Article types – checklist

JCVP - Structure and word count per article type

| |Description |Abstract structure |Abstract word |Article structure |Article word count |

| | | |count | | |

|Full length articles |Original research and/or clinical |-Background |250 |-Background |2,500 |

| |studies. Please note, as described in the|-Objectives | |-Objectives | |

| |Instructions for Authors, papers which |-Study design | |-Study design | |

| |only present data specific to a |-Results | |-Results | |

| |particular geographical area or country |-Conclusions | |-Discussion | |

| |which are not novel or surprising from a | | |-(acknowledgements) COI | |

| |worldwide perspective, are unlikely to be| | | | |

| |published. | | | | |

|Short communications |Original research and /or clinical |-Background |250 |Background |1,250 |

| |studies that do not require a full paper,|-Objectives | |-Objectives | |

| |but are completed studies, may be |-Study design | |-Study design | |

| |submitted as Short Communications. These |-Results | |-Results | |

| |papers may detail a smaller number of |-Conclusions | |-Discussion | |

| |observations or may include a smaller | | |-(acknowledgements) COI | |

| |number of patients. They may also add a | | | | |

| |small amount of new information but which| | | | |

| |is still considered important. | | | | |

|Correspondence |Comments on previously published articles| | | |500 |

| |or any other items of interest to | | | | |

| |clinical virologists | | | | |

|Review articles |Reviews should give a succinct overview |Unstructured abstract |250 | |3,000 |

| |of a particular topic. Please contact one| | | | |

| |of the Editors-in-Chief to check on the | | | | |

| |suitability of your topic | | | | |


- The word count in the Article structure excludes the Abstract, References, Acknowledgement and figure captions. The word count should be indicated at the foot of the title page.

- Keywords (3-6) should be provided at the foot of the abstract.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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