Trinity Presbyterian Church exists to extend ... - Amazon S3


Welcome in the name of Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior. If you are new to Trinity Presbyterian Church, you are our very special guest! Our desire is to help you get connected in a warm and genuine way. Would you consider sharing your name and address with us in the Friendship Pad located on the left end of the row you are sitting on now? We welcome you this morning in the strong name of our Lord Jesus Christ and would love to see you again next week!

Who Are We?

Our mission statement is this: Trinity Presbyterian Church is a worshipping community that exists to proclaim the Gospel of the Kingdom of our Lord Jesus Christ in word and deed to our suburban communities and the world. We are guided by three core values: the power of the gospel of Jesus Christ to change lives, a commitment to the gospel-created community called the church, and a mission to see God’s Kingdom extended to our world.

Please visit the “Information Center” in the narthex

For information or answers to questions that you might have about TPC, please visit our Information Center which you will find in the Narthex. There you will find information about Trinity, the PCA and our church activities. Someone will be available to assist you before and after the worship service.

Adult Bible Fellowship Hour 9:00 a.m.

Letters of John…………………………………..Room 130…………Peter Shotwell and Steve LeBlanc

Intro to TPC……………………………………..Room 101....……………………….....John McCracken

College/Career Singles………………………...Room 234…………………………….Richey Goodrich

Weekly Ministry Schedule

|Date |Event |Time/Place |Room |

|Sunday |Sunday School |9:00 a.m. |Various |

| |Worship |10:30 a.m. |Sanctuary |

| |Youth Oasis |6:00 p.m. |TPC |

|Wednesday |Midweek Prayer Service |6:30 p.m. |Sanctuary |

| |Choir Practice |7:30 p.m. |Choir Room |

| |Prime Time Kids |6:30 p.m. |TPC |

| |Explorer Kids |6:30 p.m. |TPC |

Order for the Worship of God

Trinity Presbyterian Church

May 17, 2009 ( 10:30 AM

Chimes The sounding of chimes signals the commencement of the service and a call for quiet.

Prelude   Sinfonia from Cantata No. 156 J.S. Bach

Tina Thiel, Flute, Douglass McFarland, organist

Thoughts for Worship Preparation

In the story the rich man is a farmer; but he stands for humans seduced by every form of greed whether peasant or statesman, craftsman or lawyer, nurse or doctor, secretary or professor.

Joseph Fitzmyer

The only things we can keep are the things we freely give to God. What we try to keep for ourselves is just what we are sure to lose. C.S. Lewis

Choral Introit “How Sweet the Name of Jesus Sounds” John Newton

Jesus, the rock on which I build, my shield and hiding place, my never failing treasury filled with boundless stores of grace, O my Jesus, Savior, Shepherd, Friend, my Prophet, Priest and King, my Lord, my life, my way, my end, accept the praise I bring.

Pastoral Welcome The Rev. Patrick Poteet

( God’s Greatness (

*Call to Worship Isaiah 55:1-3; Psalm 107: 8-9 Mr. Poteet

Minister: Come, all you who are thirsty, come to the waters; and you who have no money, come, buy and eat.

People: Why spend money on what is not bread, and your labor on what does not satisfy?

Minister: Listen, listen to me, and eat what is good, and your soul will delight in the richest of fare.

People: Give ear and come to me; hear me that your soul may live!

Minister: Oh that men would praise the LORD for his goodness, and for his wonderful works to the children of men!

People: For he satisfies the longing soul, and fills the hungry soul with goodness.

*Hymn of Adoration “Lavish Love, Abundant Beauty” ODE TO JOY

Lavish love, abundant beauty, gracious gifts for heart and hand,

Life that fills the soul and senses—all burst forth at your command.

Lord, our Lord, Eternal Father, great Creator, God and Friend:

Boundless power gave full expression to your love which knows no end.

Who am I that you should love me, meet my every need from birth?

Why invest yourself so fully in a creature made of earth?

In your loving heart you planned me, fashioned me with greatest care;

Through my soul you breathed your spirit, planted your own image there.

I am yours, Eternal Father, all my body, mind and heart.

Take and use me to your glory, form yourself in every part.

Lord, your love brings joy and gladness flowing forth within my soul,

May my very breath and being rise to you, their source and goal.

