

FY 2004 Calendar


❖ 7th – Training Session for E-week Library Program

❖ 21st – 22nd – Region I Conference in Colorado Springs, CO

❖ 22nd – 28th – National E-week

❖ 27th – E-week Library Program, Spring Hill – Volunteers needed to participate in this event. See more information below.

[pic] March

❖ March 2nd – Design Build Contest - Volunteers needed to participate in this event. See more information below.

❖ March 6th - Work-Life Balance Panel Discussion – Save the date! More information to come.



❖ TBD; what would you like to see here? Give your suggestions to a SWE board member…


SWE - Kansas City Section


January - 2004


Tell us about your education…

Followed in my dad's footsteps (he is a UMR Civil Engineering grad and works for Boeing in St. Louis)

University of Missouri - Rolla

Bachelor of Science in Engineering Management, May 2003

Bachelor of Science in Economics, May 2003

Minor in Accounting and Finance

In school I was involved in several organizations including Zeta Tau Alpha National Fraternity and Lambda Sigma Pi (service organization). I also tutored at the Rolla Elementary and Middle schools and hope to continue that community service at one of the local Kansas City public schools.

What do you do at work?

I work for Square D Schneider Electric () - a manufacturer of electrical distribution, industrial control, and automation products. I was an intern for Square D in the St. Louis sales office in the summers when I was home from school. When I graduated in May, I started full time with Square D in the Kansas City sales office. My positions mainly covers pricing and quotations for small project jobs.

What do you do for fun?

I am a big St. Louis Blues fan - grew up going to games with my dad and little brother at the old Arena in St. Louis. Now that I'm in KC it's a little harder to make it to games, but I still try to watch when they are on TV.

One of my favorite bands is the Dave Matthews Band. I love their live music and try to make it to as many concerts as I can.

E-Week Library Program Information

What: E-week Library Program

When: Friday, February 27th from 1:30 - 4:00 p.m.

Where: The Spring Hill Civic Center

For more info, contact Jaci Romfo (jaci.romfo@ or 913-458-2984)

Sign up by Friday, February 6th with Jaci


Wanted - Volunteers for the February Activity!

The Society of Women Engineers is heading to Spring Hill, Kansas for a hands-on learning activity for home schooled students. Volunteers would lead a discussion and experiment (civil, environmental, chemical, electrical, or mechanical) for a group of students. Students will be split into 5 groups and rotate through each of the discipline discussions and experiments. There will be a "training session" a few weeks before the event for volunteers to learn the experiments. The experiments are fun and easy! We would like at least 10 volunteers (two per experiment).

Please join us for this event!

Got comments? Or new ideas for your KCSWE Newsletter?

Let your editor know!


Thank you!

This month in the spotlight…

Name: Laura Lekar

From St. Charles, MO (just outside St. Louis), moved to Kansas City in June 2003.

Did you know March 8th is International Women’s Day?

International Women's Day (8 March) is an occasion marked by women's groups around the world. This date is also commemorated at the United Nations and is designated in many countries as a national holiday. When women on all continents, often divided by national boundaries and by ethnic, linguistic, cultural, economic and political differences, come together to celebrate their Day, they can look back to a tradition that represents at least nine decades of struggle for equality, justice, peace and development.

International Women's Day is the story of ordinary women as makers of history; it is rooted in the centuries-old struggle of women to participate in society on an equal footing with men. In ancient Greece, Lysistrata initiated a sexual strike against men in order to end war; during the French Revolution, Parisian women calling for "liberty, equality, fraternity" marched on Versailles to demand women's suffrage.

The idea of an International Women's Day first arose at the turn of the century, which in the industrialized world was a period of expansion and turbulence, booming population growth and radical ideologies.

International Women's Day has assumed a new global dimension for women in developed and developing countries alike. The growing international women's movement, which has been strengthened by four global United Nations women's conferences, has helped make the commemoration a rallying point for coordinated efforts to demand women's rights and participation in the political and economic process. Increasingly, International Women's Day is a time to reflect on progress made, to call for change and to celebrate acts of courage and determination by ordinary women who have played an extraordinary role in the history of women's rights.


