ............................................................................................. 2 1.3 Public/Agency Consultation...................................................................................4 1.4 Schedule ............................................................................................................... 5 1.5 Project Organization .............................................................................................. 6 1.6 Reporting Overview ............................................................................................... 7 1.7 Stakeholder and Agency Consultation .................................................................. 8 1.7.1 Phase 1 Consultation................................................................................. 8 1.7.2 Phase 2 Consultation............................................................................... 10 1.7.3 Public Review of Stormwater Management Master Plan.........................11

2. BACKGROUND INFORMATION AND STUDY AREA PROFILE ................................... 13 2.1 Land Use and City's Strategic Growth Plan ........................................................ 14 2.2 Aquatic Habitat .................................................................................................... 14 2.3 Terrestrial Habitat ................................................................................................ 14 2.4 Hydrogeology ...................................................................................................... 18 2.5 Surface Water Quality ......................................................................................... 20 2.6 Groundwater Quality ........................................................................................... 22 2.7 Streamflow/Creek Systems ................................................................................. 22 2.8 Climate Data........................................................................................................25 2.9 Infrastructure ....................................................................................................... 26

3. AREAS OF CONCERN ................................................................................................... 28 3.1 Sediment Quality ................................................................................................. 28 3.2 River/Creek Bank Erosion ................................................................................... 28 3.3 Flooding...............................................................................................................30 3.4 Groundwater Levels/Well Head Protection Areas ............................................... 31

4. FIELD INVESTIGATIONS ............................................................................................... 33 4.1 Stormwater Management Infrastructure .............................................................. 33 4.2 Natural Environment............................................................................................34 4.2.1 Stream Reaches ...................................................................................... 34 4.2.2 Terrestrial Habitat .................................................................................... 40 4.3 Field Monitoring of Rainfall and Runoff ............................................................... 44

5. DRAINAGE SYSTEM PERFORMANCE ASSESSMENT ............................................... 47 5.1 Standards ............................................................................................................ 47 5.1.1 Historical Application of Stormwater Management Techniques .............. 47 5.1.2 Rainfall and Climate Trend Analysis ........................................................ 47 5.1.3 Infrastructure............................................................................................ 50 5.2 Major/Minor System Modelling ............................................................................ 51 5.2.1 Model ....................................................................................................... 51 5.2.2 Data ......................................................................................................... 52 5.2.3 Analysis Approach ................................................................................... 54 5.2.4 Model Calibration.....................................................................................57 5.2.5 Minor System Assessment ...................................................................... 60 5.2.6 Major System Assessment ...................................................................... 62 5.2.7 Assessment of Alternatives ..................................................................... 64

Project Number: 108181


Guelph Stormwater Management Master Plan City of Guelph February 13, 2012 ? Final


5.2.8 Continuous Modelling Verification ........................................................... 74 5.2.9 Climate Change Sensitivity Analysis ....................................................... 78 5.3 Prioritization of Proposed Drainage System Upgrades ....................................... 80 5.3.1 Prioritization Evaluation Criteria...............................................................80 5.3.2 Drainage Network Prioritization (Risk).....................................................81 5.3.3 Drainage System Upgrade Projects Prioritization....................................82 5.4 Infill and Intensification Flood Storage Assessment ............................................ 86 5.5 Low Impact Development .................................................................................... 90

6. STORMWATER QUALITY MANAGEMENT ASSESSMENT..........................................94 6.1 Process ............................................................................................................... 94 6.2 Growth Management Strategy............................................................................. 94 6.3 Stormwater Quality Management Approaches....................................................95 6.4 Nutrient Offset Program Feasibility....................................................................102 6.5 Total Mass Loading Monitoring Program...........................................................104

