Short Story Worksheet - English with Ms Doucet

Short Story Presentation Worksheet

Complete the following worksheet with your group. Use the space to make point form notes not to write full sentences. Use these notes to create a 10 minute oral presentation on the short story you have been working on in class. Divide up the elements of the worksheet amongst your group members: each member of the group should have an equal share in the oral presentation. Please see the attached marking scheme for details about the evaluation of your presentation. Your group will receive a group mark for content, but each person will receive an individual mark for their oral presentation skills, so you must have a rubric ready for each person in your group when your group is called on to present.

1. Plot

a. Summarize the story in 150-200 words. Focus on the main conflicts, characters, and events of the story. Give only enough detail to make the story clear.

b. Plots are driven by conflict. What do you consider to be the main conflict(s) of this story? Explain why you believe this to be true.

c. What is the climax of the story? Why do you believe this to be true?

d. Are there any events in the story besides the climax that are absolutely crucial to understanding the plot, the characters, or the theme? If so, name them and explain their purpose to the story.

d. A story with a happy ending is called a comedy, and a story with a sad ending is called a tragedy.

Is this story a comedy or tragedy? Why?

2. Setting

a. What is the spatial setting of this story? Give at least one example from the text to explain how you know this to be true.

b. What is the temporal setting of this story? Give at least one example from the text to explain how you know this to be true.

c. What is the social setting of the story? Give at least one example from the text to explain how you know this to be true.

3. Point of View

a. What type of narrator does the story have?

b. Why do you think the author chose this narrator?

4. Characters

a. List the main characters of the short story.

b. Do a brief character sketch of two or three of the main characters. Consider their physical appearances, their emotions, their friends and family, and their character traits.

5. Theme

a. What is/are the theme(s) of this story?

b. Do you agree or disagree with the message the author is trying to convey? Why or why not?

6. Literary Devices

a. Are there any symbols in this story? If so, for each one: list the object, explain what it symbolizes, and explain why the author used it to support the theme.

b. Is there any foreshadowing in the story? If so, what is it and what does it foreshadow? Why did the author want to draw your attention to the event using foreshadowing?

c. Is there any irony in the story? If so, what and why is it ironic? How does the irony support the theme of the story or the character development?

d. Are there any images in the story? If so, explain what they are and why the author has used them.

e. Are there any other important literary devices used in the story? If so, explain what they are and why and the author has used them to support the theme.


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