WMG SCP WEEKLY FACILITY INSPECTION REPORTFacility NameWDID #Inspector NameInspector TitleReporting Month/YearStormwater Samples Collected REQUIRED BMPIf each BMP is not fully in place at your site each week, indicate “No” in the “In Place” column and indicate in the “C/A Due Date” column the date that Corrective Action (C/A) will be completed. If the BMP is fully in place, indicate “YES” in the “In Place-No C/A” column. Refer to your WMG SMP Manual for detailed BMPs descriptions.BMP COMPLIANCE STATUS FOR WEEK ENDINGFor reporting purposes, your workweek ends each Friday. In the spaces below, indicate the week ending date (Month/Day/Year) for each Friday of the month.DESCRIPTION OF BMP DEFICIENCYDescribe the discrepancy and corrective action taken, or to be taken, to correct deficiency.In Place-No C/AC/A Due DateIn Place- No C/AC/A Due DateIn Place- No C/AC/A Due DateIn Place-No C/AC/A Due DateIn Place-No C/AC/A Due DateStore hazardous materials & wastes undercover, on a sealed surface equipped with secondary containment in closed and labeled containers.Keep the containers, containment and storage areas clean, dry and free of spills, oil residues, trash, debris.Operational activities are conducted inside/undercover and/or on a bermed pad in accordance with the WMG SMP Manual.Operational activities are conducted in designated areas only (refer to site map).Perform equipment maintenance activities undercover on a bermed surface or inside a building.Contain/collect and divert process waters away from the site’s stormwater drainage systems.Do not co-mingle process waters and/or treated wash waters with industrial stormwater discharges.Page 1 of 3Facility:WDID:REQUIRED BMPBMP COMPLIANCE STATUSDESCRIPTION OF BMP DEFICIENCYIn Place-No C/AC/A Due DateIn Place- No C/AC/A Due DateIn Place- No C/AC/A Due DateIn Place-No C/AC/A Due DateIn Place-No C/AC/A Due DateThere is no wash downs of vehicles, equipment, facility grounds, parking areas, shop floors, or outside work pads unless the wash down runoff waters can be captured /diverted away from storm drains, storm water ditches, gutters, creeks and/or adjacent grounds and surfaces.All discharge locations are clean and free of trash, vegetation debris and residues.Sediment control BMPs (fiber rolls, sediment bags, drain filter inserts) are staged at ALL discharge locations and inspected weekly to insure proper working condition.Spilled or leaked oils, juices, wines, process chemicals, or waste fluids are cleaned immediately using dry techniques such as adsorbents, sweeping and/or shoveling.All workstations are cleaned at the end of each shift.Wastewater treatment ponds/tanks are bermed/diked to prevent overflow from co-mingling with storm water runoff.All product storage tanks and/or barrel rooms are either bermed to prevent discharge to stormwater drainage areas or drainage from the tank/barrel storage area is directed away from stormwater drainage areas.Wastewater and/or stormwater holding ponds are clean of accumulated trash, debris and the ponded water is clean and clear without order or floating film or residue.Page 2 of 3Facility:WDID:REQUIRED BMPBMP COMPLIANCE STATUSDESCRIPTION OF BMP DEFICIENCYIn Place-No C/AC/A Due DateIn Place- No C/AC/A Due DateIn Place- No C/AC/A Due DateIn Place-No C/AC/A Due DateIn Place-No C/AC/A Due DateAll process and waste waters (treated and untreated) applied to the land or discharged to a leach field or offsite have been permitted by the local regional water board and/or county/city agency.Areas of erosion have been identified and stabilized.Site is inspected at least weekly to insure proper implementation and maintenance of the BMPs.BMPs are posted in work/storage and employee break areas.Employees are trained on proper BMP implementation and maintenance at the initial time of employment, then at least annually thereafter.Stormwater holding ponds/basins & drainage swales meet all the following conditions:A.Only stormwater is discharged to pond/swale. No non-stormwater (no wash waters, process waters, chemical wastes, spill residues) are discharged (unless otherwise permitted).B.No erosion (no bare or exposed dirt/soils) along interior and exterior slopes, top of bank. Areas stabilized with vegetation, riprap/rock or paving).C.There is no trash, debris in pond/swale along d perimeter or w/in drainage area.D.If there is standing water in the pond/swale the water is clear and clean; there is no oily sheen or film on water surface.E.There is no evidence of oil staining along pond/ interior slopes, top of slope, or at pond inlet or at pond discharge point.F.Oil and sediment treatment control BMPs are install at pond/swale inlet and discharge points.Page 3 of 3 ................

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