Superintendents: Carol Ausberger 660-485-6536

Michelle Shaw 660-635-1268

General Regulations

1. The North Central Missouri Fair will accept Youth (Junior) Division items in two general timeframes. Grundy County 4-H members may bring their items to the Rock Barn on Monday, July 31, 2017 at the time designated for Grundy County Achievement Day. Achievement Day items for the North Central Missouri Fair will need to include the North Central Missouri Fair exhibit card. These items will be judged at the conclusion of Achievement Day activities. All other Youth (Junior) Division items will be accepted on Tuesday, August 1, 2017 between the hours of 8:30 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. and judged on that day. The Rock Barn will be open daily from 8:00 a.m. until 10:00 p.m. except for Wednesday, August 2, when the building will be closed until 2:00 for judging.

2. Entries are open to all boys and girls, four to nineteen years of age (married persons that have not passed their 19th birthday, before January 1, 2017, are allowed to exhibit)-from Grundy and adjoining counties, including 4-H members, FFA, Home Economics, Industrial Arts and Fine Arts students, Girl and Boy Scouts, and so forth.

3. All articles must be the work of the exhibitor and not previously exhibited at the North Central Missouri Fair.

4. Each exhibitor is limited to three articles in each class with the exception of Food Preservation – 571. Class 571 is restricted to one item per subclass with no limit on the number of sub-classes entered. There is no limit on the number of classes an exhibitor may enter.

5. Exhibitors furnish their own hanger, plastic covers, and paper plates necessary for entry. Posters should be no larger than 14” X 22”; flat only; do not fasten 3-dimensional items to poster.

6. Educational display – Displays should not exceed 18 inches in height, 6 inches in depth and 12 inches in width. Must include 3 dimensional items and be free standing. (Posters with items taped to them do not qualify as educational displays. Science fair display boards are too large.)

7. Working models should show how thing actually work (cutaway sections of motors or computers) or can be used to help identify parts, such as those of a motor or computer. Many times these are considered "hands-on" and can be handled by visitors. Working models should require floor space no larger than 14" x 22".

8. Scrapbooking exhibits should be 1 page/1side and be representative of the complete scrapbook.

1. Size not to exceed 12"x12".

2. All pages should be in clear protective sleeve or clear zipper bag. Do not frame.

9. Articles of clothing may have been worn, but must be free from soil, have good appearance, and laundered with seams pressed open for judging.

10. In NO case will the Fair be responsible for injury or loss of exhibits.

11. The Danish system of judging will be used. Each entry will be judged on its own merit.

12. Any articles to be entered in the Missouri State Fair may be released by consent of the Superintendent.

13. Articles entered for exhibition shall not be removed except upon presentation of the property check and no articles may be removed until Saturday, August 5, 2017 from 12:00 p.m. – 2:00 p.m. The Fair will not be responsible for articles remaining after 2:00 p.m. at which time all remaining articles will be in the Fair office or in the custody of the Superintendent. No premium will be paid on articles removed before the slated time.


Entries are open to all boys and girls, four to seven years of age. Entries must be the work of the exhibitor.


Class Class Name Points

CK481.1 CLOVER KIDS LEVEL I: Any item made 3 2 1

(Recommended for ages 4 and 5)

CK482.1 CLOVER KIDS LEVEL II: Any item made 3 2 1

(Recommended for ages 5 and 6)

CK483.1 CLOVER KIDS LEVEL III: Any item made 3 2 1

(Recommended for age 6 and 7)


Examples: Rockets, airplanes, kites, hot air balloons, etc.

Display on a launch pad not more than 18” square in any upright position.

AS806.1 AEROSPACE LEVEL 1: Any item made 3 2 1

AS807.1 AEROSPACE LEVEL 2: Any item made 3 2 1

AS808.1 AEROSPACE LEVEL 3: Any item made 3 2 1

AS809.1 AEROSPACE LEVEL 4: Any item made 3 2 1


AG982.1 AGRONOMY: Any item grown/made 3 2 1

AG983.1 AGRONOMY: Any item grown/made 3 2 1

AG984.1 AGRONOMY: Any item grown/made 3 2 1

AG985.1 GRAINS: Any item grown 3 2 1

a) Corn e) Sunflowers

b) Cotton f) Wheat

c) Rice g) Grain Sorghum

d) Soybean


Note: NO Live Animals!