*Prayer of Adoration The Rev. Patrick Poteet

Hymn of Praise, No. 656 “Jesus, Priceless Treasure” JESU, MEINE FREUDE Stanzas 1, 3, 4

*Affirmation of Faith The World Vs. the Word Mr. Michael Wichlan

Minister: The world says, “Be sure you get what’s coming to you.”

People: The WORD says, “Life doesn’t consist of what you possess.” Luke 12:15

Minister: The world says, “Spend and accumulate goods.”

People: The WORD says, “Give and gain heavenly blessings.” Phil. 4:17-19

Minister: The world says, “Wealth is a person’s security.”

People: The WORD says, “Refuge in God is our security.” Isaiah 57:20

Minister: The world says, “You deserve the best.”

People: The WORD says, “God deserves the best.” Malachi 1:6-14

Minster: The world says, “Give so that you may obtain favor from others.”

People: The WORD says, “Give because you have received favor from God.”

Luke 12:48b

Public Confession of Sin Mr. Steve Parks, Ruling Elder

You shall not covet your neighbor’s house; you shall not covet your neighbor’s wife, or his male servant, or his female servant, or his ox, or his donkey, or anything that is your neighbor’s... Let us not become conceited, provoking one another, envying one another… Keep your life free from the love of money, and be content with what you have. Exodus 20:17. Galatians 5:26, Hebrews 13:5

Silent Confession

Declaration of Forgiveness

Elder: Hear these invitational words of comfort for those who truly repent of their sins and trust in Christ:

But now the righteousness of God has been manifested apart from the law, although the Law and the Prophets bear witness to it—the righteousness of God through faith in Jesus Christ for all who believe. For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God, and are justified by his grace as a gift, through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus.

Isaiah 55:1, 7

My friends, I declare to you in the name of Jesus Christ, we are forgiven!

People: Thanks be to God!

*Song of Praise “How Great is Your Love” Mark Altrogge


( God’s Gifts (

Prayers for Christ’s Church and the World Mr. Parks

The Mercy Offering Ron Bowser, Deacon

The Collection of Tithes and Offerings

The Musical Offering “Just a Closer Walk with Thee” Arr. Kurt Kaiser

Trinity Choir Scottich Melody

The Offering Consecration Mr. Poteet

*The Doxology DUKE STREET

Praise God from whom all blessings flow,

Praise him all creatures here below,

Praise him above ye heavenly host,

Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost.


*The Passing of the Peace

Minister: The peace of Christ be with you.

People: And also with you.

Service of Friendship Mr. Wichlan

Children between the ages of 4 through 1st grade may now be dismissed for Celebration Chapel, Room 101. At this time, please locate the black Friendship pad at the left end of your row, fill it out and pass it back to the beginning of the row.

Ministry Spotlight Karen and Stephen Baldwin

( God’s Grace (

*Prayer for Illumination Mr. Poteet

*Scripture Reading Luke 12: 13-21

Pew Bible, pg 871

The Morning Sermon The Rich Fool

From the sermon series “The Parables of Jesus”

Hymn of Response, No.642 “Be Thou My Vision” SLANE

Stanzas 1, 4, 5

Commissioning the Short-Term Mission Team Mr. Poteet

Alyssa Gorman, Kyle Drew, Selorm Arku-Nyadia

*The Charge and Benediction

Minister: Store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where moth and rust do not destroy, and where thieves do not break in and steal. Therefore, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink; or about your body, what you will wear. But seek first the kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.

Matt. 6:20, 25, 33

People: With God’s help we will.

Minister: Blessed be the LORD, the God of Israel, who alone does wondrous things. Blessed be his glorious name forever; may his glory fill the whole earth. Amen and Amen. Psalm 72

People: Thanks be to God! Amen!

Organ Postlude Douglass McFarland, organist

*All in the congregation, who are able, please stand.

Copyright Information

Unless otherwise noted, all Scripture quotations are from the Holy Bible, English Standard Version

©2001 Crossway Bibles, a division of Good News Publishers. Used by permission. All rights reserved.

All music copied by permission of CCLI License # 29066


Trinity This Week

The Week of Sunday, May 17, 2009

MEMORIAL DAY PICNIC, SUNDAY, MAY 24th at 5:00 p.m.: Bring your lawn chairs/blankets and join in an afternoon of games, fun, food and fellowship here on the church grounds with Trinity families. Hamburgers, hot dogs, buns and drinks will be provided. Sign-up sheet is in the narthex. If you can bring a grill, please contact Terri McNeill at 214-547-1246 or texasmcneills@.

