MINI BLURB - University of Toronto

University of Toronto

Cardiovascular Sciences Collaborative Program


2001 – 2002

FitzGerald Bldg., 150 College Street, Room 83D, Toronto ON M5S 3E2

Tel: 416/978-0746 Fax: 416/946-5713 E-mail:

Web site:






- Executive

- Program

- Student



- Annual Student Research Day

- Debate Night

- Human Biology Job Fair

- Summer Activities


- Medtronic Travel Award

- Bigelow Book Prize

- Lorne Phenix Graduate Award

- Ontario Student Opportunity Trust Funds (OSOTF) Award

- Life Sciences Committee Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowships




- Currently Enrolled

- Convocated/Follow-Up

- Awards


- Members

- Awards and Honors

- Peer Reviewed Funding


- Students

- Faculty



The Cardiovascular Sciences Collaborative Program (CSCP) was officially established and recognized by Governing Council of the University of Toronto in 1992 and underwent its 7-year review in 1999 where it received a resounding endorsement from the Ontario Council of Graduate Schools. Cardiovascular sciences has a rich and illustrious history at the University of Toronto. Some achievements include contributions to the discovery of atrial natriuretic factor (ANF), the first clinical use of heparin and more recently the use of gene therapy to treat heart disease. Faculty were among the first to perform successful open heart surgery and implement the use of hypothermia to protect hearts during surgery. In order to further encourage graduate training in such a rich environment, the CSCP was created as an interdisciplinary graduate training program which also crosses departments and Faculties, thus permitting cross-fertilization of our student trainees. As each year passes I believe that the Cardiovascular Sciences Collaborative Program becomes a more important link for the students. I am proud to present this Annual Report which summarizes the achievements of the Program and its students and faculty over the past academic year.


In this academic year we had 26 Masters and 14 PhD trainees active in the Program (see graph below). We also had a number of our trainees who completed and convocated. The PhD category was counterbalanced by new recruits while at the MSc level enrolment exceeded the convocated numbers. This is a reflection of initiatives focused in promoting more student activities and available funding.


The recently established Student Committee has strived to inform and guide trainees in the Program. Specifically, their mandate is to (1) enhance trainee interaction through the organization of both academic and social events and (2) to provide trainees with the tools to make informed decisions about their graduate work in the form of mentoring and course assessments. They continue to organize a very successful “Annual Student Research Day”, hold various social functions, and launched their inaugural “Debate Night” that was well attended by various faculty and students. It was a lively night and kudos to the students on such an exciting event.

Our annual student interviews continue to show a high degree of satisfaction with the Program. The increase in events targeted specifically for students resulted in more effective student participation. The postgraduate follow-up illustrated that once again the students have gone on to pursue either academic or research careers (see Convocated section). As part of our ongoing tradition, bound copies of each graduating student’s thesis is kept in the Program office (total: 27 MSc and 13 PhD).

The student section of the web site is undergoing a revamping and we look forward to their initiatives on the web. With such an enthusiastic and diverse group of students, it should be very exciting to follow their initiatives in the upcoming year!


The Bigelow Book Prize is awarded to an outstanding Program student for sustained academic excellence, innovative experimental approaches, original discoveries and good scientific productivity. A plaque in Dr. Bigelow’s honour, mounted on the wall outside the Program office, was unveiled and a reception held on October 1, 2001. All the previous awardees and their supervisors were invited to attend and be honoured with a miniature version of the plaque presented to them by Dr. Bigelow. A number of distinguished guests and faculty and students of the Program were invited to share in this honour. Dean Naylor welcomed everyone on behalf of the Faculty of Medicine and shared his pleasure in being able to participate in the recognition of a man of such stature as Dr. Wilfred G. Bigelow. Dr. Umberto de Boni, Associate Dean, Division IV, brought greetings from the School of Graduate Studies, then Dr. Ronald Baird, a personal friend and colleague of Dr. Bigelow’s, gave an overview of the life of this famous surgeon, scientist, and Canadian. It was clear to all who attended that Dr. Bigelow is a roll model to all scientists and clinicians no matter what the specialty.




Due to their ongoing popularity, the MSC 3060/3061/3062/3063 courses have now been assigned new joint listing designations “JCV” and approved by the School of Graduate Studies. Ongoing and frequent review of these courses continues to ensure that leading edge technologies and research foci are represented. This is considered critical if they are to continue to serve as our flagship courses for our trainees. Enrolment continues to be strong in these courses and their popularity is reflected in the strong reviews by the students.

The Program also has an established reputation in the area of Continuing Medical Education, usually partnering with industry. This year, we hosted the first “Debate Night”, a venue to discuss contentious issues relevant to both our students and faculty. We anticipate holding a few of these throughout each academic year.


Over the years the Collaborative Program has been very successful in raising an endowment as well as funds for student travel, bursaries and other student related activity. For example, the Medtronic Travel Award makes it possible for students to attend scientific meetings and present their work and the OSOTF bursary provides much needed financial relief to deserving students. These funds are available on an annual basis to help those with demonstrated academic and research excellence that are in financial need. Major corporate sponsors such as Merck Frosst Canada & Co., and Solvay Pharma, are to be recognised, once again, for their outstanding annual support of education in the cardiovascular sciences at the University of Toronto.

Despite these successes, it is clear that to ensure the Program’s long-term stability, stable infrastructure for the day-to-day operations is absolutely critical and to that end, the Dean of the Faculty of Medicine recommended the creation of a task force to review and make recommendations on its future. This task force consisted of representatives familiar with the Program but not necessarily intimately involved to ensure an unbiased review of its past activities and future direction. I am pleased to report that the task force resoundingly endorsed the Program and clearly identified and agreed with its value-added for the graduate students interested in the field of cardiovascular sciences. It is heartwarming to realize that the Cardiovascular Sciences Collaborative Program is highly regarded across the campus. Its interdisciplinary nature and the fact that faculty and student research crosses the pillars of the CIHR as well as the departments across the Faculty of Medicine makes this a truly model program at the University of Toronto. All agreed that it did need to have a stable infrastructure support to permit it to continue to develop and grow and a number of suggestions and initiatives were proposed. In order to position the Program to be as successful as possible in this venture it would be important for the participating groups to provide some financial support. This would serve to indicate to potential donors that this is an extremely important initiative at the University. Over the upcoming academic year, we will be addressing the Programs infrastructure stability.


As you continue to read through this report, you will see that it has undergone some modification and a change in its look to reflect the tremendous growth that has occurred. I would like to thank Miss Victoria Simpson, our Business Officer, for her hard work and contribution that has made the Cardiovascular Sciences Collaborative Program the success it is today.

Finally, I would like to take this opportunity to thank all our faculty and students for another successful year and to those individuals who have continued to provide both moral and tangible support for this Program.

Dr. Carin Wittnich, O.Ont.

Director, CSCP

Professor of Surgery & Physiology

Northrop Frye Scholar


“The Cardiovascular Sciences Collaborative Program, approved by the University and Ontario Council on Graduate Studies in 1992, and listed in the calendar of the School of Graduate Studies, exists to give formal, organized expression to cardiovascular studies and research at the graduate level. It builds on the strengths of all participating academic units, and other agencies, to enhance the visibility of cardiovascular studies and to facilitate collaborative, interdisciplinary training and research.”

The above mission is achieved by advertising and promoting the importance of, and opportunities in, cardiovascular studies, by making known the results of such studies, by recruitment of excellent students, and by coordinating the graduate collaborative program in cooperation with the academic units in which they are registered. Students in this collaborative program must fulfill the requirements of their home units as well as the Program. Upon graduation the notation “Specialization in Cardiovascular Sciences” will appear on the student’s academic transcript and the Program will present the student with a certificate and gift.



Physical Education and Health


Department of Exercise Sciences

Department of Laboratory Medicine and Pathobiology

Department of Medical Biophysics

Department of Pharmacology

Department of Physiology

Department of Public Health Sciences

Department of Rehabilitation Science

Institute of Biomaterials and Biomedical Engineering

Institute of Medical Science


Department of Anaesthesia

Department of Medicine

Department of Surgery



The Executive Committee consists of 4 members of the Program Committee representing as wide a range of disciplines as possible and includes the Director. The Executive Committee provides student counselling, screens applicants, provides advice and acts as a Steering Committee.

Dr. C. Wittnich (Chair)

Dr. M. Rand (Laboratory Medicine & Pathobiology)

Dr. S. Thomas (Exercise Sciences)

Dr. R. Weisel (Institute of Medical Science)


The Program Committee consists of a representative from each collaborating department as well as two student representatives. It administers the Program, selects the Director, and generally meets twice per year.

