Come, Enter the Mikvah



One mind at a time

A Sampling of Foundational Scriptures – READ PRAYERFULLY!

Isaiah 55:8-13: “`For My thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways My ways,’ declares Yahuwah. `For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are My ways higher than your ways and My thoughts than your thoughts. For as the rain comes down and the snow from the heavens and do not return there, but water the earth and make it bring forth and bud, and give seed to the sower and bread to the eater, so is My Word that goes forth from My mouth – it does not return to Me empty, but shall do what I please and shall certainly accomplish what I sent it for.’ ”

Isaiah 59:14: “And right-ruling is driven back and righteousness stands far off, for truth has fallen in the street and right is unable to enter. And the truth is lacking and whoever turns away from evil makes himself a prey.”

Jeremiah 5:31: “The prophets have prophesied falsely and the priests have ruled by their own hand, and My people have loved it so. And what are you going to do at the end of it?”

From Jeremiah 9:1-8: “…`And they bend their tongue like a bow. Falsehood and not truth prevails on the earth. For they proceed from evil to evil and they have not known Me,’ declares Yahuwah. Let everyone beware of his neighbor and trust not any brother…everyone deceives his neighbor and no one tells the truth. They have taught their tongue to speak falsehood…You live the midst of deceit. Through deceit they refuse to know Me, declares Yahuwah.’…Their tongue is an arrow shot out. It speaks deceit. It speaks peacefully to his neighbor with his mouth, but in his heart he sets ambush.”

Amos 5:10: “They hated the one who reproves in the gate, and despise the one who speaks the truth.”

Micah 7:5-6: “Trust no friend, rely on no companion, guard the doors of your mouth from her who lies in your bosom. For son is despising father and daughter rises up against her mother, …the enemies of a man are those of his own household.” (compare wording with Matthew 10:34-39)

Psalm 4:2: “Till when, O sons of men, would you turn my esteem to shame, would you love emptiness, and seek falsehood?”

Psalm 52:2-4: “Your tongue devises destruction, like a sharp razor working deceit. You love evil more than good, lying more than speaking righteousness. You loved all devouring words O tongue of deceit.”

Proverbs 6:16-19: “These six things Yahuwah hates, and seven are an abomination to Him: A proud look, a lying tongue, hands shedding innocent blood, a heart devising wicked schemes, feet quick to run to evil, a false witness breathing out lies, and one who causes strife among brothers.”

Proverbs 8:13: “The fear of Yahuwah is to hate evil. `I have hated pride and arrogance and the evil way, and the perverse mouth.’ ”

Matthew 24:3b-4, 24-25: “`Tell us when these things shall be, and what is the sign of Your coming and of the end of the age?’ And Yahushua answering, said to them, `Take heed that no one leads you astray…For false messiahs and false prophets shall arise and they shall show great signs and wonders, so as to lead astray, if possible, even the chosen ones. See, I have forewarned you.”

Matthew 24:35: “The heavens and the earth shall pass away, but My Words will not pass away.”

Luke 6:46-49: “But, why do you call Me `Master, Master,’ and do not do what I say? Everyone who is coming to Me and hearing My words and doing them, I will show you whom he is like. He is like a man building a house, who dug deep, and laid a foundation on the rock. And when the flood came, the stream burst against that house, but was unable to shake it, or it was founded on a rock. But, the one hearing and not doing is like a man who built a house on the earth without a foundation, against which the stream burst, and immediately it fell. And the ruin of that house was great.”

II Thessalonians 2:9-12: “The coming of the lawless one is according to the working of Satan, with all power and signs and wonders of falsehood, and with all deceit of unrighteousness in those perishing, because they did not receive the love of the truth in order for them to be saved. And for this reason Elohim sends them a working of delusion for them to believe the falsehood in order that all should be judged who do not believe the truth but have delighted in unrighteousness.”

II Timothy 3:14-17: “But, you stay in what you have learned and trusted, having known from whom you have learned, and that from a babe you have known the Set-Apart Scriptures, which are able to make you wise for salvation through faith in Messiah Yahushua. All Scripture is breathed by Elohim and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for setting straight, for instruction in righteousness, that the man of Elohim might be fitted, equipped for every good work.”

II Timothy 4:2-5: “Proclaim the Word! Be urgent in season and out of season. Reprove, warn--appeal with all patience and teaching. For there shall be a time when they shall not bear sound teaching, but according to their own desires, they shall heap up for themselves teachers tickling the ear, and they shall indeed turn their ears away from the truth and be tuned aside to myths. But, you be sober in all things, suffer hardships, do the work of an evangelist, accomplish your service completely.”

I Peter 1:22-25: “Now that you have cleansed your lives in obeying the truth through the Spirit to unfeigned brotherly love, love one another fervently with a clean heart, having been born again, not of corruptible seed, but incorruptible, through the living Word of Elohim which abides forever, because “all flesh is as grass and all the esteem of man is like the flower of grass. The grass withers and its flower falls away, but the Word of Elohim remains forever.” And this is the Word announced as Good News to you.”

II Peter 1:20-21: “…know this first, that no prophecy of Scripture came to be of one’s on private interpretation, for prophecy never came by the desire of man, but men of Elohim spoke, being moved by the Set-Apart Spirit.”

Revelation 22:14-15: “Blessed are those doing His commandments so that the authority shall be theirs unto the tree of life, and to enter through the gates of the city. But outside are dogs and those who enchant with drugs, and those who whore, and murderers, and idolaters, and all who love and make up lies.”


Years ago I heard a parable/story I never forgot. It was about a farmer who found an unusual egg in his chicken yard. He placed it with other eggs for a hen to warm. The egg finally hatched and a strange bird emerged. The farmer kept a close watch on it. As its wings grew, it began jumping up on the fence to try to fly away. He kept the wings of the bird clipped so it wouldn’t escape. While the chickens clucked away, pecking at bits of grain on the ground, worms or insects, the strange bird kept eyeing the fence. One day, its wings became fully developed. The farmer had been too busy to clip its wings, so it flew to the fence top and flew away … or rather it reached altitude and began to lock its wings and soar. The chickens didn’t notice--they had their heads down pecking at tidbits in the dirt. The farmer noticed, but he was too late to contain the bird any longer. The eagle soared high and flew far away.