DESSERT SOCIAL AT THE WICHLANS TONIGHT, MAY 17TH: The Wichlan’s are hosting a dessert social in their home tonight from 6:00 – 8:00 p.m. to give people further opportunity to meet Stephen and Karen Baldwin, hear their story and their heart for ministry. Please R.S.V.P. to Denise and Michael by email at wichlan@ or calling 214-387-8005. Karen and Stephen Baldwin have been involved with food and mission for over thirty years as a couple. In addition to ten years in pastoral ministry in the Washington DC area, they are also veteran PCA church planters, having begun new works in Ireland, Colorado and North Carolina. With their passion for food, Stephen gave Karen a gift of a week-long cooking course at the Ballymaloe Cookery School in Shanagarry, County Cork, Ireland while church-planting in Dublin.  Karen eventually returned for the full course in 1997. The Baldwins believe that as redeemed people we ought to value and work to redeem every vocation, every form of creative expression, including the humble art of food.  They now live at the Covenant Seminary Retreat Center and work with Dr. Bob Burns in the Center for Ministry Leadership, where they mentor future pastors and provide hospitality for retreat center guests. Their goal is to do what they now do at the seminary outside the seminary as well–they would like to mentor pastors (church planters primarily) in the context of a L'Abri-style ministry, providing experienced pastoral care and lots of good food.  Karen and Stephen have three children and three grandchildren.

EXPLORER KIDS AND PRIMETIME CELEBRATION NIGHT – MAY 20TH, 6:30 P.M. – 8:00 P.M.: Everyone is invited join us. The kids will sing songs, recite Bible verses and receive awards. We will top off the night with an ice cream social to celebrate the great semester.

MIDWEEK PRAYER SERVICE CANCELLED ON MAY 20TH: The Midweek Prayer Service will not meet on May 20th so that everyone can attend the Explorer Kid’s end of the semester celebration. We will resume the Midweek service on Wednesday, May 27th.

CRISTO REY OUTREACH VBS JUNE 8TH – 12TH: Cristo Rey VBS is an evening VBS ministry in Dallas that focuses mainly on the Hispanic population. This is a great opportunity to participate in local missions by helping out our sister church, Cristo Rey. How would you be serving? By helping distribute publicity in the neighborhood, helping children put together crafts, assisting in leading physical games for the children, distributing snacks, as assistant counselors who accompany the children to different VBS stations and then helping with the cleanup after VBS each night. Please prayerfully consider your participation. Sign-ups start immediately. Please email Patrick if you want to participate ASAP at Patrick@.

GARAGE SALE TO BENEFIT MISSIONS THIS SATURDAY, MAY 23RD: Announcing the Missions Benefit Garage Sale – Saturday, May 23rd, 9:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. at Tracey Sherman’s house, 800 Filmore Drive, Plano, Texas, 75025. The rain date is May 30th. Look through your closets, clean your garage and find used furniture, toys, clothes, etc. and donate them to raise money for our summer mission trips. You can drop any items off at 800 Filmore in Plano the week of May 18th – May 22nd. If you need a truck to transport large items, we can arrange that. Thanks for all of your help and support! For questions, call Tracey Sherman at 214-335-6797 or tracey.sherman@.

VBS 2009 – REGISTRATION IS HERE!!! Please come to our “camp” site and get registered for VBS this summer. VBS camp is June 15th – 19th starting at 9:00 a.m. with pick up at noon. Please call or email Gina Kern at 214-495-8439 or ginamkern@.

VBS INFO: “How great is the love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called children of God!” 1 John 3:1. This year our kids will attend SonRock Camp where they will experience outdoor camping adventures. The children will be whisked back in time to learn through Peter how Jesus accepts us, protects us, saves us and forgives us; they will also learn of the power of the living Jesus. This year our VBS runs from June 15th – 19th. Camp time is 9:00 a.m. till noon. Please come by our registration table for additional information or call or email Gina Kern at ginamkern@ or 214-495-8439.