7. IMPLEMENTATION ...................................................................................................... 107 7.1 Summary of Recommendations ........................................................................ 107 7.1.1 Minor System.........................................................................................107 7.1.2 Major System.........................................................................................108 7.1.3 Stormwater Quantity Management ........................................................ 108 7.1.4 Stormwater Quality Management .......................................................... 110 7.2 Process ............................................................................................................. 110 7.2.1 Class Environmental Assessments ....................................................... 110 7.2.2 Development Led Projects.....................................................................111 7.3 Operations and Maintenance ............................................................................ 111 7.4 City Stormwater Monitoring Protocols ............................................................... 112 7.5 Funding Sources for Stormwater Management Projects...................................115 7.6 Stormwater Management Design Standards and Policy Review ...................... 117 7.7 City Staff Use of PCSWMM Hydrologic/ Hydraulic Modelling ........................... 119

Appendix `A' Appendix `B' Appendix `C' Appendix `D' Appendix `E' Appendix `F' Appendix `G' Appendix `H' Appendix `I' Appendix `J' Appendix `K' Appendix `L'

Appendix `M' Appendix `N' Appendix `O' Appendix `P'

Project Number: 108181


Public Record Bibliography Field Reconnaissance GRCA 2008-2009 Surface Water Quality Monitoring Program Climate Data and Trend Analysis City of Guelph Stormwater Management Facility Inventory Hydrogeology Significant Plant List Monitoring and Calibration Data Subcatchment Boundary Plans and PCSWMM Modeling Files Drainage Network Deficiencies and Recommended Plans Preliminary Designs for Stormwater Quality Retrofit and Prioritized Quantity Control Facilities Drainage System Upgrades Costing Estimates Water Quality Simulation Modelling Options Drainage Network Summary Sheets Low Impact Development (LID) Best Management Practices (BMPs)


Guelph Stormwater Management Master Plan City of Guelph February 13, 2012 ? Final



Drawing 1 Drawing 2 Drawing 3 Drawing 4 Drawing 5 Drawing 6 Drawing 7 Drawing 8 Drawing 9 Drawing 10 Drawing 11 Drawing 12 Drawing 13 Drawing 14 Drawing 15 Drawing 16 Drawing 17

Study Area Aerial Photography (2006) Subwatershed Boundaries Existing Land Use 2001 Official Plan Land Use Stormwater Management Infrastructure and Drainage Area Plan Areas of Concern Storm Sewers on Private Property Flood Control Areas and SWM Facility Location Plan Water Quality Treatment Areas & SWM Facility Location Plan Drainage Network Boundary Plan Minor Systems Deficiencies Plan (5 year Storm) Major Systems Deficiencies Plan (100 year Storm) Recommended Drainage System Upgrades Plan High Priority Neighbourhood Scale LID Application Areas Network based Drainage System Upgrade Prioritization Plan SWM Quality Management Retrofit Areas Location Plan


Drawing I1

Monitoring Program Site Locations


Drawing J1 Drawing J2 Drawing J3 Drawing J4 Drawing J5 Drawing J6 Drawing J7 Drawing J8 Drawing J9 Drawing J10 Drawing J11 Drawing J12 Drawing J13 Drawing J14 Drawing J15 Drawing J16 Drawing J17 Drawing J18 Drawing J19 Drawing J20 Drawing J21 Drawing J22 Drawing J23 Drawing J24

Subcatchment boundary plan for Networks CC01, CC02, HD05, and HD06 Subcatchment boundary plan for Networks HD03 and HD04 Subcatchment boundary plan for Network HD02 Subcatchment boundary plan for Network US06 Subcatchment boundary plan for Network US01 Subcatchment boundary plan for Network ER01 Subcatchment boundary plan for Network US02 Subcatchment boundary plan for Network US04 Subcatchment boundary plan for Networks US03 and HD01 Subcatchment boundary plan for Network US09 Subcatchment boundary plan for Network US05 Subcatchment boundary plan for Network US07 Subcatchment boundary plan for Network US10 Subcatchment boundary plan for Network US11 Subcatchment boundary plan for Network US08 Subcatchment boundary plan for Network LS02 Subcatchment boundary plan for Network LS03 Subcatchment boundary plan for Networks LS14 and LS15 Subcatchment boundary plan for Network LS04 Subcatchment boundary plan for Networks NW01, NW02, and NW04 Subcatchment boundary plan for Network WW06 Subcatchment boundary plan for Network WW05 Subcatchment boundary plan for Networks WW01 and WW04 Subcatchment boundary plan for Networks WW02 and WW03