I get tears in my eyes when I think of this story, for it is about the great division that is taking place now between those who are content to daily busy themselves with pecking for what their flesh desires, totally unaware that above them are those soaring eagles whose passion is to be in the Presence of their Elohim. Religion, and man’s lust to control, are like that farmer … But, there is a day coming soon, when the eagles will escape the grasp of their captors, lock their wings against the storm, and soar into heavenly places with Messiah Yahushua.

So, dear children of Yahuwah, called to sit in heavenly places with Messiah Yahushua, called to soar in His Presence, to ride high above the mundane and really know the joy of locking the wings and soaring on the wind of His love. Because of I am an eagle at heart, and because I’ve lived through very hard times in my life--being a prisoner to the will of wickedness for a great deal of it--the topic of this study is very important to me.

In 1996, Abba set me free to soar in His dimension as He confirmed what He had said since 1948 about my future. With compassion, from more than fifty years of study, research, teaching the Word of Elohim in American and other Western-nation people, and dealing with the Western mind-set, today I am compelled to ask with a sad heart: Why are those who care about what Abba has to say so very few? Isn’t His opinion important? Who passionately cares how He feels? Who remains passionate that Yahushua Messiah died for us wretches to give us Kingdom status for eternity? More than that, who lives to share Him with others? THE FEW!

When I was born again at age 6, I couldn’t be shut up – all I wanted to do was tell my friends about the new birth. The same for my youngest daughter at age 5. She was a powerhouse not only in giving the Good News to her friends, but in praying for their healing. She was Spirit-filled also at age 5 and began moving in miracles by the time she was 11. In countries of extreme persecution like in China, or North Viet Nam, Cambodia, and North Korea, true believers risk their lives daily to share the Good News. I’ve been with those in China--I know. I’ve helped them get Bibles at the risk of their lives. They are a totally different type of human being. Abba is proud to call them His children, for they reflect His nature in faith and action. I know the risks they take just get one Bible. What will these lovers of ease and comfort do when reality really hits? Those that know they have been saved out of eternal death – I mean really know it – are very passionate about their Savior!

Today, with all my traveling to so many countries, and being with so many “believers,” my main source of fellowship remains with Derek and Rivkah. Derek and Rivkah study the Word from Genesis to Revelation on everything, and Abba shares His heart with them. What a blessing they are to me! Derek is devoted to hearing from Abba through His Word, and writing what He teaches him. His book For the Love of Truth – Possessing Your Eternal Life is a classic example of Abba’s heart – His warning to His children. Either we possess what He has given us, and hold it tight, or we lose it all. (Luke 8:18)

June 1st, Derek wrote: Deceptions “ride” on the spirits of apathy and lethargy. As long as a person has a “spoon fed” mentality, they will continue to run after anything BUT the Word and the Spirit. 

Truth will only come through the portal of your re-born spirit from the dimension of Yahuwah Elohim. Our spirit is His portal into the temple of our re-born spirit. Having a spirit within us that can contact the eternal realm is what separates humans from all other created things. But, without our being total submitted to the control of Yahuwah’s Spirit, deception is a 100% reality.

On page 484, about Ezekiel 29 and Egypt, the Artscroll commentator wrote: "Israel would not have put its trust in Egypt if it had not first turned away from God...for he who does not trust God trusts another, and one who trusts someone other than God, from him God will withhold His providence and forsake him for the one in whom He trusted... One who truly trusts in God will not clutch a was sinful for Israel to put its trust in Egypt."

His ways are foreign to Greek/Roman pagan culture of the West, but not to the culture of Israel. Israel learned the hard way. They trusted in man to help him, as they trust America today, and man always fails. Clutching at reeds for support assures one of devastation. The Solid Rock is Messiah. (Luke 6:46-49) Trusting Him, we are blessed. Departing from Him to trust in man, we are cursed. (Jeremiah 17:5-10)

Those chickens that trusted in the farmer to care for them eventually ended up in his dinner-pot. The eagle eventually renewed his youth by plucking out his feathers and re-growing new ones so that he could continue to soar anew. Is this promise given to chickens, or to the eagle: Isaiah 40:28-31?

Today, more than ever before in human history, people are grasping at straws—fearfully, insecurely, leaning on weak humans for help, desiring to hear something that will soothe their minds. (Jeremiah 17:5-10) But, like Egypt was to Israel, at his core, the natural man only cares about himself and his own interests. We are warned over and over in Scripture not to trust anyone in these last days-- not even our own family i.e. Jeremiah 9:1-8; Micah 7:5-6; Matthew 10:34-39. Human beings will not only fail you, but under the influence of mind-altering technology, they will turn against you to kill you! (Mark 13:12-13)

After coming to Canada on June 8th, I received an e-mail from someone asking me what I thought about the latest deception – “the Mandela Effect.” I had heard the expression, but I didn’t know anything about it. My first thoughts were: Why don’t people turn on some worship instrumental music, sit alone with Abba in His Presence, and get His mind on things? What is He thinking? What is His opinion? Religion has made Him a “God” – a theology, a philosophy – something to discuss but never know. He is a Person! He is Father! He longs for us to know Him!

I wasn’t going to address this newest deception craze in an article, because I am so sick and tired, and bored, with addressing deceptions after so many years of doing so. His people have access to the Spirit’s discernment … but most do not use it--they go by what appeals to their carnal mind. And, then also, most of His people evidently don’t care if they’re deceived, if their mind is attracted to some new thing, they jump on the “band wagon.” Most reject warnings. Most are Word illiterate. So, as Abba says in His Word, if His people want to jump off a cliff to their own destruction rather than seeking Him for Truth, nothing I say, or anyone else says, and nothing He says, will stop them! So, I’ve about given up warning anyone anymore. The Jeremiah 5:31/II Timothy 4:3-4 syndrome controls most people.