Dr. C. Wittnich (Chair)

Dr. L. Adamson (Physiology)

Dr. D. Brooks (Rehabilitation Science)

Dr. D. Mazer (Anaesthesia)

Dr. R.I. Ogilvie (Pharmacology)

Dr. M. Ojha (Institute of Biomaterials and Biomedical Engineering)

Dr. M. Rand (Laboratory Medicine and Pathobiology)

Dr. S. Thomas (Exercise Sciences)

Dr. R.D. Weisel (Institute of Medical Science)

Dr. G. Wright (Medical Biophysics)

Nathalie Lapointe (Sr. Student Representative)

Renee Suen (Jr. Student Representative)


The Student Committee was set up by the students and consists of the two student representatives from the Program Committee (who act as Co-Chairs) and 2 student members. They meet and oversee all student activities of the Program.

Ms. Nathalie Lapointe (Chair)

Ms. Renee Suen (Co-Chair)

Ms. Nesime Askin (Member)

Ms. Sonja Reichert (Member)


BME1448H Cardiovascular Fluid Mechanics (BME)

EXS5508H Cardiovascular Disease and Exercise (EXS)

JCV3060H* Advanced Topics in Cardiovascular Sciences – Molecular Biology & Heart Signal

Transduction (IMS/PSL)

JCV3061H* Advanced Topics in Cardiovascular Sciences – Hormones in the Cardiovascular

System (IMS/PSL)

JCV3062H* Advanced Topics in Cardiovascular Sciences – Heart Function (IMS/PSL)

JCV3063H* Advanced Topics in Cardiovascular Sciences – Vascular (IMS/PSL)

JEB1365H Ultrasound: Theory and Applications in Biology and Medicine (BME)

JTC1331H Biomaterials Science (BME)

LMP1015H Vascular Pathobiology (LMP)

LMP1504H Biochemistry, Molecular Biology of Cardiovascular Diseases (LMP)

PSL1038H Volume, Electrolyte and Pressure Regulation in Body Fluid Compartments (PSL)

PSL1060H Developmental Cardiovascular Physiology (PSL)

PSL1462H Molecular Aspects of Cardiac Function (PSL)

* Core Courses for PhD Trainees

Suggested Courses (Considered valuable but does not fulfill Program requirements)

CHL5201 Introducing Biostatistics for Students in Biological Sciences (CHL)

LMP1404S Cellular and Molecular Mechanisms of Disease (LMP)

PSL1052H Fundamentals on Ion Channel Function (PSL)


Annual Student Research Day

On Wednesday, February 27, 2002, the Cardiovascular Sciences Collaborative Program held its 3rd Annual Student Research Day in the Medical Sciences Bldg. This was a fun filled day that was attended by CSCP trainees and faculty. Trainees began the day by giving a ten minute talk related to their research, followed by a question/answer period as below.

SESSION I: Chair – Renee Suen

Asim Cheema (PhD – Institute of Medical Science)

“Adenoviral Mediated Decorin Overexpression Inhibits Intimal Hyperplasia in a Rabbit Angioplasty Model”

Roland Leung (MSc – Institute of Medical Science)

“Persistence of Procoagulant Surface Expression by Activated Platelets”

Carol Kolb (MSc – Physiology)

“Effects of Gestational Age and Ultrasound Frequency on the Echogenicity of Structures in the Developing Mouse Embryo”

Shathiyah Kulandavelu (MSc – Physiology)

“Maternal Cardiovascular Changes During Pregnancy in eNOS Knockout Mice”

Sonja Reichert (MSc – Exercise Sciences)

“Effects of Combined Resistance and Aerobic Training on Muscular Strength, Blood Flow and Aerobic Power in Patients with Coronary Artery Disease”

Paul Fedak (PhD – Institute of Medical Science)

“Unraveling Aortic Dilatation in Patients with Congenital Aortic Valve Malformations: A Novel Mechanism”

SESSION II: Chair – Sonja Reichert

Renee Suen (MSc – Institute of Medical Science)

“Role of Endothelin-1 in Accelerated Atherosclerosis and Aortic Aneurysm Formation”

Li Yang (PhD – Laboratory Medicine and Pathobiology)

“Conditional Cardiac Endothelin-1 Over Expression in Transgenic Mice Causes Myocardial Hypertrophy and Inflammation”

Jennifer Sarjeant (MSc – Institute of Medical Science)

“The Role of Apolipoprotein D in Vascular Smooth Muscle Cell Proliferation”

Anjum Khan (MSc – Institute of Medical Science)

“Atrial Remodeling in Congestive Heart Failure”

Neelesh Jain (MSc – Institute of Medical Science)

“The Role of NF-kB in Human Atherosclerosis”

Nataly Kogan (MSc – Physiology)

“Substance P in the Cardiovascular Actions of ‘New Pressor Protein’ (NPP)”

Sandra Merklinger (MSc – Institute of Medical Science)

“MMP Inhibition and b3 Blockade Induce the Regression of Pulmonary Vascular Disease in Organ Culture”

In the afternoon trainees were given valuable advice from Drs. Gary Webb and Bill Williams who also shared with the students how they began their research/clinical careers. This session was followed by a discussion period in which students had an opportunity to discuss the trials and tribulations of living a life devoted to education and research with these highly respected and successful clinicians. The day concluded with a wine and cheese reception where students and faculty mixed and mingled, after which most of the students continued their interactions at a student planned social event.

The Student Research Day met with resounding success. This day would not have been possible without the efforts of the Planning Committee: Nesime Askin (Chair), Sonja Reichert and Renee Suen (Co-Chairs) and Nathalie Lapointe (Member). Congratulations on a job well done!

Debate Night

The Student Committee organized this exciting event for the cardiovascular community at the University of Toronto. The goal of this event was to provide graduate students with the chance to learn and form their own opinions in delicate subject matters that challenge the scientific community and to provide an opportunity for the faculty to voice their point-of-view. The topic of the inaugural debate was “Be It Resolved that the Impact Factors is an Important Determinant of Success in Research”. The debate was moderated by Dr. Peter Liu, who introduced the protagonist, Dr. Jean Rouleau, and the antagonist, Dr. Dan Osmond. Both debaters passionately made their case. Despite their eloquence the vote was split fairly even, certainly showing the controversy that this issue raises and the fixed views held by those in attendance. With the success of this event, we look forward to organizing future debates.

Lecture Series

For this academic year the lecture series was focused in the two main areas of “Molecular Biology & Heart Signal Transduction” and “Hormones in the Cardiovascular System”. A number of interesting speakers contributed their time and knowledge. Both these areas were covered from the perspective of whole body and organ to the molecular level including genetics, with a particular emphasis on bridging basic science and clinical approaches to these areas.

Human Biology Student Union Career Fair

The Cardiovascular Sciences Collaborative Program participated in the Human Biology Undergraduate Student Association Career Fair on November 15, 2001. Various graduate programs had displays and students in the Collaborative Program manned a table and provided information to interested future graduate students.

Summer Seminar Series

The Collaborative Program ran another very successful summer program. Applicants included undergraduate and medical school students from the University of Toronto as well as other universities. The Program provided a number of summer scholarships to help students who were unable to procure funding. Over the course of the summer, seminars were presented by graduate students currently enrolled in the Program and covered a range of topics with both clinical and basic science relevance (see below). The purpose of the seminar series is to provide a common and relaxed forum for presentation of timely topics and a review of basic science. As well, the summer students were given the opportunity to present their summer work. An “end-of-summer” luncheon was held for both faculty and students. This highly successful program is enjoyed by all who participate.