Examples: Photo display, educational display, notebook, etc.

AR611.1 AMPHIBIANS & REPTILES: Any item made 3 2 1


AC311.1 ARTS & CRAFTS: Any item made 3 2 1

AC312.1 ADVANCED VISUAL ARTS: Level I: Any item made 3 2 1

AC313.1 ADVANCED VISUAL ARTS: Level II: Any item made 3 2 1

AC314 .2 ARTS & COMPUTERS: Any item made 6 4 2

AC315 .2 SCRAPBOOKING: Any item made 6 4 2

1. Size not to exceed 12"x12".

2. All pages should be in clear protective sleeve or clear zipper bag. Do not frame.


Examples: Photo display, educational display, notebook, etc.

BF135.1 BUCKET CALF: Any item made 3 2 1

BICYCLE - Now Health and Fitness

BREADS - Now included in the "Foods/Nutrition" category


The use of forms or pans is recommended. Cakes should not exceed 13” in height and at the base. Cake boards should not exceed 1” margin on each side of the cake pan or form; board is considered in size of the display. Must use Royal Icing or Rolled fondant or commercial product that will harden and preserve the decorated cake! (No real cakes, butter crème icing or tube/gel icing will be accepted.) Cakes with candy decorations are allowed; avoid using candy that melts (such as M & M's, candy canes, etc.).

CD361.1 CAKE DECORATING-UNIT 1: Any item made 3 2 1

CD362 .1 CAKE DECORATING-UNIT 2: Any item made 3 2 1

CD363 .1 CAKE DECORATING-UNIT 3: Any item made 3 2 1


Examples: Photo display, educational display, notebook, etc.

CA177.1 CAT CARE-UNIT 1: Any item made 3 2 1

CA178.1 CAT CARE-UNIT 2: Any item made 3 2 1

CA179.1 CAT CARE-UNIT 3: Any item made 3 2 1


CH411.1 CHILD DEVELOPMENT-UNIT 1: Any item made 3 2 1

Examples: Educational display, play dough, simple toy or puppet)

CH412 .1 CHILD DEVELOPMENT-UNIT 2: Any item made 3 2 1

Examples: educational display, stuffed toy, flannel board, educational game)

CH413 .2 CHILD DEVELOPMENT-UNIT 3: Any item made 6 4 2


CI200.1 PUBLIC ADVENTURES: Any item made 3 2 1


Sewing (Clothes you make)

CL521.1 SEWING EXPRESSIONS 1: Any item made 3 2 1

CL522.1 SEWING EXPRESSIONS 2: Any item made 3 2 1

CL523.1 SEWING EXPRESSIONS 3: Any item made 3 2 1

Consumerism (Clothes you buy)

CL524.1 BUYING CLOTHES 1: Any item made 3 2 1

CL525.1 BUYING CLOTHES 2: Any item made 3 2 1


CW231.1 CLOWNING: Any item made 3 2 1


CM237.1 COMMUNICATIONS 1: Any item made 3 2 1

CM238.1 COMMUNICATIONS 2: Any item made 3 2 1

CM239.1 COMMUNICATIONS 3: Any item made 3 2 1


Examples: Notebook showing program developed by youth, finished product, educational displays, photo displays.

CP891.1 COMPUTERS 1: Any item made 3 2 1

CP892.1 COMPUTERS 2: Any item made 3 2 1

CP893.1 COMPUTERS 3: Any item made 3 2 1

CP894.1 COMPUTERS 4: Any item made 3 2 1


CP895.2 SCRATCH PROGRAMMING: Any item made 6 4 2

CP896.2 ALICE: Any item made 6 4 2


CS431.1 CONSUMER 1: Any item made 3 2 1

CS432.1 CONSUMER 2: Any item made 3 2 1

CS433.1 CONSUMER 3: Any item made 3 2 1


CR321.1 CROCHET: Any item made 3 2 1

DAIRY (See Also Goats)

Examples: Photo display, educational display, notebook, etc.

DA131.1 DAIRY 1: Any item made 3 2 1

DA132.1 DAIRY 2: Any item made 3 2 1

DA133 .1 DAIRY 3: Any item made 3 2 1

DA134.1 JUDGING DAIRY CATTLE: Any item made 3 2 1

DA135 .1 BUCKET CALF: Any item made 3 2 1


Examples: Photo display, educational display, notebook, etc.

