Investigation Summary Report - Louisiana Spirits

Investigation Summary Report

Joseph Jefferson Mansion (Rip Van Winkle Gardens) Fol ow-Up

New Iberia, LA


After a successful initial investigation 1 1/2 years earlier, we decided to conduct a follow up of the historical Joseph Jefferson Mansion/Rip Van Winkle Gardens. During our first investigation, we had obtained interesting video of a strange light anomaly moving from side to side in the area where numerous sightings of apparitions have been reported.

Unfortunately, the follow up provided no additional evidence from the mansion, however there were strange occurrences that took place on other parts of the grounds. Several strange colored light anomalies were taken during the daytime ours, which can be seen below.

Later that night, as several investigators were in the restaurant, which is also said to contain activity, numerous unexplainable EMF spikes were obtained. During one substantial spike, which activated both meters, a bottle that was sitting on the floor began to rock back and forth on command. Immediately after an investigator requested for the bottle to move again, it did, literally acting on command.

Once again, we would like to thank the owners of the property for allowing us to investigate. Fortunately, as with the first investigation, we obtained quality evidence of strange activity taking place on the property. As with any active location, we will continue making return trips.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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