May 31st Dr. Carin Wittnich

“Introduction & Video: William Harvey and the Circulation of Blood”

June 7th Asim Cheema (Institute of Medical Science – PhD)

“Arterial Repair After Balloon Angioplasty”

Sandra Merklinger (Institute of Medical Science – MSc)

“Matrix Metalloproteinase, Alpha vs. Beta 3 and EGF Receptor Blockade Induce the Regression of Pulmonary Vascular Disease”

June 14th Roland Leung (Institute of Medical Science – MSc)

“Platelets and Their Role in Hemostasis and Thrombosis”

June 21st Carol Kolb (Department of Physiology – MSc)

“Effects of Gestational Age and Ultrasound Frequency on the Echogenicity of Structures in the Developing Mouse Embryo”

June 28th Rohan Dharmakumar (Medical Biophysics – PhD)

“Magetic Resonance Imaging Based Intro-Cardiac and Intravascular Pressure Measurement”

July 5th Summer Student Presentations – Project Introductions

July 12th Golnaz Karoubi (Biomedical Engineering – MSc)

“Single Cell Gene Expression for Optimization of Cell Therapy”

July 19th Shawn Brady (Rehabilitation Science – MSc)

“Predicting Participation in Cardiac Rehabilitation After Coronary Artery Bypass Surgery”

July 26th Mona Shawky (Institute of Medical Science – MSc)

“Chlamydia Pneumonia and Atherosclerosis”

August 2nd John Esposito (Rehabilitation Science – MSc)

“The Effects of Recombinant Human Growth Hormone on Physical Function in Patients with HIV Wasting”

August 9th I. Eser Adiguzel (Laboratory Medicine & Pathobiology – MSc)

“Type VIII Collagen Functions in Vascular Disease”

August 16th Summer Student Presentations – Project Results


Medtronic Travel Award

Two competitions were held (spring and fall) for the Medtronic Travel Award. This award, established in 1995, helps to defray costs of travel for Program students presenting their research work at recognized scientific meetings. Students supported by this award this academic year were:

Fall 2001:

Sheila Riazi, MSc, Institute of Medical Science: “The Role of Elastin and Elastin Receptor Subunit in Modulation of Cellular Proliferation.” Canadian Cardiovascular Congress 2001 (Supervisor: Dr. A. Hinek)

Karim Bandal, PhD, Physiology: “Could High Oxygen Levels (Hyperoxia) in Newborns Alter Glucose Metabolism and Decrease Heart Function?” Canadian Cardiovascular Congress 2001 (Supervisor: Dr. C. Wittnich)

Jack Wallen, PhD, Physiology: “Does the Presence of LV Hypertrophy Alter Expression of Estrogen Receptor Isoforms?” Canadian Cardiovascular Congress 2001 (Supervisor: Dr. C. Wittnich)

Spring 2002:

Renee Suen, MSc, Institute of Medical Science: “Role of Endothelin-1 (ET-1) in Accelerated Atherosclerosis and Aortic Aneurysm Formation in Response to Angiotensin II (AII).” Experimental Biology 2002 (Supervisor: Dr. D. Stewart)

Nataly Kogan, MSc, Physiology: “Cardiovascular Actions of ‘New Pressor Protein’ (NPP, Related to Coagulation (-FXIIa) are Influenced by Both ACE and NEP Inhibition” and “Cardiovascular Effects of Coagulation (FXIIa – Related ‘New Pressor Protein’ (NPP) are Mediated by a Non-Cholinergic Mechanism”, International Society of Hypertension and European Society of Hypertension (joint meetings). (Supervisor: Dr. D. Osmond)

Akis Amfilochiadis, MSc, Physiology: “Dose-Dependant Effects of ACE-Inhibition on the Cardiovascular Actions of Human (FXIIa-Related ‘New Pressor Protein’ (NPP)”, International Society of Hypertension and European Society of Hypertension (joint meetings). (Supervisor: Dr. D. Osmond)

Bigelow Book Prize

The Bigelow Book Prize consists of 2 books written by Dr. W.G. Bigelow entitled “Cold Hearts” and “Mysterious Heparin” and a miniature version keeper plaque created to honor Dr. Bigelow. This prize was established in 1995 by the Cardiovascular Sciences Collaborative Program to recognize and honor a pioneer clinician and scientist in the field of cardiovascular sciences. Awardees should exemplify the personal traits of Dr. Bigelow -- curiosity, drive, and scientific integrity. The award is given in every year that a qualified student is identified. Qualifications include sustained academic scientific excellence, innovative experimental approaches, original discoveries and good scientific productivity. Some weight is given to work that has recognizable clinical relevance, especially that which promises to improve patient care. Appropriate candidates were identified and the final decision was made by the Program Committee.

1995 – Dr. John S. Ikonomidis

1996 – Ms. Shona M. Torrance

1997 – Dr. Vivek Rao

1998 – Dr. Bryce Cowan

1999 – Dr. Gideon Cohen

2000 – Dr. Michael Borger

2001 – Dr. Saeid Babaei

2002 – Mr. Wm. Jack Wallen

Lorne Phenix Graduate Award

This award was made possible by a generous donation in the memory of Mr. Lorne Phenix by Mrs. Geraldine Phenix. It is her hope that this award will focus attention on the issue of heart disease – which is still the #1 killer of both men and women in Canada. In addition, women who have heart problems are at least equal if not at greater risk than men and Mrs. Phenix hopes that this award will serve to encourage trainees to pursue this area of research to address this particular problem. It is awarded to a graduate student in the Faculty of Medicine on the basis of research and academic excellence. The award consists of a cash prize and certificate and is presented to the recipient at the Annual Student Research Day. Appropriate candidates are identified and a winner is selected by a subcommittee chaired by Dr. Donna Stewart.

2001 – Wm. Jack Wallen

Ontario Student Opportunity Trust Funds (OSOTF) Award

The OSOTF award refers to a class of awards that have resulted from the Ontario government’s “matching” program. Under the program every dollar of donation received for student assistance has been matched by the government as well as the university on a dollar-for-dollar basis. The Cardiovascular Sciences Collaborative Program participates in this program. There are two major conditions for all OSOTF awards; recipients must be Ontario residents and demonstrate financial need. However, the Program has additional eligibility criteria that must be adhered to, including excellence in science and academic performance. One competition is held per academic year.

The applications are handled centrally through the Office of the Associate Dean, Inter-Faculty and Graduate Affairs. Applications pertaining to the CSCP are sent to us and are then adjudicated by a subcommittee; this year chaired by Professor M. Ojha. Committee recommendations are then forwarded to the OSOTF Awards Committee (Faculty of Medicine) where the final decision is made. This competition, normally held in the Spring, was deferred to the fall of 2002 to capture all needy candidates.

Life Sciences Committee Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowships

These fellowships are awarded to support research at the University of Toronto to assist undergraduate students seeking training for graduate level research. Funds were awarded to the Cardiovascular Sciences Collaborative Program for 8 undergraduate trainees. All candidates put forward by the Program were awarded funding.

Emily Chan – Supervisor: Dr. Stephen Fremes

Michael Charnish – Supervisor: Dr. Greg Wilson

Sarah Munce – Supervisor: Dr. Donna Stewart

Avi Orner – Supervisor: Dr. Vivek Rao

Bheeshma Ravi – Supervisor: Dr. Mansoor Husain

David Santone – Supervisor: Dr. Tom Lindsay

N. Raj Satkunasivam – Supervisor: Dr. John Coles

Nazneen Tata – Supervisor: Dr. Michael Sole


The Cardiovascular Sciences Collaborative Program maintains and updates its web site ( on a regular basis. Faculty information is updated whenever we are notified of relevant changes. This year Victoria Simpson revamped the entire website look to optimize efficient use by visitors. The Program students took an active part in creating their own sections, including short bios on each student, course summaries/surveys to help other students pick courses suitable for their needs, and are working on a bulletin board section to keep everyone updated on cardiovascular activities. Collaborating departments are encouraged to provide hypertext links to the Collaborative Program on their web site.

The Program distributes brochures at the various campus activities and the collaborating departments are encouraged to have links with the CSCP’s web site and distribute brochures.


For the 2002-2003 academic year, we plan to continue our current activities and pursue the following priorities:

• Continue developing endowments to provide permanent infrastructure support.

• Firm up a 5-year plan for the program.

• Create a Cardiovascular Resource Centre

• Target recruitment of PhD students.

• Recruit clinical residents doing 1-2 years of research into a formal graduate program where appropriate.

• Graduate training grant application (CIHR)

• Further develop the student section in the Program’s web site.

• Further develop CME programs in cardiovascular sciences.


