Old Norse Nicknames

Old Norse Nicknames



Paul R. Peterson



Advisers: Anatoly Liberman, Kaaren Grimstad

[April 2015]

? Paul Peterson 2015

i Acknowledgements This dissertation owes a great debt to several entities and individuals without whom it could never have been written. First and foremost is my PhD advisor at the University of Minnesota, Anatoly Liberman, who originally suggested that I research the topic of Old Norse nicknames and whose steadfast support from start to finish has been the greatest boon to my research and scholarly development. Similar thanks are due to my co-advisor, Kaaren Grimstad, whose courses on the sagas and Old Norse led me into this direction in the first place, and whose thoughtful criticism of the parts of this dissertation pertaining to the literature has proven indispensible. It is with special thanks to the financial support of the Leifur Eir?ksson Scholarship Foundation that I was able to spend a year studying at the University of Iceland in 2011-12, where I began research on nicknames and laid the groundwork of this dissertation. Immense gratitude is likewise due to the institutional support of ?rnastofnun and the MIS program coordinators Torfi Tulinius and Haraldur Bernhar?sson, whose program provided a thorough background in all aspects of Old Norse scholarship. A special mention is due personally to Haraldur Bernhar?sson, the advisor to my MA thesis and an outstanding instructor of Old Icelandic. In terms of scholarship, great thanks are owed to Kendra Willson, whose dissertation (2007) on Modern Icelandic nicknames and personal correspondences provided a great background to this field of study. Last but not least, all of those who have in some capacity served as a mentor, teacher, colleague, or friend, this dissertation would have been impossible to write without you.

ii Abstract Nicknames, which occur in all cultures and time periods, play an important role in highlighting identity and provide a window into popular culture. The function of nicknames in the Middle Ages is peculiar, however, when men (as in medieval Iceland) would kill for a carelessly dropped word if it was considered to be detrimental to their honor, yet often tolerated the most demeaning nicknames. The quantity of nicknames in Old Norse literature is incomparably rich, and recurring nicknames provide a tool for understanding saga transmission, cultural history, slang, and etymology. The pool of first names was limited in Old Norse society; thus, many people were identified by not only their first names but also their nicknames. Narrative explanations of nicknames in the literature are numerous, and, although most come in the form of a brief anecdote, several examples expand on a characters biography and play a role in the shaping the plot. Such explanations of nickname origins are often also found in other sagas and medieval Scandinavian literature. Several categories of nicknames are found in Old Norse literature, such as those describing physical features, mental characteristics, and ones deeds or habits (good or bad). An alphabetic list of the nicknames from the compendium of settlers in Iceland called Landn?mab?k (The Book of Settlements) provides examples of the many types of nicknames and describes them in light of their linguistic origin.


Table of Contents

Acknowledgements ........................................................................................................... i Abstract ............................................................................................................................ ii List of Tables ................................................................................................................... iv List of Abbreviations ....................................................................................................... v Chapter 1 Introduction, Prior Scholarship, and the Old Norse Literary Corpus I. Introduction .................................................................................................................... 1 II. Prior Scholarship ........................................................................................................... 7 III. The Corpus of Old Norse Literature ? Origin of the Sagas ....................................... 15 Chapter 2 Terminology, Origins, and Some Features of Nicknames Introduction ...................................................................................................................... 29 I. Terminology ................................................................................................................. 29 II. Terminological Patterns in Nickname Narratives ....................................................... 39 III. Ancient and Medieval Thoughts on Nicknames ........................................................ 44 IV. Nicknames Turned First Names ................................................................................ 51 V. Slang ? Nicknames Referring to Private Parts ............................................................ 65 Chapter 3 Nicknames in the Literature Introduction ...................................................................................................................... 71 I. Nicknames of Kings ..................................................................................................... 75 II. Nickname Explanations in Landn?mab?k ................................................................... 88 III. Miscellaneous Nickname Explanations ..................................................................... 98 IV. Explanations of Womens Nicknames ..................................................................... 105 V. Insulting and Ironic Nicknames in the Literature ..................................................... 112 Chapter 4 Nicknames in Landn?mab?k Introduction .................................................................................................................... 123 I. The Nicknames in Landn?mab?k ............................................................................... 124

List of Nicknames in Landn?mab?k .................................................................. 127 Conclusion .................................................................................................................... 250 Bibliography Primary Sources ............................................................................................................. 254 Secondary Sources ......................................................................................................... 258 Appendix Register of Nicknames ............................................................................ 266


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