SUMMER SINGLES: This summer, young singles (age 18 to 30) from local PCA churches in the area will be getting together twice a month to grow together in Christ and build more friendships with other Reformed singles in the area. This will occur at 6:30p.m. on the second and fourth Saturdays of June, July, and August. One of these meetings each month will be to discuss a chapter from John Piper's book, Don't Waste Your Life. This book is available at most Christian bookstores, or it can be read and/or printed out for free online at . Our June activities are a GameNight here at Trinity on June 13th and a discussion of chapter 3 of the Piper book on June 27th (location still to be determined). For more information, please contact Richey Goodrich at 972.408.7987 or richeygoodrich@.

PICK UP YOUR NAME TAG AT THE INFORMATION CENTER: Please remember to pick-up your name tags at the tables in the Narthex. Youth from middle school age and up also have a name tag. We encourage you to wear them as it helps to build relationships through community and mission with those around us. 

SUMMER MISSION TRIPS: See the Missions Corner for details on the 2009 summer mission trips.

ALL CHURCH EMAIL LIST: Want to join the all-church email distribution list? Send an email to Tanya@ in order to subscribe or unsubscribe.

Scripture Memory for This Week

Isaiah 26:3-4

“You keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on you, because he trusts in you. Trust in the Lord forever, for the Lord God is an everlasting rock.”



LETTERS OF JOHN: John’s letters are short and focused. We see first that he is concerned about truth as the foundation for fellowship and love. He says later, “I have no greater joy than this, to hear of my children walking in the truth.” Through him, we hear the invitation to enjoy the fellowship of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Come and listen to these letters as they present the out-working of God’s truth in our lives. Taught by Peter Shotwell and Steve LeBlanc in Room 130.

WISDOM FOR THE REDEEMED: A STUDY OF PROVERBS: The book of Proverbs asserts that true wisdom begins with the fear of the covenant God of Israel. Thus, the type of wisdom that this very practical book is trying to instill can only be grasped by those who are looking to this God as their Redeemer. For those of us who do so, Proverbs can be a wonderful tool in the hand of the Holy Spirit to form us into people who walk in the way of wisdom, thus reflecting the image of Christ. This is what we will be asking the Lord to do in us as we saturate our hearts and minds with the teaching of this wonderful book. Taught by Richey Goodrich.


Summer playgroup:  Looking for something to do this summer with the kids?  Come join your Trinity sisters for fellowship and bring the kids (or grand kids) to play on Wednesdays this summer.  There will be a different activity and location each week.  Sign up at the WIC table if you would like to host one Wednesday.  Also, sign up or email Sarah Freeman at freeman.sarah@  if you would like to be on the weekly email to get details about each week’s activity.  If you don’t have any kids and just want to hang out, you’re welcome, too!  Feel free to invite friends and neighbors!

Mercy Ideas:  Check out the WIC table for great ideas of how you can extend mercy, regardless of your age and stage! 

Bible Studies:  Two Bible studies will be available for ladies this summer.  They begin on Tuesday, June 30.  The morning study is a New Testament survey and will meet at the church.  No childcare provided.  The evening study is called "Spacious Rooms: Life on the Kingdom's Frontier" and will include topical studies about different spheres of life based on biblical teaching.  This study will meet in homes.  No childcare provided.  More details are coming about the studies, but mark you calendars!

Need to contact someone about a women's activity?  The WIC board is here to help.  Feel free to contact these ladies:

WIC President: Leann Gage, leann.gage@

Vice-President: Judy Enszer, williamenszer@tx.

Mercy Needs: Janet Recker, reckers01@tx.

Women's Activities: Gerry Monroe, gerry.monroe@

Bible Studies: Sarah Mollenkopf, s.mollenkopf@

Youth and Family Ministry

Oasis for Youth

• Oasis Tonight 6:00 p.m. – 7:30 p.m. Fun, games, worship, prayer and our study: Various Topics.

• High School Bible Study resumes this week – 8:00 p.m. at the Poteet’s.

• Interested in serving at Cristo Rey VBS June 8-12? Email Patrick at Patrick@.

• Middle School Summer Camp

o Mission Adventure Camp in Chattanooga, TN at Covenant College.

o Dates: June 22-June 27 (actual camp dates – travel may be on either end)

o Cost: $325 – Final payment due May 24th.