However, just after I read the e-mail asking me to comment on the Mandela Effect, I got an e-mail from a research-brother in England with an article about it. So, I thought I’d better check it out. I quickly saw that this is a foundational deception that goes back to the Garden of Eden in Genesis 3. It is as old as Adam and Eve. Yet, within this western Fantasyland illusionary culture of Greece and Rome, it is again successfully sucking in many thousands of people like a black hole--their minds sinking into zombie craziness. It is obviously a sadistic game being played by Satan and his demons whose goal is to establish fear, doubt about the Word of Elohim, doubt about Messiah, and establishing confusion by preying on the faulty memory of the volatile unstable mind and emotions. Their evil goal is to destroy faith in the Word and in the Persons of Yahuwah and Yahushua! Living in an affluent society, few have any reason to trust their Creator and Savior – so Elohim becomes simply a belief-system of the mind and emotions that can be easily destabilized. The “broad road” that leads to destruction is now littered with the bodies of the spiritual dying and dead, many lying in ditches along the way, being allured by what attracts the mind. “Always learning but never coming to the knowledge of the truth,” – such are man-taught people who have rejected teaching by the Spirit. (Matthew 7:13-15; II Timothy 3:1-7)

This “Effect” is named after Nelson Mandela. We learned about him years ago in news from South Africa. What does Nelson Mandela have to do with this damning deception? – ABSOLUTELY NOTHING!

Adolf Hitler said that if a lie was told often enough and long enough, people would perceive it as truth. Right! -- Because, laziness is a disease of the dying and damned--people being too lazy to check out the Truth from Yahuwah Himself.

I will quote excerpts from the article: “What Is the Mandela Effect?”

May 31, 2016 by Tricia – from What’s Happeningi


You may or may not be aware that there’s a new major conspiracy on the block, based on a genuine psychological phenomenon called the Mandela Effect. However, this one has reached worrying levels of absurdity, and is hotly defended by its followers.


“What Is The Mandela Effect?

To begin in relative sanity, the Mandela Effect is a known mental aberration where large numbers of people believe a lie. That’s right. It was named from the fact that many people believe Nelson Mandela died in jail, whereas in fact he survived, was released, and went on to become President of South Africa.

Here’s a classic “Mandela effect” from way back in the 60s. A teacher in 1969 told his students, “Truman’s dead – I watched his funeral on television twenty years ago!” Harry Truman died in 1972.

Some of its claims are:

Every bible text on earth has been altered [Or CERN sent someone back in time to change the King James Version of the Bible]

Countries have been relocated or removed

Geographical sites have been changed or moved

The Statue of Liberty has moved to a different island

Brand names and Logos have changed

Books, movies and TV shows have had their titles changed

The scripts of some movies have changed, and so on…”

“I believe it’s yet another trial run for the Great Delusion mentioned in the Bible: 2 Thess 2:11 `…they refused the love of the truth that would have saved them. For this reason, God will send them a powerful delusion so that they will believe the lie…’ ”

“Now in addition, the intention of some Christian sites, whether accidentally or by design, is to create the Mandela Effect to support their ministry, because it’s easier to attract people with shocking headlines than to discuss boring doctrinal issues. Thus, many popular websites present a photo (either accurately or not) with an attention-grabbing title, knowing that the majority of readers will not get beyond the first two lines. If the news gels with their preconceptions, they will accept it regardless of the truth.”

“Now in addition, the intention of some Christian sites, whether accidentally or by design, is to create the Mandela Effect to support their ministry, because it’s easier to attract people with shocking headlines than to discuss boring doctrinal issues. Thus, many popular websites present a photo (either accurately or not) with an attention-grabbing title, knowing that the majority of readers will not get beyond the first two lines. If the news gels with their preconceptions, they will accept it regardless of the truth.”


… “many will swear something is true because they have seen it on the TV, or on the Internet, or had it passed on by word of mouth…People will believe and recirculate the news.”

“People love to pass on deceptions and lies, but to pass on truth – no, that’s not worth their time.”

“Now in some, or many, cases what is reported (if it’s not just a spoof from a satirical site) has a grain of truth but it’s distorted to mean something else…”


This is how slander gets started … no one who gossips or slanders or spreads falsehood has any part in the Kingdom of Elohim. This is what the Bible calls “bearing false witness,” or “tale-bearing.”

“The trouble is, somebody who has come looking for help about a false teaching or minister will read what he or she knows to be an exaggeration and as a result will end up rejecting ALL reports, even the true ones, having discovered the dishonesty in one or two. The reputations of anti-apostasy ministries are only damaged by false reporting, or exaggeration. They lose credibility in the eyes of those who need help the most.”

“The Unstoppable Virus”

“One would hope that a person afflicted with a M.E. (Mandela Effect) lie would accept correction when confronted with the truth in various forms including video, photos and news reports…”

“The Earth is Flat?”


“To this we add the current spate of fervent flat-earthers. Yes, a surprising number of otherwise sound Christians today believe that the earth is flat and motionless, with a domed ceiling. To support this theory, they deny all scientific evidence to the contrary, such as space exploration, photographs of the earth from space, maps – and every other kind of evidence for a spherical earth orbiting the sun. Once having decided that science has been wrong for thousands of years, these flatearthers cannot go back to their former beliefs. They have been deluded, and their minds have been altered.

There is a process happening right now on earth to lead people into alternate and sometimes very bizarre belief systems, which once adopted

are defended against all-comers.”

Fake News Adds to the Mandela Effect


“As a second string to the conspiracy bow, we find the huge and ever-growing amount of fake news sites. Despite a few individuals valiantly exposing them, these fake or hyped news reports circulate their stories widely. They offer no supporting evidence, attribution, source or corroboration. Nonetheless, people happily circulate the news, which is either entirely fake, half-truth, purely satirical or hyped out of all proportion to the original, merely for effect.”

[My insert: Fear is being stirred and people are panicking. Instead of keeping their peace and seeking Abba, so many are running around like “Chicken Little” panic-yelling “the sky is falling” when it was only an acorn that hit the chicken on the head. When the real hell begins to fall, people will go insane, commit suicide, kill their families, children kill their parents, cannibalism will go ballistic, and satanic insanity will be normal. It’s already going that direction. Just in the last 2 weeks I have read about instant violence, with demonized people publically demonstrating their insanity … even showing out as the demons manifest. The portals are wide open now from the dark kingdom into earth’s realm, and the evidence is overwhelming.] Continuing with the article:

Feelings are All; Facts are Discarded

“The key here is that feelings and emotions and reactions have become much more influential than facts. Before the Internet, we used to say “People believe anything if they see it on TV”. Now that is true of the Net.


