1.- What role do you expect these people to adopt?

a) the school teacher

From the school teacher I don’t want him to become my friend, but I do expect from him or her to be comprehensive with my process and the future mistakes that I might commit.

b) the university teacher

At these instances what I need from the university teacher is to advice me when I tell her my insecurities about my performance at school and the obstacles that may exist inside the classroom or with the students.

c) you

I really want be successful in this stage of my learning process, which mean that I concentrate all my energy and knowledge to accomplish this, so from now on I am going to work to have positive results.

2.- List at least 5 skills you have that would be helpful to you in this new experience as a professional practicum student – teacher.

Compromise with the activities I do and with my responsibilities.

Respectful with the ones I work with and with other people’s opinions.

Tolerant with the different abilities that each one of the students have.

The inclusion is something I like to work with, regardless the differences that could exist.

Empathy with the students trying to understand the needs they have at that age,

3.- Are you worried about anything related to your pre-service teaching experience during the following months? Explain.

There is one thing I feel worried about, and it is the relationship I am going to have with my peers, I mean the rest of the teachers or with my school teacher. I don’t want they feel I am invading their space.

And another thing I feel worried about, is that I want to do it right in the classes and everything, and I want to learn more but I don’t want to make huge mistakes.

4.- What are some possible sources you could consider when trying to understand and/or solve any “issue” at school?

If the situation concerns directly a student my first source is the school teacher; he/she will know better the students and how the school works. If there exists any problem concerning me and my abilities as a teacher I will ask to the university teacher for sure.

Daniela Cárcamo Quilodrán.


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