Missions Corner

Summer Missions Trips:

East Asia: May 22 - 31.  Four Trinity members will be joining another PCA church to travel to East Asia to interact with English students there.  Cost will be $2800 per member.

Saltillo, Mexico: July 4 - 11. Team members will partner with Dios con Nosotros church in Saltillo, 1 hour southwest of Monterrey, to conduct VBS during the mornings and various outreach events during the afternoons and evenings. The team will also have the opportunity to

meet with Caleb and Aimee Dunn, missionaries supported by Trinity. Cost will be $1200 per person. Tracey Sherman will be the team leader. The next team meeting is Sunday, May 17th, 4-5pm at Trinity.

College and Career Corner

SUNDAY MORNING BIBLE STUDY: WISDOM FOR THE REDEEMED: A STUDY OF PROVERBS: The book of Proverbs asserts that true wisdom begins with the fear of the covenant God of Israel. Thus, the type of wisdom that this very practical book is trying to instill can only be grasped by those who are looking to this God as their Redeemer. For those of us who do so, Proverbs can be a wonderful tool in the hand of the Holy Spirit to form us into people who walk in the way of wisdom, thus reflecting the image of Christ. This is what we will be asking the Lord to do in us as we saturate our hearts and minds with the teaching of this wonderful book. Taught by Richey Goodrich.

SUMMER SINGLES: This summer, young singles (age 18 to 30) from local PCA churches in North Dallas or just north of Dallas will be getting together twice a month to grow together in Christ and build more friendships with other Reformed singles in the area. This will occur at 6:30p.m. on the second and fourth Saturdays of June, July, and August. One of these meetings each month will be to discuss a chapter from John Piper's book, Don't Waste Your Life. This book is available at most Christian bookstores, or it can be read and/or printed out for free online at . Our June activities are a GameNight here at Trinity on June 13th and a discussion of chapter 3 of the Piper book on June 27th (location still to be determined). For more information, please contact Richey Goodrich at 972.408.7987 or richeygoodrich@.

TODAY, SUNDAY, MAY 17TH – LUNCH: Meet after church at Jeremy and Sarah’s house.

FRIDAY, MAY 22ND – GAME NIGHT AND TASTE TEST: Meet at Jeremy and Sarah’s house at 7:00 p.m. for fun and blind taste tests of ice cream, sodas, etc. We will also have games.

SUNDAY, MAY 31ST – LUNCH: Meet after church for lunch at TPC.

Ministry of Prayer

• Pray for Peter Shotwell as he recovers from a second knee surgery this past week.

• Pray for Martha McCracken as she is having back problems

• Pray for Trenton White, son of David and Kathy White, as he suffered a mild concussion in a baseball tournament last week. His jaw is wired shut for 4-6 weeks. Pray for no infection, quick healing and adequate nutrition with minimal weight loss.

• Pray for Todd and Penna Dexter as Penna is with her mother who has cancer and has been moved to hospice care.

• Please continue to pray for a safe pregnancy for Bob and Renny Gehman’s daughter, Rachel.

• Pray for Bill Arion as he receives cancer treatments for the next several months.

• Praise that Nate Oxford has responded well to cancer treatments. Please continue to pray for Keli Goodrich’s friend, Jackie Oxford’s, three year old son, who is receiving treatment for a rare form of brain and spine cancer. You can check this website for recent updates: .

• Pray for the witness of our church community as we are scattered in the world during the week.

• Pray for our homebound and infirm:

Dolly James is encouraged and thankful for God’s goodness in her life!

Pray for Martha Combs as she settles into her new home at The Village in Richardson.

• Please pray the summer mission teams. Pray that the Lord would go ahead of us and prepare the hearts of the people that we will serve in China and Mexico.

• Marty Baas, MTW, Ciudad Victoria, Mexico –Rejoice with Marty over Victor Emmanuel’s (7th grader) recovery after being hit by a drunk driver and receiving a serious head injury. He is now at home and doing amazingly well. Continue to pray for Manuel, who has expressed interest in being a pastor one day, and for his family. Pray also for the medical staff that they will recognize this miracle; it is rare to find a Christian medical doctor in Mexico.

• Missionary of the Month: Glen and Mary Ellen, East Asia – Pray for God’s work in the lives of the many students with whom they meet. Common issues include unbelieving parents, spouses or boyfriends, as well as security issues. See the second part of a recent letter on the missions’ page.