“All you need to do is set up a monetised blog or website – anonymously, no contact email or address, and a hidden domain location – grab some photos from Google and circulate them with a sensational title. That is the route to becoming an overnight hit, and making a lot of money from people visiting your site. Genuine news reporting is careful to attribute a photo, that is, the caption will tell you where and who it is, what was the situation and date, and what is happening. If a recent photo of the event cannot be obtained, a “stock photo” will be used, and it will be labeled as such. That is called, being responsible. Nothing like that happens on the fake news sites.

Some FAKE news sites:

.co (not affiliated with The Drudge Report.)

(Fake Christian conservative material)


“What about the lion and the lamb?  

This fallacy (that the words have changed from lion to wolf in the bible text) is another mainstay in the claims of the M.E. proponents.

Oh yes, you THINK the bible says “the lion shall lie down with the lamb”, but does it? Is it just the way you remember it, having heard it so many times from other people and looking at mistaken pictures on the Internet?

This bible verse has been misquoted so many times that it has become a famous saying…

King James Bible

The wolf also shall dwell with the lamb, and the leopard shall lie down with the kid; and the calf and the young lion and the fatling together; and a little child shall lead them. Is 11:6

The verse has NEVER been “the lion will lie down with the lamb”. It has ALWAYS said the WOLF, but since everyone opted for a misquotation and forgot to check what the bible actually says, suddenly there is a BIG shock when perhaps for the first time, internet Christians look at Isaiah 11:6 for themselves.

The Mandela Effect dictates that people prefer the first option and prefer to trust their own fallible memories for truth…Oh yes, it’s more comfortable to believe the lie than the truth, if it means discovering your own fallibility. It’s more pleasurable to believe some nasty European scientists altered reality, than to accept that YOU are at fault!!

The Sinister Agenda

It is of concern that so many people are being dragged into a conspiracy that is so easily disproved; and even more worrying that they are reluctant to admit their mistake. It is that above all that speaks of a more sinister agenda: a plan to deprive ordinary people of their senses and powers of reason, and plunge them into a delusion from which it will be impossible to escape.

The end time lie will be no different, in essence, to the lie once told in the Garden of Eden: you don’t really need God’s guidance or laws because you have reached a place of wisdom from which you can order your own life effectively and safely – even righteously – without having to refer to God all the time.

Not Rejecting God, but Becoming Gods

Does this mean that people will be atheists? Absolutely not! Indeed, the world could be more religious and even more “Christian” (or at least more God-believing) under the sway of the Great Delusion.

People will still believe in, pray to and praise God insofar as they understand him, only the unchanging TRUTH of the Bible will have been replaced by experimentation, social action, human rights and a kind of universal love, or tolerance, that accepts every kind of behavior. This they will call “becoming wise.”


God created us to function and grow under His direction. But the serpent suggested to Eve that she was being deprived by that system. God (or your mistaken interpretation of Him) is holding you back from activities and beliefs that are useful and exciting; human pleasure and knowledge should not be governed or curtailed, he said.

Great Power

The devil will also convince people that the powers of the universe are ours to command (and he will demonstrate the fact by amazing signs and wonders).

No longer do we need to feel fearful of receiving and using inward and supernatural powers which (according to the devil) have been kept from us by a mistakenly over-protective Father – even suggesting this fatherly God has been cheating mankind out of its true potential for millennia.

Large parts of the Church are already preaching this LIE, but it needs to spread universally, with the help of a bewitching delusion.

On what does the promulgation of this great deception rest? On the desire of people to accept and believe a lie that appeals to their senses rather than their reason, without recourse to external proof or substantiated facts!

So the proliferation of fake news sites – albeit a joke being carried out against conservative Americans – is also a test-bed for a deeper plan, and is dividing mankind into the gullible, careless, emotion-driven and unwary, and the adherents of truth, whether biblical or worldly.

The Flesh or The Spirit?

A more biblical division is this: Those who have done as the Lord commanded and died to the Old Man of the senses, feelings and emotions, not being driven by human desires or needs, but heeding always as a very first requirement the Spirit of God and the Word of God as direction, are unlikely to be tempted by a delightful enticing lie even if it has an ingredient appealing to the flesh.


On the other hand, those – including Christians – who are more influenced by the world’s standards and pressures, either political, religious, military, monetary or any other aspect of life on earth, are in danger of giving into their feelings regardless of biblical truth.

Indeed, the world will chant, peace, peace, when in fact there is no peace to be found. (Jeremiah 6:14)

Jeremiah 51:7-9 “Babylon has been a golden cup in the hand of the LORD, intoxicating all the earth. The nations have drunk of her wine; Therefore the nations are going mad. Suddenly Babylon has fallen and been broken;Wail over her! Bring balm for her pain; Perhaps she may be healed. We applied healing to Babylon, but she was not healed; Forsake her and let us each go to his own country, for her judgment has reached to heaven and towers up to the very skies.…”

Thoughts of creating a better world and turning back the tide of evil are delusionary, yet they are greatly attractive to anyone who cares more about security and prosperity than the bible text.

With that in mind, the emotional life rather than intelligence is now being used against us in every possible way, by the entertainment industry in particular, but sadly also the Church leading the way in persuading us to FEEL or EXPERIENCE something rather than KNOW it.

How far away are we from the ultimate Great Delusion?

I don’t know, but the way the world is heading, it cannot be a very long time. Need Christians bother themselves about it? I can only say yes, since the Bible is perfectly clear about it. We WILL experience these temptations before the Lord comes for us.

2 Thess. 2:3: `Don’t let anyone deceive you in any way, for that day will not come until the rebellion occurs and the man of lawlessness is revealed….(9) [whose coming] will be in accordance with how Satan works. He will use all sorts of displays of power through signs and wonders that serve the lie, and all the ways that wickedness deceives those who are perishing.’

