Trailblazer Proposals for Legislation

Trailblazer Proposals for Legislation

Bill #

(Bills 1-5 are BLUE)

1. Schools should conduct random drug tests on students.

2. The driving age should be set at 18.

3. The voting age of the country should be 15.

4. The government should require all citizens between the ages of 12 and 40 to perform 10 hours of community service per year.

5. Unhealthy foods should be banned from schools.

(Bills 6-10 are RED)

6. All citizens should be required to carry ID cards to be scanned before being admitted into any public venue.

7. All school students should be required to wear uniforms.

8. Schools should go to a year round schedule with the following guidelines:

a. 9 weeks of school 3 week break

b. 9 weeks of school 4 week break

c. 10 weeks of school 3 week break

d. 10 weeks of school 4 week break

9. Helmets should be required for riding a bicycle.

10. Cell phones should be banned from school.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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