IIE Student Chapters – High School Video Contest

IIE Student Chapter – Video Contest

(Sponsored by the Industry Advisory Board of IIE)

Purpose: To promote the Industrial Engineering profession to high school students and teachers

Format: Streaming video, in a You-Tube type format for online web usage

Length: 10 minutes maximum; 3 minutes minimum; 100MB maximum.

Content: Create a video presentation which would excite high school students to select industrial engineering as a profession. Utilize the IIE provided presentation as a guide to highlight key topic elements as needed.

Deadline: January 14, 2008

Prize: $1,000 for winning video provided by the Institute of Industrial Engineers and the Industry Advisory Board.

Conditions: All submitting entries will be reviewed by a teen panel who match the target market. The teen panel will recommend up to five finalists for review by the judges. Those entries will be judged by a panel from IIE and IAB with the winner notified by February 15, 2008. All rights for the winning entry will be owned by IIE.

Submittal: If you wish to enter, contact marketing@ to receive access to the group site for uploading your video. Provide school’s name, names of all participants and contributors to your video, school address, and contact phone number for leader of the group.

About the IAB

The goal of the Institute of Industrial Engineers' Industry Advisory Board is to be the essential link connecting IIE to practicing engineers, their managers, and the companies that employ them.

The Industry Advisory Board consists of a group of experienced professionals that set the direction of the board as well as identify additional professionals to serve on it.

The Industry Advisory Board's input provides valuable insight into the future of IIE, the profession, and will be used to shape the products and services offered to members.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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