Be prepared! Learn to distrust your own perceptions and feelings, and base your beliefs on provable TRUTH both in the world and the Church, in secular and spiritual matters.

Don’t leap to accept everything that is posted on Facebook or YouTube or a blog or website, check and double-check what you read, go to the sources, distrust almost everything until you know it is factual. There are many lies out there, and this is a practical test run for spotting the biggest fraud of all!” GOOD POINTS!


Notes and quotes from Skywatch News with Derek Gilbert, June 8, 2016, entitled: “NO, CERN has not changed your Bible”

Derek Gilbert says: “A new theory infecting the web has people worried about the so-called `Mandela Effect’ – the name given to shared false memory. But now some are spreading the idea that CERN has been used to send someone backwards in time to change the text of the King James Bible. No – the Mandela Effect only proves that humans have imperfect memories, or no memories on the subject. This is a supernatural PSYOP.”

“Some are saying that shared false memories are actually glimpses into a parallel universe, where things are essentially the same in both but with some differences, as in different memories preserve different history.

Now there is propagation that CERN has changed the King James Bible.

The lion-lamb vs. lion-wolf of Isaiah 11:6 is throwing some people… as proof that the Bible has been changed. All that has changed is people’s memory. By saying “the lion will lay down with the lamb” for perhaps hundreds of years, people think that is what the Bible says, so now think that the Bible has been changed because they don’t remember it saying “wolf.” Yet, from the Hebrew all the way back – it has said “wolf.” It is because people listen to their pastors, teachers, Sunday School teachers, and glib statements by others, and don’t go to the text to find out the truth.

In the KJV, Matthew 9:17 and Mark 9:22 uses “bottle” – not “wine skins.”

PSYOP means “psychological operation.” It is a trick of the enemy to get you to doubt the Word, and thus end up like Adam and Eve, believing what the enemy says. Adam and Eve walked with Yahushua and had His Word daily. But, planting doubt caused their minds to reason “maybe He is not telling us the whole truth.” Thus doubt led to sin.

Derek Gilbert: “CERN is not a time machine.”

I ask: Why target only the KJV? There are older versions, as well as the source material – Hebrew, Greek and Aramaic. Why not go to the ancient languages for the truth? Derek Gilbert pointed out that the writings of the early church fathers included almost the whole of Scripture text. The Bible could be reconstructed from their writings. Why pick out a single word to “prove” the text has been changed, when the word is the same from the original language – just different during different time periods. Falling apart over “bottle” vs. “wine skins” is the mind-set of people totally taken over by the enemy – no rationale involved. Laziness, fear, doubt, and foolishness abound!’

Derek Gilbert stressed Isaiah 55:8-11, and “heaven and earth will pass away, but My Word will not pass away,” Matthew 24:35. Elohim is Omnipotent, Omnipresent, Omniscient-- the Almighty. Is He not able to protect His Word, especially the older versions? Satan is the author of confusion and lies. Yahuwah is the Author of perfect peace – Isaiah 26:2-4.


Skywatch News June 9, 2016, with Derek Gilbert: “The Mandela Effect Fails Logically and Theologically”

Matthew 6:10, Wycliff translation 1389 (Old English spelling): “Thi kingdom cumme to be. Thi wille dun as in heven and in erthe.”

Tyndale translation 1526: (Old English spelling) “Let Thy Kingdom come; Thy wyll be fulfilled as well in erth as hit ys in heven.”

The KJV: “Thy Kingdom come, Thy will be done in earth as it is in heaven.”

“All the earliest translations say “in earth.” Yet, some translations say “on earth.”

Derek Gilbert then looked into the camera and said: “This is my last comment on the Mandela Effect changing your Bible. Are we supposed to believe that we only now have noticed changes that the great theologians of the past 400 years didn’t?”

…“The whole concept comes down to one basic truth. Some people are more willing to believe in time-travel agents of Satan than to believe their memories are not perfect.”

He goes on to say: “Using this line of thinking makes, we make ourselves the ultimate authority over the Word of God…People say, `I don’t remember it that way,’ and thus they think that their memory is greater than the reality of history for the last 5,000 years.

The 1662 Anglican Common Book of Prayer uses the word “trespasses” and “trespass” in Matthew 6:12.

The 1928 Episcopal Common Book of Prayer uses “trespasses” and “trespass”. The KJV uses “debts” and “debtors.”

Derek Gilbert recommends that people go back to the original languages – Hebrew, Greek, and Aramaic and check out word meanings. [The Interlinear version is excellent for that! The Dead Sea Scrolls Bible (though not complete in places due to the inability to translate some of the ancient fragments), is excellent. The Septuagint is good. You can get that in PDF. The King James was not used by the Apostle Paul, as is the “joke.” Ask Abba’s Spirit to teach you. Get it from Him. He is the Spirit of Truth!]

Derek Gilbert concludes this episode of Skywatch news on June 9th in a very somber tone. He faces the camera and addresses born again believers and says: “Satan cannot change your Bible.” He goes on to say that Satan is putting stumbling blocks in the path of Christians to make them fall away – apostatize. He pleads with Christians to wake up and realize what’s happening to their minds.


A dear friend in Tiberias, Israel, said: “The Bible is NOT an American Document!” NO it is not! It was written in Hebrew, in a Hebrew culture – an ancient culture [Refer to my mini-book, The Foundation of Deception, and article “Exposing Rabbinic Judaism and Its Link to Rome”]

Suggestion: You can get the Septuagint Version and the 1599 Geneva Bible translation on PDF. They are great resource materials. Since 2000, I have used The Scriptures as my basic text, though I refer to other word-for-word translations like the King James Version and the New American Standard. The Spanish translation from the 1600s was one of the best. Make sure your translation is a word-for-word translation. Check with and go to the Interlinear, which will give you the Hebrew and Greek wording, plus the Strong’s Concordance numbers for word meanings. Do your homework! Get an A in the eyes of the only valid Teacher of absolute Truth! (John 16:7-15)

If a person is so concerned about the Bible being changed, why don’t they ask the Author of the Word about it? (John 16:13; II Timothy 3:16-17; II Peter 1:20-21. – It is because religion has bared the way to knowing Yahuwah and Yahushua personally by inserting human opinions that have no relation to the reality of the whole Word, or the nature, ways, and thinking of Elohim. Why don’t His people discern truth from error in their re-born spirit – a “gift” from the Set-Apart Spirit? -- Because religion and the culture of ease and comfort has separated most of His from life in His Spirit through their re-born spirit. Yet, Romans 8:14 is a reality! Why don’t they maintain their peace, and allow the Spirit to teach them what is truth and what is not? -- Because most people are not in control of their own mind anymore. They have submitted their mind to the spirits of this world for so long, and to man, that they fall into the category of those in Matthew 25:1-12 and Revelation 3:14-19. It’s the Serpent in the Garden all over again. Even the little what they possessed is being taken away (Luke 8:18 with Mark 4:24-25).

