
Name: _____________________________________ Grade:________ Homeroom: _______Student Council Application Advisors: Ms. Silfer, Ms. LaBold, Mr. HippStudents must complete the form, and submit the form by Friday, October 4th. Forms will NOT be accepted after this date. Each core team will have 3 or 4 Team Officers. Remember that being in student council last year does not guarantee a position this school year.Eligibility: You must have at least a cumulative “B” average in all core classes with no grade in any class of the latest marking period of less than a “C” You may not have a “D” or an “F” at any time during any marking periodYou must have an acceptable attendance record both in the past and presentlyYou must not have any administrative discipline interventions resulting in an administrative detention or a suspension of any lengthExpectations:Attend ALL meetings during RA on Day 4 (unless it is a priority day for your music class)Communicate information to members of your team Communicate to HMS community through school-wide announcements Participate in school-wide events after 3:00 PM sponsored by Student Council (you MUST attend all but one)Provide a parent note explaining your absence from a Student Council functionRepresent HMS as school leaders and role models August7th Grade OrientationSeptember7th Grade Welcome Social Back-to-School Night Tour GuideOctober7th and 8th Grade Halloween DanceNovemberCommunity Rake-OverJanuaryMLK Day MarchProgram Planning Night GuideAprilMarch of Dimes WalkMayTour guide for Visiting Elementary StudentsJune8th Grade Farewell Dance***there will be more events to comePlease complete the following form and short essay to compete your student council application: Name: _______________________________________________________________________Team: _______________________________________________________________________Other clubs or activities involved in: ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Previous involvement in student council or community service: ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Please answer the following question in essay format. Response must be typed, 12 point font, Times New Roman, and double spaced. Response must be printed and submitted with this application. Essay may NOT exceed 450 words. What traits or qualities do you possess that would make you a strong leader? Explain. Please also obtain THREE Holland Middle School staff signatures of teachers who agree that you would make an excellent student council member. HMS staff: _______________________________________HMS staff: ______________________________________HMS staff: ______________________________________338137567119500I, _______________________, hereby agree to the rules and expectations of a student council application, and certify that, if selected, I will follow all rules and expectations to the best of my ability. __________________________________ (your signature)I understand and support my child’s decision to apply for a HMS student council position. __________________________________ (parent/guardian signature) ................

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