ARE YOU A GENTILE - Come, Enter the Mikvah


Recently I was accused of being a gentile, because in using the correct Hebrew Names and titles of the Father and our Savior the person said I was a gentile who was trying to be Jewish. As most of you know--I am not trying to be Jewish. I teach Hebrew roots in Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, and his twelve sons.

But, there is a fast growing fad phenomenon where many Christians are "playing Jew"--mixing Hebrew roots teaching, some Jewish traditions and identify with Israel, along with traditional Greco/Roman Christianity. People are having fun with it, but this mixture accomplishes little if anything in their spiritual relationship with the Father. Knowledge of Truth, by its very nature, demands change. You know what Yahushua ("Yahuweh is Salvation")--our Savior--will do with mixtures? (Revelation 3:15-16)

Let me ask you the question: Are you a gentile?

In this article I hope to clear up some misinformation, and set you free as to who you really are! But, first let me lay some groundwork so that you will understand where false thinking has come from. Of course, Lucifer (Satan dressed us as an angel of light) has deceived man about Yahuweh's (our Father’s Name) Word and intentions since the Garden of Eden. Mankind has faithfully taken the fruit of the tree of the knowledge (gnosis) of good and evil, and spread its deceptions far and wide for 6,000 years. Our good Father is restoring us to the Truth of the "Tree of Life".

I used to teach many traditional doctrines of men because I had no reason to doubt these men--men who appeared to be sincere teachers, pastors and preachers. As with most ministers, I parroted much of what I was taught by those who were in the same "belief-box" as I was. Guilty! But, I have repented!

As we go through life, we collect beliefs, and store them in our minds in what I call a "belief box". If the beliefs are strong enough, they turn into passionate beliefs. They become part of our personality and identity. Some people would rather die than give up their beliefs--whether they are true or not. If our beliefs are correct, then we must not give them up. But, if the beliefs are from someone who has made a mistake in their assessment of understanding the Scriptures--because of our unfortunate disengagement from our Hebrew roots in 133CE--then our belief box becomes full of deceptions, lies and errors of all kinds. But, now, thanks to the return of old historical records, and much research being done by secular historians, archeologists, as well as Word-believing scientists, we have no excuse for not knowing our Hebrew roots in our Messiah.

Yet, a person might choose to retain their mixture of beliefs because they relate to their lifestyle, social circle, status in life, and their security--as a protective shield.

Every human on the planet has his own accumulated beliefs, according to what

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they have put into their belief box from someone else, no matter what the subject.

There is no such thing as an independent thought. Our thoughts either come from conclusions from what we've heard from someone else--from our teaching and programming by society, from a demonic spirit, or from the Ruach Yahuweh (Spirit of Yahuweh), the Father. From the time we are born we begin collecting data into our minds. That is why the Father speaks to our re-born spirit, to the "mind of the spirit", so that the re-born spirit can educate the mind, and change it. (Romans 12:1-2)

There are so many denominations, churches and organizations all claiming to be saved people, yet each one is different. Every time someone disagrees with a Pastor or teacher, a new group forms. Sometimes, the disagreement is over a part of one verse in the Bible.

Those whose belief boxes are similar cling together in human organizations. Rules are set up so that no one comes into the organization or denomination that has a different set of beliefs. Thus each organization is exclusive, and separated from other groups.

However, the good news is that there is a remnant of people that Yahuweh the Father calls "set-apart" unto the Lamb. These people are in unity in the Ruach ha Kodesh (Holy Spirit). This is a unique unity, caused by Yahuweh Himself. They might disagree on some small point of understanding, but they all agree on their passionate obedience to the Instructions and Teachings of Yahuweh, and their passionate love for Him and their Bridegroom.

These are the Bridal souls--the Bridal remnant, who is pure of heart. They have no personal agenda, no selfish ambition, no desire to advance self. Their only desire is to please Yahushua, their Bridegroom, Savior and Messiah. Therefore, for their instruction, they go to the Ruach Yahuweh (The Spirit of Yahuweh).

The Bride bypasses opinions of religious men, who self-righteously cloak themselves in their beliefs that they have created. She has no time for someone's idea, she wants to be in the presence of her Bridegroom and learn from Him. She is unique--the Word tells us that she is marked, set apart unto Him, guards the Torah of Yahuweh, and belief in Messiah (Revelation 12:17 is just one example). She has right to the tree of life, and right to remain in the eternal city--the New Jerusalem-- because she does His commandments. (Revelation 22:3-5, 14) Yahushua said: "If you love Me keep My commandments". (John 14:15, 21-24, 15:10, 14; I John 3:24, 5:2-3)

These Bridal souls all the have same beliefs in common in their belief box, because they have all been taught by the Ruach Yahuweh the same things. Therefore, their fellowship is sweet! In the last days, we know this remnant includes 144,000 who follow the Lamb wherever He goes, are blameless before the throne of Yahuweh, who keep the Torah--the Teachings and Instructions of

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Yahuweh and Yahushua Messiah--and are faithful and pure to their Bridegroom alone. These ones are marked with the Father's Name in their forehead, and are alive and remain unto the coming of Messiah, their Bridegroom. (See Revelation 3:7-13)

In the last five years I have soundly learned that whatever is received from man is going to be tainted in some way with error, unless that man has diligently been taught by the Ruach Yahuweh, receiving instructions from His hand alone. (See Jeremiah 17:5-10) We are all coming from different backgrounds and we are all in process of learning. Our progress in Truth depends on how much time we spend with the Ruach ha Kodesh in the Word. The Ruach teaches everyone the same thing! Thus Truth can be confirmed in many ways. As one begins studying with the Ruach, they must open up their belief box without fear, and throw out what is not of the Father. If they are pure of heart, they will immediately get rid of the junk in their belief box, and take in the life-giving truth.