Currently Enrolled

Student Supervisor Degree Department

I. Eser Adiguzel M. Bendeck MSc LMP

Akis Amfilochiadis D. Osmond MSc PSL

Nesime Askin C. Wittnich MSc PSL

Karim Bandali C. Wittnich PhD PSL

Shawn Brady S. Thomas/D. Brooks MSc REH

Andrew Campbell D. Stewart PhD IMS (inactive status)

Asim Cheema B. Strauss PhD IMS

Rohan Dharmakumar G. Wright PhD MBP

John Esposito S. Thomas MSc REH

Paul Fedak R. Weisel PhD IMS

Warren Foltz G. Wright PhD MBP

Tommaso Gori J. Parker MSc IMS

Neelesh Jain K.W. Johnston MSc IMS

Golnaz Karoubi D. Courtman MSc BME

Anjum Khan B. Strauss MSc IMS

Nataly Kogan D. Osmond MSc PSL

Carol Kolb L. Adamson MSc PSL

Shathiyah Kulandavelu L. Adamson PhD PSL

Nathalie Lapointe J. Rouleau PhD IMS

Roland Leung M. Rand MSc IMS

Negin Liaghati-Nasseri S. Fremes MSc IMS (inactive status)

Sarah McCutcheon S. Thomas MSc REH

Sandra Merklinger M. Rabinovitch MSc IMS

Vaska Micevski D. Stewart PhD IMS

Peter Papageorgiou D. Osmond MSc PSL

Ali Pourdjabbar J. Rouleau MSc IMS

Sonja Reichert J. Goodman MSc EXS

Clea Senechal P. Liu MSc IMS

Mona Shawky P. Liu MSc IMS

Renee Suen D. Stewart MSc IMS

Shona Torrance C. Wittnich PhD IMS (inactive status)

Jack Wallen C. Wittnich PhD PSL

Li Yang D. Stewart PhD LMP

Convocated Students/Follow-Up

Zakaria Ahmed, PhD, Laboratory Medicine & Pathobiology (Supervisor: Dr. P. Connelly)

“Characterization of Phosphatidylcholine Oxidation Products Obtained by Exposure of High Density Lipoprotein to Peroxynitrite Donor, SIN-1”

Is working as a Post-Doctoral Fellow in Clinical Chemistry at the University of Louisville.

Saeid Babaei, PhD, Laboratory Medicine & Pathobiology (Supervisor: Dr. D. Stewart)

“Role of Nitric Oxide in Angiogenesis”

Is working as a Research Associate with Dr. Duncan Stewart.

Sloane Hechter, MSc, Institute of Medical Science (Supervisor, Dr. P. Liu)

“Factors that Limit Exercise Performance and the Use of Angiotensin Converting Enzyme Inhibitors in Adult Survivors of the Mustard Procedure”

Has been accepted into medical school at McMaster University.

Nikolaos Mamalias, MSc, Institute of Medical Science (Supervisor, Dr. P. Dorian)

“Effect of Combination Potassium Channel Blockers on Cardiac Refractoriness in Isolated Rabbit Hearts and Intact Guinea Pig Hearts”

Has been accepted into medical school at the University of Toronto.

Sheila Riazi, MSc, Institute of Medical Science (Supervisor, Dr. A. Hinek)

“Pathophysiological Links Between Impaired Elastogenesis and Increased Cellular Proliferation in Development of Cardiovascular Disorders”

Plans on obtaining her medical license and getting more involved in cardiovascular research.

Jennifer Sarjeant, MSc, Institute of Medical Science (Supervisor, Dr. M. Rabinovitch)

“The Role of Apolipoprotein D in Vascular Smooth Muscle Cell Proliferation”

Returning to cardiac surgery residency.

Damir Simic, MSc, Laboratory Medicine & Pathobiology (Supervisor, Dr. A. Hinek)

“Disclosure of Novel Mechanisms in Which Nicotine Triggers Structural and Functional Alterations of Arterial Smooth Muscle Cells – Implications to Pathogenesis of the Occlusive Arterial Diseases”

Plans to work in a laboratory setting with a biotech company.


Zakaria Ahmed University of Toronto Fellowship

American Association of Clinical Chemists, Graduate Student Travel Award, Chicago

Akis Amfilochiadis University of Toronto Bursary Award

Medtronic Travel Award, Cardiovascular Sciences Collaborative Program

Nesime Askin Heart & Stroke/Richard Lewar Centre of Excellence Fellowship

OERS Volunteer of the Year Award 2001

National Science and Engineering Research Council (NSERC-PGSB) Scholarship

Karim Bandali Medtronic Travel Award, Cardiovascular Sciences Collaborative Program

Richard Rowe Prize for Excellence in Research, Pediatric Cardiology

Ontario Student Opportunity Trust Fund (OSOTF) Award, Cardiovascular Sciences Collaborative Program

Department of Physiology, Doctoral Scholarship

Ontario Graduate Scholarship in Science and Technology (OGSST)

Shawn Brady Ruth Bradshaw Award

Toronto Rehabilitation Institute Student Award

Asim Cheema Heart & Stroke/Richard Lewar Centre of Excellence Fellowship

John Esposito Connaught Scholarship, Department of Rehabilitation Science

Paul Fedak C. Walton Lillehei Research Award Finalist, American Association for Thoracic Surgery

Tommaso Gori Trainee Travel Award, American Society of Clinical Investigation and American Association of Physicians (joint meeting)

Research Fellowship, Heart & Stroke Foundation of Canada

E. McGloin Fellowship for highest rated trainee in Ontario, Heart & Stroke Foundation of Ontario

Borsa di Ricerca Progetto Giovani Ricercatori, University of Siena

Young Investigator Award, First Place, American College of Cardiology

S.A. Levine’s Young Investigator Award, First Place, American Heart Association

Nataly Kogan Ontario Graduate Scholarship in Science and Technology (OGSST), Heart & Stroke Foundation of Ontario

Medtronic Travel Award, Cardiovascular Sciences Collaborative Program

S. Kulandavelu Heart & Stroke/Richard Lewar Centre of Excellence Fellowship

Young Investigator’s Award, 13th World Congress International Society

Nathalie Lapointe FRSQ (Fonds de la recherche en sante du Quebec) Fellowship

Roland Leung John D. Schultz Science Student Scholarship, Heart & Stroke Foundation of Ontario

St. Michael’s Hospital Summer Student Scholarship

Sarah McCutcheon University of Toronto Open Scholarship

CIHR Burroughs Wellcome Student Award

Sandra Merklinger Ontario Graduate Scholarship in Science and Technology (OGSST), Heart & Stroke Foundation of Ontario

Studentship Appointment, Research Training Centre, Hospital for Sick Children

Vaska Micevski Heart & Stroke Foundation Merit Award, 1st Prize, Nursing

Peter Papageorgiou HCFO Research Award Scholarship

AHEPA Scholarship

New England Hellenic Medical & Dental Society Research Award, Harvard University

Ali Pourdjabbar University of Toronto Open Scholarship

Ontario Graduate Scholarship in Science and Technology (OGSST), Dr. Arnie Aberman Award

Sonja Reichert University of Toronto Fellowship

Terry Kavanagh Award, University of Toronto

Thera-Band® Resistive Band Support Award, The Hygenic Corporation

Sheila Riazi Medtronic Travel Award, Cardiovascular Sciences Collaborative Program

Restracomp, Hospital for Sick Children Research Institute Award

Jennifer Sarjeant Research Training Centre Postdoctoral Fellowship, Hospital for Sick Children

Miriam Neveren Memorial Award, Faculty of Medicine

Elizabeth Arbuthnot Dyson Fellowship, Faculty of Medicine

Research Fellowship, Heart & Stroke Foundation of Canada

Clea Senechal University of Toronto Open Fellowship

Mona Shawky Ontario Graduate Scholarship in Science and Technology (OGSST)

Renee Suen Medtronic Travel Award, Cardiovascular Sciences Collaborative Program

Heart & Stroke/Richard Lewar Centre of Excellence Fellowship

Jack Wallen Medical Research Council/K.M. Hunter Doctoral Research Award

Medtronic Travel Award, Cardiovascular Sciences Collaborative Program

Lorne Phenix Graduate Student Award 2001, Cardiovascular Sciences Collaborative Program

Liz Yang Student Presentation Award, 1st Prize, Canadian Cardiovascular Society

Doctoral Research Award, Heart & Stroke Foundation of Canada



Faculty are divided into 3 categories (Full, Associate, and Affiliate) depending on their SGS status. Details on faculty research interests and contact information are available on the web site. Departmental affiliations listed are those within the CSCP.


