English Weekly/Daily Planning - Week …

English Weekly/Daily Planning - Week beginning 8th January 2007 Year : 5

|Weekly Objectives |

|Y4 T3 Text 19 Evaluate ads for impact, appeal, honesty/determine how product info is presented (eg exaggerated claims). |

|Y4 T2 Wd 9 Use alternative words and expressions which are more accurate or interesting. |

|Y4 T1 S4 Identify adverbs and understand their function. |

|T2 Extend understanding of adjectives. |

| |text level |sentence/word level |support activity |core activity |extension activity |plenary |

| | | | | | |key questions |

| |Using ‘Checklist of Key Features |Find examples of slogans, |Work in pairs to identify key features in 2 sample adverts. |What techniques do advertisers |

|Mon |of Adverts’ and an example advert|exaggeration, appealing |Slobberchocks and Erasero Pens. |use to get our attention? |

| |for Sudz, analyze according to |adjectives, strong adverbs, |Identify several fairly obvious features from the checklist. Identify and understand use of each one. | |

| |feature checklist. |powerful verbs etc. Wow words ? |As core but explain with greater detail. Have both your adverts used the advertising techniques ? Look| |

| | | |at an advert in depth and note more subtle effects too. | |

| |Using the advert for Tricky |Complete Using Adjectives to |Analyse and fill in grid for |Analyse and fill in grids for |As core. Paragraph should be |How can we use the advertising |

|Tue |Trikes and complete a key |create slogans sheet together. |Vestibag advert with some adult |Vestibag advertisement. Choose |referring to check list in more |techniques studies to analyse new|

| |features grid - Analysing |Use a thesaurus to enhance boring|support. |an advert from a magazine or one |detail. |adverts? |

| |Adverts (see FLS p 6). |nouns with interesting |FLS Group Supported Session 1:1 |given yesterday or today. Write | | |

| | |adjectives. |Analyze Given VIP ads. |a paragraph identifying | | |

| | | | |techniques. Extension - Complete | | |

| | | | |Using adjectives to create | | |

| | | | |slogans sheet in pairs – must use| | |

| | | | |different adjectives to ones | | |

| | | | |found earlier ! | | |

| |Introduce Vestibags product made |Incorporate above into own |Design basic advert for Vestibags|Incorporate detail and thought |As core but use more imagination |What do we need to include in an |

|Wed |by VIP and discuss ways it could |advertisement for Vestibags or |or product of own choice using |into created advert for Vestibags|and novel ideas. |effective advertisement? |

| |be presented using discussed |product of own choice. |several techniques. |or product of own choice. Create| | |

| |techniques. Establish/solicit | |FLS Group Support Session 1:2 |a list of criteria to make their | | |

| |criteria for VIP advert. Begin | |Work on slogans for advert. |own advert. | | |

| |rough copy. | | | | | |

| |Define, identify and provide |Recap and emphasise use of |Continue rough copy advertisement including strong adjectives and adverbs. Differentiation by outcome.|How can strong adjectives and |

|Thur |examples of adjectives and |adverbs and |Remember WOW ! words – use thesaurus for synonyms / powerful language ! Go onto neat copy – can use |adverbs help ‘sell’ our product? |

| |adverbs. Brainstorm possible |Adjectives. Look up some boring |template if you wish. ( You have 15 copies so try to persuade more able children to do their own | |

| |strong adjectives and |words in thesaurus to improve the|advert ! ) | |

| |adverbs which could be used in |language. | | |

| |one of adverts already studied. | | | |

| |We can persuade you scorecard. Evaluate one VIP advert together. |Complete final copy. |Complete final copy. Write 1 |As core. |What techniques did you use to |

|Fri | |FLS Group Support Session 1:3 |page paragraph describing advert | |create a persuasive |

| |In pairs, evaluate two others. |Persuasive Claims Evaluation |techniques used. | |advertisement? |

|extended writing |story time texts/group readers |other listening/speaking opportunities|Homework |evaluation and assessment (include named children who haven’t met targets or have|

