Act I Small Group Discussion - Mr. Hayden's Class

The Tragedy of Romeo and Juliet

Final Examination Part I

Character Identification: Match the characters with the correct description. You will use some characters more than once.

1. satirist whose devastating wit remains with him to the end; a cynic with a sardonic wit—believes love is a fraud

2. Romeo’s companion who attempts to keep the peace and bring Romeo out of his gloom

3. hot-tempered, quick to anger, a fierce and skilled fighter

4. symbol of law, order, and justice for the city

5. worried about his son’s disturbed emotional state

6. servant to nurse

7. servant to Romeo

8. Capulet’s choice for Juliet’s husband

9. Officially banished Romeo

10. Juliet’s cousin

11. Killed by Tybalt in a street fight

12. handsome and courteous; hopes to marry Juliet

13. A man of peace, with good intentions, tries to bring peace to the city

14. Romeo and Juliet meet for the first time at his party

15. Falls in and out of love quickly

16. shabby shopkeeper whose poverty forces him to sell poison to Romeo

17. teased by his friends for his sadness at his unhappy love affair

18. servant to the Capulets

19. a Franciscan sent to Mantua to deliver an important letter

20. likeable older man, reminisces with an old kinsman while watching the younger people dance

21. Mixed a potion that enabled Juliet to fake death

22. Kills Paris near the Capulet tomb

23. rather young wife with bad temper; desires revenge

24. does not actually appear in the play, but is talked about by Romeo

25. first to discover Juliet after she drinks the potion

26. Juliet’s confidant (main person she turns to for help)

27. Wants to poison Romeo

28. young girl discovering love and being loved

29. abhors violence of the opening quarrel, is relieved to find Romeo was not involved

30. the total realist; compromises easily; coarse talked; fond of joking; sentimental

Act I

31. Where does the action of Act I take place? How does the prince react to the tensions between the Capulets and Montagues?

32. At the end of the street fight in scene 1, what does the Prince of Verona threaten to do if the Capulet and Montague families get into another fight?

33. According to Romeo’s parents, how has Romeo been spending his days?

34. Who is Rosaline?

35. How do Romeo and his friends learn that Rosaline will be invited to Capulet’s party?

36. According to Lord Montague, where does spend much of his time?


37. Paris asks Lord Capulet for permission to marry Juliet. What condition does Capulet add with these lines? [pic]

My will to her consent is but a part.

And she agree, within her scope of choice

Lies my consent and fair according voice.


38. What do Juliet’s mother and the nurse agree about regarding Juliet and marriage?

39. Both the nurse and Lady Capulet favor Paris because of what characteristics

40. Juliet’s mother talks to her about marriage. What does Juliet tell her mother she will do?

41. How old is Juliet?

42. When Benvolio and Mercutio encourage Romeo to dance at the Capulet party, what are they trying to do?

43. After the Nurse tells Romeo that Juliet is a Capulet, he replies


Is she a Capulet?

O dear account! My life is my foe’s debt.


What do these lines suggest about how Romeo feels about having fallen in love with


44. When Tybalt recognizes Romeo at the party and wants to fight him immediately. Why doesn’t he?

Act II

45. After the party at the Capulet house, what do Mercutio and Benvolio do?

46. When Romeo sees Juliet at her window, he compares her to what?

47. When Juliet first expressed her love on the balcony, she thought she was talking to:

A. her mother B. her nurse C. herself D. Romeo

48. In the speech that begins “O Romeo, Romeo! Wherefore art thou Romeo?” Juliet expresses what idea.

49. Juliet says, “My bounty is as boundless as the sea, My love as deep; the more I give to thee, The more I have, the both are infinite.” In this speech, what does she mean?

50. What fears does Juliet express regarding their relationship?

51. Juliet describes Romeo as a “Damned Saint, an honorable villain” Juliet’s words are an example of what?

52. When Mercutio and Benvolio meet on the street the morning after the party, their conversation reveals what important event has taken place?

53. What promise does Juliet make to Romeo when they part at the end of the balcony scene?

54. When Romeo tells Friar Laurence that he’s in love with Juliet, how does the friar react?

55. Why does Juliet reject Romeo’s offer to swear the truth of his love by the moon?

56. When Juliet’s nurse encounters Romeo and his friends, how do they treat her?

57. When the nurse returns from her meeting with Romeo, why does she delay telling Juliet about the wedding plans?

58. Which character is described as an expert swordsman?


59. What are the reasons why Romeo not want to fight Tybalt?

60. Which TWO characters try to stop Tybalt and Mercutio from fighting?

61. After Mercutio is killed, which emotions does Romeo feel?

62. After killing Tybalt, Romeo blames who/what?

63. After killing Tybalt, where does Romeo flees to

64. Before he died, Mercutio blamed his death on what?

65. What sentence does the Prince give Romeo for the killing of Tybalt?

66. When Romeo hears his sentences he feels what emotions?

67. When Juliet talks about looking forward to her wedding night, she does not yet know that Romeo has killed Tybalt. This is an example of what type of literary device?