DG171.1 DOG 1: Any item made 3 2 1

DG171.2 DOG 2: Any item made 3 2 1

DG171.3 DOG 3: Any item made 3 2 1


Use plans from any source. Items should be made in accordance with the National Electrical Code. Consult power suppliers or electricians for code requirements. Battery-operated items are also eligible items. Batteries should be disconnected or have a piece of black electrical tape placed on the ends.

EL831.1 ELECTRICITY 1: Any item made 3 2 1

EL832.1 ELECTRICITY 2: Any item made 3 2 1

EL833.2 ELECTRICITY 3: Any item made 6 4 2

EL834.2 ELECTRICITY 4: Any item made 6 4 2


EG861.2 POWER OF THE WIND: Any item made 6 4 2


(formerly Tractor, Small Engines and Woodworking)

AT820.1 TRACTOR 1: Any item made 3 2 1

AT821.1 TRACTOR 2: Any item made 3 2 1

AT822.1 TRACTOR 3: Any item made 3 2 1

AT823.1 TRACTOR 4: Any item made 3 2 1

SE851.1 SMALL ENGINES 1: Any item made 3 2 1

SE852.1 SMALL ENGINES 2: Any item made 3 2 1

SE853.2 SMALL ENGINES 3: Any item made 6 4 2

WO871.1 WOODWORKING 1: Any item made 3 2 1

(Examples: Airplane box, letter holder, picture frame,

animal puzzle)

WO872.2 WOODWORKING 2: Any item made 6 4 2

(Examples: Whistle, sawhorse, tool box, stool)

WO873.3 WOODWORKING 3: Any item made 9 6 3

(Examples: Patio chair, knife box, bread box, tool stand,

gun rack)

WO874.4 WOODWORKING 4: Any item made 12 8 4

(Examples: Desk, night stand, book case, display case)

Moore's Woodworking and Construction has provided additional prize monies for Special Woodworking projects. Prize amount is dependent on the quality and creativity shown in the project. No kits please. An excellent opportunity for beginning or accomplished individuals to show craftsmanship and/or a new twist to woodworking!!


Boxes must be no more than 18” long X 24” wide X 3 ½” deep. Plexiglass or plastic covers are preferred. Insects should be named, labeled and mounted. Securely fasten the display cover with tape or screws. If the collection exceeds one box, be aware only one box may go to State. Boxes should be prepared to be displayed in either an upright position or horizontal position.

EN921.2 ENTOMOLOGY 1: Any item made 6 4 2

EN922.2 ENTOMOLOGY 2: Any item made 6 4 2

EN923.2 ENTOMOLOGY 3: Any item made 6 4 2

BK924.1 BEEKEEPING 1: Any item made 3 2 1

BK925.1 BEEKEEPING 2: Any item made 3 2 1

BK926.1 BEEKEEPING 3: Any item made 3 2 1

BW927.1 BUTTERFLY WINGS: Any item made 3 2 1


EP442.1 ENTREPRENEURSHIP 1: Any item made 3 2 1

EP443.1 ENTREPRENEURSHIP 2: Any item made 3 2 1

EP444.1 ENTREPRENEURSHIP 3: Any item made 3 2 1


Exploring Your Environment


SERVICES): Any item made 3 2 1


Any item made 3 2 1

Soil and Water Science

SW916.1 SOIL AND WATER SCIENCE 1 Any item made 3 2 1

SW917.1 SOIL AND WATER SCIENCE 2 Any item made 3 2 1

SW918.1 SOIL AND WATER SCIENCE 3 Any item made 3 2 1

WC934.1 WEATHER AND CLIMATE SCIENCE 1: Any item made 3 2 1

WC935.1 WEATHER AND CLIMATE SCIENCE 2: Any item made 3 2 1

WC936.1 WEATHER AND CLIMATE SCIENCE 3: Any item made 3 2 1


EX261.1 EXPLORING THE TREASURES OF 4-H: Any item made 3 2 1


FM270.1 FILMMAKING: Any item made 3 2 1


FC421.1 FINANCIAL CHAMPIONS 1: Any item made 3 2 1

FC422.1 FINANCIAL CHAMPIONS 2: Any item made 3 2 1


Food must be of reasonable quality to keep more than one week.

Do not send food items which will spoil quickly such as casseroles, pizza, cream pies, items made with cream cheese, etc.

