Criminological Theory

Criminological Theory CCJ4014Instructor: Marv KrohnOffice: 3340 Turlington HallEmail: Office Hrs: T & Th 1-3Teaching Assistant: Erin CastroOffice: 3349 TurlingtonOffice Hours:Email address:Course Description: Advanced study and critical appraisal of various theories of crime causation, including an examination of biological, psychological, economic and sociological perspectives on the etiology of crime. The emphasis, however, will be on sociological explanations of crime.Required Books:Akers, Ronald L., Christine S. Sellers and Wesley G. Jennings, (2017) Criminological Theories: Introduction, Evaluation and Application. 7th edition. Oxford University Press.Gehring and Batista: CrimComics: Origins of Criminology, Oxford University PressGehring and Batista: CrimComics: Biology and Criminality, Oxford University PressGehring and Batista: Classical and Neoclassical Criminology, Oxford University PressGehring and Batista: Social Disorganization Theory, Oxford University PressGehring and Batista: Anomie and Strain Theories, Oxford University PressCourse Requirements:Exams: Three exams will be given each worth 300 points. The exams will be comprised of a mixture of short answer and multiple choice questions. Exams dates are listed below.Make-up Exams: You should make every effort to be present for each exam. In situations where you have an approved and verifiable excuse, individual make up exams will be scheduled through the TA’s. The make-up exams will be in essay format.Two Short (5 Pages) Essay Papers: Essay 1 – Please select any two theories from the ones which are assigned in the first half(through October 18th). Compare and contrast the three theories on three criteria: 1} the scope of the theory; 2} the research support it has received; and 3} your own intuitive opinion about which theory makes the most sense. Based on these criteria which theory would you choose if you were asked to choose one. The essay will be evaluated in terms of 1) you being able to demonstrate knowledge about the content of each theory and the supportive research (60%), 2) your ability to compare and contrast the two theories ((25%), and 3) your essay being well organized and free of editorial issues such as spelling and grammar (15%). The essay is worth 50 points. It is due on October 23.Essay 2 – You are to write an essay on whether labeling theory or deterrence theory better account for the consequences of the intervention of the juvenile or criminal justice system. Based on your assessment, provide a detailed recommendation of what strategies you would suggest for the Juvenile and Criminal Justice systems to reduce the amount of criminal behavior. The essay will be evaluated in terms of 1) your knowledge of theories and the research on them(60%), your ability to apply the tenets of the theories to the policies you recommend (25%), and your essay being well organized and free of editorial issues such as spelling and grammar (15%). The essay is worth 50 points. It is due on November 29th. Plagiarism: I will not tolerate plagiarism. Please consult the following website to learn what constitutes plagiarism: (from The Writing Center at the University of North Carolina)Grading: A total of 1000 points can be earned in the class (not counting extra credit points). Each exam is worth 300 points and the two short essay papers are worth a total of 100 points, totaling 1000 points. I will compute the percentage of points that you earned (points earned divided by 10) and then use the following grading scale to assign your grade:92-100 A90-91A-88-89B+82-87B80-81B-78-79C+72-77C70-71C-68-69D+62-67D60-61D-Below 60EExtra Credit: There is one opportunity for extra credit in this class:Unannounced quizzes that will be given periodically during the semester. Each quiz is worth one extra credit point. There will be 5-7 quizzes given over the course of the semester.Course Outline, Reading Assignments and Tentative Dates:Aug 23Introduction and Review of SyllabusNoneAug 28Brief History of the DisciplineG&B: Origins of CriminologyASJ: Pp 14-15, 44-49Aug 30 & Sept 4The Nature of TheoryASJ: Ch 1Sept 6Research MethodsASJ: Ch 1Sept 11Social Disorganization TheoryASJ: Ch 8;G&B: Social DisorganizationSept 13Alternate assignmentSept 18 & 20Social Control TheoriesASJ: Ch 6Sept 25 Deterrence and Rational ChoiceASJ: Pp 14-31G&B: Classical and Neoclassical CriminologySept 27Review for 1st ExamOctober 2First ExamOct 4Routine ActivitiesASJ: Pp 32-43Oct 9 & 11Strain TheoriesASJ: Ch 9:: G&B: Anomie and Stain TheoriesOct 16 & 18Social Learning TheoriesASJ: Ch 5Essay 1 due on Oct 18Oct 23 & 25 Labeling TheoryASJ: Ch 7 Oct 30Conflict Theory ASJ: Ch 10, 11,&12Nov 1Review for 2nd examNov 62nd ExamNov 8 Feminist theoriesASJ: Ch 13Nov 13Biosocial TheoriesASJ: Ch 3;G&B – Biology and CriminalityNov 15Psychological ApproachesASJ: Ch 4November 20Integrated TheoryASJ: Ch 15Nov 22 & 27Developmental TheoriesASJ: Ch 14Essay 2 due on Nov 29Nov 29Review for Third ExamDec 4 Third Exam ................

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