ESL conversation lesson on Harry Potter


STUDENT A’s QUESTIONS (Do not show these to student B)

|1) |Are you into Harry Potter? |

|2) |Do you think the Harry Potter series is a literary classic? |

|3) |Have you read any of the Harry Potter books in English? |

|4) |Are you surprised that the Harry Potter author J.K. Rowling is the highest-earning novelist in history? |

|5) |What would you do if you were a witch or wizard? |

|6) |Religious groups say the Harry Potter books are dangerous as they promote witchcraft among children. What do you think of this? |

|7) |Do you think J.K. Rowling should write an eighth Potter book? |

|8) |What impact has Potter made in your country? |

|9) |The Harry Potter books took 17 years to write. Can you imagine spending so long on a creative project? |

|10) |What questions would you like to ask J.K. Rowling, the Harry Potter creator? |

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STUDENT B’s QUESTIONS (Do not show these to student A)

|1) |Why do you think the Harry Potter books are so popular? |

|2) |What do you know about the author of Harry Potter? |

|3) |Which is better, the Harry potter books or the movies? |

|4) |Have you ever been caught up in Pottermania? |

|5) |Did you buy the Harry Potter books the day they went on sale? |

|6) |Who is your favourite Harry Potter character? |

|7) |What is the best book? |

|8) |Would you like to study at Hogwart’s School of Witchcraft and Wizardry? |

|9) |Have you ever bought any Potter merchandise? |

|10) |British Prime Minister Gordon Brown said, "I think JK Rowling has done more for literacy around the world than any single human |

| |being." What do you think of this? |


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