Student Friendly NJ Holistic Writing Rubric (Grades 3 & 4)

Score |1 (59% and below)


I Need Help! |2 (60% - 69%)


Needs Improvement |3 (70% - 79%)


So-So |4 (80% - 89%)


Good |5 (90% - 100%)


Super | |Content

ideas, message, or theme |*no topic

*barely any details |*confusing topic

*Some details are off topic |*on topic

*not enough detail to explain my topic |*clear, focused & on topic

*sentences developed key ideas.

*Most details are relevant |*clear, focused & on topic

*details are interesting & descriptive.

*creates picture in mind

*details are relevant | |Organization

beginning, middle, and end (paragraph form) |*no beginning, middle or end

*does not make sense

*not in paragraph form |*may not have an opening & closing

*some parts didn’t make sense

*did not use paragraph form |*simple opening & closing

*beginning, middle, end

*some paragraphs |*interesting opening & closing.

*beginning, middle, end

*paragraph form. |*grab’s reader’s attention

*beginning, middle, end

*paragraph form. | |Voice

personal tone that brings writing to life |*boring & monotonous

*repeating same details

*reader fell asleep |* lifeless, no emotion

*sounds like a robot |*has little emotion

*exciting then boring |*some emotion: humor, honesty, suspense, grief

*gets the reader’s attention |*full of emotion: humor, honesty, suspense, grief

*held reader’s attention | |Word Choice carefully chosen words to deliver message |*immature words

*same words used

*no vocabulary

*no synonyms |*words make sense but boring

*very few synonyms |*some descriptive words

*some synonyms |*just the right words for just the right places

*many synonyms

*attempted idioms, dialogue, or figurative language |*good vocabulary

*colorful synonyms

*idioms, dialogue, or figurative language where appropriate. | |Sentence Construction

rhythm & flow of writing |*sentences do not make sense

*very confusing

*sentences have no begging or ending |*sentences sound the same

*sentences do not tell a complete thought

*run-on sentences |*sentence beginnings are all the same

*Some sentences should be combined

*run-on sentences |*some sentences are long & stretchy

*Some sentences are short & snappy.

*almost musical rhythm |*sentences are long & stretchy/ short & snappy where needed

*writing has a musical rhythm.

*audience enjoys listening | |Mechanics

correct spelling, punctuation, & grammar |*no end marks

*incorrect uppercase & lowercase

*incorrect spelling throughout |*some end marks

*uppercase & lowercase letters in wrong places

*incorrect spelling/hard to read & understand |*missing end marks on a few sentences

*most words were spelled correctly |* end marks on almost all sentences

*almost all words were spelled correctly

*mostly correct punctuation |*end marks on all sentences

*words spelled correctly

*correct punctuation | |


OT (Off Topic/Off Task) Student did not write on the assigned topic or task, or the student attempted to copy the prompt. (Zero points)

NR (No Response) Student wrote too little to allow a reliable judgment of his/her writing. (Zero points)


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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