Display food items on paper or disposable plates unless it is a gift package. Do not send expensive or keepsake containers! Plastic wrap may be removed to allow food to dry and prolong its display life.

No samples are needed with any food item. Recipe cards are not required.

Bread products should be displayed in mini-versions (portions of 1/3 to ¼ of a larger total product)

Biscuits, cookies, muffins and other small items should be four per plate. Cakes should be displayed in mini-versions (portions of 1/3 to ¼ of a larger total product.)

Decorated cakes will be displayed in the Cake Decorating project.

Only one identification tag is necessary.

FN551.1 FOOD 1: Any item made 3 2 1

FN552.1 FOOD 2: Any item made 3 2 1

FN553.1 FOOD 3: Any item made 3 2 1

FN554.1 FOOD 4: Any item made 3 2 1

FN556.1 WHAT'S ON YOUR PLATE: Any item made 3 2 1

FN557.2 INTERNATIONAL FOODS 1: Any item made 6 4 2

FN558.2 INTERNATIONAL FOODS 2: Any item made 6 4 2

FN561.1 MICROWAVE MAGIC 1: Any item made 3 2 1

FN562.1 MICROWAVE MAGIC 2: Any item made 3 2 1

FN563.1 MICROWAVE MAGIC 3: Any item made 3 2 1

FN564.1 MICROWAVE MAGIC 4: Any item made 3 2 1


Examples: Canned, dried, or pickled foods (no cured hams), gift package of preserved foods.

For safety reasons, all food preservation items must follow these rules:

1. Canned goods/preserved items must follow University of Missouri-Columbia guidelines for processing.

2. Any sign of spoilage or alteration from standard processing guidelines will be the basis for disqualification of the item. No food should be sampled at judging. Information on standard procedure is available from County University Extension Centers.


Newell Brands, Inc., marketers of the Ball® and Kerr TM Fresh Preserving Products is proud to recognize today's fresh preserving (canning) enthusiasts. An award for 1st place will be presented to the individual whose home canned entry is selected the best in category.

A panel of judges will select the best entry in each category for Fruits, Vegetables, Pickles, and Soft Spreads. Entries must be preserved in Ball® Jars sealed with Ball® Lids and Bands specially designed for home canning, or preserved in KerrTM Jars sealed with KerrTM Lids and Bands specially designed for home canning. In addition, entries in the soft spread category must be prepared Ball® using Ball® Pectin: Classic, Low or No-Sugar or Liquid. Proof of pectin purchase in the form of a receipt or product UPC must be submitted with entry.

Entries from each category honored with a First Place award will receive:

• One (1) Five-Dollar ($5) Coupon for Ball® or KerrTM Fresh Preserving Products and

• One (1) Free (up to $6 value) Coupon for Ball® Pectin.

| |


|1. To be exhibited in standard pint or quart colorless jars with 2 pc. Lids or new heat sensitive lids. |

|2. Label each entry with the following information: Class & number, name of product. |