68. When Juliet’s parents see her crying after Romeo’s departure, how do they interpret her tears?

69. What does Friar Laurence attempts to convince Romeo of after hearing his sentence?

70. What does Mercutio mean when he describes his wound from Tybalt with these lines?


No, ‘tis not so deep as a well, nor so wide as a church door; but ‘tis

enough, ‘twill serve. Ask for me to-morrow, and you shall find me

a grave man.


71. In scene v, when Lady Capulet informs Juliet of the plans for her to marry Paris on Thursday, Juliet replies,


I pray you tell my Lord and father, madam,

I will not marry yet; and when I do, I swear

It shall be Romeo, whom you know I hate,

Rather than Paris.


How do Juliet’s PARENTS interpret the above lines?

72. In Act III, scene V, Juliet asks the Nurse for advice about marrying Paris. The Nurse replies,



Is banished; and all the world to nothing,

That he dares ne’er come back to challenge you;

Or if he do, it needs must be by stealth.

Then since the case so stands as now it doth,

I think it best you married with the county.

O, he’s a lovely gentleman.

Romeo’s a dishclout to him; an eagle, madam,

Hath not so green, so quick, so fair an eye

As Paris hath.


In these lines, which reason does the Nurse use to try to persuade Juliet to marry Paris?

73. When Juliet refuses to marry Paris, how to her parents react?

74. Juliet’s refusal to marry Paris upsets her father because of what reason?

75. At the end of Act IIi, when the nurse tells Juliet what a wonderful husband Paris would make, Juliet feels which emotion?

Act IV

76. What solution does Friar Laurence propose to help Juliet avoid marrying Paris?

77. When Juliet returns from seeing Friar Laurence, why does Lord Capulet think Juliet has consented to marry Paris?

78. When Juliet goes to Friar Laurence’s cell, she meets Paris. Although Paris speaks of their marriage, how does Juliet reply?

A. She is evasive

B. She avoids the issue and discusses the weather.

C. She scolds Paris for raising the issue.

D. She lies to Paris that she is excited at the prospect of marrying him.

E. She says nothing but hurries into see Friar Laurence.

79. How does Juliet feel about drinking the potion that Friar Laurence gave her just before she drinks it?

80. Before taking the potion, what is Juliet worried about?

81. Before taking the potion, why does Juliet lay out a dagger on her bed?

Act V

82. How is Paris is portrayed throughout the play as

83. Why does Paris think Juliet has died?

84. According to the play, what prevents Brother John from delivering Friar Laurence’s letter to Romeo?

85. When Romeo hears that Juliet is dead, he immediately decides to do what?

86. When Romeo kills Paris, it is the second time in the play that

87. How many characters die during the play as a result of the feud?

88. If Romeo could be said to have one flaw, it is that he is too _________

89. If Romeo had received Friar Laurence’s letter, what would have happened.

90. Why does Paris attack Romeo at the tomb?

91. Which character does not testify about Romeo and Juliet’s death?

92. When does the resolution of the plot occurs?

93. Which is the only thing that might be considered a “good” result of this tragedy?

Literary Devices

94. “Feather of lead, bright smoke, cold fire, sick health!”

95. “Nay, he’s a flower, in faith—a very flower.”

96. “My bounty is as boundless as the sea.”

97. “A damned saint, an honorable villain!”

98. “Love is a smoke raised with the fume of sighs”

99. “Love goes toward love as schoolboys from their books.”

100. “The earth hath swallowed all my hopes but she

101. “True, I talk of dreams, which are the children of an idle brain”

102. “The grey-eyed morn smiles on the frowning night.”

103. “O, speak again, bright angel.”

104. “Love is too rude, to boist’rous, and it pricks like thorn.”

105. What is the definition of Dramatic Irony?

106. What is the definition of Verbal Irony?

107. What is the definition of Situational Irony?

Quotation identification

108. “What will you wash him from his grave with tears?”

109. “Hang thee, young baggage! Disobedient wretch!”

110. “What drawn and talk of peace? I hate the word as I hate hell, all Montagues and thee.”

111. “I do protest I never injured thee,/But love thee better than thou canst devise.”

112. “A plague o’ both your houses.”

113. “I’ll to the friar to know his remedy. If all else fail, myself have the power to die.”

114. “O, I am fortune’s fool!”

115. “I pay thy poverty and not thy will.”


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