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Technology and Information Management

Study Questions

1. Health Insurance Portability & Accountability Act (HIPAA) is a Federal Law designed to facilitate the electronic exchange of information in health care. Which of the following does not pertain to this law?

a) Privacy protection components of the law limit non-consensual use as a release or private health information

b) Patients must receive notice of privacy rights

c) Restrictions on access to and use of information is required

d) Criminal and civil sanctions do not exist for improper use and disclosure

Answer: D.

2. Separate computer systems are often linked together in order to share data and information. When all components of the network are located within close proximity of one another, perhaps within a single facility, the network known as a:

a) Wide Area Network (WAN)

b) World Wide Web (WWW)

c) Local Area Network (LAN)

d) Electronic Data Interchange (EDI)  

Answer: C.

3. Healthcare organizations had established standards to maintain data security and protect the privacy and confidentiality of patients’ records information. Which one of the following answers does not describe its data security elements:

a) Protect against system failures

b) Protect against external catastrophic events

c) Facilitate access to computer files to authorized personnel

d) Control access to computer files by unauthorized personnel

Answer: C. Source: Information Security – Chapter 13 pp. 330-331.

4. W Client/server architecture back-end (server) functions include all of the following except:

a) Printing

b) Applications program execution

c) Decision support

d) Communication

Answer: C. This is a front-end function.

5. Star networks have an advantage of:

a) Relative ease of wiring the network and relatively fast communications

b) Facilitating construction of high spend networks that operate over large distances

c) Ease with which nodes can be added to an existing network

d) Require less cabling than networks using other topologies

Answer: C. 1-refers to Bus networks, 2 refers to ring networks, and 4 is incorrect because Star networks require more cabling than other networks.

6. Advantages of outsourcing include all of the following except,

a) Staffing reductions

b) Increased implementation time

c) Smaller capital investments

d) More predictable costs

Answer: B.

7. Although purchasing or leasing commercial software is most common, what is becoming a viable source of information technology and systems for smaller healthcare organizations?

a) In house design and programming

b) Outsourcing

c) ASP-applications service provider

d) Combining Outsourcing and in-house design

Answer: C.

8. Which of the following is NOT one of the three general categories of information systems used in healthcare organizations:

a) Clinical Information Systems

b) Composite Healthcare Systems

c) Administrative/Financial Systems

d) Decision Support Systems for Strategic Management

Answer: B. Reference ACHE Manual for BOG Exam in Healthcare Management, page 75

9. A comprehensive information security policy should include all of the following elements except:

a) Management Policies

b) Data back up and recovery

c) Physical security

d) Technical controls

Answer: B.

10. Which of the following is NOT part of the System Development Life Cycle?

a) System Analysis

b) System Adjustment

c) System Implementation

d) System Acquisition

Answer: B.

11. The Information Services Advisory Committee provides insight into user needs and helps gain acceptance of information systems. Which of the following is NOT a charge of the committee:

a) Encouraging appropriate use of information services

b) Ranking information services investment opportunities and recommending a rank-ordered list of proposals to the governing board.

c) Providing technical support to implement an integrated information system.

d) Monitoring performance of the department and suggesting possible improvements.

Answer: C. Source: Griffith, The Well-Managed Healthcare Organization, page 585.

12. One of the functions of an IS system is to ensure the integrity, quality, and security of data. Which of the following does not fall in this content area?

a) Defines measures and terminology

b) Captures historic as opposed to current data

c) Improves the process for data input

d) Guards against data loss

Answer: B. Griffith and White pp567 fig. 15.3

13. In the IT System Development Life Cycle, which is the most important step:

a) System Analysis

b) System Design

c) System Acquisition

d) System Implementation

Answer: A.

14. Which of the following is not an actual active IT policy and Procedure components?

a) Procedures against system failure and catastrophic events

b) Control against viruses

c) Quality of Software

d) Confidentiality for authorized users

Answer: C.

15. The importance of the Intranet vs. the Internet is that employees could:

a) Evaluate Policies, Procedure, Protocols and organizational manuals

b) Receive education sessions

c) Communicate and interact with patients

d) All

Answer: D.

16. The type of computer network that allows multiple workstations to share the data contained in files on a server is called:

a) Peer Network

b) File/Server

c) Terminal Host Systems

d) Client/Server Computing

Answer: B.

17. Which is not example of a Strategic Decision Support Application?

a) Strategic planning

b) Disease management

c) Marketing

d) Resource allocation

Answer: B. this is an example of a Clinical Decision Support System

18. Which of the following is not a key part of HIPAA Implementation:

a) Establishment of enhanced privacy protection policies

b) Establishment of compliance committees and privacy office/officer

c) Establishment of clinical guidelines for patient care

d) Use of HIPAA compliant software

Answer: C.

19. Which is not a role of the Information Service Advisory Committee?

a) Participation in the development of the IS plan, resolving the strategic priorities, and recommending the plan to the governing board.

b) Encouraging appropriate use of information services

c) Ranking IS investment opportunities and recommending a rank-ordered list of proposals to the governing board.

d) Management of communication hardware

Answer: D. The Well Managed Health Organization textbook, Chapter Information Services, page 585.

20. The role of the CIO includes:

a) Advise executive team on use of information

b) Oversee IT Department for Information Technology

c) Oversee IT Department for Telecommunications

d) Train and support end users

Answer: all of the above. This is a function of the IT Department

21. A secure hospital information policy on privacy includes all but:

a) Information on technical control/safeguards

b) Hardware and data security

c) Public Health training

d) Organizational policies

Answer: C.

22. A three tiered architecture includes the following except the

a) Client

b) Relational database

c) Programs application

d) Third server

Answer: D.

23. Key responsibilities of executives in Information Systems include all of the following except:

a) Strategic planning

b) Maintain technology-focused systems

c) System integration

d) Information security

Answer: B. Maintaining a user focus is essential; otherwise end users will not use the system appropriately and effectively.

24. Healthcare Managers' responsibilities in telecommunications activities include the following tasks except:

a) Choosing software and hardware

b) Defining roles and needs of the department

c) Helping define specific data for their area’s needs

d) Overseeing technology activities within their area

Answer: A.

25. The IS department has complete responsibility for the management of certain kinds of information including:

a) Patient registration and placement records

b) Files of patients unit record numbers

c) Patient Medical record numbers

d) All of the above

Answer: D. p. 575- The Well Managed Healthcare Organization

26. Which answer below defines a terminal-host system network configuration:

a) A network that divides computing functions between two or more machines

b) A network in which most processing takes place on the user’s computer and the server is used to store the files

c) A network in which processing is one on all of the computers, and each computer’s resources are available to other computers on the network

d) A network in which all of the processing is concentrated on a single machine and dumb terminals are connected to the host

Answer: D. Chapter 5, Networking and Telecommunications, pp 97-102

27. The five functions of Information Services includes the following:

a) Development of content for all clinical applications

b) Maintenance of the information services plan

c) Cost control

d) Communication between all members of an organization I

Answer: B. Reference: The Well-Managed Healthcare Organization, pg. 566-567.

28. Radio microwave signals travel in a straight line requiring what to follow curvature of the earth?

a) Mirror

b) Repeaters every 30 miles or satellite

c) Drum

d) Microphone

Answer: B.


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