Project Number: 108181


Guelph Stormwater Management Master Plan City of Guelph February 13, 2012 ? Final


Drawing J25 Drawing J26 Drawing J27 Drawing J28 Drawing J29 Drawing J30

Drawing J31 Drawing J32

Subcatchment boundary plan for Network LS06 Subcatchment boundary plan for Networks NW03, WW07, and WW08 Subcatchment boundary plan for Networks LS01, LS07, and LS16 Subcatchment boundary plan for Networks LS08, LS09, LS10, and LS17 Subcatchment boundary plan for Networks LS05 and LS11 Subcatchment boundary plan for Networks HC08, HC09, HC10, LS12, and LS13 Subcatchment boundary plan for Networks HC01, HC02, and HC03 Subcatchment boundary plan for Networks HC04, HC05, HC06, and HC07


Drawing K1 Drawing K2 Drawing K3 Drawing K4 Drawing K5 Drawing K6 Drawing K7 Drawing K8 Drawing K9 Drawing K10 Drawing K11 Drawing K12 Drawing K13 Drawing K14 Drawing K15

Ward 1 Area ? Minor System under 5 Year Design Storm Ward 2 Area ? Minor System under 5 Year Design Storm Ward 3 Area ? Minor System under 5 Year Design Storm Ward 4 Area ? Minor System under 5 Year Design Storm Ward 5 & 6 Area ? Minor System under 5 Year Design Storm Ward 1 Area ? Major System under 100 Year Design Storm Ward 2 Area ? Major System under 100 Year Design Storm Ward 3 Area ? Major System under 100 Year Design Storm Ward 4 Area ? Major System under 100 Year Design Storm Ward 5 & 6 Area ? Major System under 100 Year Design Storm Ward 1 Area ? Recommended Upgrades to meet 5 Year Capacity Ward 2 Area ? Recommended Upgrades to meet 5 Year Capacity Ward 3 Area ? Recommended Upgrades to meet 5 Year Capacity Ward 4 Area ? Recommended Upgrades to meet 5 Year Capacity Ward 5 & 6 Area ? Recommended Upgrades to meet 5 Year Capacity


Drawing L1 Drawing L2 Drawing L3 Drawing L4 Drawing L5 Drawing L6 Drawing L7 Drawing L8 Drawing L9 Drawing L10 Drawing L11 Drawing L12 Drawing L13

Preliminary Concept Design of Retrofit Pond 1 Preliminary Concept Design of Retrofit Pond 2 Preliminary Concept Design of Retrofit Pond 3 Preliminary Concept Design of Retrofit Pond 4 Preliminary Concept Design of Retrofit Pond 4a Preliminary Concept Design of Retrofit Pond 5 Preliminary Concept Design of Retrofit Pond 6 Preliminary Concept Design of Retrofit Pond 7 Preliminary Concept Design of Retrofit Pond 8 Preliminary Concept Design of Retrofit Pond 9 Preliminary Concept Design of Retrofit Pond 10 Preliminary Concept Design of Green Meadows Facility Preliminary Concept Design of Waverly Drive Facility

Project Number: 108181


Guelph Stormwater Management Master Plan City of Guelph February 13, 2012 ? Final



Figure 1.1 Figure 2.1

Figure 2.2 Figure 2.3 Figure 3.1 Figure 3.2 Figure 4.1

Municipal Class EA Process Locations of existing data found through the background review, with the names of the associated watersheds Streams identified as sensitive based on the background review Reaches delineated within the study area Location of reaches that migrated over the study period Stream power estimates for the study area Locations of reaches identified for conducting field work

Figure I1 Figure I2 Figure I3 Figure I4 Figure I5 Figure I6 Figure I7 Figure I8 Figure I9 Figure I10 Figure I11 Figure I12 Figure I13 Figure II14 Figure I15 Figure I16 Figure I17

