Essay QuestionsNB: You must only select one question to answer.In constitutional interpretation, how literally should the Constitution be read?What is the scope of the federal executive’s non-statutory power?How legitimate is contemporary constitutional doctrine on the strict separation of federal judicial power?Marking criterion High Distinction(80-100%)Distinction(70-79%)Credit(60-69%)Pass(50-59%)N(25-49%) N(0-24%)Understanding of topic and accurate legal knowledge(30%)Demonstrates mastery of core concepts/principles of topic and insightful critical analysisSystematically and accurately identifies and analyses relevant law.Demonstrates a clear critical analysis of core concepts/principles of topic.Accurately identifies and analyses relevant law.Exhibits engagement with core concepts/principles of topic.Mostly identifies and analyses relevant law.Shows a developing engagement with core concepts/principles of topic.Identifies and analyses some relevant law.Shows superficial engagement with core concepts/principles of topic.Inaccurately identifies or superficial analyses some relevant law.Shows no or very little engagement with core concepts/principles of topic.Does not identify or analyse relevant law.Clarity, relevance and support of argument (30%)A clearly articulated, logically sound argument that is the central focus of the essay.A tightly focused argument that is directly relevant to the essay question.Consistently, appropriately and succinctly uses evidence to defend argument.Argument is clear, logical and can be readily identified.Argument is directly relevant to the essay question.Consistently and appropriately uses evidence to defend argument. Argument is generally clear and internally consistentArgument is generally focused on the essay question.Mostly consistent and generally appropriate evidence used to defend argument. Argument is hard to identify and may at times be inconsistent.Argument is partially focused on the essay question but frequently wanders off-topic.Occasional use of evidence to defend argument, some of which is inappropriate The essay’s argument can only be recognised with great effort.The essay’s argument is only tangentially relevant to the essay questionLimited use of evidence to defend argument, evidence is frequently inappropriate. Argument cannot be identifiedArgument is not relevant to the essay questionNo or very little evidence used to justify argument.Extent of independent research (20%)Demonstrates a high degree of independent research and deep engagement with the literature and law. Consistent use of highly credible sources.Clear evidence of substantial independent research showing a high degree of engagement with the literature and law.Relies primarily upon credible sources.Clear evidence of independent research of the topic and related law.Relies upon credible sources with some unnecessary reliance on less credible sources.Some research demonstrated, but limited in scope in relation to literature or law.Sources are reasonable credible but there is significant reliance on less credible sources.Limited research conducted into both literature and law.Poor selection of generally incredible sources. No or extremely limited research conducted.No sources provided or relied upon.Conformity with AGLC4 (10%)Error-free use of AGLC4 footnotes and reference including an AGLC compliant reference list of all sources and error-free use of AGLC compliant headings and writing conventions.Mostly error-free use of AGLC4 footnotes and reference including a mostly AGLC-compliant reference list of all sources and mostly error-free use of AGLC headings or writing conventions.Infrequent errors-in use of AGLC4 in footnotes and reference list, and some use of AGLC compliant headings or writing conventions.Frequent errors in use of AGLC4 in footnotes and reference list. Little or no use of AGLC compliant headings or writing conventions.Minimal use of AGLC4 in footnotes and reference list. No use of AGLC compliant headings or writing conventions.No use, or extremely limited use, of AGLC4 in footnotes and reference list. No use of AGLC compliant headings or writing conventions.Writing and essay structure (10%)Writes with clarity, fluency and specificity, with no, or very minor, spelling or grammar mistakesEssay is tightly organized with a well-rounded introduction, coherent paragraphing in a logically progressive essay body and a comprehensive conclusion.A well-written, readily understandable essay. Few, if any, spelling or grammar mistakes.Essay has a clear introduction, well organized and logically progressive essay body and clear conclusion.A good degree of clarity in written expression, some deficiencies in style and some notable errors in spelling and grammar.Essay has a recognizable introduction, logically progressive essay body and conclusion.Essay is at times hard to understand or uses inappropriate style, or contains many spelling and grammar mistakes.Essay has some logical organisation, but is lacking a introduction, conclusion or a logically progressive essay body.Unclear written expression, a style inappropriate to an academic essay and numerous spelling and grammar mistakes.Limited identifiable organisation or structure to the essay.Unclear and confusing written expression, a style inappropriate to an academic essay, and widespread spelling and grammar mistakes.No identifiable organisation or structure to the essay. ................

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