Software Requirements Specification

Software Requirements SpecificationSimple Sorting1.06-21-2011Prepared By: Phil MaconiDrexel UniversityRevision HistoryNameDateReason for ChangeVersionJohn Smith, Mary Chu,Rob LeeJanuary 31, 2011Initial Version1.0Table of Contents TOC \o "1-3" \h \z \u Table of Contents PAGEREF _Toc296422172 \h 11.Introduction PAGEREF _Toc296422173 \h 21.1.Purpose PAGEREF _Toc296422174 \h 21.2.Technical Term Definitions PAGEREF _Toc296422175 \h 22.Specific Requirements PAGEREF _Toc296422176 \h 22.1.Functional Requirements PAGEREF _Toc296422177 \h 22.1.1.Input Requirements PAGEREF _Toc296422178 \h 22.1.2.Sorting Requirements PAGEREF _Toc296422179 \h 22.1.3.Configuration Requirements PAGEREF _Toc296422180 \h 22.1.4.Algorithm Requirements PAGEREF _Toc296422181 \h 22.1.5.Output Requirements PAGEREF _Toc296422182 \h 22.2.Non-functional Requirements PAGEREF _Toc296422183 \h 32.2.patibility Requirement PAGEREF _Toc296422184 \h 32.2.2.Extensibility Requirement PAGEREF _Toc296422185 \h 32.3.User Interface PAGEREF _Toc296422186 \h 32.3.1.Interface Requirements PAGEREF _Toc296422187 \h 33.System Evolution PAGEREF _Toc296422188 \h 34.Use Case Diagram PAGEREF _Toc296422189 \h 4Appendix A PAGEREF _Toc296422190 \h 5IntroductionPurposeThis document gives the requirements specification for the Simple Sorting program. It provides a high-level description of the behavior of the system, functional and non-functional specifications, projected future modifications, and definitions for several technical terms used throughout the document.The Simple Sorting program allows the user to input a series of strings, sorts them, and then outputs them in the sorted order. Additionally, the Simple Sorting program outputs each unique string as well as the number of occurrences of those strings.Technical Term DefinitionsSpecific RequirementsPriority LevelDescriptionPriority 1This is the most important priority level. These items should be considered vital. These tasks are necessary for the success of the application. Priority 2Priority two features are secondary features that we would like to see added but are not required for this release.Priority 3Priority three tasks are expected to be completed in future releases and not necessarily essential for the current product.Functional Requirements0100Input Requirements 0110Input to the system shall be in the form on sequences of alphanumeric characters. Priority 10120Input strings shall contain only English letters, numbers, and hyphens. Priority 10130Each supplied string shall be between 1 and 45 characters. Priority 10140The input words are not case sensitive. Priority 10150The user should enter one word per line. Priority 10160The user can input a blank line to finish. Priority 10200Output Requirements0210 The program shall output the input into increasing lexicographical order. Priority 10220 The program shall output each unique string with the number of occurrences of that string. Priority 1Non-functional RequirementsCompatibility RequirementThe system will be written in Java 1.6 and thus compatible with any system that is able to run Java VM. Performance RequirementThe system must respond within 0.1s. User InterfaceInterface RequirementsThe system will provide a command-line interface, which can be seen below. System EvolutionThere are two primary areas of this program that are expected to evolve over time: input, sorting, and output. The input area can be changed to read from a file. It can also be modified to require a different style of input, such as comma or space delimited.The output area may eventually require saving to a file or displaying different summary statistics. Use Case Diagram ................

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