Name Departmental Affiliation(s) Location

Lee Adamson BME/IMS/PSL Mount Sinai Hospital

Khosrow Adeli LMP Hospital for Sick Children

Peter Backx IMS/Medicine/PSL UofT - HSRLCE

Michelle Bendeck LMP/Medicine UofT - MSB

Douglas Bradley IMS/Medicine Toronto General Hospital

John Coles IMS/Surgery Hospital for Sick Children

Philip Connelly LMP/Medicine St. Michael’s Hospital

C. Ross Ethier BME UofT – Mechanical Engineering

John S. Floras IMS/Medicine Mount Sinai Hospital

Christopher Forrest IMS/Surgery Hospital for Sick Children

Stephen Fremes IMS/Surgery SWCHSC - Sunnybrook

Jack M. Goodman EXS UofT - Physical Ed & Health

Avrum I. Gotlieb LMP Toronto General Hospital

Aleksander Hinek IMS/LMP Hospital for Sick Children

K. Wayne Johnston BME/IMS/Surgery Toronto General Hospital

Peter G. Kalman IMS/Surgery Community

Fred Keeley LMP Hospital for Sick Children

B. Lowell Langille LMP Toronto General Hospital

Gary F. Lewis IMS/Medicine Toronto General Hospital

Ren-Ke Li IMS/LMP/Surgery Toronto General Hospital

C-C. Liew IMS/LMP/Medicine UofT – Banting Institute

Peter Liu IMS/Medicine Toronto General Hospital

Marius Locke EXS/Public Health UofT – Physical Ed & Health

Peter McLaughlin IMS/Medicine Toronto General Hospital

Donald A.G. Mickle LMP/Surgery Toronto General Hospital

Lynda Mickleborough IMS/Surgery Toronto General Hospital

David Naylor IMS/Medicine/Public Health/Surgery UofT - MSB

Matadial Ojha BME/Surgery UofT – Rosebrugh Bldg.

Tom Parker IMS/Medicine Toronto General Hospital

Margaret Rand IMS/LMP Hospital for Sick Children

Jean L. Rouleau IMS/Medicine Toronto General Hospital

Michael Sefton BME UofT – Wallberg Bldg.

Arthur S. Slutsky IMS/Medicine/Surgery Mount Sinai Hospital

Michael J. Sole IMS/Medicine/PSL Toronto General Hospital

Donna E. Stewart Anesthesia/IMS/Surgery/Medicine Toronto General Hospital

Duncan Stewart IMS/LMP/Medicine St. Michael’s Hospital

Bradley Strauss LMP/Medicine St. Michael’s Hospital

Scott G. Thomas EXS/PSL UofT – Physical Ed & Health

Richard D. Weisel IMS/Surgery Toronto General Hospital

Gregory Wilson IMS/LMP/PSL/Surgery Toronto General Hospital

Carin Wittnich IMS/PSL/Surgery UofT - MSB

Graham Wright MBP SWCHSC - Sunnybrook

Tai-Wing Wu LMP Toronto General Hospital

Erik L. Yeo IMS/Medicine Toronto General Hospital


Dina Brooks REH UofT – Rehabilitation Science

David Courtman BME/Surgery St. Michael’s Hospital

Paul Dorian IMS/Medicine/PCL St. Michael’s Hospital

Len S. Goodman EXS Def & Civil Inst Environ Med

Mansoor Husain IMS/LMP/Medicine Toronto General Hospital

Jane Irvine Public Health Toronto General Hospital

Tom Lindsay IMS/Surgery Toronto General Hospital

John Parker IMS/Medicine Mount Sinai Hospital

Nisar A. Shaikh LMP Community

Robert Tsushima IMS/Medicine/PSL UofT - MSB

Robert Wald IMS/Medicine Mount Sinai Hospital

Lori West IMS Hospital for Sick Children


Jagdish Butany LMP/Medicine Toronto General Hospital

Chris M. Feindel Surgery Toronto General Hospital

Joel Fisher Anaesthesia Toronto General Hospital

David Mazer Anesthesia St. Michael’s Hospital

Patricia Murphy Anaesthesia Toronto General Hospital

Richard I. Ogilvie Medicine/PCL Toronto Western Hospital

Len Schwartz Medicine Toronto General Hospital


Colin E. Bayliss IMS/Medicine/PSL/Surgery UofT – MSB

Flavio Coceani PSL Hospital for Sick Children

Daniel H. Osmond IMS/Medicine/PSL UofT – MSB

George Steiner IMS/Medicine/PSL Toronto General Hospital

New Positions

We would like to wish the following faculty all the best in their new positions:

Davy Cheng, University of Western Ontario

Michael Plyley, Brock University

Marlene Rabinovitch, Stanford University

Awards and Honors

Khosrow Adeli Simon-Pierre Noel Lectureship Award, Canadian Lipoprotein Award,

presented in October 2001, Digby, Nova Scotia

Paul Dorian Critical Care Best Abstract Award, AHA Annual Meeting, 2001

C. Ross Ethier Tier I Canada Research Chair in Computational Technology

Joseph A. Fisher 3rd Prize: Outstanding Scientific and Educational Exhibit, American

Society of Anesthesiologists Annual Meeting, 2001. “2 ways to save O2;

3 ways to isocapnia”

John Floras Lloyd S.D. Fogler Q.C. Award for Research Excellence (Mount Sinai Hospital)

President, Canadian Hypertension Society

Mansoor Husain Clinician-Scientist Award, Phase II. CIHR, 2001-2004

Avrum I. Gotlieb Award of Merit, 2001, Society for Cardiovascular Pathology, Inc.

Ren-Ke Li Premier’s Research Excellence Award, Ontario Ministry of Energy, Science and Technology, 2001

Thomas Lindsay Wightman-Berris Academy – Award for Individual Teaching

David Naylor Keynote Lecture, OECD Symposium on Measuring Health System Performance

Van den Ende Lecturer, University of Cape Town Faculty of Medicine

Margaret L. Rand Chair, Review Committee, Heart & Stroke Foundation of Ontario, Research and Development

Michael J. Sole Robert Beamish Leadership Award, Elected Fellow, AHA

Donna Stewart Margaret Mead Memorial Lecturer, Sydney, Australia

Robin Hunter Memorial Lecture, University of Toronto

Distinguished Member Award and Lecture, American Psychiatric Association, New Orleans

Master Educator Clinical Consultation, American Psychiatric Association, New Orleans

Duncan Stewart Dexter H.C. Man Chair of Cardiology

MacDonald Lectureship (Queens)

Devornik Lectureship (Edmonton)

Richard D. Weisel Awarded the Charles Tator Surgeon-Scientist Mentoring Award, University of Toronto, Department of Surgery Gallie Day, 2002

Carin Wittnich Carin Wittnich Teaching Assistant of the Year Award, 2001

Order of Ontario, 2001

Valedictorian, Order of Ontario, 2001

Local Hero, Volunteerism, The Barrie Examiner, Barrie, Ontario, 2002

Peer Reviewed Funding

Alter D, Naylor CD, Irvine J, Mustard C, Morgan C, Tu J, Wheaton B, Austin P: The Relationship Between Socioeconomic Status, Quality of Care, and Outcomes Following Acute Myocardial Infarction.

Canadian Institutes of Health Research, 2001-2004

Bendeck M: Tetracyclines in the Treatment of Vascular Disease.

Heart & Stroke Foundation of Ontario, 2001-2004

Bendeck M: Responses of Vascular Smooth Muscle Cells to Extracellular Matrix in Atherosclerosis and Restenosis.

Canadian Institutes of Health Research, 2000-2003

Bendeck M: Ministry of Energy Science and Technology Ontario and Department of Laboratory Medicine and Pathobiology.

Premier’s Research Excellence Award, 2000-2005

Cernacek P, Rouleau JL, Stewart DJ: Endothelin Blockade in Heart Failure and Hypertrophy: Which Receptor and when?

Medical Research Council of Canada, 2000-2004

Cheung AM, Cameron JI, Hyman I, Franche RL, Stewart DE: Predicting Emotional Distress in Family Caregivers: Analysis of the Longitudinal National Population Health Survey Data.

National Health Research and Development Program, 2003

Cheung AM, Cameron J, Stewart DE, Coyte PC, Streiner DL, Feldberg GD: When Home Care Ends and Institutional Care Begins: A Longitudinal Study of Stroke Survivors and Their Family Caregivers.

Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council, 2001-2004

Cheung A, Liu P, Abramson B, Stewart DE: Clinical Trial of Raloxifene Use in the Heart (RUTH).

Eli Lilly, 1998-2003

Cohen J, Ashley MJ, Ferrence R, Stewart DE, Kyle K: Institutional Addiction to Tobacco: Defining Links Between Canadian Universities and Medical Schools.

National Cancer Institute of Canada, 2000-2002

Coles JG, G Hannigan: Xenogenic Cardiomyocyte Transplantation.

Heart & Stroke Foundation of Ontario, 2000-2002

Coles JG, G. Hannigan: Integrin-Linked Kinase (ILK) Improves Cardiomyocyte Survival. Canadian Institutes of Health Research, 2002-2005

Connelly PW: The Role of Apolipoproteins in Oxidation and Atherosclerosis.

