HRM201 DISCUSSION BOARD 1Discussion board windows may time out on you. To avoid losing your work, prepare your response in a word-processing document (Word Pad, Note Pad, MS Word, etc.) then copy and paste it into the discussion board window.?Please read the case study Managing Talent, Netflix Treats Workers “Like Adults”, at the end of chapter 2. Answer the following questions:????????? How well suited do you think Netflix’s principles are to managing the knowledge of workers (mainly software engineers) who work for Netflix? Explain.????????? What qualities of Netflix support the idea that it is a high performance work system? What other qualities would contribute to it being a high performance work system?Be sure to write complete sentences and to check your response for correct grammar, spelling and punctuation.After completing your initial response, please respond to at least one other students' postings.HRM201 DISCUSSION BOARD 2 Please read the case study HR in Small Business, Strategic Hiring at Skookum Digital Works, at the end of chapter 6. Answer the following questions:????????? What legal pitfalls might Skookum have faced if it had continued the practice of selecting employees who were similar to the company’s founders? Other than hiring for values, what measures could help the company avoid these pitfalls?????????? Summarize two or three principles from this chapter that could help Skookum ensure it is hiring the kind of superior talent the founders say is essential to the company’s strategy.Be sure to write complete sentences and to check your response for correct grammar, spelling and punctuation.After completing your initial response, please respond to at least one other students' postings.HRM201 DISCUSSION BOARD 3Please read the case study Managing Talent, Deloitte’s Design for More Strategic Performance Management, at the end of chapter 10. Answer the following questions:????????? What changed did Deloitte make in the kinds of data it collects? What are some pros and cons of the changes?????????? Based on the information given, how well does the new system meet each of the criteria for effective performance management (strategic, valid, reliable, acceptable, and specific)?Be sure to write complete sentences and to check your response for correct grammar, spelling and punctuation.After completing your initial response, please respond to at least one other students' postings.HRM201 DISCUSSION BOARD 4Please go to Chapter13, page 395, in your textbook.? Please read very carefully the Case:? Wal-Mart Expands Health Benefits.? Then answer the three questions that are provided at the end of the case for your assignment for this discussion board.After completing your initial response, please respond to at least two other students' responses.HRM201 DISCUSSION BOARD 5Please read the case study HR in Small Business, How 99designs Created a Global Enterprise With Just a Few Employees, at the end of Chapter 16. Answer the following questions:?Identify two advantages and two challenges of 99designs’ strategy of growing by adding employees in local markets rather than in a single corporate headquarters.?If you were advising 99designs on HRM issues, would you recommend the same level of compensation for country managers in all locations? If so, why? If not, what adjustments would you recommend??Be sure to write complete sentences and to check your response for correct grammar, spelling and punctuation.After completing your initial response, please respond to at least one other students' postings. ................

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