Student Profile Sheet for Teacher Letters of Recommendation

Student Profile Sheet for Teacher Letter of Recommendation

(Give this sheet and information to me at least 2 weeks before I must submit the recommendation.

Save a copy of this form in case you need another recommendation later.

Full Name _________________________________Class of ____________

Birthdate _______________________ E-mail Address ______________________

Please complete this form as neatly as possible. I will be able to write a better and more persuasive recommendation for you if you include specific information which jars my memory and reminds me of important and interesting essays, activities, assignments, etc. that you completed in my class.

Note: Complete this sheet and give it to me along with any forms which I need to complete for colleges or for scholarships. If I need to mail the recommendation myself, attach a self-addressed and stamped envelope to this sheet. If you want me to send the recommendation to the guidance office, give me an envelope which includes your name and the college’s name on it. If the recommendation will be sent to multiple schools, give me a separate envelope for each school. Also attach a copy of the Student Profile Sheet you completed for the Guidance Office.

List each recommendation you need and the due date.

|Name of College or Scholarship |Due Date |

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Teacher’s Name __________________________ Course ___________________________

Name the 3 best assignments/papers/activities that you completed in my class. For each assignment, (a) give specific information about what you learned from the activity, (b) list positive comments I wrote or said about the assignment, (c) explain what you learned from the assignment and why you think it was one of your best assignments.

Assignment 1

Assignment 2

Assignment 3

List your three most important traits which you hope I will address in the letter I write for you. Give an example from my class to illustrate each of the traits you list.

Trait 1

Trait 2

Trait 3

Most colleges specifically ask teachers to address three questions. Answer each question below according to how you hope I will address the question in the recommendation. When possible, give specific examples.

1. How do you handle adversity, deal with pressure, or react to teacher criticism?

2. How do you display classroom leadership?

3. How do you contribute to the classroom?


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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