Heart & Stroke Foundation of Ontario, 2002-2005

Deber R, Halman M, Millson P, Meyers T, Stewart DE, Urowitz S, Walmsley S, Bauman A: Preferred Role of People with HIV and AIDS in Treatment Decision Making.

Ontario HIV Treatment Network, 1999-2001

Demeules M, Stewart DE (PI’s): Canadian Women’s Health Status Report: A Multidimensional Look at the Health of Canadian Women.

Canadian Population Health Initiative, 2001-2003

Ethier CR: Computational Hemodynamics

National Science and Engineering Research Council, 2001-2005

Ethier CR: The Hydrodynamics of Aqueous Humor Outflow.

National Institutes of Health (subgrant), 1998-2002

Ethier CR: Protein Profiling in Human Trabecular Meshwork.

Glaucoma Research Society of Ontario, 2001-2002

Ethier CR: Human Anterior Segment Model for Myocilin Perfusion.

Hildegard Dorenhamp-Gerhard Zbinden Foundation, 2000-2001

Ethier CR: Factors Controlling Aqueous Outflow Resistance in Glaucoma.

Canadian Institutes of Health Research, 2001-2004

Feindel CM: Prolonged Storage of Cardiac Allografts with Shed Donor Blood.

Heart & Stroke Foundation of Ontario, 1999-2001

Feindel CM, Borger M: Effect of Vacuum Assist on Cerebral Microemboli During CPB.

The Physicians’ Services Incorporated Foundation, 2000-2001

Feindel CM, Rao V: Preservation of Endothelial Function Following Prolonged Storage of Cardiac Allografts with Shed Donor Blood.

Heart & Stroke Foundation of Ontario, 2001-2004

Flanagan JG (PI), Ethier CR (Co-Investigator): The Role of Lamina Cribrosa Biomechanics and Ischemia in Glaucomatous Optic Neuropathy.

Canadian Institutes of Health Research, 2001-2005

Floras J: Career Investigator Award, CI.

Heart & Stroke Foundation of Ontario, 2001-2006

Floras J: Cardiopulmonary Interactions in Health and Disease.

Medical Research Council of Canada, 2000-2005

Floras J: Cardiovascular Regulation in Men and Women with Hypertension of Heart Failure.

Heart & Stroke Foundation of Ontario, 1999-2002

Floras J: Peptidergic and Purinergic Modulation of the Autonomic Nervous System in Humans.

Medical Research Council of Canada, 1997-2002

Floras J (Co-Investigator): Investigations Concerning the Control and Modulation of Cardiac and Renal Sympathetic Activity in Chronic Heart Failure

Heart & Stroke Foundation of Ontario, 2001-2004

Floras J (Co-Investigator): Multicentre Trial of Continuous Positive Airway Pressure (CPAP) for Chronic Therapy of Heart Failure.

Medical Research Council of Canada, University-Industry Grant, 1998-2003

Floras J (Co-Investigator): Endothelial Dysfunction in SLE: Its Contribution to Abnormalities in Coronary Perfusion and the Role of ACE Inhibition.

Heart & Stroke Foundation of Ontario, 2001-2003

Floras J: By What Mechanisms Does Conversion from Conventional Intermittent Dialysis to Nocturnal Hemodialysis Lower Blood Pressure?

Canadian Institutes of Health Research

Fremes SE, Cohen E, Naylor CD, Fradet G, Buller C, Able J, Carrera R, Gelfand E, Tymchak W, Menkis A, Almond D, Myers M, Errett L, Watson R, Yau T, Schwartz L, Rubens F, Higginson L, Carrier M, Cote G, Morin J, Doyle D, Gleeton O: Multi Centre Radial Artery Patency Study.

Medical Research Council, 2001

Fremes SE, Multi-Centre Radial Artery Study Participants: Multi-Centre Radial Artery Patenty Study: 5 Year Results.

Canadian Institutes of Health Research, 2006

Gotlieb AI: Studies on Valvular Interstitial Cells and Valvular Repair.

Heart & Stroke Foundation of Ontario, 1999-2002

Gotlieb A (PI), Bendeck M (Co-Investigator): Heart Valve Repair: Regulation by Cells and Matrix.

Heart & Stroke Foundation of Ontario, 2002-2005

Gotlieb AI, Langille BL (Co-Applicants): The Endothelium in Atherogenesis: Influences of Hemodynamic Stresses.

Canadian Institutes of Health Research, 2001-2006

Hebert PC, Multi-Centre Study Participants (including Fremes, SE): Blood Conservation Using Antifibrinolytics: A Randomized Trial in High Risk Cardiac Surgery – The BART Trial.

Canadian Institutes of Health Research, 2005

Henkelman M, Bronskill M, Foster S, Plewes DB, Yaffe M, Rowlands J, Wright GA: Medical Imaging for Cancer.

National Cancer Institute of Canada, 2001-2006

Hinek A: Elastin Receptor in Pathobiology of Arterial Thickening.

Canadian Institutes of Health Research, 2001-2006

Hinek A (Co-Investigator): Pathobiology of Intimal Plaques.

Canadian Institutes of Health Research, Group Grant, 2001-2006

Husain M: c-Myb-Dependent Vascular Smooth Muscle Proliferation.

Canadian Institutes of Health Research, 2001-2004

Husain M: Conditional Expression of PMCA Isoforms in Arterial Smooth Muscle of Transgenic Mice.

Heart & Stroke Foundation of Ontario, 2000-2003

Husain M: Molecular Physiology of Vascular Smooth Muscle.

Ontario Research & Development Challenge Fund New Opportunities Matching Grant, 2000-2003

Husain M: Mouse Models of Vascular Injury.

University of Toronto Faculty of Medicine Dean’s Fund, 1999-2002

Husain M: Molecular Physiology of Vascular Smooth Muscle.

Canada Foundation for Innovation New Opportunities Award, 1998-2002

Husain M: c-Myb-Dependent Vascular Smooth Muscle Proliferation.

Medical Research Council of Canada, 1998-2001

Husain M: Molecular Regulation of Vascular Smooth Muscle Cell Proliferation.

Medical Research Council of Canada, 1998-2001

Husain M: c-Myb-Dependent Vascular Smooth Muscle Proliferation.

Heart & Stroke Foundation of Ontario, 1998-2001

Husain M: c-Myb-Dependent Vascular Smooth Muscle Proliferation.

University of Toronto Connaught Foundation & Department of Medicine New Staff Grant

Hyman I, Stewart DE, Williams J, Ferris L, Cohen M, Maher J: Women’s Health Status in Ontario.

Ontario Ministry of Health, 2001

Jenkins DJA (PI), Connelly PW (Co-Investigator)

Heart & Stroke Foundation of Ontario, 2002-2005

Katz J, Gagliese L, Snijdelaar D, Stewart DE, Macrae H, Taddio A, Sandler P: Gender Differences in Pain and Analgesic Response to Kappa & Mu Opioids after Surgery.

Medical Research Council, 2000-2003

Langille BL (Director), Bendeck M, Cybulsky M, Husain M, Gotlieb A, Marsden P, Stewart D, Strauss B, Ward M (Co-Investigators): Cell Biology of Atherosclerosis.

Heart & Stroke Foundation of Ontario Group Grant, 2000-2005

Langille BL (Director), Gotlieb AI (Member): New Frontiers Program in Restenosis after Interventions: Pathobiology, Genetics and Therapeutics.

Canadian Institutes of Health Research, 2001

Lesperance F (PI), Dorian P (Co-Investigator): A Randomized Controlled Trial of Interpersonal Psychotherapy and Citalopram for Depression in Coronary Artery Disease.

Canadian Institutes of Health Research, 2001-200.

Leytin V, Freedman J, Blanchette VS, Rand ML (Co-Investigator): Enhanced Diagnosis and Characterization of von Willebrand Disease by Testing Platelet Activation and Function Under Shear Rate Conditions

Aventis Behring Canada Research and Education Fund, 2001-2002

Li R-K: Career Investigator Award.

Heart & Stroke Foundation of Ontario, 2001

Li R-K, Weisel RD: Angiogenesis by Uterine Cell Transplantation.

Heart & Stroke Foundation of Ontario, 2001-2003

Li R-K, Weisel RD: Autologous Tissue-Engineered Grafts for Congenital Heart Surgery.

Heart & Stroke Foundation of Ontario, 2001-2003

Li R-K, Weisel RD: Cell Transplantation for Cardiovascular Disease.

