Cochise School District No

Cochise School District No. 26

5025 N. Bowie Ave.

P.O. Box 1088

Cochise, AZ 85606

(520) 384-2540 (520) 384-4836 Fax

Karl Uterhardt, Superintendent

Online School Plan

Attendance tracking procedures for all students attending remotely, whether full time or intermittently.

Attendance in grades K-8 will be taken in the morning. If remote learning is necessary, students will be viewing the video during the designated time and there will be a way to record the session. Students will respond utilizing the Google Classroom, Google Meets or Zoom platform at the time of attendance. The school office will call absent students by 10 am in compliance with state law.

Detailed expectations of teachers and other staff working virtually and commitments on delivery of employee support services including, but not limited to, human resource policies and support for employees, professional development opportunities and regular communication from the administration.

Classes will be projected and streamed live. They will also be saved to be viewed later. Since delivery is being completed the same as the regular physical location, all standards, formative assessments, data analysis, etc. will take place to ensure student progress and interventions provided as necessary. Assignments will be sent out to student email addresses so students can complete work. Individual support for those attending virtually will be given during the teacher breaks from class, such as before school, planning, and after school. Professional development opportunities exist with our district professional development days to learn the Google Classroom platform, including best practices for virtual instruction. Regular communication will take place from administration by using our all call system, email, telephone as necessary, and any other means that is preferred by parents to help keep them informed completely of the school and class functions.

Detailed plans and examples of how the school district or charter school will provide substantive distance learning such as a description of modes of instruction, methods of content delivery, and a process for monitoring learning. This section shall also include plans to support every student, teacher and staff member in accessing a device and internet connectivity if the plan relies on online learning.

Cochise Elementary is planning to provide options to deliver content and monitor the progress of students. To meet the needs of each stakeholder in Cochise School, the district will be offering traditional and online learning, if necessary. Content to students will include the options of face to face, live recordings such as Google Classroom, archived recordings, and utilizing the online learning platform. The online platform used by Cochise Elementary, Google Classroom, will offer stakeholders access to videos, documents, and other resources for the lessons provided by the teachers. Cochise Elementary will provide students in grades 5-8 with laptops that can be used at school, and if necessary, home. If needed, Cochise Elementary will provide lessons through options such as access to the online platform, USB flash drives with archived information, and paper copy for grades K-8 through delivery or pick up.

Detailed plans and examples of how the school district or charter school will ensure access and meet the needs of special education and English language learners.

Cochise Elementary School will be providing multiple instructional supports to students with disabilities through continuous learning opportunities. Students will attend school and receive direct specialized instruction; if online is necessary, students will receive specialized instruction via that outlet. Students will receive Special Education and related services throughout the school year no matter what type of learning environment is used. Teachers and Para educators will work closely with regular education teachers to ensure all students are receiving Specially Designed Instruction, materials and related service supports based on their disability and IEP requirements. All timelines, evaluations and placements will continue throughout the school year all while implementing social distancing rules and safety measures to ensure compliance and protect the health, welfare and security of all staff, students and families. The school will follow all guidelines set forth by the governor and public health offices. To maintain learning and language acquisition, staff members will be providing instruction, communicating with the families and keeping accurate records of all contacts and communications. Students will attend school in person or remotely, if deemed necessary. Participation and performance are expected as if the student were present. Attendance will be taken daily and participation will be monitored through electronic means.

Detailed plans and examples of how the school district or charter school will provide social and emotional learning support to students, including counseling services.

Cochise Elementary School District will provide in person counseling, remote counseling/behavioral interventionists through implementation of curriculum guidance, response to intervention, individual planning, self-esteem/awareness and a system of crisis prevention/interventions including suicide prevention. Additionally, they will ensure that the needs of students on Individualized Education Plans (IEP) and Section 504 plans will be monitored and met.

With these resources, a combination of school counselor/behavioral interventionists will learn to use specific data to identify the unique needs of each of our students. All providers will consult with one another on a regular basis, collaborate with one another with their own areas of strength and design a comprehensive school program to meet social emotional learning, academic, physical and needs of the student.

Detailed plans and examples of how the school district or charter school will require students to demonstrate ongoing competency or mastery in grade level or advanced grade level content.

To measure progress, Cochise Elementary will use the following procedures: Google classroom platform will allow teachers to monitor and interact with students in an online environment, if necessary. Teachers will use participation, work completion, and benchmark testing to monitor and track student progress. Students will be monitored through attendance daily. Participation and work completion will be reviewed daily by the teacher to check for progress and understanding.

Benchmark testing will be under the direction of the classroom teacher to be given weekly, biweekly, monthly or quarterly to allow teachers to monitor the overall progress of students. Within the first six weeks all students will be assessed in Math and ELA.

Detailed plans on how the school district or charter will conduct benchmark testing within the first six weeks of the school year in math and English/language arts for all students in kindergarten programs and grades one through twelve.

Benchmark testing will be under the direction of the classroom teacher to be given weekly, biweekly, monthly or quarterly to allow teachers to monitor the overall progress of students. Within the first six weeks all students will be assessed in Math and ELA.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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