|3. Canned products will be opened at the discretion of the judge. |

|4. Judging based on color, condition, clearness, uniformity and pack. |

|Subclass: | | | | |

| |FN571-303 Apples |3 |2 |1 |

| |FN571-304 Plums |3 |2 |1 |

| |FN571-305 Pears |3 |2 |1 |

| |FN571-306 Apricots |3 |2 |1 |

| |FN571-307 Applesauce |3 |2 |1 |

| |FN571-308 Any other fruit |3 |2 |1 |

| |FN571-309 Juice |3 |2 |1 |

| |FN571-310 Cherries |3 |2 |1 |

| |FN571-311 Peaches |3 |2 |1 |

| |FN571-312 Blackberries |3 |2 |1 |

| |FN571-313 Raspberries |3 |2 |1 |

| |FN571-314 Gooseberries |3 |2 |1 |

| |FN571-315 Strawberries |3 |2 |1 |

| |


|Subclass: | | | | |

| |FN571-316 Asparagus |3 |2 |1 |

| |FN571-317 Lima beans |3 |2 |1 |

| |FN571-318 Wax beans |3 |2 |1 |

| |FN571-319 Beans, green snap |3 |2 |1 |

| |FN571-320 Hull beans (Horticulture) |3 |2 |1 |

| |FN571-321 Carrots |3 |2 |1 |

| |FN571-322 Mustard or turnip greens |3 |2 |1 |

| |FN571-323 Okra |3 |2 |1 |

| |FN571-324 Peas |3 |2 |1 |

| |FN571-325 Hominy |3 |2 |1 |

| |FN571-326 Sauerkraut |3 |2 |1 |

| |FN571-327 Sweet peppers |3 |2 |1 |

| |FN571-328 Pumpkin |3 |2 |1 |

| |FN571-329 Squash |3 |2 |1 |

| |FN571-330 Tomatoes |3 |2 |1 |

| |FN571-331 Beets (as a vegetable) |3 |2 |1 |

| |FN571-332 Corn (no pint) |3 |2 |1 |

| |FN571-333 Mixed vegetables |3 |2 |1 |

| |FN571-334 Tomato juice |3 |2 |1 |

| |FN571-335 Vegetable juice |3 |2 |1 |

| |FN571-336 Any other vegetable |3 |2 |1 |

| |


|Subclass: | | | | |

| |FN571-337 Catsup |3 |2 |1 |

| |FN571-338 Salsa |3 |2 |1 |

| |FN571-339 Pizza Sauce | | | |

| |FN571-340 Mustard |3 |2 |1 |

| |FN571-341 Chili Sauce |3 |2 |1 |

| |FN571-342 Beet pickles |3 |2 |1 |

| |FN571-343 Cucumber pickles, sweet |3 |2 |1 |

| |FN571-344 Dill pickles |3 |2 |1 |

| |FN571-345 Bread & butter pickles |3 |2 |1 |

| |FN571-346 Pickled vegetable |3 |2 |1 |

| |FN571-347 Sweet pickle relish |3 |2 |1 |

| |FN571-348 Corn relish |3 |2 |1 |

| |FN571-349 Mixed vegetable relish |3 |2 |1 |

| |FN571-350 Lime pickles |3 |2 |1 |

| |FN571-351 Any other pickles or any other relish |3 |2 |1 |

| |FN571-352 Zucchini relish |3 |2 |1 |

| |FN571-353 Any other relish |3 |2 |1 |

| |FN571-354 Pickled fruit |3 |2 |1 |

| |FN571-355 Chutney |3 |2 |1 |

| |FN571-356 Best Collection of Pickles (4 varieties) |3 |2 |1 |

| |FN571-357 Best Collection of Relish (4 varieties) |3 |2 |1 |

| |


|Judging based on color, texture, clearness, consistency, choice of fruit and flavor. |

|Subclass: | | | | |

| |FN571-358 Apple |3 |2 |1 |

| |FN571-359 Blackberry |3 |2 |1 |

| |FN571-360 Cherry |3 |2 |1 |

| |FN571-361 Crabapple |3 |2 |1 |

| |FN571-362 Grape |3 |2 |1 |

| |FN571-363 Plum |3 |2 |1 |

| |FN571-364 Raspberry |3 |2 |1 |

| |FN571-365 Peach |3 |2 |1 |

| |FN571-366 Elderberry |3 |2 |1 |

| |FN571-367 Mint |3 |2 |1 |

| |FN571-368 Strawberry |3 |2 |1 |

| |FN571-369 Black Raspberry |3 |2 |1 |

| |FN571-370 Blueberry |3 |2 |1 |

| |FN571-371 Mulberry |3 |2 |1 |

| |FN571-372 Not named above |3 |2 |1 |

| |


|Subclass: | | | | |

| |FN571-373 Pear Honey |3 |2 |1 |

| |FN571-374 Strawberry preserves |3 |2 |1 |

| |FN571-375 Tomato preserves |3 |2 |1 |

| |FN571-376 Plum preserves |3 |2 |1 |

| |FN571-377 Peach preserves |3 |2 |1 |

| |FN571-378 Apple butter |3 |2 |1 |

| |FN571-379 Blackberry jam |3 |2 |1 |

| |FN571-380 Raspberry jam |3 |2 |1 |

| |FN571-381 Strawberry jam |3 |2 |1 |

| |FN571-382 Gooseberry jam |3 |2 |1 |

| |FN571-383 Plum jam |3 |2 |1 |

| |FN571-384 Cherry jam |3 |2 |1 |

| |FN571-385 Blueberry jam |3 |2 |1 |

| |FN571-386 Apricot jam |3 |2 |1 |

| |FN571-387 Orange marmalade |3 |2 |1 |

| |FN571-388 Pineapple jam |3 |2 |1 |

| |FN571-389 Black Raspberry jam |3 |2 |1 |

| |FN571-390 Goosebery jam |3 |2 |1 |

| |FN571-391 Any other preserves, jam or butter |3 |2 |1 |

| | | | | |

| |


|Subclass: | | | | |

| |FN571-392.2 Collection of 3 or more jars jelly/and or preserves | 6 |4 |2 |

| |wrapped as gift | | | |

| |FN571-393 Jar of canned meat |3 |2 |1 |

| |BREADS | | | |

Bread products should be displayed in mini-versions (portions of 1/3 to ¼ of a larger total product)