Financial Update

Tithes and Offerings

|Operating Budget |

| | |

|2009 Fiscal Budget |$828,727 |

|Last Sunday’s Actual Giving |$14,409 |

|Weekly Budget Needs |15,938 |

|Weekly Over/Under Budget |$1,529 |

| | |

|Year-To-Date Actual Income 4/30/09 |$264,594 |

|Year-To-Date Expenses 4/30/09 |$263,050 |

|Year-To-Date Over/Under |$1,544 |

Mercy Fund

As of 4/30/09

Year-To-Date Receipts $16,172

Year-To-Date Disbursements $7,491

The purpose of the Mercy Ministry Fund is to aid those in need by doing good to all people, (Luke 10:25-37, the Good Samaritan; Galatians 6:9,10), but especially to those in the covenant family of believers (Gal. 6:9,10).

TPC still has debt remaining on our land and buildings, which totals $373,247 as of March 31, 2009. Our vision is to reduce this debt, and even eliminate it, so that we can grow and spend more on ministry. Please consider giving to the debt retirement account.

Mercy Requests: If you have a mercy need or if you are aware of someone at Trinity who has a mercy request, please contact Tanya Foret in the church office at 972-335-3844/ Tanya@ or Tom Lindsey at 972-394-1326.

Other Information: Last Sunday worship attendance: 276. Parking: 134 cars. There was one first time family visiting, one second time visitor, one third-time visitor and several others visiting last Sunday. Please greet those who are visiting and welcome them to Trinity.

Ministry Schedule


| 5/17 - 9:00 a.m. Sunday School |5/17 - 10:15 a.m. for Worship |

|R. McCracken, G. Monroe |K. Chism, Chip Gorman, T. Wright, K. Clark |

| |C. Gorman |

| |10:30 a.m. Celebration Chapel – Shotwell |

| |Assistant – McCall |

|5/24 - 9:00 a.m. Sunday School |5/24 – 10:15 a.m. for Worship |

| | |

| |10:30 a.m. Celebration Chapel – Sonju |

| |Assistant – Poteet |


|5/17 |Sunday School |10:15 a.m. for Worship |

|Visitor Outreach |Gorman Small Group |Gorman Small Group |

|Ushers | |M. Bottoms, E. Post, Madison B. |

| | |R. Parmar, K. Drew |

|5/24 |Sunday School |10:15 a.m. for Worship |

|Visitor Outreach |Brantz/Lindsey Small Group |Brantz/Lindsey Small Group |

|Ushers | |S. Berenbrock, K. Berenbrock |

| | |D. McCall, P. Bitting, A. Gorman |

Our Leadership

Session (i.e., the board of elders)

|Ruling Elders | |Teaching Elders | |

|Gary Brantz on sabbatical till |Allen Hunter |John McCracken |Senior Minister |

|12/09 | | | |

|Bill Cobb |John Krieger on sabbatical till 5/09 |Patrick Poteet |Associate Pastor |

|Rocky Freeman |Steve Parks | | |

|Joe Gage |Chuck Rehlin | | |

|Dan Gardner on sabbatical till |Peter Shotwell (Clerk) | | |

|2/10 | | | |

Deacons Staff

|Ron Bowser |Mercy |John McCracken |Senior Pastor | | | |

|Bill Enszer |Financial Chairman |Patrick Poteet |Associate Pastor of Youth & Family | | | |

|Gabe Gabriel |Chairman |Michael Wichlan |Director of Outreach & Assimilation | | | |

|Mark Knam |Buildings, Mercy, Finance |Dave Leeman |Director of Music | | | |

|Tom Lindsey |Mercy Chairman |Bill Cobb |Church Administrator | | | |

|Scott McNeill |Secretary |Tanya Foret |Administrator Assistant | | | |

|Ravi Parmar |Deacon |Douglass McFarland |Organist | | | |

|Gary Smith |Buildings & Grounds Chairman |Richey Goodrich |Pastoral Intern | | | |

|Todd Wright |Buildings & Grounds |Jeremy Mollenkopf |Pastoral Intern | | | |

|Steve Drew |On Sabbatical until April 2010 |Jeff Morrow |Pastoral Intern | | | |

