A research dossier is an annotated ... - Anderson HS Latin

Latin IA FAQWhat is a research dossier?A research dossier is an annotated collection of textual or material primary sources relating to a topic of the student’s choosing in Roman history, literature, language, religion, mythology, art, archeology or their later influence. These may be, but are not required to be, related to the IB syllabus. A dossier may combine a variety of sources but it must focus on one topic, issue, or question.With what can my topic deal?The chosen topic must be in the form of a research question and deal with literary, artistic, archeological, historical, religious, social or economic aspects of the Roman world, and may include the influence of the Roman world in later times (though this last approach is difficult to prove).Can the focus of my research be Greek, or can it be simply a comparative paper? No.What do I have to include in my dossier?An introduction that justifies and explains the importance and significance of your choice of question. It should state your thesis or argument. Tell what your evidence will show and make it clear why your topic is important or interesting to you.Primary source materials interspersed with annotations that analyse, justify, and explain how each source specifically proves your thesis. It cannot just summarize the source material.A conclusion that states what your sources have proven. Talk about the relevance of your work and/or where you might like to take your research in the future.A bibliography giving details for all the source materials included. How is IB grading me? What are the criteria?A clear statement of aims (i.e., clear and focused thesis that can be proven in 7-9 sources)Considerable factual information (i.e., do you have a number of good, reliable, relevant sources)Presentation in a logical, coherent fashion (i.e., are your sources organized well, coherent writing)Critical use of a variety of primary (i.e., do you have sources coming from various sources and do you assess their strength/weakness)Analysis and interpretation (i.e., do you effectively argue how your sources prove your thesis?)Personal response. (i.e., do you show that you are interested in your topic? is it relevant?)How many sources do I need?The suggested number of sources is 7–9 at SL and 10–12 at?HL. IB really means 8-9 and 11-12!!What is my word limit?The total length of the annotations, introduction, and conclusion must be a maximum of 1,000 words at SL and 1,500?words at?HL. What does not count against my word limit?Primary Sources, Footnotes* and Bibliography are not included in the word count.*Footnotes (or endnotes) may be used to cite references or to provide additional explanatory information.Does IB give any further advice on topics?Students should establish clear and realistic limits for the research dossier. It is an annotated collection of source materials, not an essay. (One analogy that I like to use: Pretend that you are a lawyer proving a case (thesis) in court. Pretend your sources are your evidence and that you have to use your annotations to explain to the jury why each piece of evidence is relevant and how it proves your case!)How should I visually organize my dossier?It must be made absolutely clear which parts of the dossier are primary source materials and which are the student’s own annotations. (Most people put boxes around their sources and number them. Refer to the sources by number in your annotations.)What are the rules for presenting primary sources?The primary source materials may include quotations from the works of Latin or Classical Greek authors and/or visual material such as maps, pictures, diagrams and photographs. Extracts from texts, either in the original Latin or Classical Greek, or in a modern language, should each be no longer than 10?lines of verse or 150?words of prose. Students should not rely on a small number of lengthy quotations. If you quote Latin or Greek text, you must provide a translation of the original text. You may use a published translation or your own.How long can my primary sources be?No longer than 10 lines of poetry or no longer than 150 words of prose!!!!Can I use secondary source material such as modern works of history, articles, etc.?Secondary source material such as published historical works and commentaries does not count as primary source material but may be used as part of the annotation. You must cite the author or risk losing your diploma over plagiarism. Any quoting you do counts against your 1000 word limit!!!What are the greatest benefits of the Latin IA?You will learn how to develop a meaningful and relevant thesis.You will learn how to conduct research on a scholarly topic.You will learn how to properly support your argument.In other words, you will learn how to be a college student; since this is all that you will do in many college-level classes!It is also your chance to explore your own interests! The topic choice is entirely yours!!! ................

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