Literature, Figurative Language, & More Practice Worksheet

Literature, Figurative Language, & More Practice Worksheet

Literature Elements: For each item below, select one of the literature elements listed and write it on the line after the sentence. Each literature element will be used only ONE time.

Plot – 1st Person – 3rd Person – Theme – Symbolism – Protagonist – Antagonist – Conflict – Climax – Setting

1. The author/narrator of the story is NOT a character in the story. _____________________

2. Sam is the name of the main character. _____________________

3. Near the end of the story, the lost, blind dog nearly fell down a cliff before being found. _________________

4. The author/narrator of the story IS a character in the story. ____________________

5. In the story “The Cost of Gratefulness”, the “corner” represented “excitement”. _______________________

6. A middle-school boy must raise his “F” in math to a “B” in a day, or he misses the season. _______________

7. The storyline is this: A shy girl writes a letter to her crush, he reads it, and they become a couple. ________

8. “It is always good to give back to someone who gives to you” is what I learned in the story. ______________

9. Jason is a bully in the story and continually harasses the main character. ____________________

10. The story takes place in the fall, in Mr. Moffatt’s room, in Suncrest. _____________________

Figurative Language: For each item below, select one of the literature elements listed and write it on the line after the sentence. Each literature element could be used MORE THAN ONCE.

Onomatopoeia – Simile – Metaphor – Alliteration – Hyperbole – Personification – Oxymoron

11. Katie is as talkative as an auctioneer. ______________________

12. Sally sells seashells by the seashore. ______________________

13. The trees touched the sky. _______________________

14. Wind whooshed through the girls’ hair. ____________________

15. Garrett is a beast on the football field. ___________________

16. Mr. Moffatt has given us a ton of notes this year! _____________________

17. The fisherman caught a jumbo shrimp. __________________

18. Mary motioned toward Michael to move his motor home. ___________________

19. Mr. Moffatt gets excited sometimes and talks a million miles an hour. _______________________

20. The lazy boy’s pencil yelled at him to begin working! ___________________

21. Science journaling sure is an easy task. ___________________

22. “My little brother sure is a pain!” yelled Ryan. _____________________

23. Mr. Moffatt said, “Mrs. Moffatt is Faith Hill, and I’m Tim McGraw.” ____________________

24. As the Moffatts searched for yet another lost cat, they heard a “Hoot, hoot” in the trees. _________________

Sentences, Quotes, and More: For each item below, select one of the terms listed that best describes it and write the term on the line after the item. Each term will be used ONLY ONE TIME.

Interrogative – Imperative – Exclamatory – Declarative – Interrupted Quote – QWAQ – Complex – Compound-Complex – Semicolon Compound – Comma-Conjunction Compound – Semicolon-Comma Compound

25. Halloween has come and gone; however, many kids still have lots of sugar in them. _____________________

26. Where have the leaves blown? ___________________

27. I know who you are, and I am happy about it. _____________________

28. Turn in your Book Project Sheet by Tuesday, November 29, 2011. ____________________

29. The project is worth 200 points; that is a lot of points for that type of assignment. __________________

30. Oklahoma will play in the National Championship Game this year! ______________________

31. Although it was cheap, some kids didn’t attend the dance, and they missed the fun. ____________________

32. It will snow soon. _______________________

33. If you work hard in this class, you will find language arts to get easier each day. ___________________

34. “Will you,” asked the short, brown-haired girl, “go to the dance with me?” _________________________

35. The boy told his dad, “During lunch the other day, a girl said, ‘You are hot,’ and I blushed.” __________


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