A General History and Collection of Voyages and Travels ...

[Pages:744]A General History and Collection of Voyages and Travels, Vol. VIII. by Robert Kerr

A General History and Collection of Voyages and Travels, Vol. VIII. by Robert Kerr

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BY ROBERT KERR, F.R.S. & F.A.S. EDIN. ILLUSTRATED BY MAPS AND CHARTS. VOL. VIII. MDCCCXXIV. CONTENTS OF VOL. VIII. * * * * * PART II. BOOK III. CONTINUED. CHAP. IX. Continued.--Early Voyages of the English to the East Indies before the Establishment of an Exclusive Company. SECT. IV. Voyage of Mr John Eldred, by Sea, to Tripoli in Syria, and thence by Land and River to Bagdat and Basora, in 1583. V. Of the Monsoons, or periodical Winds, with which Ships depart from

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Place to Place in India. By William Barret.

VI. First Voyage of the English to India in 1591; begun by Captain George Raymond, and completed by Captain James Lancaster.

VII. Supplementary Account of the former Voyage, by John May.

VIII. The unfortunate Voyage of Captain Benjamin Wood, towards the East Indies, in 1596.

IX. Voyage of Captain John Davis to the East Indies, in 1598, as Pilot to a Dutch Ship.

X. Voyage of William Adams to Japan, in 1598, and long residence in that Island.


Sec. 1. Brief Relation of the Voyage of Sebalt de Wert to the Straits of Magellan.

Sec. 2. First Letter of William Adams.

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Sec. 3. Letter of William Adams to his Wife. SECT. XI. Voyage of Sir Edward Michelburne to India, in 1604. CHAP. X. Early Voyages of the English to India, after the Establishment, of the East India Company. Introduction. SECT. I. First Voyage of the English East India Company, in 1601, under the Command of Captain James Lancaster. Introduction. Sec. 1. Preparation for the Voyage, and its Incidents till the Departure of the Fleet from Saldanha Bay. Sec. 2. Continuation of the Voyage, to the Nicobar and Sombrero Islands. Sec. 3. Their Reception and Trade at Acheen. Sec. 4. Portuguese Wiles discovered, and a Prize taken near Malacca.

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Sec. 5. Presents to and from the King of Acheen, and his Letters to Queen Elizabeth. Their Departure to Priaman and Bantam, and Settlement of Trade at these Places.

Sec. 6. Departure for England, and Occurrences in the Voyage.

SECT. II. Account of Java, and of the first Factory of the English at Bantam; with Occurrences there from the 11th February, 1603, to the 6th October, 1605.


Sec. 1. Description of Java, with the Manners and Customs of its Inhabitants, both Javanese and Chinese.

Sec. 2. Brief Discourse of many Dangers by Fire, and other Treacheries of the Javanese.

Sec. 3. Differences between the Hollanders, styling themselves English, and the Javans, and of other memorable Things.

Sec. 4. Treacherous Underminings, and other Occurrences.

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Sec. 5. Arrival of General Middleton, and other Events.

Sec. 6. Account of Quarrels between the English and Dutch at Bantam, and other Occurrences.

Sec. 7. Observations by Mr John Saris of Occurrences during his Abode at Bantam, from October, 1605, to October, 1609

Sec. 8. Rules for the Choice of sundry Drugs, with an Account of the Places where they are procured.

Sec. 9. Of the principal Places of Trade in India, and the Commodities they afford.

SECT. III. Second Voyage of the English East India Company, in 1604, under the Command of Captain Henry Middleton.


Sec. 1. Voyage of General Henry Middleton, afterwards Sir Henry, to Bantam and the Moluccas, in 1604.

Sec. 2. Voyage of Captain Colthurst, in the Ascension, to Banda.

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SECT. IV. Third Voyage of the English East India Company, in 1607, by Captain William Keeling.


Sec. 1. Disasters in the Outset of the Voyage, with Occurrences till leaving Saldanha Bay.

Sec. 2. Departure from Saldanha Bay, and Occurrences till the Ships parted Company.

Sec. 3. Instruction learnt at Delisa respecting the Monsoon; with the Arrival of the Dragon at Bantam.

Sec. 4. Voyage of the Hector to Banda, with Occurrences there.

SECT. V. Narrative by William Hawkins of Occurrences during his Residence in the Dominions of the Great Mogul.


Sec. 1. Barbarous Usage at Surat by Mucrob Khan; and the treacherous Procedure of the Portuguese and Jesuits.

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Sec. 2. Journey of the Author to Agra, and his Entertainment at the Court of the Great Mogul.

Sec. 3. The Inconstancy of the King, and the Departure of Captain Hawkins to the Red Sea, Bantam, and England.

SECT. VI. Observations of William Finch, Merchant, who accompanied Captain Hawkins to Surat, and returned over Land to England.


Sec. 1. Remembrances respecting Sierra Leona, in 1607.

Sec. 2. Observations made at St Augustine in Madagascar, and at the Island of Socotora.

Sec. 3. Occurrences in India, respecting the English, Dutch, Portuguese, and Moguls.

Sec. 4. Journey to Agra, and Observations by the Way; with some Notices of the Deccan Wars.

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