NO SAMPLES ARE NEEDED WITH ANY FOOD ITEM. Food must be of reasonable quality to keep more than one week. Display food items on paper or disposable plates unless it is a gift package. Do not send expensive or keepsake containers!

FN581.1 BREADS 1: Bread Baking Basics - Any item made 3 2 1

Examples: Biscuits, Muffins, Sticky Buns)

FN582.1 BREADS 2: Yeast Breads - Any item made 3 2 1

Examples: Coffee Cake, Yeast Rolls)

FN583.2 BREADS 3: Specialty Breads - Any item made 3 2 1

Examples: Specialty Breads, Gift Packages)


Examples: Educational displays, display boards of leaf, twig, or wood samples, 3-D models, etc.

FO931.1 FORESTRY-LEVEL 1: Any item made 3 2 1

FO932.1 FORESTRY-LEVEL 2: Any item made 3 2 1

FO933.1 FORESTRY-LEVEL 3: Any item made 3 2 1



Specimens should be labeled and mounted so the boxes can be displayed. Boxes must be 18” long X 24” wide and 3 ½ “ deep. Plexiglass or plastic covers are preferred. Rocks need to be attached in the box securely. If a member’s collection is displayed in more than one box, the member may send only one box for display. No knobs or handles.

GG941.2 GEOLOGY: Any item made 6 4 2


GS991.1 GEOSPATIAL - Beginner: Any item made 3 2 1

GS992.1 GEOSPATIAL - Intermediate: Any item made 3 2 1

GS993.1 GEOSPATIAL - Advanced 3 2 1


GE221.1 GLOBAL EDUCATION-UNIT 1: Any item made 3 2 1


GA136.1 DAIRY GOAT 1: Any item made 3 2 1

GA137.1 DAIRY GOAT 2: Any item made 3 2 1

GA138.1 DAIRY GOAT 3: Any item made 3 2 1

GA125.1 MEAT GOAT 1: Any item made 3 2 1

GA126.1 MEAT GOAT 2: Any item made 3 2 1

GA127.1 MEAT GOAT 3: Any item made 3 2 1


Examples: Educational displays, photo stories, sports equipment made by the exhibitor.

HF711.1 BOWLING: Any item made 3 2 1

HF712.1 GOLF: Any item made 3 2 1

HF771.1 FIRST AID: Any item made 3 2 1

HF772.1 STAYING HEALTHY: Any item made 3 2 1

HF773.1 KEEPING FIT: Any item made 3 2 1



BY731.1 BICYCLE-UNIT I: Any item made 3 2 1

BY732.1 BICYCLE-UNIT II: Any item made 3 2 1


Examples: Decorative items, home accessories, storage items, educational displays, etc. All items that are to be hung must have a hanger.

HE471.1 HOME ENVIRONMENT UNIT 1: Any item made 3 2 1

HE472.1 HOME ENVIRONMENT UNIT 2: Any item made 3 2 1

HE473.1 HOME ENVIRONMENT UNIT 3: Any item made 3 2 1

HE474.1 HOME ENVIRONMENT UNIT 4: Any item made 3 2 1

HE475.1 HOME ENVIRONMENT UNIT 5: Any item made 6 4 2

HE476.1 HOME ENVIRONMENT UNIT 6: Any item made 6 4 2

HE477.1 HOME ENVIRONMENT UNIT 7: Any item made 6 4 2

HE478.2 DESIGNING A SPACE OF MY OWN: Any item made 6 4 2


Examples: Photo display, educational display, notebook, etc.


HS141.1 HORSE RIDING: Any item made 3 2 1

HORTICULTURE (Formerly existed as "Floriculture" and "Gardening")


Live plants or cut specimens must be displayed in a container no larger than 8” in diameter. May be fresh or dried.

