Power Verbs List

[Pages:9]Power Verbs List

By Christopher Westra

Version 7/27/2011

This book is a free list brought to you by Christopher Westra. You may freely share it with anyone. In fact, we hope you do!

The original (or latest update) can be obtained from this website below. You can just click on the link.

Power Verb List

Additional Resources (just click on links)

Click Free Mind Power Books and Check Out Many of Those Sites to See How the Power Verbs Can Be Used.

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Discover Your Right to Be Rich, and How Riches Come to You. Get The Science of Getting Rich, by Wallace Wattles.

| brought to you by Christopher Westra

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Table of Contents

The Power Verbs List ...............................................................................................................3 Additional Resources ...............................................................................................................7

| brought to you by Christopher Westra

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The Power Verbs List

Here is the list of 113 Power Verbs with a sample sentence for each one.

Abandon Abolish Access Accomplish

Achieve Acquire

Act Actualize Adapt



Apply Ascend


Attract Begin Believe

Benefit Boost


Abandon your fears and limitations. Abolish the enemies of your happiness. Access healing and rejuvenation power Accomplish whatever you set out to do in your life. Achieve the vital health and vigor you desire. Acquire the talents and abilities for the greatest success. Act with power and renewed confidence. Actualize your greatest potential. Adapt fearlessly to the changing conditions around you. Add income streams one by one until you have an income river. Alter your energy and emotions with the power of your mind. Apply the magic of praise and appreciation. Ascend into higher states of joy through your imagination and intuition. Attain all the skills for massive success and confidence. Attract all the money you want into your life. Begin with the end in mind, for best results. Believe that the best is going to happen to you. Benefit in every area of your life. Boost your faith in yourself and your ability to achieve. Break through all prior limitations and obstacles and achieve greatly.

| brought to you by Christopher Westra

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Build Burn Call Captivate

Cease Challenge


Choose Cling

Comfort Conquer Create Crystallize



Despise Develop Direct



Download Dwell Eliminate

Bring all the resources of the universe through your magnetic power. Build your prosperity on a sure foundation. Burn the bridges of failure. Call forth your amazing reserve power. Captivate your listeners with your speaking ability. Cease to whine and complain about your life. Challenge yourself to grow and learn from every situation. Cheer yourself and your friends with your attitude. Choose the richest experiences in life. Cling to the best in life with the tenacity of a bulldog. Comfort your heart when you feel down. Conquer doubt and fear, and conquer failure. Create your ideal destiny. Crystallize your visions into concrete physical reality. Cultivate the very talents you need to succeed. Declare your independence from poverty and lack. Despise your fears and limitations. Develop Your True Master Mind. Direct the intelligent substance of the universe into your patterns or blueprints. Do what is right and let the consequence follow. Dominate your field by knowing how to give the best service. Download this money manifesting meditation. Dwell on the blessings you now enjoy. Eliminate personal limitations from your mind and your life.

| brought to you by Christopher Westra

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Enjoy Enter

Excel Expand


Extend Follow



Free Give Go

Govern Grasp

Harbor Harness

Heal Hold



Embrace the powerful and creative schooling method developed by our Creator. Enchant those around you with your vibrance and enthusiasm. Enjoy being a cheerful and radiant soul. Enter the temple of knowledge and bask in the light and beauty. Excel in any occupation or job you choose. Expand your creative faculties by allowing your inner wisdom to flourish. Explode your wealth by learning secrets the rich don't want you to know. Extend your life dozens of healthy years. Follow the royal road to self-control and true concentration of thought. Forge your own success in the armory of your thought. Forsake your fears, and act in power for the achievement of all your goals. Free yourself from the slavery of fear. Give freely and open the windows of heaven. Go and do those things that will bring the greatest success. Govern your appetites and passions. Grasp the truth that you are the master of your thought and the molder of your character. Harbor the happiness in your heart. Harness the marvelous rich power of the unseen Heal your heart and mind through love. Hold on to your dreams with intense vision and you will receive them. Imprison your doubts until they starve for lack of nourishment. Improve your habits and your thinking.

| brought to you by Christopher Westra

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Inspire Instruct

Lead Learn


Lift Live Love Maintain



Move Nourish


Partake Perfect







Inspire others to higher level thinking. Instruct yourself in the best thinking of the ages. Lead out in Success and Abundance. Learn the difference between goals and glimmers. Liberate your mind from the chains of unconscious thinking. Lift up your heart in joy and happiness. Live the Life that YOU want to live. Love others with all your heart and mind. Maintain your dreams and visions in spite of any obstacles, setbacks, or struggles. Manifest the dreams that you came here to create. Mold your environment into the environment that will bring you greatest joy. Move constantly toward your own ideals. Nourish the positive mental pictures with strong emotion. Open your mind to making changes in the way you do things. Partake of the law of the Great Within. Perfect a New Vision and a New Consciousness. Practice mindful transmutation of energies and bring peace to your life. Pray as if everything depends on God, and work as if everything depends on yourself. Preserve your values by maintaining clear vision. Produce more income than you ever imagined. Prosper in your health and wealth and relationships. Protect your assets and keep what you earn.

| brought to you by Christopher Westra

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Reap Renew




Revolutioniz e Search


Send Shatter


Sow Spring Start Strengthen Sustain Take

Teach Transform

Purge your mind of ineffective and destructive beliefs. Reach out to billions with your talents and interests. Realize your potential in every area of your life! Reap the huge rewards of right thinking. Renew your mental courage by remembering the universe loves you. Replace your doubts and fears with unshakable confidence and power! Resolve to do even small tasks well, as incremental actions lead to monumental results. Reveal all the blessings that God has in store for you. Revolutionize your relationships and expand the love in your life. Search and find the spiritual fulfillment that you desire. See clearly with the higher rays of mental light. Send loving messages to your whole body. Shatter your limitations by expanding your own possibilities. Solidify your dreams into physical reality through the power of your mind. Sow success and you will reap success. Spring into health and vitality. Start strong, and persevere to the finish. Strengthen your connection with The Divine. Sustain the financial well being you deserve. Take the time to clear your mind and plan daily. Teach the good, the beautiful, and the true. Transform your intentions into powerful new

| brought to you by Christopher Westra

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Treasure Understand Wish

visions. Treasure in your heart the real riches of family life. Understand first, and then seek to be understood. Wish for the best and expect the best in your life.

Enjoy the list. Use it to increase the power of your words ? both written and spoken.


This book is a free list brought to you by Christopher Westra. You may freely share it with anyone. In fact, we hope you do!

The original (or latest update) can be obtained from this website below. You can just click on the link.

Power Verb List

Additional Resources

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Create Your Own Subliminal CDs to Enhance Your Concentration, Mind Power, and Success, with this PC Subliminal Studio.

Click Free Mind Power Books and Check Out Many of Those

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