Leadership Training and Development Program Implementation ...

Leadership Training and Development Program Implementation ChecklistInformationTransformational leadership training and development is the cornerstone to build leadership bench strength. Use the following action planning items to guide the process of implementing a leadership training and development program. (Customize to your department’s policies and practices)ResponsibilityDue DateCompletedStep 1: Define desired program outcomesCompliance with Government Code 19995.4Build a leadership pipeline to ensure continuityIncrease leadership competenciesImprove leadership performanceReduce grievances and performance issuesReinforce succession planningNotes:Step 2: Conduct program scopeIdentify executive sponsorsIdentify department leaders who would participate in programs: Supervisors, Managers and CEA’s Align with Workforce Planning – look at data regarding current trends of department leadersEstablish baseline data around current performance of the desired outcome areas.Notes:Step 3: Complete needs assessmentIdentify trainable competenciesEvaluate leadership competencies:Assess performance appraisalsAssess individual development plans (IDPs)Identify leadership skill gaps by other program areas (Human Resources, Labor).Review what is currently going on and what type of skills are needed.Evaluate current development activities beyond training (coaching, workshops, seminars, etc).Prioritize training needs.Assess how senior leaders are holding themselves accountable for growing leaders.Notes:Step 4: Determine measurements and evaluationsEvaluate application of learning for development activities.Revisit tracking and monitoring systems for training and development programs (e.g., LMS, IDP form, another way to capture data)Develop reporting structureNotes:Step 5: Develop roll outDesign and develop trainingDevelop communication plan Develop web site contentDevelop marketing materialAssign ongoing taskNotes:Step 6: ImplementMeasure and evaluate trainingCollect feedbackNotes: ................

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