|Ben Geist |On Sabbatical Until April 2009 |Graham Eubanks |Pastoral & Music Intern | | | |

| | | | | | | |

Our Missionaries

Marty Baas, MTW, Ciudad Victoria, Mexico

Rick and Pam Box, MTW, Bogota, Colombia

Caleb and Aimee Dunn, MTW, Monterrey, Mexico

Josh and Shannon Geiger, Cristo Rey Presbyterian Church, Dallas, Texas

Ben and Beth Hailey, RUF, Texas A&M, College Station

Stephen Hunter, Tentmaker – Evangelism & Teaching English, Japan

Dan and Carol Iverson, MTW, Chiba, Japan

Paul and Laura Miller, RUF, Texas A&M, Corpus Christi

Rich and Martha Millhouse, ReachGlobal, EFCA, Craiova, Romania

Scott and Mary Ann Nelson, Wycliffe, North Carolina

Glen and Mary Ellen [last name withheld for security reasons], East Asia Partnership

North Texas Presbytery (church planting, RUF ministry)

Pastor in Training (name withheld for security reasons), East Asia

PCA Church wide Ministries (MTW, MNA, RUF and other ministries)

Real Options for Women, Plano, Texas

Third Millennium Ministries (on-line seminary) Orlando, Florida

Westminster Theological Seminary, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Jacob and Jaya Yohannan, Indian-American Church Plant, Teanack, New Jersey

Our other missionaries reaching the world with the love of Christ are the entire membership of Trinity Presbyterian Church as they are scattered throughout the week.

Small Groups

Interested in joining a Small Group? There are three ways to express your interest: 1) call the church office or Bill Cobb @ 214-212-2601; 2) speak to a pastor or one of the Small Group leaders; or 3) write “Small Group” on the sign-in sheet in the black visitor’s pad.

Bowser/Parmar – Frisco/Plano – Meets on the 1st and 3rd Fridays of the month at Ron and Roxanne Bowser’s home at 9802 Asheboro Street in Frisco. (Near the intersection of Lebanon and Preston Rd.) Study: Emotionally Healthy Spirituality. Call Roxanne or Ron Bowser at 972-335-6490 or 972-467-0795 for more information, or email Ravi rkmorpayne@ - Childcare provided.

Gorman – Frisco/Plano– Meets the 1st and 3rd Friday of each month at 6:30 p.m. in SE Plano. For additional information, call Chip & Cathy Gorman at 972-881-0551 or email Cathy at cathy.gorman@tx.. Childcare provided.

Kern/Post– Plano/Frisco – Meets the 2nd and 4th Saturdays of each month from 5:00 p.m. – 7:00 p.m. at the church. Call Gina Kern at 214-495-8439 or email Gina ginamkern@ for more information. Childcare provided.

Gardner – Plano – Meets the 2nd and 4th Saturdays at rotating locations from 7:00-9:30 p.m. Call Dan or Deb Gardner at 214-726-1228 for meeting place and more information.

Brantz/Lindsey – Plano – Meets the 2nd and 4th Sundays at 6:30 p.m. at Gary and Becky Brantz’s home at 3516 Nancy Court in Plano, near Coit and Legacy.. Call Mona Lindsey at 972-394-1326 for more information, or email Gary at Gary_Brantz@, or Becky at beckybrantz@ .

Gage/Freeman – Frisco - Meets the 2nd and 4th Fridays of each month at 6:30 p.m. For location and information, please call Leann Gage at 469-365-9116 or email Leann at leann.gage@ or Sarah at freeman.sara@ . We meet in NW Frisco in the area near Pizza Hut Park. Childcare provided.

Parks/McNeill – Frisco/Plano/Allen – Meets the 2nd and 4th Sunday of each month at 5:00 p.m. at the church. Study: Emotionally Healthy Spirituality. Call Steve Parks at 214-914-0924 or Scott McNeill at 214-547-1246, email texasmcneills@ for more information. Childcare provided.

Craven – Plano – Meets on 1st and 3rd Sundays at 6pm at Penna and Todd Dexter’s home, 3705 Stonington Dr., Plano., (near the intersection of W.Parker and Clark Parkway).Thereafter we will meet the 1st and 3rd Sundays. Study: Emotionally Healthy Spirituality. Call Michael @ 972-596-6948 or email at Michael@ for more information. Childcare provided.