Note from The Scriptures: “Unto those that hear and obey the Truth that Yahuwah brings to them, He brings more truth. However, those who do not hold on to whatever truth He brings, they lose it all, even that which they think they have.”

Yet, born again believers in nations like China, who might know 2-3 verses of the Bible, yet have no Bible of their own, like Brother Yun’s mother, are reaching many with the news of salvation, gathering people in their homes to pray, sharing what they have experienced of Him with others at the risk of their own lives. Who will rule and reign with Messiah in His Kingdom? Read carefully Luke 12:32-48. I highly recommend Brother Yun’s autobiography The Heavenly Man!

It has been exposed that the entire Word was written in Hebrew, translated into Aramaic, then into Greek, then into Latin, and then into the languages of the world – Latin-based languages, or Germanic languages, etc. English now has over 350 translations alone. Most are thought for thought according to the translator’s doctrinal position, instead of word for word from the original sources that we have.

So, yes, you have difference in certain words. But, nothing to fear – not if the Spirit is your ONLY TEACHER! The KJV is a word for word translation. The New American Standard is word for word translation. The Scriptures version is a word for word translation.

Yes, it is true, in order to create the NIV, a whole new Greek text was created so that the translators could change the text--over 1000 changes--to conform to the sinful lifestyles of the translators, thus it has weakening the strength of the original words. That’s why you must seek a word for word translation translated by people of dignity and respect. I personally worked for the lead translator of the New American Standard back in the 1960s--a Jew who was fluent in Greek and Hebrew.

I highly recommend that you read Why They Changed the Bible – One World Bible for One World Religion by David W. Daniels c. 2014 Chick Publication. It is available in paperback, and on Amazon Kindle. Daniels studied to be a Wycliff Bible Translator. He shows what the new Greek text changed, and what has not been changed. He also shows that the KJV and other ancient or older versions of the Word were not changed by some mysterious CERN-sent time-traveler. Do you want truth--real truth, specific truth--on what’s been changed? Read this book – it is certainly not boring reading! Man has translated hundreds of versions according to their own beliefs. Few are word for word. It’s up to you to get a good translation. I use The Scriptures, a word for word translation that is very close to the original languages found translated in the Interlinear Bible. The main translator was C.J. Koster--a man who took 20 years to translate the Word so that it was as close to the original as possible. The Besorah, from the Aramaic, is also good. Let the Spirit lead you and give you peace. He, Yahuwah, is the only source of peace and Truth!

All who are Spirit-taught are at peace, and in unity one with another.

What is most disturbing to me is that with all the availability in the Western “free” world to choose a good translation, few study the Word, and fewer still study it with the Author – the Spirit of Yahuwah, and fewer still obey what it says. So, while people are wrangling over “lamb” or “wolf,” the lost are going to hell without hearing the Good News, and the wranglers are losing what they think they possess.

What reward will these confused mental wranglers get at the judgment seat of Messiah for wasting their time on trivial silliness while His people are left without anyone to teach them the truth? If you are born again, you are an ambassador of the Kingdom in this world. What are you doing today to represent Yahuwah and Yahushua? (II Corinthian 5:17-21)

Ephesians 5:14-18: “That is why He says, `Wake up, you who sleep, and arise from the dead, and Messiah shall shine on you.’ See then that you walk exactly, not as unwise, but as wise, redeeming the time for the days are evil. So, then, do not be foolish, but understand the desires of Yahuwah. And do not be drunk with wine, wherein is excess (fleshly lusts in general), but be filled with the Spirit.”

One thing Satan is after is to waste our time! The Word should be your life – your passion, your great desire, your priority--for it’s the Word of your Beloved One--the coming Yahushua. Is a Bride passionate about her soon-to-be husband? Does she talk about him? The minds of people are becoming dead towards any emotion regarding Him – so what about Deuteronomy 6:5?

Passion for the Presence of Yahuwah and Yahushua were stolen from us when Adam and Eve chose to follow what looked good to the eyes, and appealed to their fleshly mind. Messiah brings it back as He is allowed to baptize us in the Spirit of Yahuwah (Luke 3:16). Without passionate desire to know Them, the passion turns to desiring what is of the flesh, the carnal mind – and thus the carnal mind has taken over most of Yahuwah’s people to this day.

In order for the Mandela hoax to trap people into doubting the Word, like in the quote of the rabbi above, a person has to turn from Elohim and lose His Presence. Look at Enoch, look at Abraham, look at Moses! They walked with Elohim in intimate fellowship. How long ago did they live? What is wrong with His people now, who have a whole Bible to study and learn? It is now estimated that 40% at least of Evangelicals have denied that the Bible is the Word of Elohim.

Jeremiah 9:3: “And they bent their tongue like a bow. Falsehood and not truth prevails on the earth. They proceed from evil to evil, and they have not known Me,’ declares Yahuwah.”

Isaiah 59:14-15: “And right-ruling is driven back, and righteousness stands far off. For truth has fallen in the street, and right is unable to enter. The truth is lacking, and whoever turns away from evil makes himself a prey.” (It goes on to describe Messiah’s return)

Amos 5:10: “They hated the one who reproves in the gate, and they despise the one who speaks the truth.”

But, still, through all these centuries, the Word has not been changed to the extent that serious students cannot learn from the Spirit who authored the original. The Word teaches us to know Yahuwah and to know Yahushua, to understand our salvation, and the requirements of our Elohim for life in His Kingdom. Read and Obey it--not wrangle over it.