Figure I18

Figure I19


Rating Curve for Willow West Monitoring Site (WW06) Rating Curve for Stone Road Monitoring Site (LS05) Rating Curve for Railway (D/S) Monitoring Site (LS02) Rating Curve for Waverly Monitoring Site (US03) Rating Curve for Northwest Channel Monitoring Site (NW04) Rating Curve for Schroder Monitoring Site (HD02) Rating Curve for Woodlawn Monitoring Site (US10) Willow West Site (Network WW06) Monitoring Data Stone Road Site (Network LS05) Monitoring Data Railway (U/S Side) Site (Network LS02) Monitoring Data Railway (D/S Side) Site (Network LS02) Monitoring Data Waverly Drive Site (Network US03) Monitoring Data North-West Channel Site (Network NW04) Monitoring Data Schroder Site (Network HD02) Monitoring Data Woodlawn Site (Network US10) Monitoring Data Ward 1 Site (Network HD02) Monitoring Data Calibration Scatter Plot: Residential Land Use Sewershed Models (HD02, LS02, LS05, US03) Calibration Scatter Plot: Industrial Land Use Sewershed Models (NW04, US10, WW06) Calibration Scatter Plot: All gauged Sewershed Models (HD02, LS02, LS05, NW04, US03, US10, WW06)

Project Number: 108181


Guelph Stormwater Management Master Plan City of Guelph February 13, 2012 ? Final



Table 3.1 Table 4.1 Table 4.2

Table 5.1

Table 5.2 Table 5.3

Table 5.4

Table 5.5

Table 5.6

Table 5.7

Table 5.8

Table 5.9

Table 5.10

Table 5.11

Table 5.12

Table 5.13

Table 5.14

Table 5.15 Table 5.16 Table 5.17 Table 5.18 Table 5.19 Table 5.20 Table 5.21 Table 5.22 Table 6.1 Table 7.1

Average Migration Rates within the Study Area Reach Descriptions and Rapid Assessment Scores Significant Observed Rainfall Events between June 25 and December 3, 2010 Summary of Current Intensity-Duration Frequency Parameters for the City of Guelph Summary of Current Rainfall Frequency Depths for the City of Guelph Comparison of Currently Applied Frequency Depths (1954-1970) to Updated Frequency Depths (1954-2010) for the City of Guelph Comparison of Frequency Depths for Different Historic Periods for the City of Guelph Summary of Modifications to Assumed Imperviousness for Different Land Use Segments based on Calibration Summary of Simulated Minor System Performance for all Drainage Networks (City-Wide) Summary of Simulated Major System Performance for all Drainage Networks (City-Wide) Summary of Preliminary Recommended Upgrades to meet 5 year Capacity for all Drainage Networks (City-Wide) Summary of Preliminary Recommended Upgrades to meet 5 year Capacity for City Areas and City-Wide Summary of Continuous Simulation Modelling Verification (20012010) of Recommended Drainage System Upgrades Rainfall Characteristics of Major Storm Events for Continuous Simulation Verification Comparison of Frequency Flows between Continuous Simulation and Design Storm Methodologies Results of Climate Change Sensitivity Analysis on Drainage Network Upgrades for Selected Networks Estimated Additional Cost to Upgrade Drainage Network to Climate Change Estimated 5 year Capacity (Current 10 year Storm Event) Network Prioritization Criteria for Drainage System Upgrades Network Prioritization Scoring for Drainage System Upgrades Sewershed Network Prioritization for Upgrades (City-Wide) Top 25 Prioritized Drainage System Upgrades (Quantity Control) Infill and Intensification Flood Storage Requirements by Sewershed Infill and Intensification Unitary Storage Requirements by Sewershed LID Source and Conveyance Controls High Priority LID/BMP Neighbourhoods Preliminary Stormwater Quality Retrofit Opportunities Proposed Stormwater Quantity Control Facility Summary

Project Number: 108181



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