News Broadcast Rubric Good Fair (2 Poor Not Points (3 ...



Category Presentation/Performance News Standup

Story Content

Exceeds Expectations (5 points)

Exceeds Expectations

Exceeds Expectations

News Broadcast Rubric

Excellent (4 Points)

Good (3 Points)

Fair Points)

(2 Poor ( 1 Point)

Not Included (0 points)

Points Earned

Performance is professional and complete

The story lead contains all 5 w'. the facts are complete, correct, and properly sourced.

Performance attempts professionalism but comes across as immature or monotone

Performance is not professional. There are several errors in broadcast.

The broadcast was not complete

The story lead tells majority of who, what, when, where, why, or how. The facts are mostly correct

The story lead does not tell all of who, what, when, where, why, or how. The facts are mostly correct.

The broadcast was not complete

Not Included Not Included

Exceeds Expectations

Story is interesting and

includes B-roll footage which enhances the story

Story is presented in somewhat interesting way and includes some b-roll footage, which adds to the overall segment

Story is not very interesting and includes very limited b-roll footage

The was

broadcast not complete

Not Included

Editing Production Graphics Overall Product

Exceeds Expectations

Minimal errors in editing and mechanics. Production and script

are complete and show creativity

Some errors exist after editing. Production and script are


Major errors in editing and mechanics. Production and script are poor.

The broadcast was not complete

Not Included

Exceeds Expectations

Exceeds Expectations

Production graphics

are present for opening

title sequence and for each segment. Graphics are very

Production graphics are present

for title sequence and most of the segments. Graphics quality needs work.

Production graphics are present for title sequence and/or 1 segment

well done

The broadcast was not complete

WOW Factor.

Impressive overall.

Looks like a real news Somewhat impressive. Over

broadcast. Balance of half of the show resembles a


news broadcast. Some

Balanced effort from creativity present. Majority of

all members of the people did all of the work.


Not impressive. Does not

resemble news broadcast. No creativity. Very little effort from most team

The broadcast was not complete


Not Included Not Included

Page 1


Total Points Possible = 30 Grade = Total Points Possible/Points Earned

Grade = 0

Page 2


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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