HO961.1 FLORICULTURE-LEVEL A: Any item grown or made 3 2 1

(Examples: Notebook, simple arrangements, foliage houseplant, etc.)

HO962.1 FLORICULTURE-LEVEL B: Any item made 3 2 1

(Examples: Corsage, plant terrarium or ecology system,

home-made potpourri, etc.)

HO963.1 FLORICULTURE-LEVEL C: Any item made 3 2 1

(Example: Advanced arrangements, wreath, etc.)

HO964.1 FLORICULTURE-LEVEL D: Any item made

(Example: forcing bulbs, planning a floral business, etc.) 3 2 1


The number in parentheses is the number of items displayed. The exhibitor must have grown the vegetables. Vegetables must be of reasonable quality to keep more than a week. Use disposable containers (paper plates or boxes) to display the items.

Potatoes (4) Watermelon (1)

Onions (4) Cantaloupe (1)

Tomatoes (4) Peppers (4)

Pumpkin (1) Egg Plant (2)

Summer Squash (2) Beets (4)

Winter Squash (1) Slicing Cucumbers (4)

Cabbage (1) Sweet Corn (3)

Green beans (5) Carrots (3)

Cherry or Pear Tomatoes (5)

Other vegetables (1 for larger and 4 for smaller produce)

HO971.1 GARDENING-UNIT A: Any item grown 3 2 1

HO972.1 GARDENING-UNIT B: Any item grown 3 2 1

HO973.1 GARDENING-UNIT C: Any item grown 3 2 1

HO974.1 GARDENING-UNIT D: Any item grown 3 2 1


LD975.1 LANDSCAPE DESIGN 1: Any item made 3 2 1

LD976.1 LANDSCAPE DESIGN 2: Any item made 3 2 1


KN331.1 KNITTING 1: Any item made (Examples: Pot holder, 3 2 1

pompons, bedsocks, hat)

KN332 .1 KNITTING 2: Any item made (Examples: Head hugger, 3 2 1

TV slippers, raglan cardigan sweater)


LD271.1 STEP UP TO LEADERSHIP 1: Any item made 3 2 1

LD272.1 STEP UP TO LEADERSHIP 2: Any item made 3 2 1

LD273.1 STEP UP TO LEADERSHIP 3: Any item made 3 2 1


LJ117.1 LIVESTOCK JUDGING: Any item made 3 2 1



ME114.2 COUNTRY CURED BACON: Any item made 6 4 2

ME115 .2 COUNTRY CURED HAM (12 to 30 pounds): Any item made 6 4 2

ME116.2 MEAT EVALUATION PROJECT: Any item made 6 4 2


OA761 .1 OUTDOOR 1 - HIKING 1: Any item made 3 2 1

OA762.1 OUTDOOR 2 - CAMPING 2: Any item made 3 2 1


Any item made 3 2 1

OA764.1 OUTDOOR 4 - CONSERVATION: Any item made 3 2 1



PE101.1 PETS 1: Any item made 3 2 1

PE102.1 PETS 2: Any item made 3 2 1

PE103.1 PETS 3: Any item made 3 2 1


PE104.1 GUINEA PIGS (Cavies): Any item made 3 2 1


Photo Display - REQUIREMENTS:

1. Photos must be mounted on an 8"x10" solid mat board.

2. Photos may be displayed on colored mat board of the photographer's choice..

3. Photographs must be 8"x10" or smaller, with no more than four photos per mat board.


Technique that can be performed in-camera, in a photo editing software program, or in a film darkroom are permissible. Altering (editing to change the contents of a photo) is not permitted. Examples would include adding an item, removing an item, airbrushing to change a complexion, etc. Enhancing (cropping, dodging, burning, brightness/contract adjustment, red-eye reduction) are permissible.


*"Solid" requires that these are no cutouts or other holes in the mat board, either around or behind the photo.

*"Mat board" is a specific material. It is not cardboard, foam core, poster board, etc.

-Mat board may be easily purchased from online retailers if local craft stores are not available.

Your local Extension office may also be able to provide mat board. Extension offices may/may not have a minimal charge for each sheet.

*Mount photos on the smoothest side of the mat board, using only adhesives designed for permanent mounting of photographs.

*Photo exhibits should arrive in a "zip-lock style" bag, to protect them from dust, humidity, etc. Please match bag to photo size.

*Include name, address and county on the back of each photo.

