Post-Interview Reflection Questions - Purdue University

Post-Interview Reflection Questions

Directions: Now that you have completed your interview, begin to transition to the composition process by answering the following questions. Be sure to be thorough and specific in your responses.

1. In general, how did the interview go? Did it proceed as you had expected or were you surprised by the process in some way?

2. What is the most memorable part of the interview? (Maybe something the interviewer revealed or an event of some sort that occurred during the interview.)

3. What do you think your best interview question was? Why?

4. If you were to meet with the interviewee again, what new questions would you want to be sure to ask?

5. Has your attitude toward the subject changed in any way because of the interview?

6. Did you find out what you had expected to by doing the interview? (Provide at least two examples of information you expected to learn and subsequently did learn in the interview.)

7. Does the medium you chose for your profile still “match” the subject of the profile now that you have conducted the interview?

8. Does the audience you chose for your profile still “match” the subject of the profile?

9. What are the top five words (nouns, verbs, adjectives, adverbs) you would use to effectively describe the interviewee? Why would you choose each word?

10. Spend at least ten minutes brainstorming/mapping out the information that you want to include in your profile. What information seems important? What information will you exclude? What will be your focus?


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