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2017 Student Council Elections Information Packet (5 pages) for the 2017-18 yearElection of Student Council Officers InformationDear Student:Thank you for your interest in becoming a Student Council Officer for Johnson School. Please read the following information carefully. Then, if you still plan to run for an office, fill out the attached petition, complete with your signature, a parent/guardian signature, Mrs. Sandy in office, and your teacher’s signature. All petitions should be turned in to your teacher.*Student Council is a service organization that promotes leadership skills and school spirit.*Any current Johnson student in 4th or 5th grade is eligible to run for an office because next year they will be a 5th or 6th grader during their term.*All Student Council Officers should be prepared to maintain a grade average of “C” in all classes with effort grades of “S” or better. Tardies and attendance for the year must be less than 10%.*All Student Council Officers should be prepared to show respect at all times and set a good example of behavior for the rest of the student body. *All Student Council Officers must be able to donate time after school for various Student Council activities.*The Student Council Officer positions available are: President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer and Historian/Photographer. 5th graders may run for President.*Students who wish to run for an office must turn in a petition with all appropriate signatures.*Each candidate may make one poster on regular poster board (24x36 inches). *Each candidate must do a speech, not to exceed 2 minutes (No Skits).*No candidate is allowed to pass out campaign buttons, flyers, candy or any other “promotional” items of any kind at any time or risk disqualification.*Your cooperation during this election process is sincerely appreciated! If you are not elected as an officer, please work towards becoming a classroom representative. The leadership qualities that you are striving for are admirable!1Important DatesApril 24th Petition Due*Petitions may be downloaded now from the Johnson Website, completed and turned in to your teacher to put in Mrs. Noe’s Box or emailed to mgnoe@ Or given to Mrs. Noe before school. Due by April 24, 2017 at 8:00 am. Extra copies of this application can be found in the Media Center next to the Student Council Bulletin board. Place your name on the bulletin board in the media center to see who is running. Initial here when done___May1st*One poster per candidate may be taped in the multi-purpose room beginning May 1st (School appropriate content) Candidate must provide your own materials for the poster and posting it. See Mrs. Lang or Mrs. Noe for assistance. Poster is optional. You may tape up your poster before school on Monday. Remove your poster after the speech/election by 2:25. If left, it will be disposed of as of 2:15 on speech day.May 5th SPEECH DUE: Copy of Speech Due by 8:00 AM May 5th to Mrs. Noe in person or her box in the office. You may give the speech to your teacher to turn in before 8:00 AM. Student Council sponsors will need to approve each speech to ensure it is school appropriate. Speech MUST NOT exceed 2 minutes. No skits, No helpers. If the speech is not turned in, then candidate will not be placed on the ballet, thus you cannot be in the election. NO SPEECH=NOT BEING ON BALLOT.MAY 9TH Speeches & ELECTION DAY Student Council Speeches 12:45 pm in the multi-purpose Room. Candidate arrive at 12:35 with a copy of their speech in hand. You will need TWO COPIES. One you turn in on May 5th (will not be returned) and one for you on speech day. Speeches could also be submitted online to mgnoe@ and in the subject line type “Student Council Speech” or submitted to your teacher to give to Mrs. Noe. Please put your first and last name on all submissions.Student Council Winners shall be announced. Candidates or others have 24 hours to contest results. After that, results are final. Please see Mrs. Noe, Mrs. Lang, or Dr. Reid if you disagree with the results.22017 Student Council Elections Information Packet (3 pages to turn in) for the 2017-18 yearJohnson Elementary SchoolPetition for Student Council OfficerName (first and last): Room:Grade: Teacher:Parent Name: Parent Phone Number:Student or Parent Email required: I would like to run for the position of: (Check only one)_____ President (you must be in 5th grade this year and 6th grade next year to be eligible)*Serves as the official student representative at school functions*Leads meetings and discussions with the council*Acts as the spokesperson for the council_____ Vice President*Able and willing to take over for the President, if needed*Keeps attendance records and calls roll at meetings*Passes out, collects and records service hours submitted_____ Secretary*Reads the previous meeting’s minutes to the council*Writes neatly the minutes for the current council meeting*Writes proposals submitted to the Advisor or Principal*Write articles, announcements and letters, as needed_____ Treasurer*Keeps an accurate and complete record of money collected and spent*Presents the current balance at each council meeting*Sees that all expenditures are properly signed and turned in_____ Historian/Photographer*Takes photos of school activities, both on and off campus*Displays photos in various ways (album, posters, bulletin boards)*Passes out, collects and records bylaws submitted*Works cooperatively with the Yearbook Advisor, as neededDuties of Student Council OfficersAll Officers*Perform service related activities for Johnson School*Set a good example in leadership, courtesy, and school spirit*Work cooperatively as a team and help each other as needed*Read morning announcements to the student body*Take direction from and confer with the Student Council Advisor on all projects including email access (computers are available at school)I would like to be a Student Council Officer because:______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________3I feel that I would be good at this office because:______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________I agree to attend all Student Council meetings and understand I may miss some recess or class time that must be made up.I promise to have “C” grades or higher, satisfactory citizenship and effort grades (S or O) and come to school on time and not have more than 10% absences and tardies.I will follow all school rules.I promise to be friendly, kind and helpful to my classmates and teachers, and to try my best to be a good role model of respectful student behavior at all times.I will listen attentively to others at all times.I will respect the opinions of others and present my ideas in a kind and courteous way.I will do my best to work cooperatively with others to complete all projects sponsored by Student Council.I will follow through on all Student Council projects that I am in charge of until they are complete.I will help others, as needed. (making flyers, posters, handing out information, attending night events)I will be responsible to turn in all paperwork required of a Student Council member.I will communicate via email either with my personal email. Parent email, or school email. Every student has an mps email address. (see your teacher if you don’t know what it is).As a Student Council Officer:I agree to attend the Student Council meetings for Officers and classroom representatives.I will have a serious regard for all matters discussed at the Student Council meetings.I promise to have “C” grades or higher, satisfactory citizenship and effort grades (S or O).I will follow all school rules. I will be punctual to school and meetings. I promise to be friendly, kind and helpful to my classmates and teachers and to try my best to be a good role model of respectful student behavior at all times.I will listen attentively to others at all times.I will respect the opinions of others and present my ideas in a kind and courteous way.I will do my best to work cooperatively with others to complete all projects sponsored by Student Council.I will help others, as needed. I will be responsible to turn in all paperwork required of a Student Council member.I have read the “Election of Student Council Officer’s Information Packet” and this petition and promise to follow all rules. Please turn in to your teacher.By signing you understand that if you contest the results of the election, you must declare this to the advisors or principal within 24 hours of the results being announced. 4__________________________________________________ ______________(student signature)(parent signature)(teacher signature) (Ms. Sandy-office)(Ms. Sandy, in the office, must confirm attendance which may not exceed 10% absent/tardy to be eligible)To Be Filled out By Ms. Sandy in Office: Date Ms. Sandy _____________, 2017_______percent excused absences_______percent unexcused absences_______percent excused tardies_______percent unexcused tardies ______________________Ms. Sandy signature Student: Check when you are done: ________Go to the yellow bulletin board by Miss Chris’s desk in the media center to let others know which student council office you are running for. Consider picking a position that is not too full if you can. Sign your name under the office you are running for. Remove your name if you drop.Keep page 1-2 for your information. Turn in pages 3-5 of this packet to your teacher who will place it in Mrs. Noe’s teacher box. Room 34. Or take it to Mrs. Noe, room 34 before or after school before due date. Watch the dates. Dates will be enforced.5 ................

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