"Without set-apartness, no one will see Yahuweh". (Hebrews 12:14) "The pure in heart will see Yahuweh". (Matthew 5:8) "Be set-apart as I am set-apart", says Yahuweh (I Peter 1:16, quoting from the Torah)

Depending on how diligent someone is to study the Word with the Ruach, before long their belief box will match up to Yahuweh's/Yahushua's beliefs. Depending how strongly the beliefs are held that are false--deceptions and lies--it takes a stronger decision to follow the Truth, to love the Truth, above ones own identity with falsehood.

Basically, only passionate love for Truth, and passionate love for the Father and Savior, will cause a person to give up their fears of change, open their belief box, and allow the Ruach to take things out and put things in.

There must be "submission, yielding, and humility" before the Spirit of Truth, otherwise we will put up roadblocks in His way, to hold onto what is false.

Yes, in many cases it requires radical changes in belief and lifestyle to adjust to the Truth of the Father. It may cause division even with between family and friends. But, Yahushua said He was coming to bring division. (Matthew 10:32-39) The Ruach Yahuweh was given to us to bring us into all Truth, through His teaching us the Word personally. (John 16:13)

However, most Christians are not taught by their Pastors or Seminary Professors or their Bible teachers and preachers as to how to hear Him, or how to study with Him, or even encouraged to study the whole Word for themselves in context. The reason is that most Pastors, Seminary Professors, and Bible teachers and preachers don't know how to hear Him either. Most believers go by the concept that if something sounds right, it must be right. Greek philosophical thinking says that whatever we believe, or experience, is right for us and truth for us. Hebrew thinking says that whatever we believer, if we don’t act it outwardly for all to see is not really belief.

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Most do not know how to study with the Ruach, and have been given so much deception in the "Replacement Theology" arena that they just ignore large parts of the Bible as "history" or non-applicable to today—in other words they read the Word through “denominational glasses”. Different denominations also emphasize different parts of the Bible to support their teachings. Replacement Theology has severed the body of Messiah from His Father, and thus from our roots, by saying that the "church" replaced Israel. Nothing could be further from the truth!

Every group, church or denomination has its own beliefs and its own laws/rules for acceptance by its leadership. Thus, wherever a person feels secure, there they nest and receive what is fed to them—right or wrong. That is now deception has been nurtured throughout the centuries.

All man-made doctrines come from picking a verse here and there to prove the person's ideas. Thus we now have between 2,000 and 5,000 denominations within Christianity (I’ve heard both numbers used), each one different, depending on the opinion of the leadership of the denomination or organization. Whenever someone has a new idea, often they’ll split the church and start their own church. Also, in the English language alone we have about 350 different translations, each one different, some translators having created their own Greek text to translate from (as the NIV), depending on the opinion of the translator. That is why getting back to word study in the Hebrew (scholars are finding that most of the Bible was written in Hebrew including the Messianic Scriptures), is the only way to get to the root of what is really being said. James Strong's Exhaustive Concordance of the Bible can help us with that.

Also studying the culture and history within context of the Word allows us to understand what really is being said. I am learning the picture language within the Hebrew language. I realize that it is virtually impossible to translate from Hebrew into any other language because of the levels of understanding in Hebrew, plays on words, puns, sentence structure, etcetera. It is Father's language. I thank the Father for the Strong's Concordance and its Hebrew/Greek Dictionary, and word for word translations like the Inner Linear. I thank the Father for The Scriptures, which has restored to us the original Hebrew Names and titles of our Father and Messiah, along with the Hebrew Names of other people and places.

But, man's ways as to how he interprets the Word is usually something like the old telephone party-line game--everybody adds their opinion, and by the time it gets to the last person, it is totally twisted from its original origin.

In the second century a method of Biblical Interpretation was created in Alexandria, Egypt called the “allegorical method” of interpretation. This method of interpretation became the norm for the later Roman Catholic Church and the Protestant Churches, and on to our present church system in general. By this method of interpretation a person can pick and choose what verses he wants to

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use to back up his philosophy, his opinions, his theological ideas, and teach his followers as he wants them to believe. Therefore, a verse here and a verse there have been used to back all sorts of errors. At this present time it is so bad that anyone and everyone can use the Bible to back what they want to teach, by just using a passage of Scripture that fits their topic of discussion. Therefore, error is going forth--deceptions, lies, twisted truths--to a very high degree, and everyone can pick and choose what they want to believe, saying “The Bible backs what I say”. Yet, the whole word (Genesis to Revelation) must be consulted.