Heart & Stroke Foundation of Ontario, 2001-2006

Li R-K: Cell Transplantation to Improve Heart Function.

Ontario Ministry of Energy, Science and Technology, 2001-2006

Li R-K: Prevention of the Progressive Cardiac Failure of Dilated Cardiomyopathy by Gene-Transfected Cell Transplantation.

Canadian Institutes of Health Research, 2001-2004

Li R-K: Cell Transplantation for Diabetic Cardiomyopathy.

Canadian Diabetes Association, 2002-2004

Lindsay T: Mechanistic Studies in Organ Injury After Ruptured Aortic Aneurysm.

Physicians’ Services Incorporated, 2002

Lindsay T: Ruptured Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm: Early Organ Injury Prevention Strategies.

Physicians’ Services Incorporated, 2002

Liu P, Backx P, Husain M, Parker T, Rabinovitch M, Rouleau JL, Sole MJ, Stewart DJ: The Determinants of Host Response and Sesceptibility in the Development of Health Network.

Canadian Institutes of Health Research Group Grant, 2001-2004

Liu P (Director), Backx P, Parker T, Rabinovitch M, Rouleau JL, Stewart DJ, Husain M: The Determinants of Host Susceptibilities of Heart Failure.

Canadian Institutes of Health Research Group Grant, 2000-2003

Magee L, von Dadelszen P, Guyatt G, Koren G, Ross S, Stephenson M, Stewart DE: Measuring Quality of Life in Nausea and Vomiting of Pregnancy (NVP): Assessment of the Measurement of a New Evaluation Questionnaire.

The Vancouver Foundation, 2001-2002

Mazer D: The Role of Anemia and Red Blood Cell Substitutes in Traumatic Brain Injury.

Anemia Institute for Research and Education, 2002

Mazer D (Co-Investigator): Blood Conservation Using Antifibrinolytics: A Randomized Trial in a Cardiac Surgery Population – The BART Study.

Canadian Institutes of Health Research, 2002

Mazer D (Co-Investigator): A Randomized Trial of a Lung-Open Ventilation Strategy (LOVS) in Acute Lung Injury.

Canadian Institutes of Health Research, 2002-2003

Mazer D (Co-Investigator): CABG Surgery in USA, Canada, Germany and the United Kingdom: Comparison of Timelines and Outcomes.

Ischemia Research and Education Foundation, 2001-2002

Mazer D (Co-Investigator): Atrial Fibrillation Risk Indices for Patients Undergoing CABG.

Ischemia Research and Education Foundation, 2001-2002

Merchant N, Mickleborough LL: Magnetic Resonance Imaging for Ischemic Heart Disease.

Medical Research Council of Canada, 2001-2002

Mickleborough LL (for Canada), Multi-Centre Trial across North America: Surgical Treatment for Ischemic Heart (STICH) Failure Trial.

National Institutes of Health U.S., 2001-2004

Nag S, Stewart DJ: Regulation of Cerebrovascular Homeostasis and Repair by Angiogenic Factors.

Heart & Stroke Foundation of Canada, 2000-2002

Nolan RP (PI), Ruckholm E, Stewart DE (Co-PI’s), (Co-Applicants) Angus J, Rouleau JL, Franche R-L, Rosser W, Alter D, Picard L, Michel I, Crichton T, Haider L, Micevski V, Grace S: Community Outreach and Heart Health Risk Reduction Trials (COHRT).

Heart & Stroke Foundation of Ontario, 2001-2005

Osmond D: New Hypertensive System Linked to Blood Coagulation FXII.

Heart & Stroke Foundation of Ontario, 2002

Peltier R (PI), Ethier CR (Co-Investigator): PsciNet II Computing Upgrade.

CFI/OIT/Compaq Canada, 2002-2003

Plewes DB (PI), Wright GA (Co-Investigator): Centre for Research Using Magnetic Resonance at Sunnybrook and Women’s College Health Sciences Centre

Medical Research Council of Canada, 1999-2002

Rabinovitch M (Director), Bruneau B, Hinek A, Husain M, Keely F, Wilson G: Interdisciplinary Program in Cardiovascular Development and Disease.

Canadian Institutes of Health Research Group Grant, 2000-2005

Rand ML, Freedman J: The Procoagulant Surface of Activated Platelets: Persistence in vitro and in vivo

Heart & Stroke Foundation of Ontario, 2001-2004

Rowlands J, Keep D, Burns P, Chauhan V, Cohen E, Fort S, Foster S, Fremes SE, Stewart D, Wilson B, Wright G: Imaging Research Centre for Cardiac Intervention – IRCCI.

Canada Foundation for Innovation, 2005

Roy D (PI), Dorian P (Co-Investigator): AF CHF Trial.

Canadian Institutes of Health Research, 2001

Singer P, Cheung A, Deber R, Dickens B, Flood, Lemmens T, Mullen M, Mykitiuk R, Robertson A, Stewart DE, Till J: Canadian Program on Genomics and Global Health: International and Comparative Perspectives on Health Systems and Insurance Implications of New Genetic Testing.

Genome Canada, 2001-2006

Stamer WD (PI), Ethier CR (Co-Investigator): Role of Aquaporin-1 in the Permeability of Schlemm’s Canal.

American Health Assistance Foundation, 2001-2002

Slutsky AS: Critical Care Unit for Research Excellence (CCURE) [Group grant including approximately 20 critical care physicians/specialists from southern Ontario].

Canada Foundation for Innovation and Ontario Innovative Trust, 2002-2006

Sole M: The Genetics of Hypertrophic Cardiopathy.

Heart & Stroke Foundation of Ontario, 2000-2003

Sole M: Molecular Cardiology.

GH Wood Foundation, 2000-2005

Sole M: The Determinants of Host Response and Susceptibility in the Development of Heart Failure.

Canadian Institutes of Health Research Group Grant, 2001-2004

Sole M (Co-Investigator): The Prevalence of Thiamine Deficiency in Hospital Patients with CHF.

Canadian Foundation for Dietitic Research, 2000-2001

Stewart D (PI), Husain M (Co-Investigator): Targeted Overexpression of Inducible NO Synthase: Relevance for the Pathogenesis of Cardiovascular Disease.

Heart & Stroke Foundation of Ontario, 2002-2005

Stewart D (PI), Husain M (Co-Investigator): Pathophysiological Relevance of Endothelin-1 Overexpression.

Canadian Institutes of Health Research, 2001-2004

Stewart DE, Ahmad F: Popular Health Promotion Strategies Among Chinese and East Indian Immigrant Women.

Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council, 2001-2003

Stewart DE, Ahmad F: The Use of Community Newspaper to Promote Breast Cancer Screening Among South Asian Women.

Canadian Breast Cancer Foundation: Ontario Chapter, 2002

Stewart DJ: Biological and Therapeutic Potential of Angiopoietins.

Heart & Stroke Foundation of Canada, 2001-2003

Stewart DJ: Clinical Relevance of Endothelial Dysfunction.

Medical Research Council of Canada, 1995-2002

Stewart DJ, et al: Cardiovascular Gene Therapy Initiative.

Canada Foundation for Innovation, 2001-2004

Stewart DJ, et al: Multicentre Randomized Double Blind Placebo Control Clinical Trial of DNA for VEGF165 in the Treatment of Angina Pectoris

Canadian Institutes of Health Research/University/Industry, 2001-2004

Stewart DJ, Fitchett DH, Batchelow WB: Controlled Trial of VEGF DNA in Severe Angina.

Heart & Stroke Foundation of Canada, 2001-2003

Stewart DJ, Husain M: Pathophysiological Relevance of Endothelin-1 Overexpression.

Canadian Institutes of Health Research, 2001-2005

Stewart DJ, Monge JC: Differential Expression of Endothelial Factors in Angiogenesis.

Medical Research Council of Canada, 1996-2001

Stewart DJ: New Frontiers Program “Gene and Cell-Based Therapies for Cardio-Respiratory Disorders”.

Heart & Stroke Foundation of Canada/CIHR, 2001-2002

Tu J, Chan B, Naylor CD: Quality of Acute Myocardial Infarction Care.

Canadian Institutes of Health Research, 2000-2005

Tu J, Fremes SE: Canadian Cardiovascular Outcomes Research Team.

Canadian Institutes of Health Research – Interdisciplinary Health Research Team, 2005

Verma S, Weisel RD: Endothelin Antagonism and Cardiac Surgery in Diabetes.

Physicians’ Services Incorporated Foundation, 2001-2002

Weisel RD: Protection from Perioperative Ischemia.