What about the scroll of Isaiah in its complete form that was found at Qumran? It is the oldest text we have available to us. Yet, its translation is very close to all other translations that are old. Isn’t that a bit bizarre that this crazy “effect” focuses on the King James? The “effect” is aimed at what people remember in their faulty minds, so that they argue over petty things and waste precious time.

It’s not natural! Man’s minds are also bombarded by electromagnetic pulse waves (EMP), e.l.f. (extra low frequency) waves, microwaves, and alpha waves, as well as DNA-altering materials that we eat, breathe, drink, and which fall from the sky onto our skin. But, those whose ear is to the mouth of Elohim, as Yochanan/John’s ear was to Messiah’s mouth--those who hear and guard what He has given to them--are protected. (John 13:21-26)

I understand what is happening. One example: I went through this with friends in Jerusalem and Tiberias--Messianic Jews and Ephraimites who listened to false teachers who used a few Scriptures to “prove” that Messiah was not deity, but a created being. Upon hearing the lies, these sincere believers who had been in the faith most of their lives, immediately went into mental confusion over the presentation of the deceiving teachers. Their minds were captivated by the enemy. One false teacher in Tiberias had a spirit of seducing silly-headed women. Three of my lady friends in Tiberias became so enamored with him they actually embraced the heresy he taught. A false teacher in Jerusalem confused several of my friends, who ended up denying Messiah and converting to Judaism. This is the work of demons. This is not normal! Many are stirred up to hate “Paul,” by lying teachers. Once they jump off this emotional cliff of hating “Paul,” they almost always end up denying Messiah. A dear messianic rabbi friend of mine went this route.

II Timothy 3:1-9, verses 5-7 specifically: “…having a form of piety but denying its power. And turn away from these! For among them are those who creek into households and captivate silly women, loaded down with sins, led stray by various lusts, always learning but never able to come to the knowledge of the truth…”

Messiah made it so simple in Matthew 18:1-4: “At that time, the taught ones (disciples) came to Yahushua saying, `Who, then, is the greatest in the Kingdom of heaven?’ And Yahushua called a little child to Him, and set him in the midst of them, and said, `Truly, I say to you, unless you turn and become as little children, you shall by no means enter the Kingdom of heaven. Whoever then humbles himself as this little child is the greatest in the Kingdom of heaven.”

Little children have simple trust, simple faith, simple obedience, simple thinking – they just trust their Abba. They walk along holding “Daddy’s hand.”

Actually, different forms of the so-dubbed Mandela Effect have been around since the Garden of Eden. But, it is a foundational deception for all sorts of other deceptions. It is estimated that now there are at least 40,000 denominations and organizations and opinions beyond that within Christianity alone. Messiah did not die for that!!! He died for a remnant who would forsake all in this world to follow Him and obey Him – the living Torah (teaching and instructions of the Kingdom of heaven). You’re either a duped fool off in a ditch losing what little you had from Him, or an ever-increasing warrior-servant of Yahuwah. (Daniel 11:32b – the “Exploit People”)

June 1, 2016: It was almost sunset when I turned off the computer and was finished with my work for the day. All of a sudden into my spirit this “Rhema” (spoken word) from Abba: “The choice in the Garden is now being offered to every rational individual on earth, either to listen to the Serpent and heed his deceptive promises, or to remain loyal to Me and continue on to eternal life.”

In other words, Genesis 3 will be repeated for every individual on earth who has a logical reasoning mind, in order to separate out the few who are prepared to enter the Garden once again, and to reinstating the flaming sword to keep all others from entering. There is only one solid rock of Truth – the Word of Elohim, the “logos” (written word) and “rhema” (spoken word to your spirit), personified in Messiah Yahushua (John 1:1, 14; Luke 6:48-49; John 8:31-33, 36)

I have been reading lots of news reports of people who are displaying demon possession in public all over America and in the UK. People’s minds and emotions are coming totally under the control of demonic spirits, as well as technology that is designed to scramble thinking, shut off the ability to have “faith,” bring confusion, and transform a normal person into an insane crazy person, all the way from temper flare-ups to actual murderous attempts on the innocent. I have been reporting for years on what I have seen and heard of people changing into something that they were not previously. We’ve heard of things via the public news, but they do not tell you the extent of the violence that is breaking loose in what used to be “normal” citizens. No, it is not normal! It is because of “outside” intervention from demons (disembodied Nephilim) and fallen angels of all types coming into our world by the tens of thousands and affecting the minds of those who do are not anchored in the Word, and in the Presence of Yahuwah and Yahushua. Do you want this to happen to you? Make the right choices!

If a person does not know how to live out of their re-born spirit, they will never survive the onslaught of both the demonic realm, and humans using their technology to alter human DNA and transform normal humans into devils, even erasing any desire of Elohim.

In 1997, I almost died of malaria in Tanzania. I know what it is like to not even remember my own name, and yet be able to function with peace through the mind of the spirit, which is the “mind of Messiah” within us – I Corinthians 2:9-16. In the final stages of the I was so weak, I could not raise my head, yet I was able to communicate because of the mind that is in my eternal spirit (the area behind our naval). So, after my African Director had taught 22 of my 25 meetings, I asked to be taken to the church, propped up with pillows. They carried me there. I heard voice of the Spirit of Yahushua. He gave me one line at a time to speak, the translator translated, and I preached about the coming of Messiah for 2 hours. They took me back, laid me down, then brought me back in the evening for another 2 hours, then the same the next day. Yet, I did not know my own name, but heard in my spirit and repeated it and preached. While I was preaching I had great strength. As soon as I finished, I sunk down in total weakness. I was in the final stages of dying of this awful disease that affects the white blood cells and the liver.

I have lived in His Word for over 50 years, and for most of that time it has been Yahuwah’s Spirit who has taught me. It is astounding how many people who say they are born again are illiterate in the Word – they do not know it beyond what their chosen teachers have taught them. It grieves me terribly.

Romans 8:28 is very clear, echoing the whole Word: “For as many as are led by the Spirit of Elohim – they are the sons of Elohim.”