Isaiah 59:14-15: “And right-ruling is driven back, and righteousness stands far off. For truth has fallen in the street and right is unable to enter. And the truth is lacking and whoever turns away from evil makes himself a prey”…

Most people who say they are believers in the Messiah think nothing of breaking the first four commandments of Yahuweh—thus also the commandments of Yahushua--living like the world to a set-apart Elohim, no responsibility to the covenant of Yahuweh, no responsibility to obey the Word at all. They do not study the whole Word and obey it as it is, for their leaders make it say what is palatable for their hearers and what causes their hearers to find ease and comfort. Therefore, the multitude of Christianity’s respected false prophets are once again, at the beginning of 2006, saying: “This year will be a year of glory, revival, prosperity, healing, and God will pour out blessings upon blessings”. When the Truth from the Word and current events match perfectly, and this year is the beginning of the final wrap-up of plans of the Luciferic world elite leaders to create world chaos, thus brining their “man” judgment. (Ask for my article: The Message of the True Prophet, which gives clear instructions as to how to distinguish between the true and the false prophets of today.)

If we keep in contact with the original Origin of truth--the Ruach ha Kodesh--we don't get things twisted up. I challenge people to study and go to the roots of what they believe, so that what is in their belief box is all correct, and not a mixture of deceptions and truth. John 16:13 tells us that the Ruach will show us things to come. Look at I John 2:27! We must discern the “spirits” correctly in these last days for our own protection.

The way most theologians and church leaders approach the Word is that they come with their own belief system already cemented in their minds--collected from hearing or reading many different theories, opinions, and doctrines of men, in church, in Seminary, on TV, in books, on videos and tapes, in magazines, on Internet, and from denominational studies. They approach the Word to find a verse here or there that backs what they have added to their own belief system. Some have revelation from the Ruach but then they add their own interpretation to what He has said.

The latest craze I’ve seen is for a person to get on the Internet and find

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someone who agrees with their belief. Then they quote that person as some type of authority to what they believe. People may pick a verse to prove their belief, which is out of context, and not in line with the whole rest of the Scriptures.

You might ask them: "Where is your authority for what you believe?" They usually would answer: "The Bible”. But, unless Yahuweh backs their use of the Bible, they are violating a hard and fast rule of His. To add or subtract, or make an opinion that is not substantiated by the rest of the Word is such a severe abomination to Him that there are strong consequences, even to the taking of a person's name out of the book of life. (Revelation 22:18-19). Yet, movies, books, videos, and sermons are being produced on the book of Revelation, for example, that are no more than sensational fantasies.

Despite His warnings it is a common practice to use one verse to disprove another verse, or even to prove a whole wrong teaching. (Warning: See Deuteronomy 4:2; 12:32; Proverbs 30:5-6; Ecclesiastes 3:14; Revelation 22:18-19; II Peter 1:20)


We must realize that He did not change His set-apart signs of His covenant with His people. There are TEN Commandments—Not nine. Look at Isaiah 66:22-23—we’ll still be celebrating the Shabbat and the Seven Festivals of Yahuweh (picturing salvation) in eternity future!

Many use one or more of four particular verses found in the Epistles of Paul to disprove even Yahushua's words. Peter addresses this twisting of the words of Paul in II Peter 15-16. The whole weight of Scripture says one thing and they pick out one verse that they hope is a loophole to disprove everything the rest of the Word says. They want to get out of the responsibility to obey the Word is really what they are doing. If we are saved people, we are going to be in an eternal Kingdom which is ruled over by a Jewish King, Who will rule with a “rod of iron”. (Revelation 2:26-27)

From the Garden of Eden man has tried to be his own god, creating his own beliefs, and despising the absolutes of Yahuweh. Psalm 2 describes the workings of today's one world government, which is desperately trying, in all sectors, to get rid of the "bands"--the perimeters--of Yahuweh’s eternal Kingdom instructions.

The lie says: In the Garden of Eden Yahuweh was the evil one trying to keep illumination from Eve, while Lucifer, the serpent was good, because he gave Eve illumination, gnosis (knowledge). This is basic "New Age" teaching, but it is the basis of belief among all of the world’s top leaders. The root of lawlessness against Yahuweh began in the Garden of Eden and became the primary

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philosophy of the people of the earth. This thinking is called "Gnostic philosophy"--from "gnosis" or knowledge--the knowledge of the tree of good and evil, which Lucifer enticed Eve and Adam to eat from. Since that time mankind has rationalized himself out of obedience to Yahuweh--except for His remnant Bride.

Man's heart is desperately wicked and lawless, rebellious and stubborn, and mankind does not want to take the Word literally. (Jeremiah 17:10) Man wants to make up his own rules and be his own god. Therefore, the belief box of most people on this planet includes elements that secure their freedom from Yahuweh and His Torah. “Torah” in Hebrew means: “Instructions and Teachings”. In Greek, “Torah” is translated as “teaching, to graze animals”. In 133CE the Roman Emperor Hadrian outlawed the Torah. Thus, both Jews and believers in Messiah lost the perimeters for right-standing in the Kingdom of Yahuweh. The Instructions of Yahuweh were replaced by the laws of man—of government, of society, and of “Church”.

