The Odyssey of Life Essay Project - Mr. Harris English Class

Essay Rubric

|Categories |4 |3 |2 |1 |Weight |Student Assessment|Teacher Assessment|

|Comparison between |Comparison is clear with specific|Comparison is clear, but the |Comparison is clear, but the |Comparison is unclear and |x 3 | | |

|Odyssey and Life |examples to illustrate the |supporting information is |supporting information is |contains no supporting | | | |

| |comparison. |general. |incomplete. |information. | | | |

|Challenges and |All challenges are clearly |Most challenges are clearly |Few challenges are clearly |None of the challenges are |x 2 | | |

|Obstacles |detailed with specific examples. |detailed with somewhat specific |detailed with general examples. |clearly detailed or give very | | | |

| | |examples. | |general examples. | | | |

|Accuracy of Odyssey|All examples are detailed and |2 or 3 examples are somewhat |1 to 2 examples are somewhat |0 to 1 examples are somewhat |x 2 | | |

|examples |accurate from the text. |detailed and accurate from the |detailed and accurate from the |detailed and accurate from the | | | |

| | |text. |text. |text. | | | |

|Adherence to |Essay adheres to all parts of the|Essay is missing 1 or 2 parts of |Essay is missing 3 or 4 parts of |Essay is missing 5 or more parts |x 1 | | |

|Outline |outline. |the outline. |the outline. |of the outline. | | | |

|Spelling |There are no spelling mistakes. |There are 1 to 5 spelling |There are 6 to 10 spelling |There are 11 or more spelling |x 1 | | |

| | |mistakes. |mistakes. |mistakes. | | | |

|Grammar |There are no grammar mistakes. |There are 1 to 5 grammar |There are 6 to 10 grammar |There are 11 or more grammar |x 1 | | |

| | |mistakes. |mistakes. |mistakes. | | | |

| | | | | |Total |/40 |/40 |

Map Rubric

|Categories |4 |3 |2 |1 |Weight |Student Assessment|Teacher Assessment|

|Legend |Legend is easy-to-find and |Legend contains a complete set of|Legend contains an almost |Legend is absent or lacks several|x 1 | | |

| |contains a complete set of |symbols. |complete set of symbols. |symbols. | | | |

| |symbols. | | | | | | |

|Blank Space |The map includes no blank space. |The map includes ¼ area of blank |The map includes ½ area of blank |The map includes ¾ or more area |x 1 | | |

| | |space. |space. |of blank space. | | | |

|Obstacles |All obstacles from essay are |All obstacles from essay are |Most obstacles from essay are |There are no obstacles on the |x 2 | | |

| |illustrated creatively and |illustrated with some creativity |illustrated |map. | | | |

| |neatly. |and neatness. | | | | | |

|Presentation |The map is exceptionally |The map is attractive in terms of|The map is acceptably attractive |The map is distractingly messy or|x 1 | | |

| |attractive in terms of design, |design, layout and neatness. |though it may be a bit messy. |very poorly designed. It is not | | | |

| |layout, and neatness. | | |attractive. | | | |

| | | | | |Total |/20 |/20 |



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