I have written much about this takeover of the mind, but now it is more serious than ever before. People are doing crazy things – throwing away their salvation, and doing violent acts against others. Refer to my recent article: “The Great Deception…,”/May 12, 2016. We are “in the days of Noah,” literally--astronomy-wise, too. In Noah’s day, the people didn’t know anything was about to happen until the rain began. (Matthew 24:37-39) Only Noah knew because he was daily obeying Yahuwah. What did Noah have going for him that the others on earth didn’t? Pure DNA – yes. But a lot more--Genesis 6:8, 9, 22. Noah walked with Elohim in obedience and personal relationship, just like his great grandfather Enoch (Genesis 5:22-24). Once again, Yahushua is walking with those FEW who will re-enter the Garden! Why forsake our privileges through the new birth for a broken “cistern.”

Jeremiah 2:13: “For My people have done two evils: They have forsaken Me, the fountain of living waters, to hew out for themselves cisterns, cracked cisterns, which do not hold water.”

Isn’t this a perfect picture of today? No wonder people are falling along the wayside in this “Mandela Effect.” Their minds are being taken over by the evil ones – they prefer to drink from what man has given them rather than know Elohim!

I have never seen such craziness: So called believers running here and there with no anchor of their soul, embracing whatever new fad comes along from some false prophet who wears “sheep’s clothing,” who is masked in light, or who has syrupy words that appease the flesh. Examples: Matthew 7:12-16; Matthew 24:3-5, 23-25; II Corinthians 11:13-15; II Timothy 4:2-5; Jude chapter 1.

Yet, they do not know Yahuwah or Yahushua, for they are too busy with wrangling in their soul/mind, reasoning, or emotions – following whatever is the latest “fad.” So, when someone asked me about the Mandela Effect, I told myself that I am not going to warn anyone anymore. I’m worn out, burned out with it. People follow the dictates of their flesh, and wisdom is a bore to them. If they will not submit to the Spirit’s control, the Spirit’s teaching, let them be deceived. That’s not me being mean – that’s Abba’s conclusion also, as He says clearly in His Word.

So many are keen to talk about what the devil’s doing, keeping up with this and that in the news, or what someone has said about it, but to talk about what they’ve heard from Abba in their spirit – NO. There is little to nothing said about hearing from Him. I love to talk about things that show the return of Messiah is near, yet to my dismay, so few even care. It takes passionate fervor/zeal of the spirit to open the portal to His realm! For the last month, Abba has been downloading from His heart, tying things together He showed me from 1992, letting me know what He thinks. I am not special. I am an average human being. I just made the decision to know Him! It all starts with a decision.

Pray Psalm 25:4-5: “Show me Your ways, O Yahuwah, teach me Your paths. Lead me in Your Truth and teach me, for You are my the Elohim of my salvation. On You do I wait all the day long.” King David’s prayer

Psalm 119:99-100, 103: “I have more understanding than all my teachers for Your testimonies are my meditation. I understand more than the ancients because I keep Your precepts… How sweet are Your words to my taste! Yes, sweeter than honey to my mouth.” (echoing Psalm 19)

King David and those around the ark for 40 years in his backyard, behind his palace, called on Yahuwah to teach them, to guide them, to keep them from error. Our constant prayer must be: Keep me from deception! It is my constant prayer! With all of His promised help, if we get sucked into the allurement of deception it is by our own rebellious will! The end result of embracing deception is damnation. He holds us responsible to obey His Word.

Isaiah 66:1-2: “…to such a one I look: on him who is poor and bruised of spirit, and who trembles at My Word.”

If you are truly born of the Spirit of Yahuwah, and you are truly filled with His Spirit, baptized into His Spirit by Messiah, according to the words of Messiah, then you have a built-in lie detector in your spirit that lets you know if something’s not right, no matter where it is not right – the gift of the discernment of spirits. (I Corinthians 12:4-12) Messiah’s baptizing us into the Spirit of Yahuwah so that He enters our re-born spirit and dwells within us (behind our naval area), is NOT A DOCTRINE of a church or denomination. It is the simple life that He came to give us. Yahushua Messiah did nothing, said nothing, thought nothing, unless it was from His Father. (John 5:19, 30; 7:16; 8:28, 40; 12:40-50; 14:24; 17:8) Why do His people think they can live without this same type of dependency on Abba Yahuwah? We are commanded to bring every thought into obedience to Yahuwah. (II Corinthians 10:3-6) Your will has to be submitted to His will 24/7 totally, for even one wrong thought can lead to a wrong conclusion that will end you up a prisoner of demonic deception.

I am a lover of Truth. I hate lies. I hate deceptions, fakery, trickery, and falsehood of any type. So does my Elohim! Do you passionately hate lies? If so, then you are a student of the Word, taught by the Spirit. You are not a disciple of man, but a disciple of Yahushua. If a person doesn’t vehemently hate what Yahuwah hates and passionately loves what He loves, they are not His child!

Deception creeps in like a snake through a crack in the door. It sets up residency in your mind, and your mind feels comfortable with it if it satisfies your flesh, your carnal reasoning. It is like sleeping with a python and thinking that lovely snuggly embrace is somehow comforting. People nowadays are snuggling up with deceptions one after the other, for they are comfortable, while truth is falling in the street. The smooth-talking Serpent of the Garden has gone from wooing people slowly from toddlerhood with his beguiling and seducing to now wrapping around their head and beginning to squeeze.

I’ve never seen such deadness, laziness, passion for falsehood, love of lies and deceptions. Most literally cannot handle the truth. They fight it. They deny it. They run from it. They mock it. They act like they don’t hear it. Their minds are so conditioned to falsehood and lies that Truth from the Source of Truth actually is driving people away. People actually fear truth more than the consequences of loving lies! Be sure everything you believe in to support your faith comes from the whole Word, taught to you by Yahuwah’s Spirit directly into your eternal spirit!

II Timothy 2:15-16: “Study to show yourself approved to Yahuwah--a workman that needs not to be ashamed, rightly handling the Word of Truth. But shun profane and vain babblings for they will increase to more ungodliness.”

Shalom! Written with the love and the compassion of our Master,

Yedidah, July 1, 2016


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