Yahuweh is the Elohim of Israel. Yahushua is the Messiah of Israel. Elohim is not contained in a belief box of any religion. Yahuweh did not start the religion of Judaism--man did around 133CE. Yahushua did not start a religion called Christianity--Greeks did in the 1st century, which later became the organized Roman Catholic Church.

Yahuweh and Yahushua stand aloof from any of man's religious ideas, philosophies, or doctrines. Yahuweh says in Isaiah 45:20-22, "There is no god besides Me, a righteous El and a Savior (yeshua), there is none besides Me. Look to Me and be saved all you ends of the earth! For I am Yahuweh, and there is none else". Isaiah 43:11: "I, I am Yahuweh, and besides Me, there is no Savior" (“yeshua”).

I like logical didactic reasoning, so I have to have documentation and confirmation before I release the bottom line truth. When I teach the Word I realize the seriousness of speaking for Yahuweh. I know the fear of Yahuweh, and will not teach "after the precepts of man". I want to know what He says and teach that. Didactic reasoning accumulates sound information, and then draws the bottom line. I want to go to the tip of the roots of everything I believe, so that there is no error of man—no twisting--no deceptions. In other words, everything I teach must pass the test of the whole of Scripture, and Yahuweh Himself.

I have opinions that are speculative--usually about the things coming on the earth in these last days, because I've taught the end-times for about 41 years. That's fun--to speculate among friends, discussing what the latest news is all about, and how possibly it relates to the Word. But, I do not teach my speculations. I might share them one on one, but I do not teach them, as "thus says Yahuweh".

Research and investigation has taken me to history and other reliable resource

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materials clear back to the 1st century teachings of the Apostles. Even secular historians tell us that what the Apostles taught regarding our Jewish Messiah and Savior, was twisted, distorted, and changed by the Greeks and Romans, so that it came out radically different from anything that the early believers taught. But, because Father is restoring all things to prepare us for the coming Jewish Messiah and the Kingdom of Yahuweh on earth, He is restoring all things to our understanding. Isn't that exciting!

I study the Word from Genesis to Revelation on a topic, reading everything in context, and it has exposed lies and deceptions of much of what I thought was sound doctrine. I encourage you to study the Word the same way! It has been a process for me. But, it is a process for everyone who is "changing into His image". But, the more I uncover truth, the more my relationship with the Father and Messiah has expanded. As we learn truth, we must walk in it. The Father spoke to me last year: “If the root is defiled, the tree is defiled, and the fruit is defiled, and all who eat it are defiled”. Go to the roots of your beliefs, and if there is defilement—deception, lies, mixtures of truth and error—get out of that error quickly.

We are being restored to the original faith of the Apostles in these last days (Acts 3:19-21), and in that restoration, we are being shocked, shocked and more shocked at the compilation of error, lies and deceptions that we have ingested from the long succession of denominational teachings back to the mid-1st century with the Greeks, and later from 325CE with the Romans. If you would read whole books in context, you would discover so much error that you were taught, things that are not in the Bible anywhere. I have been shocked to the core, to learn that many things that I was taught by Evangelical and Charismatic teachers that I trusted, that are not even in the Bible at all. Yet, like all of us, I parroted these deceptions as truth, and no one check them out to see if they were false. I have had to repent and repent! We cannot even know the Father, or the Savior, outside of the Tenach (acronym for Torah, Prophets and Writings--misnamed "Old Testament"). It was the Roman Emperor Constantine, beginning in 325CE, that finalized the wedge between the Tenach and the Messianic Writings, between Yahuweh and Yahushua, between us and our Hebrew roots, bring in paganism for Yahuweh’s Truth.

Father made a covenant with Israel (Yahuweh changed Jacob's name to Israel—Genesis 32:26-28), and the whole Word is centered on that covenant with Israel. No other nation is mentioned in the Bible, except in its relationship with Israel. He made NO covenant with Gentiles! The Church did not replace the Covenant that He made with Israel! He does not change--He is not fickle. "Though we are faithless, yet He remains faithful, for He cannot deny Himself!" (II Timothy 2:13)

Malachi 3:16-4:6 (read this in context—it is speaking of the last days)—the work of the end-time “Elijah company” of set-apart ones is to restore the children to

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the fathers—Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. Look at verse 4—isn’t that out of place by church standards? No it is not out of place. Messiah fulfilled the ceremonial law of animal sacrifices. He did not do away with the Teachings and Instructions of the Kingdom of Heaven!!! Yahushua is the living Tenach! The “Word” in the Word is the Tenach. “Your Word is forever settled in heaven”—Psalm 119:89. Psalm 119:142, 165: “Your righteousness is righteousness forever! And Your Torah is truth. Great peace have those loving Your Torah. And for them there is no stumbling-block”. John 17:17: “Your Word is truth”. What “Word” was Yahushua referring to in speaking to His Father? Yahushua only spoke and did what His Father told Him. Are we to depart from that?

