
Teacher Phone Number

What I Expect From YOU:

Come PREPARED for class each day including:

• Having a proper writing utensil

• Have a class BINDER/Notebook with paper (to be left in the classroom)

• Completed homework / assignment

• An open mind and an attitude ready to learn!

Be ready to LEARN:

• Be in your seat and ready to learn when the bell rings, and keep that attitude until dismissed by instructor.

• Take risks! Try new things. Who knows … you might discover something interesting.

• Always try your best.

Take Responsibility for Yourself and your actions:

• Clean up after yourselves, Dispose of any waste in the proper locations, and recycle materials

• Turn in all work on time

• If you’re absent – Check with a neighbor for a Quick Bite and Agenda then complete all assignments.

• Be truthful and honest at all times

• Do what you know to be right, and take full responsibility for your actions

Maintain a SAFE learning environment for everyone.

• Respect others opinions as you would want them to respect your opinions

• Follow all safety guidelines

• Respect the classroom and materials because it’s OUR learning environment

• Bring/borrow safety glasses and wear safety glasses if your class is using the shop!


• No SWEARING!! This is a swear free zone!!

Do Something!!!

Use what you learn in agriculture classes to help you in other classes, at work, at home, etc. Put your skills to work.

** All school guidelines and policies listed in the student handbook apply at all times.

Under NO circumstances will swearing, profanity, horseplay, cheating, dishonesty, or any other inappropriate behavior be tolerated…

What You Can Expect From ME:

• You will have a FAN!!! I BELIEVE that you can succeed in this class.

• You will be challenged to THINK

• You’ll always have help - Just ask!!!


Grades will be assigned on the following scale:

• A’s = 90 - 100

• B’s = 80 - 89

• C’s = 70 - 79

• D’s = 60 - 69

• F = anything below 60

Breakdown of Grading:

• You may earn 100 possible points on EVERYTHING

• You may receive a “1” if you have a missing grade and I have discussed it with you. A “1” means it is your responsibility to bring the completed work to me!

• Practice grades include but are not limited to: Quick Bites, participation/teacher observation of work ethic, book assignments, article summaries, handouts and worksheets, chapter review packets

• Assessment grades include but are not limited to: The FFA Creed, unit finals, shop projects, notebook checks, action project records

Daily Routine:

Quick Bite & Agenda: A Quick Bite and your daily agenda will be on the smart board or marker board daily. Write both down and date them each day for the entire week. Be prepared each Friday for a Quick Bite & Agenda check. This form of record keeping reminds you what you have done throughout the week and what topics you will need to study for upcoming assessments.

Action Project (SAE): All students will develop an individual agriculture related project/activity. This project must include a minimum of 10 hours of out of class work. Projects must be agriculture based and preferably relate to the class subject. Projects must be approved by the instructor. Projects could include volunteer work, agriculture employment, building/creating a product, conducting a research experiment, offering a service, etc. Students are required to keep record of hours spent, money spent, money earned, and a description of tasks/skills learned. At the end of the trimester students will turn in a project summary including a description of the project, records, skills acquired, and five pictures.

Notebook Checks: Your binder/notebook will be graded randomly throughout the course based on the number of assignments we have completed. The marker board above the air conditioner will have a list for your class. Place all work in your binder in the order it is listed on the board for an assessment grade.

Late Work Policy:

• If you were absent it is your responsibility to check with a neighbor for Quick Bite & Agenda and for any work you may have missed, and take care of that in a timely manner.

• ANY work that is handed in late within 1 week of the due date will be deducted one daily grade. After 1 week a 50% deduction will be taken.

• Shop work: EXCUSED absence – you will receive a double grade for shop work ethic on the day you return. Work ethic grades from any unexcused absences cannot be made up. If you have an unexcused absence from a real shop your check is docked. We are preparing for real life career experience.

Tardy Policy: Discipline Procedure*:

1st tardy = verbal warning 1st offense = verbal warning

2nd = lunch detention 2nd offense= parent contact

3rd = two lunch detentions 3rd offense= written referral

4th and subsequent = one day ASD *for class disruption or similar offenses. All other offenses are handled in accordance to the PCHS student handbook.

Specific to agriculture classes:

• There is a $10 class fee for each agriculture course per year. These funds are used for lumber, nails and screws, growing media and seeds, produce and food items, and project supplies of all kinds. This will be collected the first week of each year.

• FFA dues are $12. All agriculture students will learn about FFA as a part of the curriculum in each class. Paying your dues means you will get the benefit of leadership opportunities, the chance to compete in contest and travel to agricultural events and FFA activities. FFA is the largest student organization in the USA including Hawaii and Puerto Rico. We will be proud to have you as part of our FFA Chapter!

I, _____________________, have read and understand the agriculture class policies and expectations for TEACHER’S NAME class. If I have any questions or concerns, TEACHER’S NAME’s contact information has been provided on the first page.

My student ______________________ has read these in class and will do his/her best to meet expectations and follow class and school policies.

Parent/guardian signature ________________________________________________

Student signature _______________________________________________________


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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