Idaho State University

IACUC Risk Assessment

Hazard Control Guidelines

4 5/2020

|Hazard |Problem |Controls |

|Hot Environment |Sunburn, dehydration, heat |Utilize sunscreen, skin protective clothing, brimmed hat, and|

| |stress/stroke |provide adequate drinking water (about 4 cups per hour in |

| | |high heat conditions), take breaks and find shade. |

|Allergens (pollen, poison ivy, wild |Allergic reactions |Determine pre-existing plant allergies. If yes, obtain |

|parsnip) | |medical advice. |

| | |and possible pretreatment for pollen allergies. |

| | |Team members should have knowledge of plants causing allergic|

| | |reaction that grow in the field area. First aid kit should |

| | |contain an antihistamine. |

|Extreme weather |Injury or death form tornado, |Tornado: If tornado warning or sighting, seek low ground or |

| |downpours, lightening |ditch. Abandon vehicle. If caught in the open, hit the dirt. |

| | |Find a ditch or culvert and protect your head and torso. |

| | |Downpours: Check the forecast for thunderstorms. Consider |

| | |postponing activities to avoid being caught in a dangerous |

| | |situation. |

| | |Lightening: If you hear thunder, immediately move to a safe |

| | |place. Fully enclosed buildings with wiring and plumbing |

| | |provide the best protection. Sheds, picnic shelters, tents or|

| | |covered porches do NOT protect you from lightning. If a |

| | |sturdy building is not nearby, get into a hard-topped metal |

| | |vehicle and close all the windows. Stay inside until 30 |

| | |minutes after the last rumble of thunder. Keep away from |

| | |electrical equipment and wiring. |

|Vector-borne diseases |Lime or West Nile disease |Follow CDC recommendations for insect repellents. |

| | |

| | |mlWear long sleeves and long pants. Install or repair screens|

| | |on camp trailers or tents. Perform body tick check every |

| | |evening. |

|Bites and stings |Allergic reaction |Determine if any team member is allergic to stings. Those who|

| | |are allergic, must carry epinephrine. First aid kit should |

| | |contain hydrocortisone cream and an antihistamine. |

|Manual working |Injury including strain, sprain, |Take regular breaks. Pace the work. Use and remind team |

| |slips, trips, falls |members about safe lifting techniques. |

|Wildlife (venomous snakes, scorpions, |Primary concern is potential for |Be observant for dangerous wild life, especially rattle |

|animal bites, Zoonotic diseases) |bites from the western rattle snake.|snakes. Wear boots and loose fitting clothing. Watch where |

| | |you place hands and feet. Obtain immediate medical attention |

| | |for rattle snake bites. |

|Communication Failure and working alone| |Stay in contact with larger group, have scheduled check-in |

| | |times. SPOT Satellite GPS Messenger device will be charged |

| | |and in use. |

|Distance from emergency care |40 miles |Utilize SPOT Messenger or other satellite communication |

| | |device. |

|Transportation Failure | |Perform safety checks on vehicles, prior to trip and before |

| | |each use when in the field. |

| | | |

|Terrain (knee high dense brush) | |Wear long sturdy pants and boots with good ankle support. |

|and night time filed work | |Move with extra caution at night. |

| |Increased risk of falling tripping | |

|ATV use |Vehicle accident |Complete ATV training, Complete pr- trip inspection, Wear |

| | |leather or other protective gloves and SNEL /ANSI approved |

| | |helmet, long sleeves and long pants. |

|Lightning | |PI provide training on lightening risk id and procedures. |

| | |Share this document |

| | | |

| |Skin irritant, CNS depressant, |Use adequate ventilation. Verify continued integrity of |

| |suspect teratogen. |chamber and gas scavenging system. |

| | | |

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|Isoflorane | | |

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|Project animal bites and scratches | Injury infections from handling |Use proper handling technique. Provide safety equipment. |

| |animals |Training provided by AC staff and PI. |

| | |In event of bite or scratch , immediately wash injured area |

| | |with soap and water, provide first aid and reporting per |

| | |IACUC requirements. |

| | |Tetanus vaccination recommended |

|Punctures from sharps |injections |Wear protective equipment. If needed obtain assistance from |

|What types of sharps | |more experienced handler. PI to train participants. . In |

|needles, tweezers scissors | |event of puncture, immediately wash injured area with soap |

| | |and water, provide first aid and reporting per IACUC |

| | |requirements. |

| | |Tetanus vaccination recommended |

|CO2 |Physical asphyxiant: displaces |Trained individual, verify chamber is in working order. |

| |oxygen and nitrogen in air, causing |Follow attached Animal Care Facility SOP. |

| |health problems. | |

|Animal allergy |allergic reactions from handling |Report allergy to occupational health physician. If |

| |animals or bedding |respirator is needed contact EHS, monitor annually or as |

| | |needed, through participation in IACUC occupational health |

| | |program. |

|Unmodified |Possible injection of human cells |Use universal precautions. Follow guidelines of the ISU |

|(established) Human | |Biosafety Committee. Proper training and handling. Provide |

|cell lines inserted into | |first aid and reporting as required under the IACUC and |

|an immunocompromised | |biosafety committee. |

|mouse | | |

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