Malachi 3:16: Are you thinking on His Name? Do you fear His Name? Are you using the Name He gave us in Exodus chapter 3—the Name which also is included in the Name of our Savior? “Yahuweh” means “I AM the eternal, ever-existing One who breathes”. “Yahushua” means: I AM Salvation. The “I AM” denotes Deity. In the end-times the “I AM” teaching of Greek Gnosticism has risen to full-blown height, as man has bought into the doctrine of Lucifer that man can be his own god.

How can we know the faithfulness of the Father or the personality of the Father—how He thinks—if we don’t know Him in the Tenach? If we do not know the Father, how can we correctly know the Son? How can we know His loving heart? We cannot know the Father or the Son if we put a Greek/Roman personality on them. The Church has clothed Yahushua in a Greco/Roman personality, and His identity with the Father is almost lost. His Name, for example, must identify with the Father's Name. Yet, the Greeks substituted pagan names and titles for Him because of their attempt to separate the Savior from the Father. Rome took it further still later on.

To understand the Bible, we have to understand our Hebrew roots. Our Father is restoring us all the way back to the Garden of Eden, before sin, to the time when man had intimate relationship with his Creator. To do that, He has to take all falsehoods out of our minds and lives, so that we can be free of Lucifer's lie in the Garden of Eden, which caused Eve and then Adam to question Elohom's Word, and right of authority over them. He wants us now to choose the Tree of Life!

One great deception is that the church and the Jewish people are into two camps: "Gentile" and "Jew". That puts most Christians into the camp of "Gentile", since being Jewish is a racial distinction. Most Messianic congregations are mainly of Jewish people who have received Messiah. However, with the restoration of the 1st century belief of the Apostles, now Israelites (from the 10 northern tribes—called “the house of Israel in Scripture) are not only receiving the Jewish Messiah for salvation but also keeping the Torah of Yahuweh like the 1st century believers did. Thus, they are Messianic

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Israelites. This title best describes me. (To understand the basics of the many Scriptures regarding the restoration of the two house of the family of Jacob, please ask for my article: Who are the Ten? It will clear up a lot of misunderstanding).

It is incredible what has been taught in the name of “Christianity” since the mid-first century, a religious system that has grown into this 1.9 billion member religious system--things that cannot even be found in the Word let alone supported by the Word. We must go to the roots of where our beliefs began, and make sure that the whole Word

supports what we believe. Our Savior told us that “few” would find the “narrow gate” to life. If FEW find the narrow gate, and many are on the “broad road” to destruction, we need to know what the FEW of the early assemblies believed, what the Messiah left us at His ascension, and get off of the broad road that leads to destruction. (Matthew 7:13-15) If man follows man, and the leader is blind to the truth—then the blind leading the blind causes both to fall into the ditch.

I am sad to say that after being in Christian ministry in some way since age 6, literally I have found in my years of diligent research that everything I was taught all those years, in main-stream evangelical/charismatic churches, is tainted in some way with Greco-Roman paganism, parroted by sincere leaders. No one set out to deceive anyone. My pastors and church leaders and Bible school professors were precious people. But, by not going to the roots of truth, they passed on deception like someone passes on infectious viruses without knowing what they are doing. Our loving Father and our loving Bridegroom are calling us out of all untruth. We are being called to return to the covenant of the Father, and the terms of the marriage covenant with the Bridegroom.

Down to the nitty-gritty: Are you born again by faith in the death and resurrection of the Messiah of Israel, Yahushua? Did He die on the stake to pay the debts you owned for sinning against the Father, and rise from the dead to give you eternal life? If you have received salvation from Him, what does the Word then call you? You are called “saved”, “set-apart”, “chosen” and “elect”. Does Yahuweh call you a gentile? Is the Bride of the Jewish Messiah of Israel a gentile?

A close reading of the Word will let you know that it is a command of Yahuweh that none of the tribes of Israel (including Judah) were to intermarry with gentiles. No Jewish male, therefore, would marry a gentile woman! (See Ezra chapter 10 and Nehemiah chapter 13:23-31) Think about that and study for yourself in the Torah. It was, again, the Roman Emperor Constantine who created a “gentile thinking” church, by creating the Roman Catholic (universal) Church, to unite all religions into one belief-system under him as absolute ruler. His main goal: To unite his empire’s peoples under one religious head—thus appeasing pagans, lukewarm Greek Christians, and seculars alike.

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Yahushua, the coming Bridegroom, will not marry a whoring woman--a Bride who is a pagan, a heathen or a barbarian—one who goes after other gods and forsakes the Elohim of Israel. Ruth was received into the covenant of Israel by her confession of faith in Yahuweh, just as all gentiles were received into Israel’s covenant. She had to forsake totally her foreign gods in order to be received by Yahuweh.

He made His covenant with the house of Judah and the house of Israel, and renewed it in His own blood (Jeremiah 31:31-34). As the moon is renewed each month, yet it is called “a new moon”, so He renewed the covenant that He made, renewed the terms of the marriage covenant (Ten Commandments), and making it possible for His Bride to bear these terms on her heart—to love Him with all of her soul, might, and strength. If you are in Messiah, you are in the tree of Israel—grafted in (Romans 11).

So let me ask you the question: Are you a gentile?

