AIMSweb Progress Monitoring - BCESHOWEY

1. Log In

a. Go to

b. Click Customer Login button[pic]

c. Enter Customer ID, Username, and password [pic]

2. Select the Progress Monitoring tab at the top of your window, which will take you to the main Progress Monitoring page.


Click on the Manage Students button. AIMSweb managers will need to click on the Schedules tab on left, then click Manage Students.

[pic] [pic] [pic]

When the pop-up box appears, Click OK to use the schedule wizard


3. Select the measure you will use to progress monitor (i.e. Early Literacy: PSF, Reading: Reading CBM, etc) and click Save


You will see the following chart on your refreshed page. Click on Enter Schedule. [pic]

Before you enter any information for this page, follow the steps below based on whether the student scored in the red at-risk range on the grade level benchmark assessment (4a) OR in the yellow some-risk range (4b). If progress monitoring PSF or NWF, follow steps listed in 4c.


4a. For the students who scored in the red at-risk range based on district values at grade level on benchmark assessment:

a. Conduct Survey Level of Assessment (process of determining what grade level a student should be monitored on to capture growth in reading).

Using the first 3 CBM passages below the student’s grade level (paper/pencil), administer until the student’s median score falls within the yellow some risk range for that grade level at the time of year assessed. This becomes the grade level of which the student will be progress monitored. Determine the median number of errors (not the percent).

If the median score on the below grade level passage falls within the green low risk or grey high end of the some-risk range according to district values, then progress monitor on grade level and consider setting an adjusted end of year goal using the grey cut off score for the child’s actual grade level instead of the green. This will ensure that your rate of improvement is not unrealistic, yet ambitious.

b. Establish the Initial Performance Score (IPS) which is the score that will be used to establish the initial or start data point, commonly referred to as the baseline. The median score from the 3 passages falling within the yellow some risk range is the IPS. This date will be entered in the Goal Start Date.

c. Determine Target Goal by referring to the AIMSweb Targets and Rate of Improvement for Progress Monitoring chart. The target goal is the grey number underlined for the grade level at which the student scored in the yellow some risk range.

The grey value is not equal to the end of year “green”, but rather it is a value that indicates a level of proficiency that might signal the student is ready for a new progress monitoring goal to be established at a higher grade level.


d. Determine Growth Goal by referring to the Rate of Improvement column on the AIMSweb Targets and Rate of Improvement for Progress Monitoring chart. The growth goal refers to the number of words/sounds that a student needs to achieve in order to catch up to benchmark score for that grade level at which the student is being progress monitored.


e. Determine weeks of instruction using the following formula:

(Target Goal – IPS) ÷ PM Grade Level ROI = Weeks of Intervention

Using the Goal Ending Date calendar icon, count the weeks of intervention based on formula, click on last week. Click Save.

4b. For the students who scored in the yellow some risk range based on district values at grade level on benchmark assessment:

a. Establish median Initial Performance Score from benchmark assessment. (If benchmark score is more than two weeks old, administer 3 progress monitoring probes to obtain a more current median score.

b. Select schedule link and set up to end on a day near the end of school year.

c. Select “enter” under Goal column and enter fields with information from IPS.

d. Enter the cut off score that indicates performance in the green low risk range at the end of year according to district values. Click SAVE.

e. Under the progress Report column for schedules, select the link that indicates “insufficient scores” to access graph with a Goal Statement. The Goal Statement will include the rate of improvement (without any calculations). The rate of improvement that results provides a guide regarding the level of intervention the student might require. The higher the rate of improvement, the more intensive the intervention.

4c. For the students who will be progress monitored on Phoneme Segmentation Fluency (PSF) or Nonsense Word Fluency (NWF):

a. Determine Target Goal (always 35 for PSF and 50 for NWF)

b. Determine Growth Goal = Target Goal – Initial Performance Score (score on one measure current within two weeks)

c. Determine weeks of instruction = Growth Goal ÷ Ambitious Rate of Improvement

5. Enter the child’s goal start (Initial Performance Score date) and end date (according to weeks of intervention), frequency of progress monitoring (weekly if student is below grade level), and review date (best practice is to review every 3 data points). Enter information and then click Save.


6. Enter the child’s baseline data based on information above, and write an intervention description by clicking on Goal/Enter.


The following screen will appear. Once information is entered click Save.


7. To enter progress monitoring scores, click on the date underneath Next Score.


The following screen will appear. Enter progress monitoring scores and then click Save.


8. To view student progress, click on the wording underneath Progress Report. [pic]

Changing Interventions or Goals:

1. Click on Next Score



2. In the box labeled “Chart Label,” enter the change title. In the larger box below, enter a description of the change. Click Add




Select a student by searching, adding, or clicking on name.

Enter student’s progress monitoring grade level (not actual grade level)

The days you have selected to progress monitor are highlighted in green. You may enter scores on other days if data is collected.

Note: From the Progress Monitoring page, if you select a child’s name and click File then that child’s schedule will be hidden. To unhide, click “Unfile”

Enter the median number of errors made on 3 progress monitoring .probes

You can also change the view of the schedule to see more weeks at a time if you would rather enter scores after you have collected data for a few weeks.

By following the steps above,

do not use the Survey Level Assessment Scores section.

Click on the paper icon beside desired date of change.

For year round schools, add the number of weeks of instruction missed due to track out to the Goal Ending Date.

If 3rd grader is being progress monitored on 2nd grade level with a median score of 36 in the fall, the target goal is 89.

If 3rd grader is being progress monitored on 2nd grade level, the growth goal or ROI will be based on 2nd grade. (We would expect this student to gain at an ambitious rate of 3.0 or more words per minute per week).

Example: (89 – 36) ÷ 3.0 = 17.6 weeks of intervention

89=Target Goal (grey number of 2nd grade where student’s median score was in yellow range

36=Initial Performance Score

3.0=Growth Goal by looking under Rate of Improvement column of 2nd grade

Enter Initial Performance Score: median score on the 3 progress monitoring probes in the yellow risk range.

Use these in sequence and enter the highest number of probe administered (such as 2PO3).

Enter Target Goal in the grey some risk range for the grade being progress monitored. If there is a goal for errors, place that in next box.

Enter Program Label (what resource are you using) and Enter Program Description (include frequency and duration).

Click on the number of student names you want to view at the same time.

2. i.e. Michael is making progress, but his aim line indicates he will not reach his goal. The intervention remains the same and is being increased to 5 days a week for 20 minutes

3. i.e. Increased frequency of intervention or Intervention change

The intervention change is highlighted in yellow on the schedule and the Progress Monitoring Report. A line is drawn on the graph to indicate the change.

To indicate a Track Out, click on box labeled Missed. Do not put in track-out lines in your data as it skews the data.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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