Human Anatomy and Physiology

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|Monday |Tuesday |Wednesday |Thursday |Friday |

|4 |5 |6 |7 |8 |

|First Day of school |warm up: Prefix/suffix |-warm up: IV and DV scenarios,|Warm up: Microscope questions|-warm up: Identifying experimental |

|-Intro to class |w.s.--go over homework |go over syllabus |I.V. vs. D.V practice |components |

|-Pre-assesssment activity |-distribute activity logs, |-Lab: Scientific Method |Notes: microscope |-microscope lab due |

|Learning styles inventory |Learning Styles Inventory |-Notes: Experimental Design |-lab: compound microscope |- Notes: what is life? |

|-homework: finish learning styles | | |-homework: study for |What is life? Activity |

|inventory and get syllabus signed and|Homework: graphing and |homework: Section Assessment |microscope quiz and section |Review for test |

|materials |drawing practice |1.3 (1-4) pg. 21 |assessment 1.1 (1-4) pg. 10 |Homework: Study for test! |

| | | | | |

|11 |12 |13 |14 |15 |

|Warm up: Characteristics of Life |Warm up: characteristics of |Warm up: Characteristics of |Warm up: STUDY!! |-warm up: cell theory questions |

|review |life review |life w.s. |-TEST: UNIT 1 |-notes: cell theory and structure |

|Notes: what is life? |-QUIZ: microscope |Scientific Method Lab |Characteristics of Life |and function |

|What is life? Activity |What is life? Activity |Biology Pretest |activity |Cell theory scientists activity |

| |Review Unit 1 |Review Unit 1 |Homework: finish |Vocab Quiz #1 |

|Review Unit 1 |Homework: Finish what is |Homework: STUDY for your test!|characteristics of life |-hmwk: animal and plant organelle |

| |living? activity | |activity |functions chart |

|18 |19 |20 |21 |22 |

|warm up: Cell theory scientists |-warm up: Cell organelles |warm up: plant cell vs. animal|Warm up: Cell membrane review|warm up: Prokaryote vs Eukartyote |

|articles |functions |cell review |-QUIZ: Organelles |Chart |

|Cell theory carousel |-lab: animal and plant cells|-go over lab |-Notes: Prokaryote vs |-Bacteria Video |

|-Assign cell project |finish your own cell analogy|-Notes: cell membrane and Cell|Eukaryote |-work on cell project with partner |

|-lab: structure vs. function |-homework: complete lab and |membrane transport activity |-rectal gas article | |

|Hmwk: Section assessment 7.1 pg 186 |work on project |Vocab Section 2 Quiz |Homework: Section Assessment | |

|(1-4) | |-homework: finish activity and|7.4 (1-4) pg. 206 |Homework: cell project |

| | |work on project | | |

|25 |26 |27 |28 |29 |

|warm up: prok and euk pictures and |Warm up: organize |warm up: Review for Test |warm up: set up egg demo |Warm up: egg demo |

|terms |presentation with partner |-CELL TEST! |-Notes: Water |-Lab Diffusion/Osmosis |

|-Notes: Protista | |-homework: complete cells |Water structure activity | |

|Protista video |Project Presentations |packet |Vocab Section 3 Quiz |-homework: complete homeostasis and |

|-work on cell project |Homework: study for test! | |Homework: diffusion worksheet|plasma membrane worksheet |

|Homework: complete cell project | | | | |


Honors Biology

August 2014 Calendar


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