Let us look at the word "Gentile" from both the Hebrew language and the early Greek language. Strong's Exhaustive Concordance of the Bible #1471, Hebrew "goy": a "gentile" is "a person from a foreign nation--foreign to Israel, Yahuweh and His Covenant--, a troop of animals, a flight of locusts, heathens".

The Greek is #1484 "ethnos": "a race or tribe of foreigners (non-Israelites), a pagan, heathen people and nation". Does this description in either Hebrew or Greek describe you? I hope not!

Let us look at excerpts from Ephesians 2:8-19: "By grace you have been saved through faith, and that of yourselves, it is the gift of Elohim, it is not by works, so that no man can boast. For we are His workmanship, created in Messiah Yahushua unto good works, which Elohim prepared beforehand that we should walk in them. Therefore, remember that you WERE ONCE GENTILES in the flesh...that at that time you were without Messiah, excluded from the citizenship of Israel, and STRANGERS from the covenants of promise, having no hope and without

Elohim in the world. But, now, in Messiah Yahushua you who were far off have been brought near by the blood of then you are NO LONGER STRANGERS AND FOREIGNERS, but fellow citizens with the set-apart ones and members of the household of Elohim."

I Corinthians 12:2: "You know that you WERE GENTILES, led away to the dumb idols, even as you might be led".


You are a “fellow citizen” with the whole house of Jacob. Yahuweh is the Elohim

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of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, and to all their descendants. He is the Elohim of Israel. You are saved by faith, but set-apart by obedience. You are citizens of the heavenly Kingdom, and thus responsible to His set-apart covenant. (Philippians 3:20-21) If we are to prepare for the coming Kingdom on earth, we must submit to the rules and regulations of being a citizen in the Kingdom in heaven.

When He gave His Name to Moses, in Exodus 3:13-15, He said: "Thus you are to say to the children of Israel, Yahuweh (YHWH) Elohim of your fathers, the Elohim of Abraham, the Elohim of Isaac, the Elohim of Jacob, has sent me to you. This My Name forever and this is My remembrance to all generations." Yahuweh continually, throughout the Tenach, refers to Himself as the Elohim of these three, with whom He made Covenant. It is a literal covenant of a literal seed, and a Land (the Land of Israel). (See Genesis 12, 13, 15, 17, 26, 35)

It is said of Yahushua in the Psalms and in the Messianic Scriptures: "Blessed is He who comes in the Name of Yahuweh". Yahuweh’s Name was in Yahushua’s Name.

He made Covenant with Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. He did not make any covenant with the Gentiles. (Jeremiah 31:31-34) Always, if a gentile wanted to come into the Covenant of Israel, like Ruth, they could do so by the grace and mercy of the Father, IF they would keep the Covenant requirements. Father is a Covenant-keeping Father. We come into a Covenant relationship with Him, through the blood of Messiah. It is not a matter of accepting a belief system, but of entering a Covenant--where we give Him everything of ourselves, and He gives us everything of Himself. That takes repentance, humility, obedience, and submission to His Kingdom rules! Read these verses: Exodus 12:48-49; Isaiah 56:6; Ezekiel 47:22-23 (future context).

Therefore, it is a LIE that anyone in Messiah is a gentile! If you have come to faith in Messiah, you are in the tree of Israel. You might be a Jew, one of the tribe of Judah. You might be an Israelite, from one of the ten northern tribes of Israel, scattered into the nations and lost to themselves by 722BCE. Or you might have no Israelite blood in you at all. But, if you are in Messiah, you are part of the tree of Israel, and Messiah is the root!

"Study to show yourselves approved unto Elohim—a workman that needs not to be ashamed". (II Timothy 2:15

Hosea 1:10: “Yet the number of the children of Israel shall be as the sand of the sea, which cannot be measured or counted. And it shall be in the place where it is said to them `You are not My people’, they shall be called `The sons of the living Elohim’”. Who refer to themselves as the “sons of God”? The house of Israel, to whom the book of Hosea is addressed, the lost sheep whom Yahuweh scattered because of their intense idolatry, into the nations AMONG the gentiles, are being brought back—and a great majority

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of them are Christians or Messianic believers. The Orthodox and Ultra Orthodox Jews know that the “prodigal” is coming back as Christians, and though they don’t like it (as in the parable of the prodigal son) and are acting like the “elder brother” in that story, still they tell us that they know that Messiah is coming because the house of Israel is coming home for the first time in over 2500 years. Isn’t this overwhelmingly wonderful! That doesn’t mean that all Christians who are not Jewish are of the house of Israel biologically. Just remember, that if you are in Messiah, you are in the tree of the whole house of Israel. You are not a gentile!

