Bacteria and Viruses Outline

Name __________________________________ Period __________

Bacteria and Viruses Outline


◆ Bacteria are __________________, ________________ (one-celled) organisms that lack a _______________ membrane.

◆ Bacteria can live on land, in water, and in the air.

– They also live in and on both _______________ and ____________ plants and animals

◆ Most bacteria are _____________________.

– _____________ are organisms that _______ make their own food.

Shapes of Bacteria




Structure of Bacteria

* A bacterium is made up of a


that encloses and protects ________________________.

Bacterial Nutrition

◆ Some bacteria live separately and others remain together to form _________________.

– Colonies are __________________ of bacteria.

◆ There are bacteria that live as _________________.

– A parasite absorbs ____________________ from other living organisms called their _______________.

◆ Others digest and absorb food materials from ____________ organisms.

– These bacteria are called ______________________.

Beneficial Bacteria

◆ Most bacteria are _______________ (_______________) to humans.

◆ Bacteria are __________________ that cause decay.

– Decomposers are organisms that _____________________ dead organisms and ______________________ to the soil.

◆ Many bacteria are used to produce ________ and life-saving ________.

– Bacteria are used to make cheese, pickles, yogurt, vinegar, and sauerkraut.

◆ By using methods of _______________________, bacteria have been encouraged to ________________ substances such as insulin.

◆ The human intestinal tract contains millions of _______________.

– Many of these bacteria help the ______________ process and others produce __________________.

◆ Bacteria are also used in the _______________ of leather, the ________ of tobacco, and the _____________________ of food for feeding cows.

Harmful Bacteria

* Some bacteria are ________ beneficial to man.

* Bacteria spoil food by secreting _______ into the food causing it to rot.

* Along with enzymes, other substances produced by bacteria are released into the food.

* Some of these substances are ____________, making the food __________________ to humans and other organisms.

* Bacteria in large numbers can ____________ (dirty) lakes, streams, and drinking water.

* During ________________, bacteria reduce the dissolved oxygen content in water supplies.

* Many bacteria are ______________________.

* A pathogen is an

* Some bacterial ________________ of humans are tuberculosis, tetanus, and strep throat.

Controlling Harmful Bacteria

◆ ________________, _______________, and ________________ are used to control pathogenic bacteria.

– An antibiotic is a _______________ that can __________ the growth of some bacteria.

– Bacteria are able to produce types that are ______________ to certain antibiotics.

– When this happens, __________ antibiotics must be developed.

◆ Bacteria can also be ____________in foods by

– pasteurization,

– canning,

– chemical preservatives,

– radiation,

– steam/pressure,

– salt curing,

– dehydration (drying).

Harmful Anaerobic Bacteria

* Some bacteria can live ____________________ and cause botulism.

* A dangerous type of _____________________, in foods that have not been properly canned.

* Two other anaerobic bacteria can cause _________________ diseases

* Gonorrhea (causes sterility)

* Syphilis (can result in death).

* A venereal disease is a contagious disease that a person gets through _______________________.

* Both diseases can be _______________ successfully by ____________ if detected early enough.


◆ A virus is not a ________________.

◆ It is made up of ________________ material inside a ___________coat.

◆ Viruses do not carry on most __________________ activities.

◆ They can only _____________ inside a living cell called the _____ cell.

◆ Outside the host cell, a virus is “________” and often exists as a crystal.

◆ A virus has no means of _______________________.

Virus Diagram

Negative Virus Influences

◆ They cause __________________ in both plants and animals.

◆ Some viruses cause ______________ and _____________.

◆ They also _______ cells and are responsible for human diseases such as

– polio,

– measles,

– mumps,

– influenza,

– hepatitis,

– colds,



Positive Virus Influences

* Certain viruses are used in the ________________ of insect pests.

* Others are used in ______________________.

* Scientists have been able to use viruses to biologically __________________ caterpillars of the European pine sawfly and the gypsy moth.