Training Session

Tentatively scheduled for

Saturday, February 7th from 9 a.m. - noon

Location will be determined later.

We will go through all five experiments and determine which volunteers will lead each discussion/experiment. The discussion write-ups and posters with step-by-step instructions & pictures for each discipline will be available at the training session.

There is no work for the volunteers - just learn the experiments so you can guide the students!

Did you know?

SWE Strategic Priorities:

1. Education and Outreach:

The technical professions will benefit, and the quality of life will be enhanced by more women of all backgrounds pursuing the profession of engineering.

2. Inclusive Organization:

SWE will be an inclusive organization focused on issues of interest to women of all backgrounds in engineering and technical careers.

3. Knowledge Source:

SWE will be a worldwide leader and preferred partner in the creation and advancement of information about women in technical careers.

4. Professional Leadership:

Women will be acknowledged as demonstrating the skills required to be effective leaders in a global marketplace.

5. Value and Benefit:

SWE programs and services across the organization will provide value and benefit and meet the diverse and changing needs of Society members and stakeholders.


Got comments? Or new ideas for your KCSWE Newsletter?

Let your editor know!


Thank you!

Yoga Class Information

Date: Friday, November 14, 2003

Place: Anahatta Yoga Center, L.L.C.

3665 W. 95th St.

Overland Park, KS 66206

(913) 381-7899

Time: 7:00 to 8:00 p.m.

Cost: $5.00


(Located in Ranchmart South Shopping

Center at W. 95th St & Mission Rd.)

*Please bring your own yoga mat. The center has them for rent for $2.

*Wear loose comfortable clothing. Do not eat before class.

*Classes begin promptly. Plan on arriving 5-10 minutes early.

Region I Governor Position

Region I will need to nominate a Region Governor for next year per the new bylaws. To get everyone thinking about the most qualified candidate, here is some information about the position and the qualifications. This information is from the Region Governor Procedures. If anyone is interested in this position, please contact Joan Graf at grafjj@.

Region Governor

The region governor plays an integral role in the Society. The region governor provides expertise in section and region operations, ensures all stakeholders receive continuous communication about Society activities and issues, provides a wide variety of resources to all stake holders, assesses grass roots movements and needs within the organization, and ensures the health and vitality of the sections within her region and of her region as a whole.

Region governors have many stakeholders within the Society: student and professional members, student and professional sections, student interest groups, MALs, the board of directors, the director of regions, other region governors, the council of representatives and its speaker and deputy speaker, the executive director and headquarters operations, national committees, regional student coordinators, and corporate partners. External to the Society, the governor has stakeholders in local and regional communities, educational groups and institutions, and corporations.

SWE Bylaws Required Qualifications

1. Be a voting member of the Society in good standing.

2. Be assigned to that region as a member of one of the professional sections or a professional member at large.

3. Have served at least two years in the aggregate as a professional member of the council or as a professional section or member at large president, except that one year as a region student representative may be counted toward the requirement.

Desired Qualifications

In addition to the requirements specified in the Society’s bylaws, the following additional characteristics are suggested for region governors:

• General SWE knowledge.

• General student SWE knowledge.

• Knowledge of professional section operations.

• Outgoing, motivational personality.

• Strategic planning and goal setting skills

• Budgeting and financial management skills

• Leadership, coaching, training, and mentoring skills

• Consulting skills: negotiating, coping with mixed motivation, dealing with concerns, analysis, dealing with political climate, comfort with ambiguity, interviewing, feedback of data, working with resistance, focusing on options and choices, and problem solving.

• Interpersonal skills: listening, ability to maintain business relationships while maintaining trust, being supportive, conflict resolution, and team building skills.

• Organizational skills: filing, reporting, tracking.

• Communication skills: meeting facilitation, listening, presentation of personal and organizational data, crisp clear communication of direction, clarity in writing and speech.



Structural Engineering

SWE Involvement:

I was president the year that Women Engineers of Kansas City chartered the SWE section here - April of 1982.

What do you do at work?

Most of my recent professional activity has been focused on serving on the state licensing board, the Missouri Board for Architects, Professional Engineers, Land Surveyors, and Landscape Architects. I also work on the national exam for licensing Structural Engineers.