Jeremiah 31:6: “For there shall be a day when the watchmen cry on Mt. Ephraim, `Arise, and let us go up to Zion, to Yahuweh our Elohim”. My friends, this “day” has already arrived! The word “watchman” is “natsar”, and the Jews in Israel tell us that these are the “Christians”—the ones who follow the “netsar”—the Branch. This is the 1st century name for the believers: followers of the “Nazarene”. (Acts 24:5)

In the Covenant that Father cut with Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, which was an everlasting covenant never to be broken, based on the faithfulness of Yahuweh, it says that their "seed" would be as the stars of the heavens and the sands of the seas. Today, it is being scientifically realized that most of the world's people, especially in the "Christian nations", are biologically Israelites from the ten northern tribes scattered in AMONG the gentiles from about 1,000 BCE-722BCE. This is no cultic belief-system—this is actual historical, archeological, and scientific tracing of the tribes and where they settled down as a whole by Orthodox and Messianic Jews working together.

Another major falsehood: Lumping all of the tribes of Jacob under the title “Jew”.

“Jew” was first used in the book of Esther. Because the other tribes were so scattered that they appear lost, most people figure that the ten tribes became absorbed so much into the nations that they became gentiles, and cannot be distinguished anymore. Thus they feel like the Jew is the only one left of all the House of Jacob. Not true! Look at the glorious promises to the House of Israel in Hosea 1-3, Ezekiel 36 and 37, Jeremiah 31, and many other passages. Look at James 1:1. The “house of Israel”, which numbered into the multi-millions of people, were scattered “among the gentiles” totally by 722CE, through Assyria. But, from 1,000 BCE they began to work the trade routes with the Phoenicians and began building settlements to the north and the west—even as far as the British Isles, Ireland and even America, as archeology now proves.

By history, archeology, legend, language study, and the Word, and now DNA, the tribes are being separated. They have to be--look at Revelation 7. Also, look at Revelation 21--there are 12 gates to the New Jerusalem, each named for one of the twelve tribes. Now look at Matthew 19:28-29—the twelve Apostles rule over the twelve tribes of Israel in the Kingdom of Messiah! Much of the New

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Testament was written to the scattered tribes. The Apostles knew where they went, and except for James, brother of John, who was beheaded, the other Apostles went north and east and west looking for the "lost tribes". They found them. Peter got as far as Ireland, and Britain. ("Brit" is Hebrew for Covenant and "ish" is Hebrew for man). Yahushua gave instructions to His disciples in Matthew 10:5-6: "Do not go into the way of the gentiles, and do not enter a city of the Samaritans, but rather go to the lost sheep of the House of Israel"--the ten northern tribes. Yahushua said in Matthew 15:24: "I was not sent except to the lost sheep of the House of Israel". The house of Israel is the "prodigal son" in the parable in Luke 16. Judah (the southern kingdom, which included Judah, Levi and Benjamin) did not totally depart from Yahuweh. By His death and resurrection, He not only is able to remarry the House of Israel whom He had to divorce, thus obeying the Torah, but also to bring the House of Judah and all true gentiles into the Covenant with Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. Looking at things through the whole of Scripture, certainly does clear up things!

The bottom line is: Though the “lost sheep” became lost to themselves, Father never lost the lineage of the tribes!

Father is doing a marvelous work in our day to restore all twelve tribes to their homeland--the nation of Israel. Ezekiel 37 is talking about you! You are not some lowly left-out gentile, while the Jews inherit an earthly Kingdom. Right now, Judah is acting like the superior elder brother. But, look at how the Father wants to treat the prodigal: Luke 16:11-32.

Isaiah 11:13 tells us that one day, in Messiah, that all the tribes of Jacob will unite. Zechariah 12:7 tells us that Judah would return to the land first—and Judah is the primary tribe to have returned. But, Judah is not superior to you. And neither are you superior to Judah. If you are not biological Israel, then you are grafted into Israel (Romans 11) and are therefore to be treated as a “sabre” –native of the land. (Ezekiel 47:21-23; Exodus 12:49; Isaiah 56:6-7; Numbers 15:15-16; I Kings 8:41ff))

The Jewish people have preserved for us believers in Yahushua the instructions of the Kingdom of Yahuweh. The believers in Messiah have preserved the good news of the Suffering Servant of Isaiah 53 for Judah. He will bring both Houses together, and He is working strongly on that now. How exciting!

I pray that you would get into the Word and read whole chapters and books at one sitting. In the way much deception will disappear on its own. You will see the continuity of the covenant. He tells us that there is ONE TORAH (Instructions and Teachings) FOR ALL MANKIND. If anyone wanted in on the covenant, He admitted them as long as they kept the rules of the covenant. The rules of the covenant include the set-apart signs of obedience to Him. Let

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us come out from the systems of Greece and Rome, the religious system that is fast going back into the Vatican’s fold. The New Age Movement (part of the Illuminati/Masonic system) and the rule of Rome is taking over even our top Evangelical and Charismatic leadership and institutions.

Also, unfortunately I have to say: Beware also of the “Messianic Movement”. Do not look to man as your leader, unless that man is totally given to learning from the Holy Spirit himself. Many sincere Messianic believers are teaching wrong things because they are parroting superstitions and beliefs that came out of their captivity in ancient Babylon. They are mixing Greek/Roman Christianity with Hebrew roots. They are teaching and practicing some Jewish traditions and ideas and concepts that are a mixture of Judaism, Christianity and the truth. BEWARE OF MIXTURES!!! He tells us: “Be set-apart as I am set-apart”! Don’t let any man be your guru—let the Ruach Yahuweh lead you to people that will confirm what He is telling you! As with different groups of Christians, Messianic groups can be very different. Some Messianic groups do not even believe that Messiah is Elohim, and some are even denying that He even came the first time, having returned to a form of Judaism.