| | | |Write an advertisement for a book you |exceeded them) |

| | | |have enjoyed. | |

| | | | | |

English plan 6.2.2001

English Weekly/Daily Planning - Week beginning 15th January 2007 Year : 5

|Weekly Objectives |

|To show how to write a persuasive leaflet. |

|T4 T1 Text L identify different types of text (content, structure, vocabulary, style, layout, purpose). |

|To make short notes by abbreviating ideas, selecting key ideas. |

|Investigate how style and vocabulary are used to convince the reader. |

|Y6T2W8 build up a bank of useful terms and phrases for persuasion. |

| |text level |sentence/word level |support activity |core activity |extension activity |plenary |

| | | | | | |key questions |

| |Analyse how language is used to |Identify features of a leaflet |Understand basic features and |Describe differences in the |As core but incorporate |How does a leaflet differ from an|

|Mon |persuade in order to create an |(FLS Bk p10). Using lewaflet on |layout of a leaflet. Write a few|features of an advert versus a |persuasive convincing language |advert? |

| |advertising leaflet. |page 14 about VIP meals for Life,|basic example sentences to |leaflet. Use some persuasive |and powerful adverb and | |

| |Mod 1 Wk 2. Refer to Key features|use complete sentences to write |describe description and benefits|language to write examples of |adjective. | |

| |of leaflets sheet. |(a) description of product |of a product. |description and its benefits. | | |

| | |(b) benefits. | | | | |

| |Use FLS bk p12 to make short |Review use of powerful adverbs |Write a short set of notes and |Show evidence of careful thought |As core but incorporate more |How can we use our note-taking |

|Tue |notes to plan a leaflet about a |and adjectives and brainstorm |begin rough copy leaflet. |in determining buyer, |detail and creativity into plan. |skills to help us plan a leaflet?|

| |VIP product. Complete Planning |class list. |SS 2:1 work of drafts. |availability and benefits. Begin| | |

| |your Leaflet sheet. | | |rough copy. | | |

| |Begin rough copy using template | | | | | |

| |to help you if you wish. | | | | | |

| |Review leaflet features and |Use Making your Leaflet more |Edit and check before moving to |Edit and complete good copy. |As core |Did you include the features of a|

|Wed |complete to good copy. |persuasive sheet. |good copy. | | |leaflet in your leaflet? Check in|

| | | |SS2:2 work to complete leaflet. | | |pairs. |

| |Understand other ways to persuade|Identify and highlight |Guided reading and discussion of |After class reading and initial |As core. |How does a persuasive article |

|Thur |– read a persuasive article. |connectives within the text. |the text with teacher in small |discussion of article, reread | |“convince” the reader? How do we|

| |What a Rip off ! | |group. |independently and answer | |distinguish between fact and |

| | | | |questions. | |opinion? |

| | | | | | | |

| |Read as group – And My Point is |How to use adjectives to improve |Discuss and highlight basic |In pairs, discuss and highlight |As core |What are the features of a |

|Fri |….. – and investigate features of|your writing – double sided |features of persuasive article. |features of persuasive writing. | |persuasive article? |

| |persuasive text. Model pros and |sheet. |Write for and against or pros and|Write for and against or pros and| | |

| |cons columns giving both sides of| |cons columns to say if playtimes |cons columns to say if playtimes | | |

| |the argument. | |should be banned or not. Give the|should be banned or not. Give the| | |

| | | |points of view of adults and |points of view of adults and | | |

| | | |children ! |children. If finish, write your | | |

| | | | |own opinion and give reasons for | | |

| | | | |it. | | |

| | | | | | | |

| | | | | | | |

|extended writing |story time texts/group readers |other listening/speaking opportunities|Homework |evaluation and assessment (include named children who haven’t met targets or have|

| | | |FLS |exceeded them) |

| | | |Activity Sheet 6 | |

| | | |Write a short advert or article that | |

| | | |would persuade people to make more use| |

| | | |of the local library. | |

English plan 6.2.2001


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