Children’s Story Book on Elements




Choose an element to research information and learn more about the element. You may work independently or in pairs. Use the facts that you learned about the element to creatively produce something that shows your knowledge and expertise about the element.

Project Due Date: __________________________________

Product Ideas:

* A story (biography or autobiography) about the element

*A children’s book about the Element

* The element “facebook page” or “webpage” on a poster

* A poem or song about the element

*An element case file or wanted poster

*Collage/picturebook with captions or scrapbook of element

*Interview (Student/Scientist, Journalist/Researcher, Parent/Child, etc., )

*If you have other ideas, please check with your teacher for approval.

Project Checklist

1. ____________You need to provide at least 15 accurate facts about your element.

2. ____________You need to underline the science facts about your element.

3. ____________You need to use your own words to talk about the element. Do NOT copy from source.

4. ____________ You need to have details and you need to explain the information.

5. ____________You need to use correct spelling, grammar, and punctuation.

6. ____________You need to creatively incorporate the facts into your project idea. NO reports please!

7. ____________You need to type up the final product. The highest grade for products NOT typed is a C. (The only exception is IF your writing is extremely neat. Otherwise, type it!).

8. ____________Your project needs to have pictures/diagrams/visuals.

9. ____________Your project needs to look neatly put together and organized. It should not look messy.

10. ____________You need to complete your project on time and bring it with you on the due date!

Suggested Websites: (type in the following titles under the safari google search)


*Periodic Table of Elements by Webelements

*Periodic Table of Elements for Kids


* Jefferson Lab The Periodic Table of Elements

*Chem4Kids Elements and Periodic Table

* Chemistry (type: Ten interesting facts about ________________(element)



Hi Condors! Meet Hydrogen, an element who wants to run for first place in the Periodic Table contest! Hydrogen goes to the Periodic Table of Elements Intermediate School. He lives in group 1, period 1, which is just down the street. Hydrogen has two siblings isotopes, deuterium and tritium, who has the same number of protons but different number of neutrons. He also has a neighbor, the Alkali Metals who lives in the same street. Their names are Lithium, Sodium, Potassium, Rubidium, Cesium, and Francium. His neighbors, the Alkali family, are all metals. They all have really shiny hair and body. They are also malleable because they practice gymnastics. It’s amazing how they can easily bend and stretch without breaking apart.

If you want to know how to identify him, it’s easy, just look at his atomic number, which is easy to remember, it is atomic number one. Hydrogen is a nonmetal, which means that he has dull skin and his body is very brittle. Can you believe that he only weighs 1.0 atomic mass unit? That’s because he only has 1 proton in his body. He is the lightest element of all! In addition, Hydrogen is really hyper and active. He’s in the Gas Team, along with some of his other friends, like Helium and Neon. They’re always exercising and their atoms are moving around freely and independently. Hydrogen is also a really cool and friendly guy because he’s extremely reactive. He has only one valence electron, so he always wants to bond with other students like Nitrogen, Chlorine, and Oxygen. For that reason, he can form many different types of compounds. Most importantly, he and his friend Oxygen want to partner up to form a company that makes the most important compound of all, water. I hope you vote for Hydrogen, because he truly deserves to be first on the Periodic Table of Elements!



1. Element Name: ______________________________________

2. My element is located in period (row) _____________ and group (column)___________

3. Write the following information about your element as shown in the box below.

| | |

|____________________________ |( Atomic number |

|____________________________ |(Element Name |

|____________________________ |(Symbol |

|____________________________ |(Atomic Mass Unit |

4. What are the names of all the elements located in the same group/family (columns) as your element? _____________________________________________________________________

5. Is your element a metal, metalloid or nonmetal:_______________________________________

6. Describe the physical properties of your element.

a. color:_____________________________________________________

b. density:___________________________________________________

b. state of matter at room temperature: ____________________________

c. freezing point/melting point:__________________________________

d. boiling point/condensation point:_______________________________

e. Is it shiny or dull? __________________________________________

f. Is it malleable or not malleable? _______________________________

g. Is it ductile or not ductile?____________________________________

h. Is it a good conductor or poor conductor of heat and electricity?


7. What are three things that your element is used in or used for?

8. Why is your element important?

9. Draw and describe the element’s atomic structure (include # of protons, neutrons, electrons).

10. Describe the element’s chemical properties

a. Is this element flammable or not flammable? _____________________________________

b. Is this element reactive or not reactive? __________________________________________

c. If the element is reactive, give and describe an example of a compound that it forms.


11. Write 3 more interesting facts about the element.

12. What is your project idea?




Directions: Make three appointments with three different people/pairs in class. You will take 3 minutes to share your project with the other person by talking about your element and answering questions. Then, the other person will take about 3 minutes to share his/her/their project with you. Last, you will both write down what you learned about the other person’s element and give a fair and honest evaluation of the other person’s product for the element project.

My 3 o’clock appointment is with _______________________________________

Element ___________________________Product:______________________________

A. Three facts I learned about the element:

1. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

2. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

3. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

B. I think this person’s element project deserves a/an___________(A, B, C, D, F) grade ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

My 6 o’clock appointment is with ________________________________________

Element _________________________Product:______________________________

A. Three facts I learned about the element:

1. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

2. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

3. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

B. I think this person’s element project deserves a/an___________(A, B, C, D, F) grade ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

My 9 o’clock appointment is with _____________________________________

Element ___________________________Product:______________________________

A. Three facts I learned about the element:

1. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

2. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

3. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

B. I think this person’s element project deserves a/an___________(A, B, C, D, F) grade ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________



__________A+ (100/100) Your project showed a lot of hard work, creativity, and effort. You did an exceptional job of using details in your story and making your project appealing. You showed an advanced understanding of science knowledge and clearly used your own words to describe your element. You went above and beyond on this project and had an “advanced” level of understanding.

_________A (95/100) Your project was neatly put together and had all the requirements. You did an outstanding job of describing your element using your own words. You included all the necessary requirements for the project, including the facts/details and creative use of project idea. You showed an “advanced” level of understanding.

_________B (85/100) Your project was neatly put together and had all the requirements. Your project could have been better if you had used more details or paid more attention to the finer details of the final product. You showed a “proficient” level of understanding and used your own words.

_________C (75/100) Your project idea was satisfactory, had most of the requirement, and showed a “basic” level of understanding. Your project could have been better is you had a neater poster or more details or better use of your own words in explaining the facts about the elements.

_________D (65/100) Your project showed very limited understanding of element and/or was missing half of the requirements. You needed to use more of your own words to explain the information. Your project could have been better if you had used the project checklist, made it neater, had more details.

_________F (45/100) Incomplete. Your project did not show understanding of the element and/or was missing too many requirements. Your project could have been better if you had put more effort and planning into your idea. You needed to use more of your own words to explain the information. Your project could have been better if you had used the project checklist, made it neater, had more details.

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