Driver Education Final Exam Study Guide

Driver Education Final Exam Study Guide


1. List 5 organs that can be donated






2. What 3 tests must be passed to receive a permit in VA?

3. You must score at least ________on the general knowledge test.

4. The minimum age to acquire a permit in VA is___________?

5.. Persons under the age of _____ must hold a permit for a minimum of _______ months?

While holding a valid permit, novice drivers must accumulate ________hours of guided driving practice, _______hours must be after sunset.

6. The minimum age a person is eligible to obtain a license in VA is __________?

7. Describe the difference between license restriction and license revocation.

8. Driving curfew is from _______ to ________ is imposed upon drivers holding a permit.

9. What is the basis for the Right-Of-Way principles?

10. List 2 Right-Of-Way principles for 4-way stops.

11. List 2 Right-Of-Way principles in multilane situations.

12. List 2 Right-Of-Way principles for special situations.

13. Name 2 signs related to railroad crossings. Which one is equivalent to a yield?

14. Diamond is the shape for ____________________ signs. The color red indicates _______/___________. Regulatory signs are _______________ in shape. Flourescent optic yellow is the color of ___________________ signs.

15. A broken yellow line on a two lane road indicates?


1. After how many miles should oil be changed?

2. List 3 things to check before getting into a vehicle




3. What does the alternator light check for? The oil light indicates?

4. How often does the air in the spare tire need to be checked?

5. Lane position___ is typically used for preparing to turn right.

6. Lane position___ is for left turns.

7. Lane position ___ is in the center of the road. Lane positions ___ and ___ occupy 2 lanes.

8. _______ vision is used for targeting and reading signs.

9. Central vision judges ________ and ____________.

10. ____________ vision is for the outer visual fields. It identifies _________and ___________ changes first.

11. Hand position on the steering wheel should be at _______ and ________.

12. BGE mirror setting should be apx. ________degrees.

13. Define Roll.

14. Define Pitch.

15. Define Yaw.

16. Quick accelerations result in weight transfer to the ________.

17. Braking results in weight shift to the___________.

18. How do reference points help the driver?

Module 3

1. 2 second following distance is acceptable up to speeds of _________.

2. 3 seconds is acceptable for speeds up to ________.

3. 4 second following distance is recommended for___________mph.

4. S________E_________E__________i______t________.

5. SEEit is a _____________management tool.

6. Define open zone.

7. Define closed zone.

8. Define Changing zone.

9. How many zones are around the vehicle in zone control driving?

10. Why are staggered stop lines important?

11. What is circadian rhythm fatigue?

12. Where do most crashes occur?

13. What are the procedures for turning right on a red light?

Module 4

1. Define Risk.

2. What is the difference between risk assessment, acceptance, and compensation.

3. Describe several behaviors that increase driving risk.

4. What is a changing zone?

5. What is a closed zone? Open zone?

6. How far in advance should you prepare to make a turn?

7. Is it safer to back into or out of a driveway?

8. The two point turn involves the use of what?

9. Which way should you turn your wheels when you are uphill with a curb? Downhill with a curb? Uphill without a curb?

10. The safest turn around in city traffic is?

11. List 3 places that passing is not recommended.

12. What is path of travel?

13. Over steer skid is a result of excessive ________________?

Module 7

1. What reasons do people give for drinking alcohol?

2. List a long term reward for consuming alcohol.

3. What is B.A.C?

4. What is the BAC limit for drivers under 21? Over 21?

5. The elimination rate is _________BAC/hr.

6. Most alcohol is eliminated from the body through the_________.

7. 10% of alcohol is processed through what processes?

8. What does D.U.I. stand for? How can a person be charged with DUI?

9. Define tolerance.

10. How does consuming alcohol affect the driving task?

11. The second most common drug found to be involved in crashes is?

12. What is the trigger for aggressive driving?

13. Provide several behaviors exhibited by aggressive driving.

14. Aggressive driving that turns violent is called?

15. Define drug.

16. How can you lower your BAC level?

17. What type of drinker is most often charged with DUI?

18. What factors determine a person’s BAC level?

19. Does gender have an impact on BAC levels?

20. What affect does food have on BAC?

21. How many drinks does it take to affect driving ability?

22. Define drug.

23. What is implied consent law?

24. What is zero tolerance law?

25. How long will you automatically lose your license for if your BAC is .08 or higher

Define the following key Health related terms:


Active listening


Body language



Constructive criticism







*Hepatitis B is a disease that primarily attacks the liver

*AIDS is a virus that cannot be treated by anti-biotics and there is no cure.

Physical Fitness

Components of a work-out include:

1. Warm-up/stretches

2. Activity

3. Cool-down/stretches

Muscular strength and endurance is measured by the ____________ test.

Abdominal strength and endurance is measured by the____________test.

Cardiovascular endurance is measured by the___________________test.

Flexibility is measured by the _______________________________ test.


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