Don’t automatically think that because someone is a Jewish believer that they know more than you do. I’ve found some Jewish believers-sweet as they are--that are in great error. BE DISCERNING BY THE INNER WITNESS OF THE RUACH, AND THROUGH YOUR KNOWLEDGE OF THE WORD AS TAUGHT BY HIM.

Excerpts from II Corinthians 6:14-7:1: “Do not become unequally yoked with unbelievers, for what partnership has righteousness and lawlessness? And what fellowship has light with darkness? `Come out from among them and be separate’, says Yahuweh, `and do not touch what is unclean, and I shall receive you. And I shall be a Father to you, and you shall be sons and daughters to Me’, says Yahuweh the Almighty. Having then these promises, beloved, let us cleanse ourselves from all defilement of the flesh and spirit, perfecting set-apartness in the fear of Elohim”.

What is lawlessness? “Sin is the transgression of the Torah” (I John 3:4). Why are those in Matthew 7:21-23 put out of the Kingdom of Heaven for “lawlessness”? Did Messiah Yahushua die for our sins so that we could break the rules of the Kingdom of His Father? Did Messiah teach anything that was different from what His Father told Him? We been lied to by Greece and Rome--whose great hatred for anything Hebrew drove them to purposely do everything they could to separate us from our covenant roots. Isn’t it time we found out what we were really separated from?

I spend many hours a day, most days of the week, in the Word and in reliable resource material to research to the root of what is taught by the Father. I have done this for over 20 years. I do not teach what is not approved by the Ruach Yahuweh Himself. He is the one who gets my research materials into my hands-

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-in the most usual ways sometimes. I love being led by the Ruach—every day is a supernatural walk.

I did graduate from BIOLA University (The Bible Institute of Los Angles) in La Mirada, California. I have been an ordained minister, had my own incorporation in Texas, and done about every sort of Christian ministry you can imagine in my many years in the church system, having also gone to many countries doing missionary work, teaching and preaching and moving in the gifts of the Spirit. We are ALL on a spiritual journey, and as long as we keep going forward, LOVING THE TRUTH WITH ALL OF OUR HEART, we will have truth given to us by the Ruach. I learned some good things on my spiritual journey in the past. But I also learned some horrendous deceptions of doctrine that have kept the people of Elohim in bondage to man's traditions for about 1,900 years at least.

By the 4th century, secular historians tell us that what Messiah taught and the early Apostles taught was gone totally, snuffed out by the Greeks and Romans. Roman Catholic Church historians tell us that by the 13th century, the “heretics” were destroyed—those who believed in “Yeshua” as Messiah and practiced the Torah “of the Jews, and having the Gospel of Matthew in the Hebrew language. WRONG! The truth was never totally destroyed. Now it is being restored, as we prepare for the return of our Jewish Messiah. Even a copy of Matthew in Hebrew has been restored to us.

Finally! The roots are exposed: We now know what the Apostles taught from the 1st century. He is restoring us to that faith. They were called the followers of the Nazarene, or the followers of the Way--Nazarene Israel. We are rediscovering what the Church told us had been lost. In that rediscovery there is great joy! Isn't it time we learned the Truth, the whole Truth and nothing but the Truth?

Blessings to you and Shalom,



February 5, 2005

Revised December 25, 2005, October 16, 2007, November 18, 2007



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From the Torah:

Leviticus 26:33; Deuteronomy 4:27-31; 28:37, 65; 30:1-3

From the Prophets:

Jeremiah 9:16; 29:18-19; 30:11; 32:37

Ezekiel 4:13; 6:8- 9; 11:12, 12:15-16, 20:9, 23, 41; 22:15-16; 28:24-25; 36:19-24, 30; 37:21; 38:8; 39:27-28

Hosea 7: 8; 8:10; 9:17

Joel 2:17, 19; 3:2

Amos 9:9

Micah 5:7-8

Zechariah 7:14; 8:6-8, 13

From the Writings:

Psalm 44:11, 14; 106:27, 35, 41, 47

Nehemiah 1:8-9

From the Messianic Writings:

Acts 15:19

I Peter 1:1 – the word “strangers” means: “a resident foreigner, a sojourner in another land”. These strangers and foreigners were “lost” Israelites, “prodigal sons” who were returning from among the gentiles, from among the “pig pens” to the Torah and to Yahuweh by way of the Messiah Yahushua.

Ja’cob 1:1: “To the twelve tribes who are in the dispersion”…the dispersed ones of the northern tribes who were returning to Torah and Yahuweh via Messiah.

Acts 26:6-7: The promise of the resurrection was made “to the twelve tribes”.

Romans 11:17: The olive branch is a picture of Israel. The wild branches grafted back into the tree of Israel (Torah, Yahuweh and Messiah) were olive branches.

Therefore, the ones grafted back in were Israelites who had been out among gentiles (in the pig pens) and were coming back to the tree of Israel.

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