Will you share with us your acceptance speech at SWE Birmingham Conference?

In 1983, 20 years ago, the economy was much like it is today. Construction was down and engineering firms were laying off experienced people – like me. I had never dreamt of owning my own business, but it became a necessity and gradually a reality. It has worked so well that, I cannot imagine working for someone else again.

I would like to thank my SWE friends who have always been supportive, and made me feel like I had a team of people behind me.

After 20 years as a business owner, I can say that bigger is not always better. Keeping the company small has maintained profitability and allowed me to do what I like –a lot of engineering with a little bit of management. The highs are higher and the lows are lower because in a small business, every accomplishment and disappointment is personal. But I have grown to like it that way. In fact, I actually like my job and enjoy going to work every day. And after 30 years in engineering, that is the best reward.

This month in the spotlight…

Name: Cheri Leigh

2003 SWE Entrepreneur Award Recipient

[pic] News release

For Immediate Release

Cheri leigh honored with Society of Women Engineers’ entrepreneur award

Cheri J. Leigh P.E. of Leigh & O’Kane LLC recognized for her entrepreneurial spirit and long term business success at Society’s national conference

BIRMINGHAM, AL, October 10, 2003 – The Society of Women Engineers (SWE) announced today that Ms. Cheri Leigh, P.E. is the recipient of the 2003 SWE Entrepreneur Award. Leigh is recognized for setting a standard for professional practice in Leigh & O'Kane, LLC, for serving as a female role model for business ownership in a male dominated industry, for holding professional board positions, and for extensive volunteer efforts in the community.

Leigh is the founder and principal partner with Leigh & O'Kane, LLC. Leigh has functional responsibility for strategic planning, marketing and sales, engineering, human resources, and financial management. She is a proven professional with technical skills enhancing her ability to develop collaborative solutions with clients in the areas of commercial buildings, educational and medical facilities, and the public sector. She was the first woman engineer to be appointed to the Missouri Board for Architects, Professional Engineers and Land Surveyors and is the first woman to serve on the NCEES structural exam committee.

“Cheri Leigh is an excellent role model for our entrepreneurial-minded members and aspiring women engineers everywhere,” said Alma Martinez Fallon, president of the Society of Women Engineers. “To create Leigh & O’Kane, LLC, Cheri has combined technical expertise, business skill, genuine leadership, and the ability to envision a successful enterprise while overcoming traditional barriers and stereotypes.”

With 30 years of structural engineering experience, Leigh led large projects for major corporations, such as General Motors and Norfolk & Western Railway, prior to starting her own company in 1983.

Looking for volunteers!

KC-SWE is looking for volunteers to be at the SWE booth for a couple of hours, and to show one experiment to the kids. The experiment will be one previously done by the group. There is more information about this exciting event below!

Design Build Contest: [pic]

About 3,000 students, 100 teachers, 150 parents (1 parent to every ten kids), 150 pre-service teachers (Columbia, SMSU), 600 industry members and 100-200 college students will be here!

This event is sponsored by the Center for Construction Excellence on the campus of UMKC and they are partnering with JEC. The project for this year is Commercial Construction. There will be 125 booths (minimum of 2 people per booth). At each booth they would like to have interactive lessons with the students (experiments). They would like the experiments to be hands on-interactive. The students will spend 20 minutes with each booth.

The set for the booths will occur on Monday March 1, 2004 between 3-6 pm and from 4-6 pm there will be an industry cocktail party. They also need 250 judges, with no special skills and training the day of the event. Need 200 volunteers to work with the students.

Agenda for the competition (March 2, 2004).

7:00-8:00 am Networking breakfast (continental) $5 each.

8:00-8:30 am Opening Ceremonies

8:30-12:00 pm Judging and Booths(interaction with students)

Booth break down at 12 pm

12:00-1:00 pm Lunch with College Students

1:00-2:00 pm Awards Ceremony

2:00-4:00 pm Good-Bye and See you Soon!

2:00-4:00 pm Booth Break Down and Project Transportation

Sign up must be completed by February 2, 2004. Please let Natalie Stennis know if you would like to attend. E-mail: Natalie_Stennis@



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