What Is a Christian?

A Christian is one who has entered into a relationship of deep love with God through His Son Jesus Christ. Here’s how we summarize the Bible’s teaching about how we can have such a relationship with God:

Character of God. The Bible shows us a God who is a relational being. He is loving, compassionate, and a friend to sinners. It also affirms that He is holy, righteous, immense, eternal, invisible, unchangeable, all-powerful, incomprehensible, all-knowing and perfect in all He is and does. He is the Almighty King of all creation who loves goodness and cannot abide evil in his presence without violating his own holy character.

Condition of Man. We must see ourselves the way God does. His Word (the Bible) tells us that we are created in His image. This means that each one of us is full of dignity and worth. We are the crown jewel of God’s creation. As C. S. Lewis put it, we are “God’s little kings and queens!” However, that’s only part of the story. The tragedy is that we have all turned away from our Creator. We want to be our own King and not submit to God’s good, loving rule over us. This is what the Bible calls “sin”.

Cross of Christ. If sin has separated us from God, then how can a great and holy God welcome us into relationship with Him? God has provided the way Himself. Though you and I don’t deserve the Father’s love and acceptance, He welcomes us into such a relationship based on His relationship with His Son. Jesus is the perfect Son who loved His Father unto death. Through His death Christ took the sins of God’s people upon Himself and satisfied the justice of God for our iniquity. Through His resurrection, Christ gives new life to all those who would embrace Him as their Savior and Lord.

Coming to Faith in Christ. Our alienation from God is therefore restored, not by anything we do, but by what Jesus did for us. What is left for us? Simply faith. Faith involves agreeing with God that we are sinners that we do not deserve to be in a loving relationship with Him, but that through Jesus, we can now have forgiveness, freedom from bondage to sin and a new and living relationship with God. That’s the gospel of grace – the good news of a restored relationship with God through Jesus Christ.

Course of Life. The Christian is one who stands in grace as a follower of Jesus Christ. They live their lives for their Savior, not to earn His love, but to show their love for One who first loved them! If you are interested in discussing these things further with someone please contact one of the pastors or elders in our church. If you have recently come to embrace Christ as Savior, please let us know. We would like to help you grow in your new relationship with our Lord.

Extending the Gospel to The World

News from Glenn and Mary Ellen serving in East Asia

(Below is a continuation of the stories of more students with whom they work.)

Ellen: She is a part-time teacher, and recently one of her students came to the Lord. She is reading The Screwtape Letters and yearns for it to be translated into her language so that others might benefit from it. Pray for her as she struggles with a sin that was present in her life prior to salvation. Through our Lord’s power she is persevering. Pray for complete deliverance.

Michael: Of all our students we see our Father’s glory in him the most. He continues to become more confident and free of the emotional illness that previously smothered his life. He attends a fellowship regularly. Pray that he will continue to grow healthier.

Carol: She graduated and is connected with a close-by fellowship and attends regularly. Pray for her boyfriend who is not a believer and lives in a faraway city. She also is confident that he will believe. Pray for his salvation.

Laura: She is married to an unbeliever and is reluctant to join a fellowship. Pray that she will realize the importance of fellowship and will desire to worship our Father regularly.

Debra: Her fellowship recently rented an apartment near our campus. They have a group of students meeting there who are not open to cooperation between us. Pray that if Father wants us to coordinate our efforts. He would make that possible.

There are so many more students that we could tell you about but space is limited. We wanted you to see “His incomparably great power for us who believe” and the “working of his mighty strength, which He exerted in Christ when He raised Him from the dead” at work in their lives.

Recently, at a service we attended, a young man was appealing to the congregation for people to mentor college students. Every time he mentioned that the young people need their wisdom, his comment was met with laughter. We laughed too when we first felt God’s tug on our hearts to come here. We laughed a lot. We thought, “How in the world could we be used in any constructive way by our Lord on a field like this? We don’t know anything!” And the truth is, we didn’t and still don’t know anything but look what God has done!

If you feel the tug on your heart from the Father to do something that seems way beyond you – know this: it is beyond you. But it is not beyond Him. He has “mighty strength, which He exerted in Christ when He raised Him from the dead.” Following fear will only bring you a lifetime of regrets. Following Christ brings a life of eternal usefulness.



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