PH351.1 PHOTOGRAPHY-UNIT 1: Any item made 3 2 1

PH352.1 PHOTOGRAPHY-UNIT 2: Any item made 3 2 1

PH353.1 PHOTOGRAPHY UNIT 3: Any item made 3 2 1


Examples: Photo display, educational display, notebook, etc.

PO151.1 POULTRY-UNIT 1: Any item made 3 2 1

PO152.1 POULTRY-UNIT 2: Any item made 3 2 1

PO153.1 POULTRY-UNIT 3: Any item made 3 2 1


PS242.1 PUBLIC SPEAKING: Any item made 3 2 1


QU341.1 QUILTING: Any item made 3 2 1


Examples: Photo display, educational display, notebook, etc.

RB111.1 RABBITS-UNIT 1: Any item made 3 2 1

RB112 .1 RABBITS-UNIT 2: Any item made 3 2 1

RB113 .1 RABBITS-UNIT 3: Any item made 3 2 1


RO881 .1 JUNK DRAWER ROBOTS 1: Any item made 3 2 1

RO882.1 JUNK DRAWER ROBOTS 2 : Any item made 3 2 1

RO883.1 JUNK DRAWER ROBOTS 3: Any item made 3 2 1

RO884 .1 ROBOTICS 1: WITH EV3: Any item made 3 2 1

RO885.1 ROBOTICS 2: WITH EV3N MORE: Any item made 3 2 1




Examples: Photo display, educational display, notebook, etc.

SD950.1 SELF-DETERMINED-Citizenship, Leadership & Communication:

Any item made 3 2 1

SD952.1 SELF-DETERMINED-Science: Any item made 3 2 1

SD951.1 SELF-DETERMINED-Healthy Living: Any item made 3 2 1


SH161.1 SHEEP-UNIT 1: Any item made 3 2 1


Examples: Photo display, outdoor clothing made by exhibitor, hunting equipment or aids, educational displays. No live ammunition and arrow points should be removed.

SS740.1 SHOOTING SPORTS-SAFETY: Any item made 3 2 1

SS741.1 ARCHERY: Any item made 3 2 1

SS742.1 AIR AND PELLET RIFLE: Any item made 3 2 1

SS743.1 SMALL BORE RIFLE .22: Any item made 3 2 1

SS744.1 AIR PISTOL: Any item made 3 2 1

SS745.1 SHOTGUN: Any item made 3 2 1

SS747.1 SMALL BORE PISTOL: Any item made 3 2 1

SS748.1 MUZZLELOADING: Any item made 3 2 1

SS749.1 HUNTING AND OUTDOOR SKILLS: Any item made 3 2 1


SMALL ENGINES (See Engineering & Mechanical Science)


SF725.1 SPORT FISHING-UNIT 1: Any item made 3 2 1

SF726.1 SPORT FISHING-UNIT 2: Any item made 3 2 1

SF727.1 SPORT FISHING-UNIT 3: Any item made 3 2 1


SW181.1 SWINE-UNIT 1: Any item made 3 2 1


TA251.1 THEATRE ARTS 1: Any item made 3 2 1

TA252 .1 THEATRE ARTS 2: Any item made 3 2 1

TA253 .1 THEATRE ARTS 3: Any item made 3 2 1


VS191.1 VETERINARY SCIENCE 1: Any item made 3 2 1

VS192.1 VETERINARY SCIENCE 2: Any item made 3 2 1

VS193.1 VETERINARY SCIENCE 3: Any item made 3 2 1


A photo of the item may be used.

WE846.2 WELDING: Any item made 6 4 2


WI720 .1 WILDLIFE CONSERVATION 1: Any item made 3 2 1

WI721 .1 WILDLIFE CONSERVATION 2: Any item made 3 2 1 WI722 .1 WILDLIFE CONSERVATION 3: Any item made 3 2 1

WOODWORKING - See Engineering and Mechanical Science



In an effort to encourage youth to experience the creativity of canning, Loretta Ray is sponsoring a $20 cash award to the youth who enters the greatest number of canned items in the Youth (Junior) Division. In the event of a tie, individual receiving the greater number of blue ribbons will receive the award. Entry is restricted to one item per sub-class, please.

2017 Award Announcement

BALL® FRESH PRESERVING Award for Youth level

Presented by: Ball® & KerrTM Fresh Preserving products


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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