Heart & Stroke Foundation of Ontario, 1999-2002

Weisel RD: Protection from Perioperative Ischemia.

Heart & Stroke Foundation of Ontario, 2001-2004

Weisel RD: Endothelin, Perioperative Ischemia and Diabetes.

Canadian Diabetes Association, 2001-2003

Wilson GJ, Backx PH: Ischemic Preconditioning of the Myocardium: Role of Chloride Channels.

Heart & Stroke Foundation of Ontario, 1999-2002

Wilson GJ (PI), Courtman DW (Co-Investigator): Acellular Matrix: Tissue Engineering Approaches for Pediatric Cardiovascular Reconstruction.

Canadian Institutes of Health Research, 2000-2003

Wittnich C: Chronically Hypoxic Newborn Hearts Response to Stress.

Heart & Stroke Foundation of Ontario, 1999-2002

Wittnich C: Impact of Gender on Myocardial Pathology & Ischemia/Reperfusion.

Heart & Stroke Foundation of Ontario, 2001-2004

Wright GA: Evaluation of Myocardial Ischemia with MRI.

The Premier’s Research Excellence Award, 1999-2002

Wright GA: Magnetic Resonance Imaging for Ischemic Heart Disease.

Medical Research Council of Canada, 2000-2005

Wright GA, Burns P, Coates G, Downar E, Fort S, Hendler A, Hu B, McKerlie C, Merchant N, Mickleborough L, Wittnich C: Magnetic Resonance Imaging for Ischemic Heart Disease.

Medical Research Council of Canada, 1999-2003

Wright GA, Merchant N, Rubin BB: Magnetic Resonance Imaging for Ischemia.

Medical Research Council of Canada, 2000-2005

Wright GA, Prato F: Ontario Consortium for Cardiac Imaging.

Ontario Research and Development Challenge Fund, 2000-2005

Yau TM, Weisel RD: Insulin Cardioplegia for Poor Left Ventricular Function.

Heart & Stroke Foundation of Ontario, 2001-2003



Ahmed Z, Ravandi A, Maguire GF, Emili A, Draganov D, La Du BN, Kuksis A, Connelly PW: Multiple substrates for paraoxonase-1 during oxidation of phosphatidylcholine by peroxynitrite. Biochem Biophys Res Comm, 2002;290:391-396.

Ahmed Z, Ravandi A, Maguire GF, Kuksis A, Connelly PW: Aminoguanidine forms Schiff’s base adducts with phosphatidylcholine core aldehydes as part of its antioxidant activity. Clin Chem, 2001;47(6):A54.

Azakie A, Merklinger S, McCrindle BW, Van Arsdell G, Benson LN, Lee K-J, Coles JG, Williams WG: Evolving strategies and improving outcomes of the modified Norwood procedure: A 10-year single-institution experience. Ann Thorac Surg, 2001;72:1349-1353.

Azakie A, Merklinger S, Williams WG, Van Arsdell GS, Coles JG, Adatia I: Improving outcomes of the Fontan operation in children with atrial isomerism and heterotaxy syndromes. Ann Thorac Surg, 2001;72:1636-1640.

Bandali KS, Belanger MP, Wittnich: Is hyperglycemia seen in neonates during cardiopulmonary bypass due to hyperoxia? J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg, 2001;122(4):753-758.

Barolet A, Nili N, Cheema A, O’Blenes S, et al: Arterial elastolytic activity after angioplasty and the effects of elafin, an elastase inhibitor. Arterioscler Thromb Vasc Biol, 2001;21:1269-1274.

Belanger MP, Wittnich C, Torrance SM, Juhasz S: Model of normothermic long-term cardiopulmonary bypass in swine weighing more than eighty kilograms. Comp Med, 2002;52(2):117-121.

Bhagawan K, Merklinger S, Van Arsdell GS, McCrindle BW, Borger MA, Caldarone CA, Coles JG, Williams WG: Extending the usable size range of homografts in the pulmonary circulation: Outcome of bicuspid homografts. Ann Thorac Surg, 2002;73:866-870.

Blais Jr, C, Lapointe N, Rouleau JL, Clement R, Bachvarov DR, Adam A: Effect of captopril and omapatrilat on early post-myocardial infarctions survival and cardiac hemodynamics in rats: Interaction with cardiac cytokine expression. Can J Physiol & Pharmacol, 2002;80:48-58.

Campbell AIM, Zhao Y, Sandhu R, Stewart DJ: Cell-based transfer of VEGF attenuates monocrotaline-induced pulmonary hypertension. Circulation, 2001;104:2242-2248.

Dharmakumar R, Plewes DB, Wright GA: On the parameters affecting the sensitivity of MR measures of pressure with microbubbles. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, 2002;47:264-273.

Dumont AS, Hyndman ME, Dumont RJ, Fedak PWM, Kassell NF, Sutherland GR, Verma S: Improvement of endothelial function in insulin-resistant carotid arteries treated with pravastatin. J Neurosurg, 2001;95:466-471.

Fedak PWM, Verma S, Weisel RD, Mickle DAG, Li R-K: Angiogenesis: Protein, gene or cell therapy. Heart Surg Forum, 2001;4:301-304.

Gori T, Burstein J, Ahmed S, Miner S, Al-Hesayen A, Parker JD: Folic acid prevents nitroglycerin-induced nitric oxide synthase dysfunction and nitrate tolerance. Circulation, 2001;104(10:1119-1123.

Gori T, Mak SS, Kelly S, Parker JD: Evidence supporting abnormalities in nitric oxide synthase function induced by nitroglycerin in humans. J Am Coll Cardiol, 2001;38(4):1096-1101.

Hinek A, Riazi S: The role of elastin in modulation of cellular proliferation. Mol Biol Cell, 2001;12:65a.

Jurt U, Gori T, Ravandi A, Babaei S, Zeman P, Parker JD: Differential effects of pentaerythritol tetranitrate and nitroglycerin on oxidative stress and nitrate tolerance development. A human in vivo study. J Am Coll Cardiol, 2001;38(3):854-859.

Koirala B, Merklinger SL, Van Arsdell GS, McCrindle BW, Borger MA, Calderone C, Coles JG, Williams WG: Extending the usable size range of homografts in the pulmonary circulation: Outcome of “bicuspid homografts”. Ann Thorac Surg, 2002;73(3):866-869; discussion 869-870.

Lapointe N, Rouleau JL: Activation of vascular tissue angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE) in heart failure: Effects of ACE inhibitors. J Am Coll Cardiol, 2002;39(5):776-779.

Miriuka S, Rao V, Weisel RD, Li SH, Anderson TJ, Maitland A, Fedak PWM, Li R-K, Verma S: Cyclosporin induced endothelial dysfunction: Effects of the nitric oxide cofactor, tetrahydrobiopterin. J Heart Lung Transplant, 2002;21(1):130-131.

Nguyen QT, Cernacek P, Sirois MG, Calderone A, Lapointe N, Stewart DJ, Rouleau JL: Long-term effects of non-selective endothelin A and B receptor antagonism in post-infarction rat: Importance of timing. Circulation, 2001;104:2075-2081.

Parker JD, Gori T: Tolerance to the organic nitrates: New ideas, new mechanisms, continued mystery. Circulation, 2001;104:2263-2265.

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(This report is based on information provided by faculty and students.)


The Cardiovascular Sciences Collaborative Program would like to thank the following for their generous support:

Industry Sponsors

Bristol-Myers Squibb

Medtronic Canada

Merck Frosst Canada & Co.

Solvay Pharma

Individual Donors

Dr. Wilfred G. Bigelow, who has so generously supported the Program both morally and financially.

And, the individuals that have given personal donations to support cardiovascular graduate training at the University of Toronto.

- Michael Morassutti

- Stephen McDonald


FR: Dr. Vivek Rao (1997), Dr. Saeid Babaei (2001), Dr. Michael Borger (2000)

BR: Dr. Richard D. Weisel, Head, Division of Cardiac Surgery, Dr. Ronald Baird, Dr. Wilfred G. Bigelow, Dr. Catharine Whiteside, Associate Dean, Inter-Faculty & Graduate Affairs, Professor Umberto De Boni, Associate Dean, Division IV – The Life Sciences, Dr. Carin Wittnich, Director, CSCP, Dr. John Ikonomidis (1995)

L-R: Dr. Ronald Baird, Dr. David Naylor, Dean of Medicine, Dr. Richard D. Weisel, Head, Division of Cardiac Surgery & Dr. Wilfred G. Bigelow


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