Bacteria and Viruses Outline – Teacher Guide (Key)

© Lisa Michalek


◆ Bacteria are microscopic, unicellular (one-celled) organisms that lack a nuclear membrane

◆ Bacteria can live on land, in water, and in the air

– They also live in and on both living and dead plants and animals

◆ Most bacteria are heterotrophs.

– Heterotrophs are organisms that cannot make their own food

Shapes of Bacteria

◆ Coccus - round or sphere shaped

◆ Bacillus – rod shaped

◆ Spirillum – spiral shaped

Structure of Bacteria

◆ A bacterium is made up of a thick cell wall that encloses and protects cellular material

Bacterial Nutrition

◆ Some bacteria live separately and others remain together to form colonies

– Colonies are large groups of bacteria

◆ There are bacteria that live as parasites

– A parasite absorbs food materials from other living organisms called their hosts

◆ Others digest and absorb food materials from dead organisms

Beneficial Bacteria

◆ Most bacteria are beneficial (helpful) to humans

◆ Bacteria are decomposers that cause decay

– Decomposers are organisms that break down dead organisms and return the nutrients to the soil

◆ Many bacteria are used to produce food and life-saving drugs

– Bacteria are used to make cheese, pickles, yogurt, vinegar, and sauerkraut

◆ By using methods of gene transplanting, bacteria have been encouraged to produce substances such as insulin

◆ The human intestinal tract contains millions of bacteria

– Many of these bacteria help the digestive process and others produce vitamins

◆ Bacteria are also used in the tanning of leather, the curing of tobacco, and the production of food for feeding cows

Harmful Bacteria

◆ Some bacteria are not beneficial to man

◆ Bacteria spoil food by secreting enzymes into the food causing it to rot

– Along with enzymes, other substances produced by bacteria are released into the food

– Some of these substances are toxic, making the food poisonous to humans and other organisms

◆ Bacteria in large numbers can pollute (dirty) lakes, streams, and drinking water

◆ During respiration, bacteria reduce the dissolved oxygen content in water supplies

◆ Many bacteria are pathogenic

– A pathogen is an organism that causes disease and/or infection

– Some bacterial diseases of humans are tuberculosis, tetanus, and strep throat

Controlling Harmful Bacteria

◆ Antiseptics, disinfectants, and antibiotics are used to control pathogenic bacteria

– An antibiotic is a chemical that can stop the growth of some bacteria

– Bacteria are able to produce types that are resistant to certain antibiotics

– When this happens, new antibiotics must be developed.

◆ Bacteria can also be killed in foods by

– pasteurization

– canning

– chemical preservatives

– radiation

– steam/pressure

– salt curing

– dehydration (drying)

Harmful Anaerobic Bacteria

◆ Some bacteria can live anaerobically and cause botulism

– A dangerous type of food poisoning, in foods that have not been properly canned

◆ Two other anaerobic bacteria can cause venereal diseases

– Gonorrhea (causes sterility)

– Syphilis (can result in death)

◆ A venereal disease is a contagious disease that a person gets through sexual contact

◆ Both diseases can be treated successfully by antibiotics if detected early enough


◆ A virus is not a cell

◆ It is made up of genetic material inside a protein coat

◆ Viruses do not carry on most metabolic activities

◆ They can only reproduce inside a living cell called the host cell

◆ Outside the host cell, a virus is “lifeless” and often exists as a crystal

◆ A virus has no means of locomotion

Negative Virus Influences

◆ They cause infections in both plants and animals

◆ Some viruses cause tumors and warts

◆ They also destroy cells and are responsible for human diseases such as

– polio

– measles

– mumps

– influenza

– hepatitis

– colds


Positive Virus Influences

◆ Certain viruses are used in the control of insect pests

◆ Others are used in genetic research

◆ Scientists have been able to use viruses to biologically control caterpillars of the European pine sawfly and the gypsy moth


Rabies Virus

Human Immunodeficiency Virus


Influenza virus - Flu

Papilloma virus - Warts


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