Fantasy Writing Rubric - Mrs. Clyne-Davis' Cool Class

Fantasy Writing Rubric

4th grade

|Criteria | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 |

|Content |I have written a story that follows a |I have written a story that follows a|I attempted to create mystical |I showed little attempt to |

| |certain structure of Fantasy. My |certain structure of fantasy. My |characters with magical powers.|include the elements of fantasy|

| |characters are well-developed and have |characters have magical qualities and|I tried to incorporate an |into my story. |

| |magical qualities. The plot of my story|act in mystical ways. The plot of my |underlying theme. | |

| |incorporates underlying themes that |story somewhat teaches the reader | | |

| |teach the reader about life. |about how to live. | | |

|Elaboration |I started my story “in the action” by |I started my story “in the action.” |I attempted to begin my story |I did not start my story “in |

| |using dialogue, the character engaged |There is a struggle and this part of |“in the action.” The character |the action” and there is little|

| |in a detailed action, or by telling the|the story is highlighted or stretched|does face a struggle in my |evidence that I tried to |

| |setting or starting the situation. I |out in detailed steps. There is SOME |story but this part of the |stretch out the struggle my |

| |stretched out the problem/ struggle of |build up and tension in my story. |story is not stretched out. |character faces in my story. |

| |my story that creates tension and keeps| | | |

| |readers at the edge of their seats. | | | |

|Organization |I have multiple scenes in my story that|I have some scenes in my story that |I have a beginning, middle and |My story does not have a |

| |flow nicely one into the next. I used |flow nicely one into the next. I |end but only added one or two |beginning, middle, and end. |

| |paragraphs to show the passage of time,|mostly used paragraphs in all the |scenes to my story. I have |There are no paragraphs in my |

| |when the setting changes, when a new |right parts of my story. |some paragraphs but they might |story. |

| |event occurs, or when new characters | |not be in the right parts of | |

| |are speaking. | |the story. | |

|Language Usage |My writing is very engaging. It’s easy|My writing is mostly engaging. I |My writing is somewhat engaging|My writing is not engaging for |

| |for my reader to imagine being in my |included some strong verbs and |but there are parts that are |the reader because it does not |

| |story. I used many strong verbs and |adjectives. |confusing. I used a few strong|have strong adjectives or |

| |strong adjectives in my writing. | |verbs or adjectives. |verbs. |

| | | | | |

|Mechanics |My writing contains correct spelling, |My writing contains few spelling and |My writing contains some |My writing is hard to read and |

| |grammar, punctuation, complete complex |grammar errors; and has correct |spelling and grammar errors; |contains many spelling and |

| |sentences and correct use of |punctuation and complete sentences. |most sentences have correct |grammatical errors. |

| |capitalization. | |punctuation and are complete. | |

| | | |I used simple sentences. | |


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