Describe how the Cold War ideology that crystallized after ...

Describe how the Cold War ideology that crystallized after WWII changed wartime alliances that had existed during the war and describe how American Cold War policies and practices influenced international relations from the late 1940's to the mid- 1950's

Prior to World War II the Western democratic forces (US, Britain, France, etc.) did not trust the Russian government. After the aggression by the German forces and Axis powers, the West allied with the Russian powers in order to counteract the military strength that was building in Germany.

After World War II, the Russian government wanted to prevent possible military devastation by pledged a philosophy/ideology of military strength and foreign influence over neighboring countries. The Americans lead the Western alliance and choose not to ally with the Russians, rather to form alliance with democratic nations with strong economies. America’s choice of ally was key in preventing a repeat of the radicalism that catapulted World War II. The different ideology between America (West) and its allies and Russia (Communism) and its comrades was the basis of the Cold War. Differing ideology formed the basis of the Cold War, and the once cordial World War II allies were separated into Communism vs. the West.

The late 1940s to the early 1950s was a time when US-Soviet relations deteriorated rapidly. While Roosevelt believed that Soviet-occupied territories would be allowed to determine their own fate with free elections, Truman's suspicions quickly became true as most of East Europe fell behind the "Iron Curtain" by 1947.

American Cold War policies were constructed to provide support to nations battling Communism, both financially and militarily. This was the major focus of American international relations in that period.

However, after the Korean War and Stalin's death in 1953, there was a gradual acceptance on both sides of a status quo.


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